While we’re on the subject of polling, here’s a little tidbit from a Gallup poll on Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel Alito:
If it becomes clear Alito would vote to reverse Roe v. Wade, Americans would not want the Senate to confirm him, by 53% to 37%.
This nomination is outside the American mainstream. No wonder Democrats are already openly using the “F” word. (Filibuster.)
Some Democratic members of the group said Tuesday that it was premature to rule out a filibuster on Judge Alito’s nomination.
“It certainly is a possibility,” Senator Ken Salazar, a Colorado Democrat in the group, said.
“It may include some Republicans as well as Democrats,” Mr. Salazar said, criticizing the president for naming a man instead of a woman to succeed Justice O’Connor. “America deserves better than what we got here.”
Other moderate Democrats, including Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, Kent Conrad of North Dakota and Mr. Pryor, said it was too early to rule out a filibuster.
I think Democrats sent an important message yesterday that they are not afraid to go nuclear. If the Democrats exercise their right to filibuster Alito, and the Republicans choose to respond with the nuclear option, the consequences are on the GOP’s head.
99.982 % think Goldy is a bought and paid for political hack, who just may have “control” problems when it comes to little kids.
The left will not be able to convince enough in the mushy middle that Alito is “outside the American mainstream”. He will not say anything about his tendency to uphold or oppose Roe, as he should not.
Bring on the filibuster. The repubs should not drop the “nuke”, as the left can be made to look extreme and foolish with great ease. The “nuke” should not be used regardless, as the longer the dems talk about it and the repubs do not do it, the more the dems are injured in 2006. The filibuster, if acted on, will only last as long as the Fitzgerald indictment headlines.
and this post follows the post “pointless discussion about the polls”?????
WOW……. too funny, really.
dave ross has a moral high ground? WHERE ? WHERE?
I don’t uderstand all this excitement about Roe v. Wade. The abortion issue was decided thiry-plus years ago!
I say if you want an abortion, then get one. If you don’t want an abortion, then don’t get one. In either case, have the courtesy to pay for and accept the consequences of your decision!
PRR…..goldy has “control” problems when it comes to little kids? did iron’s mother tell you that?
see goldy?
WIC funding is getting cut. Jimmy Carter implemented WIC out of his understanding that 3/4 of women seek abortion due to the inability to financially support a child. Carter’s response was to help them financiall. Now, the Republicans are looking to cut that funding. What does that tell you?
I have said this before. I don’t believe anyone likes abortion. But when you do NOTHING (and Abstinence education does not qualify) to reduce the number of abortions you have found yourself morally mute on the subject. If you trolls really care, write your congressman and urge them to preserve WIC and expand programs that actually do something about the problem.
This country has the ability to do something pro-active about abortion but never seems to be able to look past it’s own nose to get to any kind of solution. Rhetoric doesn’t cut it.
And Carter is a Born Again Christian
sorry, carter said 2/3 just now on Hardball.
ghost @5
No Ghost, I don’t see. A candidate’s own mother described in her own words a number of specific incidents, including one in which her son hit her. That is very different from an anonymous allegation of a heinous crime that includes no specifics… or even a general description.
And prr… it IS a federal crime to make false allegations of such crimes. Considering your persistence in calling me a child molester, perhaps I should forward your IP to the police and see if it matches that of my anonymous accuser?
prr @ 1
“99.982 % think Goldy is a bought and paid for political hack, who just may have “control” problems when it comes to little kids.”
Highly doubtful!
However, I a guessing that a lot of readers find your obsession with the topic of child molestation to be quite freaky!
I heard Scalito got a qualified thumbs up from Benetor. Benny’s one of founder members of the Gang of 14, and is considered the most conservative Democrat in the Senate.
While i’m on the right, and I guess against abortion, it baffles me how its such a hot deal on both sides.
I’d never pick it as my litmus test.
Why the big deal?
Just proves the public is stupid. Reversing Roe v. Wade does NOT make abortion illegal. Reversing Roe v. Wade (badly-written law) simply kicks it back to the states — most of whom either have or would quickly have laws in place allowing abortion to some degree.
But, hey, the idea of badly-written law is far more complex for vocal Lefties to understand. That’s why your leadership has to come up with catchy chants that you can remember.
christmasghost @ 5
“PRR…..goldy has “control” problems when it comes to little kids? did iron’s mother tell you that?
see goldy?”
Oh…class act, Ghost. Goldy had the desency to help you look for a lost relative. Now you turn around an feed into prr’s child molestation fantasies?
It is you, as well as your hacks, dj, RR, Loosey, etc. who ar eout of the mainstream. So far out as to be irrelevant. The Peoples Republic of Seattle doesn’t count.
In the end, GOP will confirm ALito despite the howling of extremists like Ted The Swimmer. And there isn’t a fucking thing dems can do about it. Your out of power, and you’re about to lose your last tool to implement your radical kooky extremist agenda. You’re DUN.
dj @ 14
Can’t expect any more from Ghost the punctuation/capitalization -challenged.
Hey YeaWrong, Puddy Koresh and the rest of the Bush-Davidians:
Another poll for ya’ll!
Nixon got as low as 27 percent. Will Dubya break the record? One thing I know for sure: you guys will stay in the burning building with him till the very end…
dj..do you always take the bait like a striper?
i was hardly saying that goldy is a child molester you twit. i was illustrating how easy it is for someone to make baseless allegations…..and for them to stick as far as people on the “opposite side” go. good grief……and you V-O-T-E?
and goldy…….” a candidate’s own mother”….oh, please! do you not have anyone in your own family that is wound a little too tight and has trouble with the truth? think hard now…….
and if we are going to follow your line of reasoning here…..if iron’s hit his mom [big big if] and if he is sorry now….does that make it okay?
is this the same line of liberal reasoning that says it’s okay that robert byrd was a klansman? cause he’s really sorry now? he didn’t know it was wrong at the time? please…..get real.
and to make this perfectly clear to some of the dimmer bulbs out there…..GOLDY IS NOT A CHILD MOLESTER…..in my humble opinion. he may be a pain sometimes but he is hardly a criminal much less what some anonymous idiot claimed.
goldy and i have different views but i think he is quite a decent guy. you CAN actually have different views and still not think badly of each other. what is wrong with you people in washington anyway? so backwards…..so childishly tribal.
That’s right Clueless…And yet, no relatble increase in any way, shape or form for your political position, or should I say delussional, moronic, ignorant, illogical, alternative reality.
Hey MTR,
Get with the times knuckle-dragger! Dial-Up Networking (DUN) is so 1997..
Wimax, PON and AON is where it’s at…
The only thing lower than Dubya’s numbers are the numbers for Democratic Senators and Congress persons.
Hey, the prez has 40% support…but it’s his right to nominate whomever….just the way it is…
Hey it’s ID(IOT)GAF,
Question for ya: Will you challenge Puddy Koresh for leadership of the HA.org branch of the Bush-Davidians? I know you have it in you pal.
Someone’s got to minister to the flock while the flames consume ya’ll.
Okay, I’m gonna adopt the tone of some of the righty trolls around here. Did you guys vet Alito’s past?
“In college, Samuel Alito led a student conference that urged legalization of sodomy and curbs on domestic intelligence, a sweeping defense of privacy rights he said were under threat by the government and the dawning computer age.” (AP)
Of course, past performance is not an indicator of future results, but I’m just sayin’.
In other words, the guy’s a neo-con like Horowitz? Nothing more dangerous than a convert…
The only flames consuming anybody Clueless is that lighter you use for your crack pipe! Your comments and lame attempt at anything remotely intelligent are absolutely indicative of the mental disorder you suffer from. Looney Liberalism! Google psychosis sometime for a clear description of why it sucks to be you.
I thought it might be instructive to take a look back to Judge Alito’s first confirmation – in April of 1990. He was confirmed by unanimous consent – reported favorably from the Democrat-controlled Judiciary Committee by none other than Joe Biden.
Better yet – nineteen currently serving Senate Democrats were part of that unanimous consent.
Christopher Dodd
Joseph Lieberman
Joseph Biden
Daniel Inouye
Tom Harkin
Paul Sarbanes
Barbara Mikulski
Edward Kennedy
John Kerry
Carl Levin
Max Baucus
Harry Reid
Frank Lautenberg
Jeff Bingaman
Kent Conrad
Patrick Leahy
Robert Byrd
Jay Rockefeller
Herbert Kohl
For those keeping track – that’s almost half the current Democratic caucus in the senate. What I REALLY hope is that the Democrats fillibuster and then the media rolls out the numerous audio and video archieves with nearly everyone of the afforementioned senators heaping on the compliments. You should hear Teddy Kennedy’s comments! Mainstream America will be witness to nothing more that continued implosion of the modern day democratic party.
Oh Mr. Professional Conservative Non-Pacifist Disaster Emergency-Prepardness Guy descending into the pit to slug it out with us poor drug-addled libruls…
Tell you what Pal – I’m tired of paying you with the property taxes I pay on my house.. Why don’t you go work for Dubya at Homeland Security – at least I can defer some of my federal with my 401k…
Sucks to be me? Still stuck in College Republicanism ID(IOT)GAF? Oh well, even Buckley never really got past that….
While I’m personally against abortion on religious and moral grounds, I don’t think it’s possible to legislate it out of existence. Nor do I believe that legislation should be enacted to impose my personal beliefs on others who do not share those beliefs. What I do believe is that enacting the Right’s anti-abortion agenda into law would not stop abortion, but would only move abortions from safe, legal, medical clinics to dangerous back-alley butcher shops where thousands of women would die.
These poll numbers tell an interesting story. They tell us that voters did NOT vote for repeal of Roe v. Wade — yet, that’s what they’re going to get.
There is a great deal else the voters who gave Republicans, by slim pluralities, control of our government are going to get that they didn’t bargain for.
They didn’t know they were voting for an unnecessary war, massive tax breaks for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class, record deficits and the resurgence of inflation that it is bringing, and massive assaults on middle class financial security through loss of pensions, health care, and jobs. They didn’t know they were voting for officials who would be indicted for crimes ranging from money laundering to perjury. They didn’t know they were voting for bankrupty laws that would encourage corporations to break union contracts and renege on pension obligations while screwing consumers (especially those bankrupted by soaring medical costs). They didn’t know they were voting for coddling corporate criminals like the Enron thieves who stole tens of billions of dollars from the poor, the elderly, the sick, wage earners, and small businesses. They didn’t know they were voting for massive giveaways — hundreds of billions — of their hard-earned tax dollars to drug and insurance companies.
They were duped.
Here on this board, our righty trolls seem to think their lies will work forever. They seem to think the victims of their chicanery will keep voting for the GOP and its candidates. They seem to think that poll after poll showing the base support for their politicians and policies is only about 37%, and public opposition to their party and what it has done is well over 50%, will mean nothing at the election polls.
It is clear that a massive storm is gathering. The anger is building. The sky is going to fall on conservatives and the Republican Party. The wingnuts seem to think they will run our government for the next 100 years. It never occurs to them that when the public backlash hits the GOP it could put their party out of power for 60 years.
That’s what happened the last time the public completely and utterly lost its trust in the Republicans — back in 1932. It can, and will, happen again.
“He will not say anything about his tendency to uphold or oppose Roe, as he should not.”
So. Alito won’t say anything about Roe. He will get confirmed. Then, he’ll cast the deciding vote that overturns Roe. What then?
The majority of the American people will feel deceived and very, very angry — that’s what.
And they’ll take out their anger on Republican congressmen, and on the GOP’s presidential candidate. They’ll feel duped, deceived, lied to — and they’ll never trust any Republican again. They will vote for Democrats in massive numbers.
Go ahead, rightys. Go ahead, Alito. Make my day.
If Bush gets away with this, and Alito gets on the court, then votes to overturn Roe — Roger Rabbit wins big. In a couple of ways.
Roger Rabbit doesn’t like abortion. So, RR wins if the court dumps Roe.
Roger Rabbit doesn’t like Republicans, either. So, RR wins again if the majority of the public reacts by voting Republicans out of office.
Ha ha — go ahead, fuckers — make my day.
CBS has a new poll out that trumpets an all-time low job approval rating for President Bush according to Clueless. Fortunately, I know how to read polls. CBS “weighted” their sample so it included an appropriate number of Republicans. That is, a whopping 23.8%.
Let’s see: we have a Republican President, who was re-elected with the most votes ever cast for a Presidential candidate, a Republican House and a Republican Senate; but poll results should be weighted on the assumption that only 23.8% of the population are Republicans? Right. (unless of course you’re C-BS news)
Ummmmmmmmm…..I believe you can consider your day about to be made.
Your welcome!!!
For the Clueless-17 ‘Will Dubya break the record?’
If you pick the low point in any of the previous eight Presidents, Bush has not gotten that low yet.
Cynnical Idiot, I have been drinkning a very nice Merlot from Australia that reminds me of you and your troll brothers. Yellow Tail….try it….should be your cup of tea. (although it will clash with your purple hair)
Roger Rabbit-28 ‘Nor do I believe that legislation should be enacted to impose my personal beliefs on others who do not share those beliefs.
If murdering dems (and wabbits) was not against the law, how would you feel about legislating some morality?
Roger Rabbit @ 28
While I’m personally against abortion on religious and moral grounds, I don’t think it’s possible to legislate it out of existence. Nor do I believe that legislation should be enacted to impose my personal beliefs on others who do not share those beliefs.
Just getting nuanced here, Roger Rabbit, but if the Feds bounce this back to the states, what would you think?
For the Clueless-17
Sorry. Not the last eight, but seven of the last 10.
“Bush is not alone among presidents with low approval levels. Since Gallup began measuring presidential job approval in the Franklin Roosevelt administration, seven of 10 have fallen lower than 39% at various times of their tenure:
Bill Clinton — 37%; George H. W. Bush — 29; Ronald Reagan — 35; Jimmy Carter — 28; Gerald Ford — 37; Richard Nixon — 24; Lyndon Johnson — 35; and Harry Truman — 23. Just two — Clinton and Reagan — went on to recover and win re-election. The rest saw their presidencies deteriorate.”
Karma Clueless: A while ago a wise man, ME, wrote to you about your Karma. I identified the many reasons people don’t like you and why you are alone in your small intellectual prison. Now IDGAF has determined your Karma includes psychosis. I distinctly remember writing you that you were mentally challenged back then.
With today’s latest blog entries, you are the newest member of the Moonbat hall of fame. Bush-Davidians is your latest attempt at humor. So are you our Janet Reno? Wow, you must be b>weally, weally ugly!!! Wasn’t this wonderful conflagration under your heroes administration back in 1993?
You are challenging rugrat602 as the most ignorant and stoopid of the loony lefties. Existing members of this gang are JustDumbBozo, Lucite, Stuckonstupiddon, rugrat602, hairy poon, and windbag; with the newest member karma clueless.
Christmas Ghost. Serious for a second. Did you find your relative. I was concerned (really).
I asked awhile back but didn’t hear any new news.
Jimmy @37
I echo your question!
I must say, you really have managed to keep a good number of the 101st fighting keyboarders busy posting here off the streets, out of sight, and more or less out of mind of most members of the public. I see some of them post repeatedly, and at all hours of the day or night. Obviously, they have no meaningful employment, or they are thieves.
I know it can be, as our great president attests, “hard” at times (please don’t go there “puddy”), but you do a great public service. You are to be commended. Keep up the good work.
Just as I suspected — those right-wing wacks ARE stuffing the ballot box.
Do it, Goldy! do it! No quarter for prr, or any of the other troll fascist bastards!!
I seriously doubt you have ever read Roe v. Wade. If you did, you clearly understood none of what you read. If you knew a damn thing about that decision, you would understand that is not only about abortion, but is fundamentally about an implied constitutional right of privacy, and is impeccably reasoned on that score.
RR @42,
Take a deep breath, bunnyman!
Proud to be an ass: No play on “words” from ME! Some of us who always think right have self-employment, others are loopy lefties on the lam.
by Goldy, 11/02/2005, 3:55 PM
“If it becomes clear Alito would vote to reverse Roe v. Wade, Americans would not want the Senate to confirm him, by 53% to 37%.” (my emphasis)
“This nomination is outside the American mainstream.”
I would expect better logic from a software developer. You haven’t shown that Alito would vote to reverse Roe v. Wade, so you really can’t declare his nomination to the Supreme Court outside the mainstream. I expect better reasoning from you Goldy.
My feeling is that all this filibuster talk by the Dems is bluster. Roberts was confirmed 78-22. To filibuster, 18 senators need to not only switch, but they also must vote to filibuster. I don’t see that happening.
Comment by prr— 11/2/05 @ 4:00 pm
“99.982 % think Goldy is a bought and paid for political hack, who just may have “control” problems when it comes to little kids.”
I think you should stop accusing Goldy of child molestion, unless you have more proof. It’s shrill and annoying. It also has done heavier damage to your credibility than it has to Goldy’s.
I believe Goldy has become the equivalent of the “Swift Boat Vets for Truth” in the King County Executive’s race, though.
Thanks, Cyn. Maybe NOV will go up again tomorrow, too. Hey MTR — keep pumping that gas, baby!! :D
RR @43,
If you knew a damn thing about that decision, you would understand that is not only about abortion, but is fundamentally about an implied constitutional right of privacy, and is impeccably reasoned on that score.
Um, there was a huge problem with the Roe vs Wade decision: Nothing in the Constitution called out a fundamental right to an uninhibited abortion.
“Scalito” is almost as unpopular as the Neo-COn President Bush.
35% approval. Is there not a REAL REPUBLICAN amongst you TROLLS to finally denounce these unpatriotic unamerican soldier hating thugs in the White House?
Don’t answer that prriss, You might blow out your leotards in anger.
jimmy and marks..thanks for asking, and i want to thank goldy again for his help too. the answer is a sad yes but no. we all think that we know our kids [or in this case neices] but you just never know. she called her mom about a week ago and said she was fine and that was it. so we really don’t know what’s going on. we don’t know where she is or if she is really safe and there just isn’t alot we can do about it. she said she met some people from some teen chat thing [myspace…or something like that] so i guess everyone should really really watch what their kids are doing on their computers.
as you can imagine my sister is beside herself with worry and guilt thinking she did something wrong. she didn’t. she’s a great mom [who happens to have lupus and stage three melanoma] and 5 kids. i guess you just never know…….
I’m philosophical about the fact we have laws against torture that don’t stop Republicans from torturing people; we have laws against treason that don’t stop Republicans from outing CIA agents; we have laws against theft that don’t stop Republicans from stealing; and we have laws against animal cruelty that didn’t stop you Republican bastards from running over my mommy.
My philosophy is the way to keep a Republican bastard from murdering Roger Rabbit is by sticking an AK-47 in his face.
“Just getting nuanced here, Roger Rabbit, but if the Feds bounce this back to the states, what would you think?”
I think it’ll be a goddam mess. In every one of the 50 legislatures, every session, legislators will be fighting over abortion bills and nothing else will get done.
Which leads me to suspect the real reason Republicans want to overturn Roe v. Wade is because it’ll shut down all 50 state governments. They don’t give a damn about human life. That much is clear from the dead American bodies daily streaming homeward from their military adventure in Iraq.
Reply to 44
(breath in)
(breath out)
Do it, Goldy! do it! No quarter for prr, or any of the other troll fascist bastards!!
“I believe Goldy has become the equivalent of the “Swift Boat Vets for Truth” in the King County Executive’s race, though.”
Good for Goldy! About time you Republican fascist bastards got a dose of your own medicine.
Downing vodka and RU487 like peanuts and cola! When Birth Control becomes illegal only outlaws will have babies!
“Um, there was a huge problem with the Roe vs Wade decision: Nothing in the Constitution called out a fundamental right to an uninhibited abortion.”
If you knew ANYTHING about the Roe v. Wade decision, which you obviously don’t, you would know the justices got stuck on the question of when a cell mass becomes a human life. They couldn’t figure it out. But I’ll bet you have a pat answer.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/2/05 @ 7:48 pm
“Good for Goldy! About time you Republican fascist bastards got a dose of your own medicine.”
You are becoming what you loathe, whether you realize it or not.
Maybe the real story here is that President Cheney’s approval rating is only 19%. That’s right, 81% of the public thinks Cheney’s job performance sucks.
RR @57
Actually, I don’t. I do think that the “answer” R vs W provided was inadequate.
I’m surprised at you, Roger. Some things just do not equate to simple R vs. D…
“You are becoming what you loathe, whether you realize it or not.”
Not really. I’m having a slow withdrawal from being a Republican, that’s all.
Comment by Donnageddon— 11/2/05 @ 7:38 pm
“”Scalito” is almost as unpopular as the Neo-COn President Bush.”
Where did you get this “fact”? There’s no mention of a poll measuring Alito’s approval in the article you’ve linked.
How would you make their answer more adequate?
Do you think it’s better to have a crazy-quilt of 50 different state abortion laws? Do you like the idea of fostering interstate abortion trafficking?
If you leave it up to the states, what do you think the chances are that at least one state will yield to the temptation of setting itself up as the abortion capital of the U.S.A. in order to attract tourism and reap tax revenues? Like Nevada did with gambling and brothels?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/2/05 @ 7:55 pm
“Not really. I’m having a slow withdrawal from being a Republican, that’s all.”
I hope you are being sarcastic or sardonic, otherwise you seem pretty pathetic.
RR @62
If you leave it up to the states, what do you think the chances are that at least one state will yield to the temptation of setting itself up as the abortion capital of the U.S.A. in order to attract tourism and reap tax revenues? Like Nevada did with gambling and brothels?
And that would be worse than what we have now?
You want me to level with you? Okay. I’m so disgusted, outraged, and angered by the dirty political tactics of right-wingers that my normal inhibitions don’t apply to them, and I’m more than ready to fight fire with fire. Does that answer your question?
“Pathetic” is an appropriate term for the totally-lacking-in-morality Far Right.
Yes, it would, if women are dying from unsafe illegal abortions in the other 49 states — which is precisely what the situation was prior to the Roe decision. The most compelling argument against making abortion against the law is that doing so kills women without saving babies.
You assholes wanna play hardball politics, and now you’re gonna bitch if we play hardball politics too? Fucking hypocrites.
NeoCon 1st @ 61 “Where did you get this “fact”? There’s no mention of a poll measuring Alito’s approval in the article you’ve linked.”
Ah, I see we have our first unrepentent defender of Fascism in AmeriKa! Congrats NeoCon 1st, you are not only clueless, but you will soon be stripped of your constitutional rights.
Great Job! Idiot.
Roger Rabbit-57 ‘They couldn’t figure it out. But I’ll bet you have a pat answer.’
How about if you do not know whether it is a person, do not kill it. That would be erring to the higher right. (life)
The same dilemna faced SCOTUS regarding slavery. They made bad law because they allowed less than a full person’s status, which negated their equal rights. The correct ruling would have erred to the higher right of liberty or life, at least until the personhood of the slaves was known for sure.
Question: Why is the wabbit against abortion? What about it could one be against if you do not think a person is being deprived equal protection by being aborted?
Roger Rabbit-67 ‘The most compelling argument against making abortion against the law is that doing so kills women without saving babies.’
Compelling to who, Michael “Haliburton-shareholder” Moore?
That is a lame argument, as the numbers used for death-by-illegal abortions were greatly exagerated and for the most part lies. Many more babies would be saved if abortion were illegal, and very few women would die as a result.
yearight speaking from the latest talking points memo said “The same dilemna faced SCOTUS regarding slavery. They made bad law because they allowed less than a full person’s status, which negated their equal rights.”
I know its “hard work” to actually come up with a real argument, but, again, how is a zygote a “person”?
Consult a science book. Oh? That is forbidden?
Then kill yourself, you killer of humanity.
Please don’t make me kill more young women! PLEASE!
Yes, it would, if women are dying from unsafe illegal abortions in the other 49 states – which is precisely what the situation was prior to the Roe decision. The most compelling argument against making abortion against the law is that doing so kills women without saving babies.
I respect your opinion, but find it unconvincing (which must make me a right-wing extremist).
Doctors have the ultimate say in what is good for the health of the mother. You find solace in applying the mothers’ wishes as the penultimate decision. Yet you say:
While I’m personally against abortion on religious and moral grounds, I don’t think it’s possible to legislate it out of existence.
Duh! You cannot outlaw abortion on all grounds. You can curtail it, but never will it be an unviable option to the health of the mother…
“Doctors have the ultimate say in what is good for the health of the mother. You find solace in applying the mothers’ wishes as the penultimate decision.”
The woman has the only and ULTIMATE choice regarding her body.
‘Nuff Said!
Don-don @71
I know its “hard work” to actually come up with a real argument, but, again, how is a zygote a “person”?
I know you to be a not so reasonable person, but here goes:
“Oh…Ahhh! Oh..Ahhh!” (Pant…Pant)…
“Uh, I’m done here, have a good night.”
(9 months later)
Says she: “I’m calling my lawyer to get child support!”
So, Don, at this point the woman should have all the responsibility of parenthood, since she failed to have an abortion? Think about it before you answer…
christmasghost @ 18
Thanks for the clarification.
“dj..do you always take the bait like a striper?”
Ummm…I’ll add this one to my mixed metaphor collection, too!
I don’t believe in abortion ideologically or religiously. But not everybody believes the same as I do on a spiritual basis so I have no right to say what is right or wrong for them or to try to impose my will on them through legislation. Is abortion wrong? Most certainly. Abortion is now a convenience and a form of birth control instead of a sometimes medially necessary procedure. When the numbers come out to more than 50% of women who choose abortion later have regrets and wish they hadn’t, it can’t be a good procedure. Medically necessary sometimes, yes. Morally acceptable at times, yes (incest, rape, etc). Should it be as prevalent as it is today no.
All of this is mute though since the docs about Alito’s voting have come out into light. You libs should be jumping up and down right now hoping he gets confirmed. By all light he appears to have actually ruled fairly.
Oh wait. You don’t want that. You want somebody who will rule exactly how you want whenever you want them too. Somebody who will take the feelings of the entire world into account (queue sappy violins). Take a look at good old Teddy Kennedy’s past statements on litmus tests and jurisprudence bars. Talk a bout a bunch of hypocrites. If we followed Kennedy’s statements a couple decades ago then Alito would be confirmed tomorrow. Stop trying to have it both ways.
And yes I’m against the death penalty too so don’t even go there. Holy shit you say, a conservative that makes sense.
Remember karma clueless I said stuckonstupiddon was in the horrors hall of shame. Well look at post #49.
Alito approval at 35%? Where is the proof stuckon? Nowhere in the article supplied by stuckon mentions any Alito approval rate. One must read what stuppidon puts up as commentary. BTW here in LA, the Lakers don’t look so good on TV.
Next stuckon talks about RU487. Well it’s RU486 and there are some real side effects to the drug. Stupiddon you should leave the aborting to the ladies as you don’t know jack. http://pages.map.com/lroberge/ru486.htm.
Keep trying stuckonstuppiddon. We’ll be waiting for the next installment.
Coat Hanger: Since this is your “first” post on porkass, we who always are right, know you are some imposter of another name. So go hang yourself back up in your bedroom closet so mommy won’t find out you’re missing.
Start reading…
Maryland’s Lt. Gov Michael Steele, the first african-american ever elected to statewide office, is now being targeted by Democrats who are pelting him with Oreo cookies at appearances and they are also calling him the foulest, most vile racist slurs you can imagine—all because these Democrats are under the sorely mistaken notion that one’s skin color determines one’s thought-life.
You see, he’s running as a Republican. And Dems of all colors are hauling out the foulest, most vile racial slurs for him they can think of, and are producing insulting racial photos of him.
Watch out dems–in 50 years, people will talk about those of you participating in this form of racism the same way people talk about those who hurled insults on and threw things at civil rights marchers.
It’s the new frontier in civil rights–having to stand with african-americans who want to think for themselves, even when it doesn’t agree with the Nazis in the dem party who insist that one’s skin color determines their thought-life. Watch out.
Those in biological science universally agree that any organism which exhibits the seven traits of life – metabolism, excitability, conductivity, contractility, differentiation, growth, and reproduction – is living, and is living according to its own kind.
During each stage of development within the mother’s body, the human zygote (the ovum immediately after fertilization), morula, blastocyst, embryo, and fetus all exhibit these traits of life. Merely because the intra-uterine organism is in a process of development and is unseen does not warrant the view that it does not possess life, life in accord with its nature (viz. the particular species of which it is a member), in this case human life.
Since the zygote possesses all of the seven traits of life, all biological scientists who are free of thanatotic entanglements agree that life begins at conception. Actually, it is not really a matter of whether scientists agree with each other, for even universal consensus does not necessarily establish the objective reality of a pre-existing fact. What matters here, is that scientists recognize the already objective fact that life begins at conception. In fact, there is no other point at which life can begin. There is not some “non-life” stage that developes into a “life-stage” during a pregnancy. Such a concept is completely foreign to biological life. In other words, it is an established scientific fact (and a logical one as well) that there is no other developmental stage in which life begins other than the moment of conception. Whatever one’s religious or non-religious presuppositions may be, these biological facts cannot be denied by any person of sound reason.
Therefore, human life is not definable in terms of stages of development. At all stages of development – whether zygote, morula, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus – life, human life, is present. Destroying life at any of these stages is therefore to destroy a human life, a living person. Therefore, direct/ intentional abortion is always morally wrong, and should be called what it really is: murder.
Let’s listen to what respected and established scientists in this field have testified to before the U.S. Senate Judicial Subcommittee in 1981, and elsewhere:
“The beginning of a single human life is from a biological point of view a simple, straightforward matter -the beginning is conception. This straightforward biological fact should not be distorted to serve sociological, political, or economic goals.” -Dr. Watson Bowes, University of Colorado
“It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception.” -Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth, Research Associate at Harvard Medical School
“Each of us has a uniuque beginning, the moment of conception… Our entire being is contained in the DNA in the very first moment of fertilization.” -Dr. Jerome Lejeune, Genetics Professor at Rene Descartes University of Paris: testimony in Circuit Court, Blount County, Tennessee, September 21, 1989 (Kennedy Award recipient for discovery of the chromosomal basis of Downs Syndrome/Mongolism -Trisomy 21)
Therefore, the ONLY reasonable and factual conclusion to be reached is this: abortion is MURDER!
What Are They Thinking?
Michael James Goodall was prosecuted for threatening Christine Gregoire because he told a passerby, “I’m going to kill Christine Gregoire,” who alerted police.
A superior court jury acquitted Goodall. They concluded he didn’t really mean it.
Goes to show, any 12 dumbos over the age of 18 who walk erect on two hind legs can serve on a jury.
Josef the Dinolackey @79
If you’re too lazy to tell us what you’re linking to, I’m too lazy to click on your link.
Are Roger Rabbit and Mr Cynical the same person?
Roger only thinks he’s a rabbit.
In actuality, he is a lab RAT cloning experiment gone horrible wrong. Because of the animal misery this experiment caused thos pitiful RAT, they keep him high in mind altering drugs.
Can’t you tell by his fevered rantings?
Sheesh, spelling and typing aside….
Goldy: These righties will use any leverage they can find to bring a person down—as long as they can remain anonymous and avoid retribution.
Actually, you’re onto something there, Ass. Roger Rabbit is a part-time rabbit. I morph between rabbit and human. Whenever Republicans are around, I change from a 220-lb. lumberjack into an 8 5/8-lb. bunny with pink ears, a cute cottontail, and powerful hind feet with razor sharp claws. Whatever you do, don’t pick up Roger Rabbit by the ears, unless you want a new belly button!!! Don’t mess with RR in a bar, either, because that fluffy little 8 5/8-lb. bunny might suddenly and without warming — POP! — turn back into a 220-lb. lumberjack. Unless, of course, you’re a 260-lb. linebacker. Then you can mess with Roger Rabbit all you want — unless I turn back into a rabbit in which case your hands had better not be on my ears unless you want a new belly button.
It hasn’t received much publicity with all the other news going on, but I read yesterday that Rumsfeld is increasing the number of U.S. troops in Iraq. How many of you think the U.S. has 135,000 soldiers in Iraq? Hands please. The actual number is 157,000 and growing. 35 years ago, we called this “escalation.”
Well, it’s time for Roger Rabbit to hop up the street to Stefan’s place, and eat Stefan’s garden and shit on his lawn, so until tomorrow, trolls — fuck you, and fuck your armadillos too.
(I work the night shift.)
I have to admit, as dumb and lame and repetitive you are, you sometimes make me laugh, bunny butt.
PS thank Stefan for keeping his lawn so nice and healthy for you (better living through garden chemicals) as opposed to those weed choked sidewalk cracks on which you usually graze.
Chicken manure, steer manure, dumb bunny poop – what’s the difference?
Puddy Koresh: Dr. Michael Aquino, Jared Taylor and You are true brothers in spirit and destiny.
Congratulations Puddy Freep Koresh. Through your free, effortless and pure exercise of Freudian projection you have found your true karma.
I believe Goldy has become the equivalent of the “Swift Boat Vets for Truth” in the King County Executive’s race, though.
Hey CF – don’t blaspheme in front of the other Bush-Davidians.
Chimp Patrol @ 33
I haven’t laughed so hard in a week! Thanks!
Goldy: These righties will use any leverage they can find to bring a person down—as long as they can remain anonymous and avoid retribution.
Comment by harry poon— 11/2/05 @ 9:47 pm
Not all of them Harry Poon. By the way who gave you that name? I do have to agree with you on one point. If you can’t sign with your own name, you demean what you are saying. Right Wabbit?
MArk-Mark @ 75 “So, Don, at this point the woman should have all the responsibility of parenthood, since she failed to have an abortion? Think about it before you answer…”
Yes she now has a child.
Can you explain why you asked such a dumb question?
Hey Libs!
Looking forward to the battle in the Senate. Alito is going to intellectually wipe up the floor with the mental-midget democrats on the judiciary committee playing the mops, just like Roberts did. If it becomes necessary to go nuclear, DROP THE BOMB!
Proud to be an Ass @ said
“Those in biological science universally agree ”
“all biological scientists who are free of thanatotic entanglements agree”
“Actually, it is not really a matter of whether scientists agree with each other”
“What matters here, is that scientists recognize the already objective fact that life begins at conception.”
“In other words, it is an established scientific fact (and a logical one as well) that there is no other developmental stage in which life begins other than the moment of conception.”
“Therefore, the ONLY reasonable and factual conclusion to be reached is this: abortion is MURDER!”
Actually, the only reasonable conclusion is that you are a contradictory hate mongering, completely unscientific, nonsense perpetuating, Mythology pushing, load of crap.
But I know that will not stop you from relegating women to mere chatel.
Have fun!
You, and your mythology will never win.
Proud Ass said “If it becomes necessary to go nuclear, DROP THE BOMB!”
Spoken like a true Neo-Con
No mater what the Neo-COn misconception of “libs” is. We will not shiver when you drop the (YOUR WORDS!) Nuclear Option.
We will filubuster your ass into extinction.
You are a sad piece of history.
You are the 43rd Reich.
Yeah I heard the same thing. It appears that they need more help heehahehehe heahahaha inst… (wait a minute, catching breath) hehahah installing diebold voting machines.
Just as Germany still feels the need to apologize for “the dark times” of the 30’s and early 40’s, America will need to apoligize for the Bush years.
“The majority of us did not vote for him… and the majority of us got rid of him”
That will be our saving grace.
Stuckon35%Alitostupiddon: What did you just write? Oh yes, nothing important again! Filibuster? 51 votes. Poof Filibuster gone, see ya.
BTW: Here’s another 450 ways to say see ya Filibuster! http://www.elite.net/~runner/jennifers/goodbye.htm
Hey Donnageddon,
Bush won. Twice. The real world outside left-wing Seattle wanted a real president, not a wussy girly-guy like Gore or Kerry.
Get over it.
Are John and Proud to be An ass the Same Person?
Hmmm What did your favorite place wikipedia say?
GBW 62 Million +
JFK 59 Million +
So the minority elected him? Damn now it’s stuckonremedialmathematicsstupiddon! And they let you blog all the way from Baring here on PorkASS? The left is getting down to the bottom of the pork barrel when stupiddon writes his stuff!
My dear friend PuddyBud wrote “Stuckon35%Alitostupiddon: What did you just write? Oh yes, nothing important again! Filibuster? 51 votes. Poof Filibuster gone, see ya.”
I am sorry, my dear friend, but I have asked several people, and nobody can even begin to make sense of your comment.
I want to get my apology out of the way right now.
Apology; Dated November 2, 2005
Dear America:
I Rufus voted for George W Bush in the 2000 and 2004 presidential election. I will not be voting for George W Bush in the 2008 election for which I apologize.
Sincerly yours,
Woooo – Got that out of the way. Feels Good.
I hate to ask this question. PuddyBud… But I feel I need to.
Are you drinking again?
Are your colleagues as clueless as the “War & Recruitment Protestors” today in Seattle? PuddyBud’s message was pretty straightforward: Libs Filibuster, Republicans pass rule to end the Filibuster on judicial nominees with 51 votes. Comprehend Libby?
No pressure, PuddyBud. We are all supportive of your fight.
But, keep things in perspective. And fight your demons!
“yeaalito” said “PuddyBud’s message was pretty straightforward: Libs Filibuster, Republicans pass rule to end the Filibuster on judicial nominees with 51 votes. Comprehend Libby?”
You mean the Repugs will change 200 years of tradition in congress to protect a facist regime?
No that is clear. And America, land that I love, is watching!
Despite the ranting and raving and temper tantrums by the libs, the Supreme Court is evolving back to a body that will once again respect and enforce the US Constitution instead of ignoring it.
Neo-Cons: Attempt to Destroy America at your peril!
There are a lot of us that have grown fond of democracy. And we WILL put a bullet in your brain pan if you attempt to overthrow democracy.
trust me.
Neo-Cons: Attempt to Destroy America at your peril!
There are a lot of us that have grown fond of democracy. And we WILL put a bullet in your brain pan if you attempt to overthrow democracy.
Your right to bear arms will finally be protected with the new and improved Supreme Court. Trust me on this one.
Goldy Says: If the Democrats exercise their right to filibuster Alito, and the Republicans choose to respond with the nuclear option, the consequences are on the GOP’s head.
Goldy is stuck on Monica. Lets Move On. And what would the consequences be? WORLD ENDS! Women, Children, Poor Devastated! Oil Companies Reap Record Prophets! Democrats Stuck On Stupid! Otherwise, Things Are Perfectly Normal.
One would think the NYT would have been on this turkey’s case for the last 15 years. Nope, missing in action. No critical news, no critical editorials.
Goldy wants to fight the abortion wars. Why? 43 Million Moonbats have been eliminated from the voting roles (well, except in King County). With those 43 Million votes the Tinfoil Hat Brigades would rule the world, but they prefer to eliminate their offspring and their chance at governing.
Imteresting political ploy. Abort your children then complain you don’t have enough votes to win elections. Is this like eating the seed corn and complaining about the famine?
Further Speculation on the potential political effect of the missing 43 million is welcome. Anyone car to make a case that the missing 43 million would have been Democratic voters at a 3 or 4 to 1 ratio?
Gee, I got through this whole diatribe without saying flock or fill-it-up-buster.
See stuckonstupiddon, you did comprehend what I wrote and you proved it when Yeah Alito repeated it. Such a mind going to waste. First you admit hating God and then you lie. Such a waste of God’s creation! Is living in Baring really helping your cause? Are you that white building looking like a lean-too off the street next to the bar in Baring? Yes stuckon you are stupiddon.
But wait ladies and gentlemen. As I navigated to an earlier post from stuckon said he talked to several people. How many people are in your single-wide stupiddon? Or, are you having a “sybil” moment looking into the mirror speaking to yourself? And YOU accuse me of demons? No, posession is 10/10th’s of the law in your case stuckonstupiddon.
RUFUS @ 116 “Your right to bear arms will finally be protected with the new and improved Supreme Court. Trust me on this one.”
Rufus, I am not so worried about my right to arm bears as I am the right to my own body. The right for privacy. The right to not quarter soldiers. The right to not have a government free of religion.
I trust you FUFUS as far as I can throw you.
Jesus, PuddyBud, can you just say what you mean? I cannot even begin to reas the claptrap you wrote at 118, and I will not try to.
SPEAK you mind man! Quit all the fucking bullshit!
Let me speak plainly, PuddyBud. You are going to hell for all the crimes you have excused the Bush administration of.
Jesus, supports me on this. You are a devil tricking the unknowing to hell.
Why should I help you stuckon? You claim to be learned, stupiddon. If others can figure it out, why can’t you stuckonstupiddon? Oh shit, I know why. Liberalism has dulled your mind and the senses. Wake up man. Smell the roses. Only donks rule the day here in WA State.
I don’t think anyone will be coming forth to Baring looking for your body. No worries there chap!
Stuckonstupiddon: How can you know what Jesus is, does, or even thinks through His Holy Spirit? You are an ATHIEST! Don’t preach your worthless tenets of “religion” when you mock the Son of God!
Back to the Filibuster; visit the aforementioned web site and learn the 450 ways to say goodbye Filibuster. Regarding 200+ years of how the Senate works; where does it say filibuster judges in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights? Oh, yeah right next to the Abortion Clause! WRONG again stuckonstupiddon!
Right now rugrat602 and stuckonstupiddon are in a horse race for the real horsesASS! But karma clueless is closing fast.
Here is a small list of characters who oppose Mr. Alito:
Teddy I Cheated at Harvard Kennedy and his alter ego Teddy Chappaquiddick Sure is Cold Kennedy and his other personality Teddy Where’s the Bar Kennedy, his nephew Robert No Windmills Where’s my LearJet Kennedy Jr, Nancy I need Another Facelift Pelosi, Harry Place your Bets Reid, Richard If the Turban Fits Durbin, Patrick Let’s Tell a Secret Leahy, Hillary Peter Paul is After Me Clinton, Kathleen Throw Those Oreos Kennedy Townsend to my illustrious list. There are many more I will label tomorrow!
Hmmm, the truth is finally coming to light on what’s going on down at the KC permit department and the Sims campaign…Can our liberation be at hand?
The problem with Roe, is that the father is not considered, if the mother wants to abort it is her perogative because it is her body, however if the father wants an abortion he has no choice and the mother can use the fathers body to “support” the child for the next 18-20 years without his permission. This is in my opinion a form of slavery.
* Before you guys start, I have never paid or recieved child support and raised my kids as a single dad myself.
Goldy The Clown–
Ask your pal Sims about the “shake-down” of Pacific Raceway folks in a Sims Fundraise/Contribution for Permit exchange. Look at the memo and weep Goldy.
“Ron Sims’ campaign folks have said that if Pacific Raceways can host a successful fundraising function for Mr. Sims, then somehow the permit reviewer might be convinced of the silliness of his position, and the permit can be issued. (I hate this stuff).”
The donation was made shortly thereafter.
More to follow…………
Wow, watching the Republicans spew nothing but trash on this blog surely must mean they are in trouble. Not one of them have offered anything of substance. Just “you’re stupid” and “I hate Democrats” and “we hate Ted Kennedy”. Do ANY of them have anything substantive to offer on ANY subject? Didn’t think so. BTW, here’s Bush’s record so far:
Iraq – Al Qaeda connection = LIE
Imminent danger = LIE
Yellowcake uranium – LIE
To quote Katherine Fullerton Gerould “It is a poor cause which has to be lied for regularly”
Fire_one: Once again forgets history and goes into bush lied mode. What is your reasoning besides listening to Michael Mooron or going to mooron.org? What about the eight other countries that fed the US the WMD intelligence before our Sept 2002 UN Visit before the war including your friends the french? Do you still believe that Gore was robbed in 2000 in Florida too? You should break out of that small intellectual prison called your mind and expand your horizons!
Regarding Yellowcake now the Senate Intelligence Report that stuckonstupiddon loves to quote from is a lie? I just realized why you call yourself fire_one. It’s the low IQ level.
Donkocrats with a brain don’t talk that way, you know Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, types. Keep it up fire_one and you too can be recognized as another stupid PorkASSer!
My apologies to HowCanYouBeProudToBeAnAss and Puddybud for using some of your labels. It just felt right!
Comment by Donnageddon— 11/2/05 @ 8:15 pm
“Ah, I see we have our first unrepentent defender of Fascism in AmeriKa! Congrats NeoCon 1st, you are not only clueless, but you will soon be stripped of your constitutional rights.
Great Job! Idiot.”
To summarize, I question the accuracy of your statement, which is clearly false. As a result, I’m a fascist and an idiot. Interesting argument.
Actucally if you look at the less vitriolic of the repub/conservative posters there’s quite a bit of sense (you just don’t want to see it because it pops your little ignorant bubble). Just because there are people like puddybud that go nuts doesn’t mean a thing. On your side you have what? … donnagedon. No debating skills, no research, no comprehensive reading skills. Great ignore the facts and attack skills.
And the fact that you all can ignore things like Kennedy’s past and Byrd’s past and quote them as pillars of democrat politics show’s how morally bankrupt you are. Kennedy who killed a woman and tried to cover it up continually gets re-elected. Byrd who was one of the HIGHEST ranking members of the KKK continually gets re-elected. Oh I forget you are the party of compassion and the only party for African Americans. Both parties have skeletons. Get off your high horse.
“Kennedy who killed a woman”
May we assume you also disapprove of Laura Bush, who killed an ex-boyfriend with her car?
soundcrossing LMAO@U..and you can ignore things like the Chimps lying of military service, his fantastic business skills, Cheney’s sleeping with anyone that has money, etc. Having to lie to get your way only leeds to more lies and wow, pretty soon you forget what you are lying about. King George the CHIMP, rest in peace
Good morning, America-hating trolls! First up on our agenda today is the release of e-mails sent by ex-FEMA director Michael Brown at the height of the Katrina disaster. It’s not a pretty picture, and it’s no surprise the Bush administration stalled and balked at releasing these e-mails.
From USA
Good morning, America-hating trolls! First up on our agenda today is the release of e-mails sent by ex-FEMA director Michael Brown at the height of the Katrina disaster. This portrait of Bush administration incompetence and cronyism is not a pretty picture, and it’s no surprise the administration stalled and balked at releasing these e-mails.
From USA Today, by reporter Andrea Stone:
“WASHINGTON – E-mails sent as Hurricane Katrina raged reveal that FEMA’s then-director, Michael Brown, discussed his clothing and his need for a dog sitter but left unanswered urgent messages.
“A House committee investigating the response to Katrina released about 1,000 e-mails as members complained that the Bush administration had failed to provide copies of communications among high-level officials, including White House chief of staff Andy Card and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.
“The newly released e-mails depict an official who “made few decisions and seemed out of touch,” said Rep. Charlie Melancon, D-La.
“Last month at a Senate hearing, Marty Bahamonde, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s only employee in New Orleans when Katrina struck Aug. 29, said he e-mailed Brown on Aug. 31, “Sir, I know that you know the situation is past critical … many will die.” Brown replied, “Thanks for the update. Anything specific I need to do or tweak?”
“An e-mail offering critical medical equipment got no response for four days.”
For the complete story, see http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/new.....0000000001
WASHINGTON – E-mails sent as Hurricane Katrina raged reveal that FEMA’s then-director, Michael Brown, discussed his clothing and his need for a dog sitter but left unanswered urgent messages.
Today’s next interesting news little item is from Fortune magazine. It’s probably just a coincidence that Donald Rumsfeld’s shares in the company that makes Tamiflu are skyrocketing at the same time the Bush administration is peddling bird flu as the Next Great Panic:
“NEW YORK (Fortune) – The prospect of a bird flu outbreak may be panicking people around the globe, but it’s proving to be very good news for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other politically connected investors in Gilead Sciences, the California biotech company that owns the rights to Tamiflu, the influenza remedy that’s now the most-sought after drug in the world.
“Rumsfeld served as Gilead (Research)’s chairman from 1997 until he joined the Bush administration in 2001, and he still holds a Gilead stake valued at between $5 million and $25 million, according to federal financial disclosures filed by Rumsfeld.
“The forms don’t reveal the exact number of shares Rumsfeld owns, but in the past six months fears of a pandemic and the ensuing scramble for Tamiflu have sent Gilead’s stock from $35 to $47. That’s made the Pentagon chief, already one of the wealthiest members of the Bush cabinet, at least $1 million richer.
“Rumsfeld isn’t the only political heavyweight benefiting from demand for Tamiflu, which is manufactured and marketed by Swiss pharma giant Roche. (Gilead receives a royalty from Roche equaling about 10% of sales.) Former Secretary of State George Shultz, who is on Gilead’s board, has sold more than $7 million worth of Gilead since the beginning of 2005.
“Another board member is the wife of former California Gov. Pete Wilson.
“‘I don’t know of any biotech company that’s so politically well-connected,’ says analyst Andrew McDonald of Think Equity Partners in San Francisco.
“What’s more, the federal government is emerging as one of the world’s biggest customers for Tamiflu. In July, the Pentagon ordered $58 million worth of the treatment for U.S. troops around the world, and Congress is considering a multi-billion dollar purchase. Roche expects 2005 sales for Tamiflu to be about $1 billion, compared with $258 million in 2004.”
For complete story, see http://money.cnn.com/2005/10/3....._rumsfeld/
Hmmm … can you say, “conflict of interest”? or how about, “profiteering”? or, “scaremongering”?
Why am I not surprised that Bush wants to spend billions of taxpayer dollars buying vaccine that may or may not be effective, that may or may not be needed, from a company whose chairman used to be Donald Rumsfeld? Do I smell whiffs of Halliburton?
Isn’t it interesting that Bush is pushing a bird flu scare to drum up public support for buying massive quantities of a product whose sale financially benefits a bunch of his GOP cronies?
May we assume you also disapprove of Laura Bush, who killed an ex-boyfriend with her car?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/3/05 @ 7:39 am
hey Wabbit I missed that one would you post that link.
Oh no, looks like the Donk Controlled Congress and the LA Donks didn’t build the levees to spec. Give the MSM enough time and the truthful reporters will rise to the top of the bias heap! http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatod.....dinglevees
Several of the levees that flooded New Orleans may have been built with shoddy materials or by contractors who took shortcuts to save money, an investigator told Congress Wednesday.
?? ?font>About a dozen people, including engineers and contractors, made the allegations of poor workmanship in recent weeks to investigators probing the levee failures, said Raymond Seed, the head of a National Science Foundation team examining the levees.
Seed would not identify the tipsters and he cautioned that the allegations may ultimately have nothing to do with the levee disaster that led to hundreds of deaths. But he said that investigators are taking the tips seriously and intend to turn them over to federal officials.
“What makes us nervous is we’re hearing multiple accounts,” Seed said after testifying before the Senate Homeland Security Committee. The National Science Foundation, which gave Seed a grant to investigate the levees, is an independent federal agency charged with promoting science and the nation’s welfare.
The complaints focus on two canals where levees topped with flood walls were built in stages over the past 15 years. One of the claims is that contractors used steel sheets – which were driven into the levees to prevent water seepage – that were shorter than what was called for in designs. If true, that could have made the levees weak and prone to failure.
Other tipsters complained that inferior materials, such as porous soil, were used to construct the levees.
Robert Bea, another University of California, Berkeley professor working with Seed, said in an interview that he talked on the phone with two women who said they had specific information from their late husbands on construction shortcuts taken on the levees.
Seed said other investigators received similar complaints.
He wants the Army Corps of Engineers, which oversaw design and construction of the levees, to dig up portions of them to make sure they were built properly.
A preliminary report issued Wednesday by Seed’s group and an American Society of Civil Engineers team said key levee failures on the canals near Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans occurred because water oozed beneath the steel sheets and pushed aside the soft delta soil.
The levees were supposed to be able to withstand water heights seen in Hurricane Katrina, which hit Aug. 29. Investigators have not pinpointed whether designs were inadequate or the levees were built improperly.
Seed was joined by the heads of three other groups investigating the levee failures. The investigators raised questions about poor federal and local oversight of the levees, steadily decreasing budgets for the Army Corps of Engineers and decades of safety compromises. Who led Congress? Donkocrats
Now isn’t that just like a donk: Take your money, give you less than real value, and blame others when the shoddy materials fail in use!
So Rupert another worthless post. If I create a device and have investors and win a patent, it’s wrong for those investors to get money. Where is the FUCKING conflict of interest jackass? If the company has the patent and owns the formula what straws are CNN and you trying to grasp. This is a fucking non-story and you know it. Waaaahh, I didn’t invest and now everyone else who can make a profit who DID invest are bad people.
Regarding the bird flu you jackass, read the foreign news papers and tell me if there is a fake scare. Go back to your meds bunny-butt.
Roger @ 142 re: Laura Bush
I’m sure you’ve been told this word many times in your “illustrious” legal career: IRRELEVANT.
Laura Bush does not hold elected office. And, unlike Hillary, she doesn’t even pretend to share the office of President. (“We are the President,” in case you’ve forgotten)
It doesn’t help Teddy K’s case that his public rantings show that he is either perpetually drunk or just a loon.
Roger thanks for the clarifications and the research. When I heard the flight suit-in-chief’s newest announcement, my baloney detector detector immediately started beeping.
Okay, I said to myself, we know from past experience that Bush does not give a rat frack about TAAC (The Average American Citizen). We know that every one of his proposals is designed to benefit himself, members of his cabinet, corporations, or the 1/100th. So, who gets to benefit from this latest bird flu scam?
The lucky lottery winner is: Donald “Dr. Strangelove” Rumsfeld.
Roger @ 146: “scaremongering”
That’s rich (and not Clinton pal & Hussein supporter Marc). You Lefties know ALL about scaremongering, don’t ya??
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Puddybud: You need a 60% majority to change the Senate rules.
Commander Ogg, you better hope no one you know dies from this real threat. If they do, don’t look for sympathy from us righties. I learned from a friend in Everett that sympathy is between shit and syphillis in the dictionary. Most LEFTIST CLOWNS post shit because their minds are affected by syphillis.
Ezkémo: There is not rule on appointment filibusters. Donkocrats want one though. Not a law butthead! Better retake that civisc lesson!
Let’s see, what other tidbits about the “Party of Thieves, Liars, and Perverts” are in the news this morning? besides the fact Scooter Libby plans to plead the Alzheimer’s defense in his perjury and obstruction trial?
Oh, here’s one. Various news services, including ABC News, AOL, and the San Diego Tribune, report that a Utah judge — isn’t everybody in Utah Republican? — is being thrown off the bench for polygamy.
Judge Walter Steed has 3 wives and 32 children.
According to one blogger, fundamentalist (i.e., polygamy-practicing) Mormon groups in Utah have recently been under scrutiny “due to widespread welfare manipulation, poor health care, child marriage, incest, and child abuse.” http://barnson.org/node/592
But perhaps the greatest evil of polygamy is the contrived social ostracism of boys from polygamist communities, with consequent enormous psychological damage to these innocent boys, resulting from the necessity of culling the male population to reduce competition for females — otherwise, there wouldn’t be enough women to go around for the perverts desiring multiple wives. You know, like how the stallions in a band of wild horses run off other male horses so they can have all the mares to themselves. These so-called “lost boys” were the subject of Jon Krakauer’s 2004 book, “Under the Banner of Heaven.”
Did I say Republican? Steed hails from the polygamist border town of Hildale, in Washington County, where election returns from the Utah secretary of state’s office indicate nearly everybody is a Republican: Bush got over 85% of the vote here, and the only two partisan county offices on the 2004 ballot — county attorney and county commissioner — were both Republicans who were re-elected with 100% of the vote and without a Democratic opponent.
Even in Utah, polygamy is a felony. Back in 1879, the Mormom Church gave up the practice, and the territorial government agreed to outlaw it, as a condition of statehood. But do you think the good ol’ boy prosecutor is gonna bring charges against the good ol’ boy judge? Noooooooooo …
Fucking perverts.
Wow: I missed my morning coffee. No rule and civics lesson. Ouch!
Puddy “Freep” Koresh:
I will admit to something. I was foolish of me to think for one split second that ID(IOT)GAF could ever challenge you for leadership of the HA.org chapter of the BUSH-DAVIDIANS.
There’s no-one that can touch you guy. It’s all yours..
I can see it now. That long grey-beard. The robes. Reading from the holy texts of Newsmax, WND, Clownball.com, Captain Ed., Michelle Maglalang… While heavenly choir of Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Spew Spewitt sings…
The sinking numbers for Dubya. Colorado’s rejection of TABOR. That burning building….
Reply to 147
I’m surprised you don’t know about that, klake, as it’s been widely publicized all over the U.S. media. If you did a Google search, you would come up with thousands of hits, many of them to blog commentaries. In an attempt to come up with objective factual information from non-partisan sources, I’m linking you to Wikipedia and CBS News:
In view of your demonstrated propensity to disbelieve non-partisan news sources that don’t pander to your right-wing bias, klake, I’m also offering you a link to Free Republic (hardly a bastion of left-wing thinking):
Hey Puddyliar, where does it say in that article that Democrats built those levees? Aren’t most, if not all, contractors Republicans? If the investigation finds shoddy materials or workmanship were used in Louisiana’s levees, wouldn’t the contractors who built the levees be responsible? You know, the Republican contractors?
I guess that’s Puddy’s latest trick — blame what Republican crooks do on Democrats.
“Where is the FUCKING conflict of interest jackass?”
Hmmm … in using your public office to whip up demand for your product to boost sales???
@149 (continued)
Hmmmm … in not divesting yourself of stock in companies doing business with the government you run?
Bush manages to find new lows after previous new lows.
Now that’s a poll to write about: http://www.pollingreport.com/BushJob.htm
@149 (continued)
Hmmm … in not putting your financial assets in a blind trust so your decisions on public policy matters won’t be influenced by considerations of personal financial gain?
@149 (continued)
Puddy, are you really as stupid as you look?
donnageddon @111………..are you serious? now i know that you have never read anything, much less been out of washington state. so the germans are ALWAYS apologizing for “the dark times” as YOU call them ? i have news for you toots…….they don’t call them that at all….they think of it as the good old days. try traveling, reading…anything but typing when you are this clueless.
and DJ@ 83……so now you want to argue whether or not a metaphor is permissible or impermissible? oh…good grief.[it’s permissible by the way…..twit]
now that would be so much easier than actually having to answer my post, right?
So Mark — it’s okay for klake to condemn Kennedy for a car accident that resulted in a woman’s death, but we should look the other way at Bush for a car accident that resulted in a man’s death?
Please explain how this isn’t hypocrisy?
So Mark — it’s not okay to kill somebody with your driving if you’re an elected official, but it’s okay to kill somebody with your driving if you’re a private citizen?
How do you justify that position?
“they think of it as the good old days.”
What are you talking about?
Isn’t it fascinating that Bush is peddling a bird flu scare, and Rumsfeld used to be CEO of the company tha owns the rights to the bird flu vaccine?
We will filubuster your ass into extinction. -Comment by Donnageddon— 11/2/05 @ 11:06 pm
Oh Golly, gosh gee whiz, where to begin, where to begin?…
Senate ‘Gang of 14’ seeks solidarity
and I quote…
“But two Republican members of the so-called “Group of 14” already have said they do not consider any questions about Alito’s elevation from the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to be serious enough to fit the kind of “extraordinary” circumstances that the group has said would justify a Democratic filibuster.”
“But two senators — Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. and Mike DeWine, R-Ohio — already have said they will join with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., to eliminate the filibuster for judges if Democrats launch this delaying tactic simply because of Alito’s conservative record.”
“After a flurry of filibuster talk immediately following Alito’s nomination, Senate Democrats now are taking a wait-and-see stance.”
And then we have Senator Biden (D) disavowing dumb bunnies, the twintwit donniedope and their fellow nutburgers, fruitcakes and fringies…
And of course we are all enjoying the spectacle of the dims led by Harry the Fart…. notice even the press thinks he’s a fool…oh by the way …WHERE’S MARIA???? I don’t remember her courageously standing side by side, shouder to shoulder with irrelevant Harry!
and then, of sourse we have Salena Zito, a political consultant who has worked for Democrats and Republicans weighing in on Ronnie Earle
Aaron Brown gets canned… Buffalo School discover CHARTER SCHOOLS work… Merck wins in court… Stock market UP …. EVERY DAY IS A GREAT DAY TO BE A CONSERVATIVE!
“Regarding the bird flu you jackass, read the foreign news papers and tell me if there is a fake scare. Go back to your meds bunny-butt.”
Since you’re an ignorant fuck, Puddyliar, allow me to educate you. Unsanitary bird handling practices in poverty-stricken third world countries have caused a few people to get sick and die as a result of direct exposure to sick birds. That’s not what the bird flu hoopla is about. The hoopla is about the theoretical possibility that the bird flu virus MIGHT mutate in such a way as to permit human-to-human transmission, which could cause a pandemic. This possibility is speculative, because to date, such a mutation has not occurred, no human-to-human case has occurred, and this may NEVER occur. In which case, the only people who will contract the disease will be those directly exposed to infected birds.
Is it scaremongering? Who knows. I didn’t use that term, by the way. I believe what I said is that the Bush administration is “peddling panic.” Sort of similar to their numerous terror alerts, which strangely seem to coincide with whenever another news story about Bush administration corruption hits the wires. Can you see why a skeptic like me might be tempted to suspect the news is being manipulated by the fucking liars running our government? No, you wouldn’t see that, because you have your head too far up your ass. Can you see why a skeptic like me might wonder about Bush’s motives in spending lots of taxpayer money to counter a theoretical disease when his buddy was the CEO of the company that makes the vaccine and profits handsomely from massive government purchases of this possibly-useless vaccine (not to mention its dangerous side effects)? See answer above.
Fuck you, Puddyliar, you fucking apologist for corruption and lying.
dr. e @171……….i am talking about modern day germany…..but you already knew that, didn’t you?
Whoa! Do you suppose rabbits will get bird flu before I do???… Birds poop on lawns and certain dumb bunny butts brag about muching on favored lawns….
Hmmm … I read my post again, and yes, I did use the term “scaremongering.” So? Isn’t that what people normally call the tactic of whipping up public fear over something?
Now, why would Bush do that? I can think of a couple reasons.
1. Whip up demand for Rumsfeld’s company’s product so Rumsfeld can get richer.
2. As an excuse for U.S. troops to “quarantine” U.S. residents. After all, when you’re using military force against your own citizens to restrict their freedoms, doesn’t it sound better to say “we’re quarantining bird flu” than to say “we’re quarantining Democrats and critics of my administration?”
3. Hell, if you can convince enough people that bird flu is really, really evil and a really, really serious threat — you might even be able to get away with using U.S. troops to kill U.S. citizens you don’t like — and who don’t like you.
Pop Quiz: What occupies the space between Puddy’s ears?
A) shit
B) sympathy
C) syphillis
Hint for Pop Quiz: Puddy has already told us he doesn’t have any sympathy.
X-Ghost, are you saying the German people think of the Nazi era as “the good old days?” Where do you get all this shit that seems to fill your head all the time, girl? The German populace is in denial about Hitlerism, idiot. Different time, different generation. Our grandfathers didn’t elect that guy. He wasn’t even German, he was Austrian. This is something that just happened, like a cold or flu. We had nothing to do with it. Hell, it didn’t even happen, or it’s exaggerated. Heads in sand, girl, heads in sand — just like you GOP-apologists are burying your heads in the sand about the lies, corruption, and crimes of the Bush administration.
No problemo with bird flu… nope, not a worry… as long as they don’t fly south past the border at Blaine and poop on dumb bunny butt munched lawns.
I can understand why an ASS would think it’s great being conservative, but it’s awfully hard to be conservative unless you’re an ASS.
I haven’t heard of any bunnies getting bird flu. Can you link me to a news source? You stupid humans seem to manage to get bird flu, though — if you work at it hard enough. But then, some of you stupid humans voted for Bush, too.
Is that the best you can come up with in your impotent frustration, sweetcheeks?
Awwww, I’m so disappointed… snicker.
Well, play nice with yourself… don’t push/pull too hard … I’m off for my massage and some errands…
Smoochies fringies, fruitcakes and nutburgers! I leave you in the capable hands and words of Puddy, Ghost, Pacman and all the rest of the THINKING writers and coonsevatives here.
PB @ 154, sympathy is between shit and syphilis in the dictionary (I learned that a long time ago). As a result, I have no sympathy for all of those “Patriotic ‘Mericans” in the Gulf state or any where else that are being screwed by the policies of GWB.
I take bird flue very seriously, it is GWB that does not. If anybody dies from this Avian Flu, best remember the following:
1.) Refusal to allow the Federal Government to negotiate lower drug prices
2.) If the Science does not agree with the politics, ignore the science.
The recommendations of the CDC advisory panel on the release of a vaccine for human papillomavirus will erase any doubts about Dubya. Because such a vaccine would offend the Dominionist, his panel will find an excuse to delay recommendations. Sick, dieing, or dead women are okay, because only sluts and harlots get such a disease.
Pay attention dumb bunny butt…
READ dumb bunny butt…
Whoa! Do you suppose rabbits will get bird flu before I do???… Birds poop on lawns and certain dumb bunny butts brag about muching on favored lawns…. -Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 11/3/05 @ 9:14 am
Did you notice the Bush administration is using bird flu to dump more unfunded federal mandates on state and local governments?
Same thing they did with homeland security — dumped unfunded federal mandates on state and local governments which forced layoffs of cops, firefighters, and teachers.
Apparently Bush isn’t content to bankrupt the federal government, but is determined to bankrupt government at all levels.
Why would Bush want to eliminate government from U.S. soil? Well, one reason might be that if he can eliminate all government, the Bush organized crime family would then have a free hand to run the entire country for their private benefit. No doubt inspired by the Russian model — that country is run by gangsters, and if you’re a gangster who thinks big, why run a New York mob or a Chicago mob or a Miami mob when you can take over the whole fucking United States of Corrupt America?
Here’s how much Republicans actually cared about homeland security:
Nov. 14, 2001: Senate Democrats propose $15 billion for homeland security; the White House warns against “permanent spending on other projects that have nothing to do with stimulus and that will only expand the size of government.”
Dec. 4, 2001: Senate Appropriations Committee votes 29-0 in favor of $13.1 billion for homeland security; the next day, Bush threatens to veto it.
Dec. 6, 2001: Senate Republicans reduce homeland security funding by $4.6 billion.
Dec. 19, 2001: Under pressure from White House, House-Senate conferees eliminate another $200 million of funding for airport security, port security, nuclear facility security, and postal security.
June 7, 2002: Senate votes 71-22 for $8.3 billion of homeland security funding; the next day, Bush’s advisors recommend a veto.
July 19, 2002: Under White House pressure, homeland security funding is further reduced by cutting money for food security, cyber security, nuclear security, airport security, port security, drinking water security, coordination of police and fire radios, and lab testing to detect chem-bio weapons.
Aug. 13, 2002: Bush decides not to spend $2.5 billion appropriated for homeland security on the grounds of “fiscal responsibility.”
Jan. 16, 2003: White House reacts to Democratic efforts to increase homeland security funding by stating, “The Administration strongly opposes amendments to add new extraneous spending.” Later that day, Senate Republicans vote against funds for smallpox vaccine.
Jan. 23, 2003: Senate Republicans cut security funding for the FBI, FEMA, INS, TSA, Coast Guard, and National Nuclear Security Administration.
Feb. 3, 2003: Bush submits a 2004 budget cutting homeland security funding by nearly 2 percent.
Feb. 14, 2003: Senate Democrats request money for smallpox vaccine, police and fire radios, and public transportation security; no Republicans support it.
March 21-25, 2003: Republicans defeat 7 amendments to bolster homeland security.
April 2, 2003: Senate Republicans reject Democratic amendment to provide $1 billion for port security.
April 3, 2003: Republicans reject protection of commercial airliners from shoulder-fired missiles and four other pro-homeland security amendments.
June 2003: House Republicans reject Democratic proposal to raise $1 billion for homeland security by reducing tax cuts for 200,000 millionaires by an average of $5,000 each (from $88,000 to $83,000).
Source: James Carville, “Had Enough?” (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003), pp. 41-43.
“Although Bush took credit for creating the new Department of Homeland Security, he vigorously opposed the idea when Democrats first proposed it. He insisted that a presidential adviser with no accountability to the American people would be more effective than a new Cabinet member. White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said President Bush thought that a Department of Homeland Security was ‘just not necessary.’ Tom Ridge — then homeland security adviser — said that he would recommend that Bush veto legislation to create a Cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security.”
Source: Democratic National Committee Newsletter, Jan. 29, 2003: http://www.democrats.org/news/200301290004.html
“While the Department of Homeland Security has issued new warnings of terrorist hijackings on commercial airlines this summer, Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee voted just last week against a Democratic amendment to add $50 million in funding to prevent the Transportation Security Administration from cutting the number of air marshals. The vote came during the Committee’s mark-up of the 2003 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill, which funds the TSA’s air marshal program.”
Source: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee press release, July 31, 2003:
“Senate Republicans once again blocked a vote on homeland security legislation solely because it preserved collective beginning rights and civil service protections for the 170,000 federal workers who would make up the new department.Sixty votes are needed to end debate and bring the measure to a floor vote, the move failed by a 52-45 count, with almost solid GOP opposition. President Bush has threatened to veto any measure that does not give him unlimited power over the workers and Senate Republicans also rejected a bipartisan bill that gave Bush most of what he sought.”
Source: International Association of Machinists, Oct. 8, 2002: http://www.iamaw.org/publicati.....8_2002.htm
I haven’t seen any pooping birds lately, but I’ve had a lot of Republicans flying overhead shitting on me.
Have fun massaging yourself, ASS. You can make it last longer if you go slow and easy, and don’t beat it black-and-blue.
Hmmm, so now ASS is quoting himself — probably because he’s his greatest admirer.
I suppose you’re referring to “modern-day” Germany considering the era of Nazism being “the good old days”, right? That’s what I was seeking to clarify, so tell me if I am correct in my assumption. If so, on what authority do you have it that “modern-day” Germans (hardly a monolithic bunch, by the way) would consider that shameful era of their past to be “good old days.” Really, I do want to know; you have attempted to construe some previous comments of mine as sounding like “Hitler cronies” or some such nonsense, and I’d like you to back it up by providing evidence of you knowledge and experience of contemporary German culture.
Bunny @ 178
ALL you Lefties know is scaremongering. Somehow, you think that if you can get enough people worried about the Right, they’ll vote for you. What you fail to realize is that approval polls, etc. are NOT a zero-sum game. Kerry’s failure to win in 2004 is proof. Some people just get fed up with DC, politics and the parties and they simply don’t vote. People want solutions to their problems and not just Teddy-esque “our plan is to come up with a plan” sound bites and talking points scaremongering.
Bunny Boy @ 170
The core of the original comment (not by me) was that the Left re-elects Kennedy and Byrd and develops convenient amnesia to those significant “moral lapses” in their pasts. If Mrs. Bush were an elected official, the comment would be relevant.
Using the same logic you put forward, one could say that the Right re-elects GW Bush (and others), develops convenient amnesia to those significant “moral lapses” in his past. GW Bush is an elected official, and under such logic his past would be relevant.
“It doesn’t help Teddy K’s case that his public rantings show that he is either perpetually drunk or just a loon.”
Insert “GW Bush” for “Teddy K”, and add “coke jaw” after “public rantings”… you see my point?
You cannot impugn a person’s character for their previous behavior while simultaneously defending another person’s character despite their previous behavior. That’s a double standard.
That matter notwithstanding, the larger issue remains the current and recent actions of this administration, and the failure of the Right and Repub politicians to hold them accountable for illegal conduct.
It’s hilarious what a GOP wack like ASS applies the term “thinking” to.
But since the president’s wife, ergo First Lady, is not an elected official you conveniently develop memory lapses about her moral lapses.
Republican = hypocrite
So, Mark, does this mean you think elected officials should be held to a higher moral standard, and only private-citizen Republicans should be allowed to kill people?
roger rabbit @181 and dr. e @193……….
number one, aren’t you two part of the larger group that is always implying that modern day republicans, and americans in general, are guilty of something that other people did a couple of hundred years ago??? hmmmmm?
but i guess what the nazis did only 60 + years ago doesn’t count right?
and i hate to burst your bubble but i travel to germany on a fairly regular basis with my [german] husband.for the record he is as appalled as i am about the attitude of germans in general.i will give you a little insight into how “in denial” the germans are. “in denial” is such a nice way to put it….in fact it is a completely incorrect way to put it.it’s a bit like saying that the people who still belong to the KKK are “in denial”.
after visiting dachau we hopped a train for the trip home. i had the booklet in my hand from dachau. people actually moved away from us on the train. the conductor took one look at it and refused to speak to us.so when we got back to munchen i asked a friend about it. her take was “oh…of course they act that way. they aren’t sorry it happened at all…they are just sorry they got caught”. i was surprised by this….so i kept asking people what they thought.i met a woman who was 18 when the camp was liberated……..and her father was an officer[one of them] in charge of the camp. she said she “always thought they were just doing gardening” and she lived there.
and for your rather naive info……..the nazi group is alive and well in germany and france isn’t far behind.
Whoa… wait a minute… why are you so quick to jump to conclusions? (Your first two sentences, for instance.)
“the nazi group is alive and well in germany”
Gosh, I would have thought I saw that for myself with my own two eyes on a local train outside Bitterfeld a couple of years ago. We had a trainload of 50+ skinheads on board, who took to pelting a couple of African students with beer cans. So what do you think Dr. E did? He and his fellow traveller (sitting opposite) called the police. Both the Bundesgrenzpolizei and the local police showed, and held the train at Bitterfeld, made a couple of arrests, and locked the rest of the neo-fascists in the last car of the train to finish their journey home. Dr. E and fellow traveller (let’s call him Arnulf, to protect his actual identity), after deboarding the train to give statements to the police, decide to stay off the train and take the next one an hour or so later, since we no longer felt safe — even with those fascist thugs locked in the train’s rear compartment. (No, they weren’t interned, they just locked the access doors from the outside, which of course didn’t stop them from shouting and waving their Hitler-gruß at all.)
Now, I’ve never had a particularly high regard for fascists (which would, in part, explain my views of the Bush administration), but this certainly lowered that regard several dozen notches. Mix fascist rhetoric and beliefs with stupidity, and you have a recipe for danger. (Which is something that also gives me cause for pause concerning the future of this country.)
BTW, I don’t know how representative your experiences in Bavaria would be of other parts of Germany, in particular the East, where I spent quite a bit of time. The denial going on there is of a completely different ilk.
Bunnybutt, my my you do have a problem. I have posted link after link after link that demonstrated since 1935 the Long and Landrieu families have controlled New Orleans and Louisiana and everything that is done there. Who are the Long and Landrieu families you ask? DONKs bunnybutt! It is a known fact but bunnybutt is just a lawn shitter. He tells us this everyday. Lettuce goes in and shit comes out. Man you are just one stupid bunny. Bugs is more intelligent than you. Are you really Elmer Fudd in drag? When are you coming out? Hmmm…
Since you forget that your party has controlled LA politics since 1935 and all major contractual activities, Congress & FEMA are requiring that LA pay back $60 Million for graft on the levees from back in 1998. I provided those links too. But does bunnybutt fucking read? Nope he’s too stoopid to read. At least GBS reads. He complains I throw too many links to prove my point. Maybe you need an Evelyn Wood Speed Reading course. I took one long ago to get to 1200 WPM. My older son reads at 1800 WPM. Maybe that can help your sorry ass, unless of course, you little beady pink eyes are failing you. But that assumes you are a white bunny right bunnybutt? So unlike you I will not be saying fuck you to you because I wouldn’t fuck you with clueless’ needle dick.
Regarding the Bird Flu; you are so ignorant. If we don’t do something to prepare and it does mutate and people die; what would the donks complain about? GWB didn’t do a damn thing. So GWB take the initiative and does something and what do donks do? GWB is doing too much. You are pissed off that donkocrats in Congress were not in front on this. If it was a donk idea, it would be the second coming of the microwave oven! You LEFTIST CLOWNS are fucking crazy. So more shit from the fingers because the brain has syphillis.
Karma Clueless, you quote Daily Kos, Media Matters, Mooron.org, etc. and you are upset with me? Tsk, tsk. Awww, Puddybud doesn’t play fair. That’s politics pal!
dr. e……i have been all over germany and though i cannot say that i took any “polls”, the attitude of people there is pretty monolithic when it comes to what happened leading up to, and during WW2. i was appalled at how often people would be more than happy to make excuses for things they actually did, and for what happened in general.
so after your experience…….why would you say that i am quick to jump to conclusions? especially since i can practically guarantee you that whoever was “arrested” got un-arrested soon after you were out of the picture.
as to the same thing happening here in the US …….you know, i really don’t see that happening. i despise the people that call themselves the “religious right”. first of all because they aren’t right about anything. and they aren’t representative of the republican party……..no matter how much some people on here want to think that.they are no more representative of the GOP than the weather underground represented the dems.
they are N-U-T-S. period.
and they do need to be stopped. i do not want religion of any kind involved with my government. but i don’t want us to go so far as to make it impossible for little kids to make decorations for their christmas trees in school….as is the case now. you want to stop the nutty religious “right”? then don’t give them fodder. stop bitching when you see christmas trees. cause here’s the “religious right’s” little secret….they don’t like santa, christmas trees, snowmen etc.
it’s like nut-kryptonite.
i had a very interesting experience on halloween, that i am going to blog about when i get off my lazy ass and do it. you know, alot of us on goldy’s blog, from both sides, have alot more in common than you might think.
ChristmasGhost: Robert 3K Bird is not in denial. He found some white ni@@ers a few years back. Damn, now where be dem white ni@@ers?
puddy…oh, i KNOW that he’s not in denial. but some other people seem to think he is. he is a racist. PERIOD.
“Jumping to conclusions” above refers to the first two sentences of the remarks you made above, I’ll just refer you back to those. Making an assumption is one thing, but imputing values or beliefs based on an assumption is, in this case, fallacious.
I am almost totally in agreement with you regarding the religious right, and while it is heartening to know that other repubs can see the insanity in many of their views, these people unfortunately have a lot of money, power, and access. Unfortunately, I have not seen any concerted action amongst GOP’ers to limit the attempts of these people to remake the government, courts, etc. in an image more of their liking.
Where I don’t agree with you is your view that you don’t see similar things happening here. Granted you would not see the same things; the rise of fascism in Western Europe and elsewhere in the 20th century took on a number of different guises, but the characteristics remain very much the same — the differences are usually in how those characteristics manifest themselves. I have seen both here (i.e. this site) and elsewhere a great reluctance of conservatives to critically examine the actions and intentions (I’ll probably get called on that word) of their government, which in my view has become quite fascist. We ignore such signs at our own peril, and those signs are there, every day, all across the AM radio dial, on Fox News and CNN, in Scotty McLellan’s press “briefings”, in the weekly Presidential Radio Address, in legislation enacted by Congress, etc.
Since the left is so righteous over racism, why didn’t they remove Robert 3K Byrd from his leadership position when he found his white ni@@ers, like the hue and cry from the donkocrats over Trent Lott? Why? Please donkocrats tell me? BTW where are dem white ni@@ers again bunnybutt, et. al.?
You’re gonna have to ask his constituents why they won’t remove him; same with Trent Lott. I can’t answer for them. I wouldn’t vote for either of them, just for the record.
Aw come on Dr. E. Lest we forget the Dee Dee Myers/Mike McCurry press conferences of the past administration, now we are getting righteous? We have been forced to National Puke Radio for so long. Regarding the really big bucks, what about the Hollywierd leftists like Barbra No Satellite Imagery of my Seaside 11000 SQ FT House & Property Steisand, or Sean I am So Fucking Stupid to Like Saddam Penn, or Rob I AM Still A Meathead Reiner, or Jennifer Brad Left Me Cause I’m Stupid Ranter Aniston, or Randi Four-Shot Rosen, or Al I’m Stupid Enough Franken[stein]?
How about Bill $$$$$$$$$$$$ Gates or Warren $$$$$$$$$ Buffet or George Mooron.org $$$$$$$ Soros? Dey gots big bucks and do they pay their fair share of taxes? Hell no, they use loopholes to bury their $$$ but want the little donk to pay and pay and pay!
Dr E. You missed my nuance. Senate Donkocrats keep Robert 3K Byrd in his powerful position in the Senate. The people keep him there because like Ted Stevens of Alaska, he is a big pork man! I hate pork, and have stated it here and on SP.
Roger Rabbit@143
Did she go home and “sleep it off” without calling the police?
dr. e ,puddy is right when he calls you on the whole “and when are the dems going to police their own” thing. i’d like to know the answer to that too.it would be so refreshing to have some intellecual integrity after all is said and done, don’t you think?
but i did find this sentence of yours a bit chilling “I have seen both here (i.e. this site) and elsewhere a great reluctance of conservatives to critically examine the actions and intentions (I’ll probably get called on that word) of their government,”
maybe just an oversight…..maybe i’m parsing too much. BUT, i have noticed a great deal of the “we aren’t americans unless our tribe captures the whitehouse” crap from the left of center.
maybe it’s very telling……..is it?
and i must point out that one of the first signs of the rise of fascism is violence that makes people stop and think before they vote or say something that might be construed by the thugs to be a threat to what they are trying to accomplish.
and ,funny thing, it wasn’t republicans that were slashing tires and keying cars and stealing yard signs…..was it? be honest now….i’m talking about washington state.
i found it appalling….and the only thing i heard from anyone on the left about it was glee.
so sad………
Now now RR, don’t be too hard on our ASS (185).. he is one of our finest ‘coonsevatives’ to quote it/him/her own words. LMAO@ASS
Why are those theo-fascists so allergic to FACTS?
Why dont you tell us why donks are allergic to fair elections first
Let the Dems start to police their own once they find a coherent ideology. That’s right, I’m not terribly enamored of the Democratic Party, but then I can’t stomach the Republican Party at all. Personally, I’d like to see a viable third-party alternative, but that’s not likely to happen any time in the near future. Were that the case — that a party built of principled public servants had a real chance of holding national office — I’d vote the majority of those Dems (especially crypto-Republicans like Lieberman) out of office. But, a guy can dream.
If you’d like condemnation “from the left” of the small time acts of vandalism of which you speak, well, here it is: I condemn all such pointless, stupid, petty acts, whether motivated by frustration, desire for revenge, intimidation, etc. Now, that’s a very different thing than the organized violence visited on the world by the Bush administration, but that’s topic for another post. Let’s just suffice it to say that, in the opinion of myself and certainly many others, the signs of fascism are already here.
By the way, it’s not just me that’s upset with Bush. Check out the latest WaPo/ABC news poll:
The demographics are here:
Note that the majority of respondents (44%) considered their political views (i.e. despite political affiliation) “moderate”.
And the question you’ve all been waiting for:
1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or somewhat?
39% approve, 60% disapprove
N.B.: 47% strongly disapprove, as compared to 20% that strongly approve, more than a 2-to-1 margin.
Sorry, if you’re supporting Bush, it no longer appears that you are in the majority — according to this poll and numerous others.
Dr. E @ 218
As I’ve said before, politics is not a zero-sum game. Just because Bush has low ratings, doesn’t mean that the perception of Democrats is necessarily any better.
If the Dems want to retake the White House and/or Congress, they’ll actually have to be FOR something — you know, the “vision thing.” However, if they put up another overhandled Gore or Kerry against a McCain or Giuliani, they’ve got no shot at 1600 Pennsylvania. And, as I’ve also said before, comments like Ted Kennedy’s “our plan is to make a plan” won’t get the Left anywhere.
Did you read my post at 212 above? I’m not defending the Dems.
So, I wonder how many Americans agreed with Justice Ginsburg that the age of consent should be lowered to 12.
JC Bob, then all of those “pedophile” female teachers would skip jail now wouldn’t they? Many 12 year old boys want to get into his teachers pants. Maybe Ruth Ginsburg was a teacher before lawyer?