And this is without the Downing Street Memo getting broad MSM coverage:
President Bush’s televised address to the nation produced no noticeable bounce in his approval numbers, with his job approval rating slipping a point from a week ago, to 43%, in the latest Zogby International poll. And, in a sign of continuing polarization, more than two-in-five voters (42%) say they would favor impeachment proceedings if it is found the President misled the nation about his reasons for going to war with Iraq.
Here in the West, 52% of those surveyed supported impeachment.
Now all we need to do is seize control of Congress so that President Bush can get the justice he deserves for betraying the trust of the American people.
And just to pre-empt some of the holier-than-thou righty whining I’m sure to get in the comment thread… if it’s okay to impeach a president for lying about a blowjob, why shouldn’t we be talking about impeaching a president for dragging us into a war on a lie?
Better concentrate on Gregoire first, her popularity is lower than Bush’s
Seizing control of Congress requires a valid, working electoral system. If the last election demonstrated anything it’s that do not live in a functioning democracy. We already know about the inefficiencies and incompetence that mars the voting process here in WA — extrapolate that to the rest of the US, add to it the unabashed fraud we saw statewide in FL and OH and locally in other states, and it’s no wonder the Rethugs in Congress feel they can ignore the voters. Personally I go back and forth wondering if the Rethugs are trying to usher us back to the pre-Enlightenment era out of sheer ignorant hubris, or if they know that for the most part they don’t have to worry about losing any more.
@ 1
A majority of voters don’t believe that she should be tried for high crimes and misdemeanors.
oh god……GET REAl. impeach him? and sieze control? what ….do you think this is a banana republic or something?
why don’t you start thinking like an american citizen, lay down che’s book for a moment and try to think of constructive ways to change the things you don’t like instead of talking like a burn out from the 60’s???
Seizing control of Congress requires a valid, working electoral system. If the last election demonstrated anything it’s that do not live in a functioning democracy. We already know about the inefficiencies and incompetence that mars the voting process here in WA – extrapolate that to the rest of the US, add to it the unabashed fraud we saw statewide in FL and OH and locally in other states, and it’s no wonder the Rethugs in Congress feel they can ignore the voters. Personally I go back and forth wondering if the Rethugs are trying to usher us back to the pre-Enlightenment era out of sheer ignorant hubris, or if they know that for the most part they don’t have to worry about losing any more.
How hypocriticaly it is for the lying liberals to accuse others of that for which they are guilty.
Want to talk about Ohio in 2004? Let’s talk about Chad Staton – the Democrat hired to register fraudulent voters (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck etc) for CRACK COCAINE.
Here is the link:
Chad Staton is first caught:
Chad Staton pleads guilty to 10 felony counts:
And if you were really interested in vote fraud, you would be outraged at the Democrat party officials recently convicted of it in St Loius:
“Charles Powell Jr., the head of the city’s Democratic Party, three precinct committeemen and an election worker had been accused of buying votes to get prominent Democrats elected in the Nov. 2 election.”
Now, unless you can provide something in the form of proof, I suggest you clean up your own filthy lying house before you criticize anyone else.
“why don’t you start thinking like an american citizen”
First you would have to install some pride into this group.
Don’t waste your breath
why don’t you start thinking like an american citizen, lay down che’s book for a moment and try to think of constructive ways to change the things you don’t like instead of talking like a burn out from the 60’s???
But if he IS a burnout from the 60s, what is he to do?
and on your update……..hey buckwheat, clinton was impeached for lying in court about what he did.
why don’t you ask all the democratic senators that saw the same intel and thought the same way bush did. or do we need to replay clinton saying the same thing for you?
Nice misleading headline again Goldy.
If liberals are so worried about the honesty of the POTUS, then why were they against impeaching President Clinton for perjury?
Man, I’ll tell ya, ya just gotta love liberals,
Any war since 1972 = VIETNAM!!!!!!!!!
Pointing out the truth about Liberals = MCCARTHYISM!!!!!!!
They need to get some different writers
If you are getting a blowjob when you are committing the crime – it is OK. It is all about sex in that case.
well, i don’t think goldy is a burnout from the 60’s….he’s too smart for that. which means he’s really just jerking everyone around with half truths and bs. i guess being a burn-out is sounding better all the time………LOL.
Ghost… so Bush wasn’t lying… he’s just a blithering idiot? Well that’s comforting.
(And FYI, I was six when the 60’s closed, so I’m not quite old enough to be a burnout from the 60’s.)
pbj @ 5
So one case of a burnout registering 10 cartoon characters in return for a cash reward compares to systematic state-wide voter disenfranchisement by the partisan Secretary of State? Talk about moral relativism…
So one case of a burnout registering 10 cartoon characters in return for a cash reward compares to systematic state-wide voter disenfranchisement by the partisan Secretary of State? Talk about moral relativism…
It was for a CRACK award, not a cash reward.
And you conveniently ignored the recently conviction of the Democrat establishiment in St Loius for buying votes to “elect prominent Democrats”
Unlike Washington State, apparently there is somewhere in the US where Democrats who steal elections go to jail.
Geo – Once again you throwout unsubstatiated allegations without any proof.
I got proof of the convictions of the St Louis Democrats in the vote buying case:
from wikipedia: “Banana republic… has come to be used to describe a generally unstable or “backward” dictatorial regime, especially one where elections are often fraudulent and corruption is rife.”
So, umm… yes.
The difference is, the Cheney administration were the ones actually cooking the intelligence. The Democratic senators only saw the pre-cooked intelligence (and are therefore guilty, of course, of trusting that Cheney et al were being straightforward with them, which they should have known better than to believe to begin with).
Anyone, Democrat, republican, independent.. ANYONE found guilty of voter fraud should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Whether in Ohio, St. Louis, FLA, WA.. ANYWHERE, they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Now that we have that out of the way… Get the Impeachment proceedings rolling!!!
Storm the parapet, capture the leaders! On to the HAGUE!
pbj @ 15
Whereas Republicans who steal elections get promoted.
Re: St Louis, I never claimed the Dems were guilt-free; I merely pointed out that the scale of Rethug fraud to Dem fraud is completely out of proportion and non-equivalent.
Talk about unsubstantiated claims….
Assuming this was a valid survey, i.e., not an interactive one, then this tells us nothing more than, those democrats who have hated Bush since 2000, don’t want him to be president.
Uh, we already knew that.
Then, we could look at the question, “If Bush was found guilty of misleading the nation into war, would you support impeachment.” Then the 42% support seems really dismal.
Imagine if a person was found guilty of committing murder, and you were to ask the jurors, “Would you support sending the criminal to jail?” I would think you would have 100% support.
In other words, for Bush to have been found guilty there would have had to been a trial, all sorts of media coverage, all the evidence would have to be shown, then someone would have had to make the determination that he was guilty. So if all that happened, and only 42% of Americans support impeachment… That’s actually a positive because then we go back to considering that the 42% are those that already hate Bush and will always hate him no matter what.
Clinton was guilty; we don’t know if Bush is; big difference
Show me the proof?
I merely pointed out that the scale of Rethug fraud to Dem fraud is completely out of proportion and non-equivalent.
True. The Democrats are committing way more fraud. SO far I have provided proof for both of my claims. I have yet to see any proof from you about a single one of your charges.
f it’s okay to impeach a president for lying about a blowjob, why shouldn’t we be talking about impeaching a president for dragging us into a war on a lie?
First of all, Clinton wasn’t impeached because of a blowjob. It was because of perjury. Why are you Democrats so fixated on felatio anyways?
Secondly, Bush did not drag us into a war on a lie, lest you forget UN resolution 1441.
DEAREST SALTINE @17………the cheney administration??? oh god….this site is sure good for belly laughs. don’t you realize just how silly name calling sounds? i thought i would show you with the saltine comment.
no one…and i mean NO ONE….will ever take any of you seriously when you keep doing that…..
oh WAIT….never mind. keep on talking that way kids…..
it’s all good.
and goldy…you little spring chicken you…..too young to be a real burn-out? that’s okay!! fortunately for you you live in imposter central! S-E-A-T-T-L-E
and ,let’s face it…you are way too smart to be a burn-out as i said before. clever, in fact………Hmmmmmmmm
Clinton lied in a deposition (about a blowjob Kenneth “Witchhunter” Starr had no business asking about in any event) – which isn’t perjury.
And it’s pretty clear to anyone with an IQ above room temperature that Bush lied his fucking ass off to get us into a war on Iraq that he was planning from his first minutes in office. You know what, pretty much the entire world realized it, which is why we are bearing the brunt of an illegal war in Iraq (which, btw, UN Resolution 1441 did not authorize – Bush sent Powell to the UN to try and get a new resolution and got his ass handed to him).
But y’all just keep repeating those right wing talking points if they make you feel better.
bushliedthousandsdied@ 27……..WOW……not only do you repeat complete BS and ignore all the facts [like if clinton had grabbed bin laden when he could have many times…3000+ AMERICANS wouldn’t have died] but bill was too “busy” doing other things. you know things other than doing that pesky job as PRESIDENT…the one he was elected to do?
and then you go to the ever-classic third grade retort….EVERYBODY SAYS…………oh, ouch.
who is everybody? the un? the french? all the others that had their little cushy oil deals with saddam?
for a group of people that hate big oil you sure want alot of roads built and you only hate big oil when it’s american.
try being consistant in an honest way for a change……
try this ………make bush president during the clinton years and then clinton president now……now what would you have said about bush after 9/11 happened. remember…you have to keep all the other facts the same. you just have to imagine bush doing what clinton did. i believe it’s called officially “fiddling while rome burns”
just think of this as a little intellectual honesty litmus test.
i’ll bet none of you far left wingers could ever pass.
isn’t that sad?
Bush should be thrilled!!!
Only those democrats that hate him would consider impeaching him, even if he was found guilty. (i.e., the 42%)
This also implies that 58% of people would not support impeaching him, even if he was found guilty.
This is such a non-issue!
Adding to the growing list of Democrat misdeeds is their recent fine by the PDC, an apparent state record fine:
Once again Geo, here is the proof:,500.pdf
Care to substantiate any of your baseless claims?
Oh Boy, looks like pbj shared whatever he is smoking with Xmasghost… Goldy, perhaps we need some re-hab links on your blog for these chronic abusers?
Impeaching Bush would accomplish nothing because Dick Cheney would still be president. We need to get rid of the organ grinder and his monkey together. The rumored source of the Valerie Plame leak is a Cheney aide. Instead of jerking around a couple of second-string journalists who don’t know anything, DOJ should be forced to put Robert Novak before a grand jury. If he refuses to talk don’t send him to jail, send him to Gitmo. Chances are the Speaker will be a Democrat when all this comes down, giving White House control back to the only party capable of running this country properly. That would take care of the Supreme Court appointment issue too. And we would have the added satisfaction of seeing Cheney executed for treason.
But then, I’m just a cute fluffy little bunny.
Reply to 4
“what ….do you think this is a banana republic or something?”
Reply to 9
Clinton’s blowjob didn’t kill anyone.
Reply to 15
Too bad there’s no place in the U.S. where Republicans who steal elections go to jail.
Reply to 22
Who are you trying to kid?
Reply to 28
“[like if clinton had grabbed bin laden when he could have many times…3000+ AMERICANS wouldn’t have died]”
Where you saying something about “complete BS?” Your statement above is a good example of the genre.
N.B. the wingys are frustrated because Blame Clinton doesn’t work anymore.
Reply to 29
Just one question, on whose watch did 9/11 happen? No fiddling with history now.
And who ignored the Aug 6th, 2001 Presidential brief entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Attack inside America”
Public Notice To Wingnut Trolls
If you don’t like my posting 8 messages in a row — fuck you!!!
pbj @ ad nauseum
Are you aware that the head of Bush/Cheney for all of New England is currently under indictment for election fraud? And he’s almost certain to be convicted, since two underlings have already been convicted, and named him? Google “James Tobin.”
BTW, what does the crack guy have to do with the Democrats? It has to do with a guy breaking the law to buy drugs.
as for the poll–The 42% figure represents all political ideologies. The percent of Republicans who would favor it, was 25%. So I guess that’s the 1 in 4 Republicans who hate Bush and would never vote for him anyway?
you wascally wabbit…………so clinton did grab bin laden and we all are just mistaken? get a grip.
9/11 hapened on bush’s watch. but it didn’t start then, did it?
blaming people never got anyone anywhere….fixing things does. that’s my point. i don’t blame clinton for 9/11. i don’t think clinton would have ever dropped the ball if he had known what bin laden was capable of.but he, just like president bush, did not have a crysal ball did he?
oh, the intel was there alright..but it still wasn’t his fault.
it was bin laden’s fault.
that’s the difference between mature reasoning and whiney complaining. try it sometime……….
and donna…..yes, there was that brief that stated that bin laden was determined to attack SOMEHWERE in america…..that doesn’t narrow it down much does it?
there were alot of mistakes made….but that’s the real world for you.
clinton gets blame for failing, but bush gets far more for not even trying.
torridjoe…..and just how did bush not even try?
Cluelessghost @29
OK. Since I don’t hold Clinton to blame for not getting Bin Laden before 9/11 (at least he and his administration recognized that Bin Laden was a threat, which is more than one can say for the Iraq obsessed PNAC dickheads in the Cheney Administration), I wouldn’t hold Bush to blame for pre 9/11 omissions either, assuming everything was exactly the same (of course, given the staggering incompetence of Bushco, it wouldn’t have been, but I’ll play along) Conversely, had Clinton ignored the August 6 2001 PDB about an imminent Al Queda strike, I sure wouldn’t be any more forgiving than I am regarding Bush. But you know what, it wasn’t Bill Clinton who ignored Bin Laden – it was Shrub (and it isn’t as if they weren’t warned, but the chickenhawks of the PNC were too busy planning to invade Iraq and who knows who else to pay attention to repeated warnings from the outgoing National Security Advisor).
Personally, I think impeachment is too good for these fascist traitors.
and if everybody could just put away their little “r” or “d” hats for a moment………name one time when blaming someone ever got you anywhere?
isn’t this part of the problem. joe…in order to “blame” clinton you would have to think that he intended to have all those americans die, right?
i didn’t like the guy as president….but i never for a moment thought that he was to “blame”.
blame is for children and whiners…not for responsible adults.
Xmasghost asks @ 48 “name one time when blaming someone ever got you anywhere”
Happens every day. When some fool fucks up, you HAVE to determine blame so you can remove that person from the power they used to make the mistake. Ignoring it will only enable the person to do it again and again.
So in conclusion: That was a really stupid question.
bushliedthousandsdied—on pluto,
“Personally, I think impeachment is too good for these fascist traitors.”
wow….that word fascist really gets thrown around by far left of left doesn’t it? do you know what it means?
you are a classic name calling example of why the far left and the far right are exactly the same kind of animal. so hate/rhetoric filled that you don’t see the truth.
fortunately….you are also easy to dismiss as a nut by thinking beings.
anger management ever occurred to you?
ghost @ 46
let me count the ways:
*removed the Counterterrorism group, headed by Clarke, from meetings among principals, practically cutting Cabinet heads off from that information.
*downgraded the terror threat priority at the DoJ, from #1 to not even on the list (it was a subhead of another priority).
*refused a Cabinet level meeting with the CTG until August.
*focused at the NSA level, on expanding missile defense as the key priority of 2001.
*ignored an uptick in “chatter” that dwarfed in volume a similar episode during summer of 1999–an episode in which the Clinton administration went into full alert and as a result thwarted multiple terror attacks.
*refused DoJ funding for homeland security efforts both before
AND immediately after 9/11.
Shall I continue?
Just an observationand quote from Instapundit:
July 01, 2005
I’M SURPRISED THAT THIS POLL didn’t get more attention:
Gallup announced yesterday that it had taken a snap poll after the speech given by George Bush on the war in Iraq from Fort Bragg. The poll showed some movement bolstering support for the war. In fact, it showed Bush picking up ten points on whether we are winning in Iraq (up to 54%), twelve points on keeping troops in Iraq until the situation improves as opposed to setting an exit date for their evacuation (now at 70%/25%), and seven points on whether Bush has a clear plan for handling the war in Iraq (up to 63%/35%).
This would seem pretty newsworthy to me. (Emph. added).
posted at 04:37 PM by Glenn Reynolds Permalink
torridjoe…oh, please do. it’s very interesting.
perhaps that’s because a full 50% of the sample were Republicans, and the sample size was less than 400?
cghost @ 53
why not tackle what I’ve presented so far, before you are further deluged?
torridjoe….many of your examples are half truths or out of context. i was waiting for the BIG SMOKING GUN………
for instance….*removed the Counterterrorism group, headed by Clarke, from meetings among principals, practically cutting Cabinet heads off from that information.
okay…on the surface that looks bad[which is exactly why you chose it] but now why don’t you tell me WHY he did this?
sheesh…you are fast becoming the classic example of “yeah, you saved his life….BUT HIS SHOES ARE UNTIED!”
Xmasghost @ 56 “now why don’t you tell me WHY he did this?”
I would be much more interested in hearing why you think he did this ghost.
yes, I’d love to hear your explanation why.
Regarding fascism,
Looks like Bush’s AmeriKKKa to me.
“Here’s what former counterterrorism official in the Reagan Administration Robert Oakley told The Washington Post on Dec. 24, 2000, about Clinton’s national security policy: ‘Overall, I give them very high marks.’ He went on: ‘The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama, which made him stronger.’”
From a column by Ken Beck on Sept. 15, 2003. For the complete column (worth reading) see:
torridjoe…….i can honestly say i don’t know why and neither do you.
that’s my point.
there are alot of things that we aren’t privy to, don’t you think?
but i’ll tell you what….i will give *any* president of the united states more credit than a terrorist…..
what’s your excuse?
Roger @ all
Welcome back! You’ve gotten me rolling on the floor again!
cghost on Bush’s removing the head of Counterterrorism from cabinet level meetings prior to 9/11:
Well, sure it looks bad, but …. uh … I guess there is no but.
Man, that is devastating! You go, ghost!
oh scottd….come on. think about it. appearances are only everything for non-thinkers. appearances can be very deceiving, can’t they?
feelings are not FACTS kids……
and if you are so on top of this why don’t you give me your explanation?
All that anticipation Xmasghost anx it turns out you got nothing… typical.
Donnageddon…..i have nothing? you are far left of left if the truth means nothing to you.
the facts are that no one except george bush and people with high security clearance know the answer. i take it that doesn’t include any of us, right?
the only thing that is typical here is your overly snide and senseless remark.
discussion is a good thing…….
ROFL! Discussion is a good thing Xmasghost. It certainly has demonstrated your lack of depth and insight.
Let me help you ghost
“*removed the Counterterrorism group, headed by Clarke, from meetings among principals, practically cutting Cabinet heads off from that information.”
Bush did this because he wanted nothing to do with all the “talk of terrorism”. He had one plan from the beginning, cut taxes for the rich, and play a lot of golf. And that is exactly what he did.
Then 911 happened.
Never forgive the bastard. Never forgive.
“If it’s okay to impeach a president for lying about a blowjob, why shouldn’t we be talking about impeaching a president for dragging us into a war on a lie?”
Don’t be that dumb ass Goldy, you know why he should have been removed from office. Perjury is a completely impeachable offense whereas lying off the stand is not.
No respect for you now… none what so ever, I mean I’d expect this from Headless, but you?
wow Donnageddon….just when i thought i couldn’t be more disappointed with your answers you prove once again to everyone here what blind hate does to someone.
it makes you BLIND.
All tools has no respect for
the truthGoldy. MAn this is gonna bum me out all holiday!Don I hear the grim reaped knocking at your door why don’t you go answer it old man.
Ah, all tools, I have a few good decades left in me.
Yeah I guess you are physically getting around pretty well, too bad about that mind of yours though.
You are so sweet!
Hey, it sure is good to see some more right side thinking allies here on HA. I was wondering if I was the last right side thinking man standing. First off, IT (Don(n/a G.E.D.)Don, hardly ever adds anything cogent to any thread. I thought someone called Don the San Francisco Treat from Castro St. some time ago. I think the male prods have messed with Don’s one brain cell.
Don still hasn’t answered why he doesn’t call Schroeder, Chirac, Berlosconi, Hussein, Mubarak, and Putin liars over WMDs. But he loves to say that of GWB. He can’t answer that because many of those leaders are his heros. No credibility.
Wascally Wabbit, Torridjoe, BushTriesManyIslamofascistsdie, et. al:
Google “Lt Col Patterson Book”, choose any link and you should borrow from the library “Dereliction of Duty”. I read this book and I was appalled that Clinton told Sandy “Stealing National Archives Papers” Burglar, “I’ll get back to you” over Iraq or he doesn’t act on Bin Laden in 1996. So bushlied, if Clinton wasn’t busy hobnobbing at Wimbledon when Burgler called on Bin Laden, we could have gotten him. So I wonder about you all pinning 9/11 on Bush? If Clinton did his job, Bin Laden would be at Gitmo or maybe on a Navy ship in the Indian Ocean (ha ha). Oh no, that’s right he would had gotten counseling, and psychiatric help (Liberals per Karl Rove).
Fascist – www . americanfascistmovement . com :populists – ain’t that a democrat? Well Gore won the popular vote, your side says.
Definition – Typified by attempts to impose state control over all aspects of life. Isn’t that the Democrats. Let the government take control. We’ll do it all for you. Welfare – Democrat state, Presciption Drugs without need – Handout from Gov’t, NEA – Education Control, etc. You name it the Democratic Party has their hands in it.
Hatred – HAs thinking about Bush. Man if only Al Gore had a personality, or constitution, maybe life would be different. But the American people spoke and Tennessee said no to Gore!!
When did this comments section get taken over by right wing republican posters.
I don’t want or need your “pearls of wisdom”. I don’t believe in your stupid , selfish, political philosophy; I never have, I never will, and absolutely nothing you can say will ever change my mind. And really…I go to sites like this to GET AWAY from people like you. I come here to read the discussions about the events of the day and see what the smarter people over here think we should do about it.
I already know what you trolls are going to say. There is nothing new about anything any of you have said. I have been hearing the same things over and over (ad nauseum) for the last 30+ years, and frankly I was sick of it 30 years ago, and I get sicker now as I see what happens when your ill-concieved, short sighted and intellectually bankrupt policies are implemented. You have no new arguments, no new ideas…nothing.
The republican party has been taken over by their worst and most dangerous elements who are determined to recreate the social and economic conditions of the late 19th century. That is NOT my idea of a world I want for my kids and their children.
So please go back to the sharkblog or uSP or littlegreenbarfballs or WhereverTF you came from. We have serious work to do. This republic is in danger and we…Democrats, moderate Republicans (if there are any left), Libertarians and Independents need to get together to figure out how to fix the royal messes this incompetent, amoral bunch of theives and liars has gotten us into.
Here’s a news flash, guys…Bill Clinton is NO LONGER President. The Republican Party is firmly in power. They enjoy a majority in both houses of Congress and and the Presidency. And for six years they haven’t done jack. Bush ignored clear warnings about terrorist activity and got us attacked. Ol’ C=Augustus was on his way to being only a four year lame duck until he hit the “Trifecta” (his terminology, not mine) After close to six years now these jerks own their record…and it ain’t pretty. I, for one am tired of re-hashing the political history of the last 40 years. It’s OVER! We were right…you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and WRONG some more. Picking over this crap and having flame wars with you guys is fun sometimes and shows how really smart our guys are (esp kudos to Donna and GBS on “Bush Speak” you guys really rock!), but we really need to use our time wisely from here out. Reading the blather you trolls drop behind you has always been counter-productive and now it is becoming a waste of precious time. I will not be responding to attacks about what I have written. If on the off chance…I know it’s a long shot…ant of you want to have a dialogue (not monologue) about solutions…go ahead, I’m listening. But until then take a tip from the most clownish of the wingnut buffoons and “SHUT UP!!!”
it sure is good to see some more right side thinking allies here on HA
Translation: people unable to think for themselves, constantly regurgitating the lastest winger propaganda from faux news, Limbaugh, Hannity, newsmax, wnd, Regnery Publications and let’s not forget (un)Sound Politics.
Reality hits them upside the head (see Election Contest decision by John Bridges) – down they go for a little while, lick wounds, watch a few hours of faux news…
Refreshed and ready to go!!!!!
“people unable to think for themselves, constantly regurgitating the lastest winger propaganda”
And here I thought that this was a soap box for leftist that are doing just that, Wow! I was so off… NOT!!!
Winger O’Toole @ 79
Where was Goldy wrong about the election contest?
Goldy, I was in my teens in 1969, and I was the only family member who supported Barry “Nukem” Goldwater in 1964. Even GBS recently said VN needed nuking as the only way to win the war! So I guess the late great BG was right?
Don, for once in #41 you actually said something worthwhile. Many months and tens or hundreds of posts you finally said something I could think about. Yes maybe Bush did not take it seriously, because where did Bin Laden strike before? He struck overseas at the two African based US Embassies in 1998 in the USS Cole in the Arabian Sea in 2000. What did Clinton do? Well based on Clarke’s assessment, lob a few cruisies in Afghanistan and bomb the pill factory in Sudan. Wow that really scared Osama. If the Clinton based FBI had been on the job along with the Clinton based INS Department, maybe the illegal scumbags would not have gotten in or if they were in on visas they would have been caught and deported. But alas, no dice there.
But then again liberal cities don’t check for nationality, so when Atta was stopped for a traffic ticket in South Florida, there was no checking on his visa status. Otherwise if liberal mania isn’t so entrenched in safe haven liberally run cities where we have illegal safe zones: where a Denver detective was killed in cold blood, a 18 year old Texas woman was raped and killed and found by her little sister, where a four year old girl was raped and left for dead all by illegal aliens, we would be a better America!
John @ 80
I never said he was, John are female? because you sure are trying to read too far between the lines of my statement.
I was refering to posts like the last few “Rossi supports gas tax” and “O’Connor retires; all hell to break loose” how can you not call that propaganda?
Pathetic propaganda might I add.
It is a joy to come here and see the posts of all out right wing friends. Sometimes I feel a ittle guiltyat how easy it is to bash them with the reason stick, but then I remember they are here because they like making fools of themselves and getting bashed upside the head with logic and facts.
They are what I term “self loathing wingnuts”
They know in their hearts they are wrong so they come here to be bashed about by “reality community’s” logic.
They know in their hearts they are wrong so they come here to be bashed about by “reality community’s” logic.
Comment by Donnageddon— 7/1/05 @ 7:56 pm
Stupid republicans…. how many times do you have to be beat by the reality stick before you understand you didnt win Ohio!!! 120,000 votes my ass!!!
Hey John, even Goldy hits paydirt once in his lifetime. Did I see Goldy was 6 in 1969? Well David, psychologists say that your foundational principles are laid by your 5th year. I think the poster is still correct about the 60’s and you.
Rujax206:As I stated earlier this week, man you really hate Bush.
Johnny boy: BTW, my views on conservatism were way before Rush Limbaugh. And since he predates all those other people or Fox News, that blows your argument out of the water, eh? Being a conservative black man is an anathema for Jesse Jackson and his progeny. My only potential liberal view may be on Abortion. I even agree with Loocy on that one as it’s up to the woman and in the final judgment, God!
Have a great 4th. At least we can honor the memories of those who died to give us our independence. Again what does the first paragraph of the DoI say?: When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Nature’s God. Well then IT, you should move out of America since you claim to be an athiest. God still entitles you to something, but you refuse to acknowledge Nature’s God entitling to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Tools: Without Propaganda, Goldy and the HAs would have nothing to write about.
Reality seems to be a relative term to you. It’s too bad that you choose not to listen to or process anything contrary to the alternate reality you have shrouded yourself in.
I use to read all of what you had to say trying to glean a point somewhere in the mix. The truth is now I just skim through the regurgitated liberal acid you spew, laughing the whole time at the rantings of an angry old man.
Puddy Buddy! Did PacMan signal to you it was ok to come out?
Nice to see you! Have a great 4th of July!
PacMan: In my city, there was a contest held every few years based on memorization of the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence. Too bad few HAs can relate to it, because in it are two references to man and God relationships!
Nad Pudster “Without Propaganda, Goldy and the HAs would have nothing to write about.”
How true! How True! Without having to beat back the right wing propaganda, we would just spend time talking about reality, and facts and hard thinking stuff like that.
Glad to know PacMan gave you the go-head!
Don, no PacMan is in CA and I be up here in WA. Yeah, have a great 4th. I am watching Emeril make some Okra.
Man and God relationships? hopefully you will not get too graphic!
“watching Emeril make some Okra” Is that a song by Toby Keith?
Right Wing Propoganda? We see lefty progoganda every night in MSM News, MSNBC Chris Matthews, CNBC, Keith Olberman, CNN 24 Hours a day, Comedy Central Jon Stewart Report, etc. Next we see it in the NY Times, WA Post, LA Times, Seattle Times, etc. Is that enough so far?
At least the P-I may go under. YES!
Man & God Relationships: Man giving God His due as our benevolent creator. God showering the good and evil men and women with blessings each and every day.
I will grant you Jon Stewart, those SOB’s are definetily left wing.
The rest: coporate tools for the Neo-Con conspiracy.
Puddy… help me out here. Where is God? I want to talk to Him/Her.
If you are His child he talks to you. I am sure many of His children have heard his voice. Since you don’t believe in Him, you’ll never hear His voice.
Since many people on the HA discount the Old Testament, I will quote from it: “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation” Isaiah. 25:9, NKJV.
Donnageddon @ 98
He’s willing to have a conversation with you but as usual you aren’t willing to listen(see post #88).
Pudster, I thank you for the answer. I will think upon it.
But you said “Since many people on the HA discount the Old Testament”
Do you have examples?
Tools: To quote John Cena: You’s a bad bad man!!! That’s bad in the good sense!
“If you are His child he talks to you.” Is this like that Easter Bunny crapola?
Commentary here from before saying the New Testament replaces the Old Testament. Commentary here from before saying if Christ didn’t say it, then it isn’t a real argument. I don’t keep the quotes for later reposting like you do, but I can remember things. I was told I had a photographic memory, but I don’t.
Pudster, I have to admit, I do not remember any of that stuff. Are you not sure you were not halucinating?
Good Night Don. My Sabbath is approaching, at sunset. See you tomorrow night after 9:08 PM or so.
OK Pudster, have a good sabbath. I will try to be online occasionally this weekend. You have been warned.
No Don. I am not hallucinating. But when do you pay attention to Christian talk? You are an athiest. How can you believe in Nothing! My brother is an agnostic. He believes in a supreme being, just not God.
I mentioned Paul in Romans 1:18-to the end of the chapter saying that men lying with men (homosexuality) is an abomination and a lefty said “If Jesus didn’t say it then I don’t believe it”.
I quoted out of the Book of John, and someone said that John was a whacky disciple.
I qouted out of Revelation and someone said that Revelation was a strange book written by John a strange man. You should review your tapes Don.
Pudster, I was not born an atheist. I was raised a Catholic. But I explored most “christian” religions. I put Christian in quotes because I aften find that most sects do not feel other sects are “true” christians.
I have also explored eastern religions. Budhism, Hinduism, etc.
Not all of them, mind you, but enough to know that I found them all completely crazy. None of them even approximated a hollow shallow echoe of truth.
So, I do not belioeve in any of them. I am an atheist.
That does not mean I know where everything in the universe came from. I am just very sure that no organized religion has the answer.
So, there we are. Man making the best of what we know.
That is why I am a liberal progressive.
You can indict a ham with a grand jury. In a trial, a line of questioning has to be relevant to what the person is being tried for. When you convene a grand jury you need a stated reason for convening the jury, but you can question the subject of the grand jury about anything you want. Starr and the Reps had prior knowledge of the blowjob and although questions about it had nothing to do with the ostensible reason for convening the grand jury, they asked Clinton questions about it knowing he would lie about the blowjob. After all the millions of dollars (of taxpayers money)spent investigating Clinton the only thing they could pin on him was lying to a grand jury about a blowjob that had nothing to do with what they were ostensibly investigating.
This is such crude and obvious manipulation of the process of the law that I am not one bit surprised that to this day most Dems are still dumbstruck about what to say in their Pres.’ defense.
Reps understand the devious crap they pulled so when one says it in my presence, I shout them down or attempt to knock out a few of their teeth—that they readily understand.
Ken Starr belongs in jail for spending $70 million of taxpayer money and coming up with nothing but a fib about a blowjob that was none of his business. In fact, he should be prosecuted as a voyeur. He’s no better than a window peeper. Fucking pervert.
Ken Starr and Karl Rove in the same jail cell.
What would their children look like?
Damn, bad visual. Sorry.
My, my, the trolls are out in force today. You’d almost think that they were a bit worried that the “impeach Buch” meme. Watch the much-vaunted Bush propaganda machine move into action!
It’s interesting to see the rhetorical tactics used to throw people off their games. Whatever. What goes around comes around … eventually.
Salvation Army-
My, my, yes you trolls are, now with that said do you care to add anything constructive to the conversation?
RR @ 111
RR @ 111
Sorry for the previous blank post.
“Ken Starr belongs in jail…”
If righties are supposed to “get over” Rossi’s election contest, shouldn’t lefties be able to “get over” Ken Starr by now? Let it go, it’s history.
Rujax206 @ 77
I think your tirade typifies why the Democrats are out of power in the Executive and Legislative branches of the U.S. Government. Whining and hating are not policy values that most Americans relate well to.
Headless how much do you charge for a blowjob? Or do you
do just fine on welfare.
Loocy, you posted here too? And what university did you attend to teach Seattle’s finest school children?
ConservativeFirst: Welcome to the fray. Rujax206 is a hate filled bro. I wonder does he pull the cats tail or kick the dog when he gets up in the morning?
SalvationArmy: To use that wonderful name, you have to contribute to their cause. Are you as stingy as Al Gore was in 1997?
86, 117, 120
I yam what I yam.
EVERYONE who voted for the ILLEGAL IMPERIALIST WAR should be IMPEACHED and that includes John-thosearemyfamiliesSUVs-Kerry
we will really need that department of peace to straigten all this out
He won’t be impeached. You’re so wrapped up in hatred you’ve lost sight of reality for thinking that would happen.
you are the best