– Getting ORCA Cards to people who need reduced fares is a bit of a problem, so one more way is good. If Metro is going to have a reduced rate the next time it increases the fare, I hope that they have that figured out.
– Well, I’m sure if we let McMorris Rodgers get away with using public money for her campaigns (Seattle Times link), she won’t do it again.
– Let people play soccer in a hijab, for goodness sake.
– From Hans in the comments, this certainly helps explain trolls.
Which is why the best advice is always “dont feed the trolls”
We’d be bored to death around here without trolls to kick around. Unfortunately, they don’t make trolls like they used to, and nowadays the stuffing comes out of them within a few days. That’s cheap imported crap for ya.
Snohomish County is in deep doo-doo. This, of course, is a time for shock, disbelief, grief, and sorrow. The anger will come later when it sinks in to victims’ families that county planners knew for years that Slide Hill was a catastrophe waiting to happen but issued building permits to developers anyway. Let the lawsuits begin.
“Ultimately, the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who presumably have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a socially-desirable manner.”
It depends on who is defining the ‘troll’.
Another Republican Governor caught with his hands in the cookie jar. It seems that in their hurry to starve Detroit into a Mad-Maxian/Randroid paradise, they forgot that other people are watching what they do. Typical Republican. Too stupid and greedy to not misuse public office to rape the taxpayers for every penny they can before the Feds catch on.
Meanwhile, Detroit is being held up by this same man and his ALEC/Koch Brothers owners, as the prime example of what happens when you let the Black folks run their own City.
Nevermind those UAW pensions that have now so mysteriously disappeared after being bonded through his own company Avalon Investments, while supposedly being fully funded through the next 40 years.
Thank the Noodles that we have a reasonably honest, Democratic Governor in Washington State.
The Copenhagen Zoo, which earlier this year killed a healthy juvenile giraffe just because he didn’t fit in with their plans, just did the same thing to four lions, including two 10-month-old cubs.
First off I hope you HA DUMMOCRETINS will remember those lost in Oso. It seems Mrs Puddy and others we know have friends who may be dead there. Since I haven’t read anything from HA DUMMOCRETINS on the Oso disaster, I thought I would be the first. Say a prayer to you “god” while I pray to God for their peace.
Now onto tonight’s leftist HA DUMMOCRETIN stooooooooooopidity…
Puddy ventured to hans “reprocessed link” from Carl. It seems the really clueless pass around their group think to each other. So Puddy looked up the author Chris Mooney on WikiPedia…
Chris Mooney – summarily rejected! No wonder HA DUMMOCRETINS pass around the same jackbooted goose stepping lunacy! Chris Mooney would fit here perfectly as an HA DUMMOCRETIN!
More leftist DUMMOCRETIN stoooooooooooooopidity. Why are leftists so moronic and idiotic? Another tragic accident snuffs out a young life.
so I read this article in slate…and the first one to come to mind…was Roger….
So this explains the deranged bigot that plays the Puddybud character:
National Review: Black children have ‘weak impulse control’ compared to white children
Good to know, huh?
Hits too close to home huh Poodebutt?
So asked a psychotic troll..
And you never will because “HA DUMMOCRETINS” don’t exist.. They’re just a psycho troll fantasy.
There’s an astute observation on the Snohomish disaster @2 from a proud Vietnam Vet and prolific commenter here. One of many he’s made since the start of the mess.
Trolls in addition to being psychotic are blind as well!
Hmmm. Here’s an interesting compare and contrast:
Puddy don’t hate.
See why we hate you
Low marginal tax rates on business owners hurt, not help, job-creating investment.
Interesting vid on the possible crisis in Saudi Arabia when the last of Abdul Aziz’s sons die off. They have consistently, for over 60 years now, maintained the absolute monarchy in the hands of this generation. Now, that the last of them is in his 80s, has had at least one stroke and cannot walk without assistance, the ruling monarchy has no apparent heirs in the new generation and no real successor to the Crown.
As Saudi Arabia is only kept politically stable by the influences of the Monarchy, and there are literally hundreds of factions within Saudi Arabia that are all vying for a chunk of the pie, the last of this generation dying off will cause another “Arab Spring” situation and the Nation could destabilize and be rendered incapable of exporting petroleum, at least for a time. Saudi Arabia is an artificial nation. It only exists because of political and financial support from foreign entities like BP and other Corporations.
It’ll be fun to watch in that bread-line television.
Puddy owns the crazed clueless databaze deala
Must be turning tricks then!
Thanks for playing. Sux to be you!
@ SpittlePuddles
You gotta get a new shtick man, that one wore out years ago.
Describes our GOATSEBOY to a T.
No doubt due to Mooney’s affiliations with MIT and Princeton University. Those hotbeds of anti-faith pro science just don’t have the credentials of the Discovery Institute.
Over at Digby’s place, David Atkins has much to say….
Indeed. The wingnuts have us using our tax dollars to pay for immoral wars, pay for school vouchers to teach innocent and unsuspecting children that Jeebus rode a dinosaur, establish Stand-Your-Ground/Kill-A-Nigger laws, rape the Earth with impunity, take yer gun to skuul, silence the whistleblowers…and yet somehow a woman’s right to control her body – be it abortion or contraception – is the realm for the Bibul-thumpers only to control.
And it’s not about abortion – no, this should be abundantly clear by now – this is about shaming sexually independent women, about controlling women – and that is just one more front in the war against the empowerment of ordinary people.
Women’s autonomy is an ESSENTIAL part of a healthy democracy, and they hate that.
Clearly if you let a girl wear a Hijab on the soccer field it’s a slippery slope to wanting to play soccer with polygamists or sheep because something something American Tradional Christian Values something something raghead something something speak English something.
In other news from Colorado, a student got kicked out of her school after she shaved her head in support of a friend who’s undergoing chemotherapy. The school relented and let her back in after a storm of protest.
It’s a charter school. We’re bringing those to Washington. It will be great. A bunch of business leaders with no education or child development experience can sit on the charter school board of directors, independent of the elected school board, and create a one-size-fits-all discipline handbook that MUST NOT BE DEVIATED FROM under any circumstance.
It’s a great new world of fun for kids!
Caprock third-grader Kamryn Renfro had shaved her head over the weekend to show support for good friend 11-year-old Delaney Clements, who is not a student at Caprock. Clements has been fighting the childhood cancer neuroblastoma since she was 7 and is bald from chemotherapy. Caprock administrators told Renfro’s parents their daughter couldn’t return to classes Monday because her bald head violated the school’s dress code.
FYI. Caprock Academy is public tuition-free charter school run by Charter School Institute.
I’m guessing Caprock Academy did a preemptive strike early on to be able to kick out the kind of kids who would shave their heads. What could that be code for?
“There is only so much Chunky Monkey one rich guy can eat. For Ben & Jerry’s to succeed, we need more than one ice cream buying rich guy.”
—Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s
Unless, of course, that sexually independent woman happens to be your mistress.
@OWS Racist Fraggy…
Your “schtick” is obvious in each post. Why do you hate yourself and everyone who is doing better than you?
Sux to be you!
@7 Puddy, I’m really and truly and genuinely and sincerely sorry about your friends. A personal loss is always hard to take. A tragedy is especially heartbreaking when it was foreseeable and preventable, like this one was. The county should have told those private property owners they couldn’t build houses on their private property because the unstable slopes of Slide Hill were a clear and present danger to life and limb. Your friends would be alive if Snohomish County had a nanny government instead of laissez faire land use policies. Nanny government that protects people from themselves is a good thing. I realize you probably won’t agree with that, so we’ll have to agree to disagree, because I think saving lives is more important than worshipping ideological purity.
@28 I’m doing better than you, Puddy: You work, I don’t, neener neener! So does this mean you like me?
@25 “What could that be code for?”
Ignorant and narrow-minded administrators who look like fools because they stereotyped a kid based on a stupid assumption.
I’m waiting for some confederate-flag-waving troll to preach that a cancer patient’s baldness is “code” for something.
One of the missing in Oso was a “Freedom County” booster. Kept telling Sno County they had no legitimate right to tell him what to do.
@33 Yep, these folks expected taxpayers to spend millions to keep the river off their private property.
“They worked with Snohomish County, the Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies to keep the river from gnawing away at their land.”
I absolutely don’t want to sound mean-spirited at a time like this. This isn’t the time or place for “I told you so.” We don’t live in a rational world where people make sensible decisions. We just don’t. Human nature is what it is, and you can’t change it. You humans should turn everything over to us rabbits, and let us manage things. We don’t have your irrationality problems. We can’t afford to. We have to adapt to reality or we’ll be somebody’s lunch. Your problem is you humans have no predators. If you were hunted, you’d think straight. Ah, well, that’s your problem. Just don’t take us rabbits with you.
A signal to POODEBUTT to stop worrying and hate Ed Snowden..
Puddy owns the crazed clueless databaze deala
Can’t stop thinking of Puddy.
Thanks for playing. Sux to be you!
Roger Rabbit @32: isn’t it obvious? Chemo hairlessness is a sign from an all-powerful diety (who must be more powerful than the Great Rabbit, Noodly One, or who-/whatever) that the afflicted person is a cancer on society. Chemo is expensive (well over $10,000 per dose, just for the drug – never mind the administrative costs), and afflicted people almost certainly must be insured to be able to afford treatment. Insurance costs less than treatment in this case, so the bald ones are clearly leeching off the rest of their insured pool. They should be shunned, the freeloaders!!!!!11!!!!1!! Especially the 11 year olds – where but from their parents’ insurance would an 11 year old get the money for that kind of treatment?1!!!1???!?