A SurveyUSA/KING-5 poll to be released later today will show incumbent Rep. Dave Reichert leading Democratic challenger Darcy Burner 50% to 48%… well within SurveyUSA’s typical margin error. This will mark the third independent poll over the past two weeks (here and here) to show the race in a statistical dead heat.
That’s amazing news for a challenger who is still under 50% in name ID, and bad news for an incumbent six weeks prior to the election. This isn’t 2004. This is an incumbent with huge name ID in a district that has never elected a Democrat, running against a virtual unknown.
Want to put Burner over the top? Then please give her money now. Your contribution could make the difference between Democratic and Republican control of the House. Really.
It wouldn’t matter if a million polls showed Burner tied with Reichert (or ahead); the trolls-in-denial would still insist Darcy doesn’t have a chance. They live a life of lies.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Roger Rabbit is going on vacation! I’m gonna visit a cousin down the coast who lives on a carrot farm! YUMMY! I LOVE CARROTS!!! My cousin calls the place “Buckshot Farm.” I suppose that’s because the farmer is always shooting at him. Hey trolls, before you start bitching that Roger Rabbit has been taking a lot of vacations lately, don’t forget, this is the harvest season and I have to fatten up for the winter! You wouldn’t want to live on brown grass for six months, either. I’ll see you troll traitors in 2 weeks — unless they hang you first! My liberal friends … if Libertarian posts any more fake Roger Rabbit comments, please email Goldy and ask him to delete the phony posts. Libertarian needs a good whack upside the head for impersonating me, that’s what he needs.
Go Dave go! And Roger, we all know you can’t stand to stay away from this site. I’m sure there will be multiple posts after this one. And vacation? Give me a fucking break; a vacation from what? Illegitimate gov’t cheese receiving? As you like to say so much: HARDY HAR HAR. Gotta go-some of us work for a living. Bye Rodent.
A Mexican illegal immigrant once embraced by Minnesotans as a charity case pleaded guilty yesterday to breaking and entering in Boston. Francisco Javier Serrano’s plea means his strange American odyssey will end where it began: He will be deported to Mexico. Serrano, 22, was found last year living inside a Minneapolis high school, his tale of struggle and homelessness galvanizing local residents. Soon, he had a rent-free downtown apartment, an immigration lawyer, and a wealthy benefactor. [………10 million illegals must be moved from California to Boston to help with the Democrats “diversoty” in MASS. Half of these shoould be able to live in Cape Cod. hehe, JCH]
Still waiting for ANY newspaper to report that Emily’s List poll…
Gotta wonder- when Darcy’s pulling 50% higher in the “I’ll vote for her” category than she is in the “I know who she is” category, just how valid ARE any of these polls…
But then, if the racist rodent went up into the Skagit Valley and surveyed the wildlife and it showed three racoons, two beaver and a wolf favored Darcy, while two racoons, a grizzly, and three wolves favored Reichert- but none of them were sure who or what a Darcy was (or if she was edible), Goldie would be trumpeting “Wildlife Survey Shows Darcy’s Gonna Win”- or be dinner in the Skagit (no mansion there)…
All posters, including “progressive” communist Democrats, are invited to the HA.ORG “Fatwa Friday” BAR-B-Q [on Friday, Carl! On Friday!]. Lots of political discussion, and a main course provided by Mrs. Teresa Grossman [roasted llama]. Spouses, friends, lovers, Democrat “gay partners”, and Democrat’s favorite barnyard animal lovers are all welcome!! RSVP here, as we need to have an accurate head count for the main course.
Roger Rabbit is going on vacation!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/27/06@ 12:55 pm
Do us all a favor, Roger: drop dead.
Jim King said, Still waiting for ANY newspaper to report that Emily’s List poll…
Well the Seattle Times mentioned it today.
But you’d have to read the papers to know that.
Tokyo Rose: Nancy “Nip/Tuck” Pelosi
All posters, including “progressive” communist Democrats, are invited to the HA.ORG “Fatwa Friday” BAR-B-Q [on Friday, Carl! On Friday!]. Lots of political discussion, and a main course provided by Mrs. Teresa Grossman [roasted [Bar-B-Qed] llama]. Spouses, friends, lovers, Democrat “gay partners”, and Democrat’s favorite barnyard animal lovers are all welcome!! RSVP here, as we need to have an accurate head count for the main course.
Amazing. A virtually unknown candidate in a statistical tie with a well known REPUBLICAN SLEAZEBAG BUSHBOT CONGRESSMAN!!!!
Hey Reichert. Vote to hurt our country some more.
You Republicans belong in prison, not Congress.
Abramoff, DeLay, Safavian, Burns, Noe, Volz, Nie, Taft, and the list of sleazebags arrested in the last year gets longer every day. And this is with the GOP running the FBI. If it was me running the FBI every Republican, and a handfull of Democrats would already be Bubba’s bunkmate.
From what I hear, the FBI is only looking at Democrats looking for corruption. They have been told to lay off the Republicans. This is one comment I can not provide a link to, but I believe it to be true….
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/27/06@ 1:58 pm
“You Republicans belong in prison, not Congress.”
So what “fact” supports this position? What crime has Dave Reichert committed that justifies putting him in prison?
“From what I hear, the FBI is only looking at Democrats looking for corruption. They have been told to lay off the Republicans. This is one comment I can not provide a link to, but I believe it to be true….”
You should change your name to “Innuendo Supports My Positions”, it would be more fitting.
I have bad news for you right wingers. Carl Grossman is actually Jesus Christ yes he is back !!! I know you right wingers have been praying for his return for years . I don’t think you are going to be very happy though because it turns out Carl :aka (Jesus) is a LIBERAL and you mooks are all headed to the HELL .
Carl did confide in me that Bush is indeed EL Diablo : aka ( The Devil) So you no what that makes all you right-wingers don’t you? It makes your DEVIL WORSHIPERS.
And The Davinci Code is right and Mary Magdalene was Jesus wife and she is back too yes that’s right ..
Teresa Grossman is really Mary Magdalene . So I would suggest you right wing wackos had better start kissing some serious holly booty and become liberals and there might be some forgiveness for your wicked sinful selves.
Doctor JCH Kennedy i herd your moma died today Tokyo Rose
Mark 1 @ 3
“Go Dave go!”
That’s funny, that’s what I’ve been saying, “Go, Dave, go! Go back home!”
Doctor JCH Kennedy i think your better start praying to Teresa to maybe convince Carl to forgive your sorry ass or your better not forget your asbestos underware when your die …
The Rubberstamp Reichert campaign is about to turn a corner!
The Darcy campaign is in its last throes!
Bush is a competent leader!
Terrorism is down!
Budget deficits are awesome!
George W. Bush Loves Black People!
Back to the NIE and Dave Rubber Stamp Reichert…
The NIE says:
The assessment is saying that the main motivations for terrorismand the report puts Iraq at the top of that long listoutweigh our ability to prevent it, meaning, essentially, that Iraq is more harmful than helpful in our counterterror strategy, and that this fact is likely to be true indefinitely.
Given this consensus finding of all of our intelligence agencies, Dave Reichert now has to answer this question:
“The collective judgment of the entire U.S. intelligence community is that under the watch of the Bush administration terrorism is becoming more of a threat, not less of one, primarily due to our invason and occupation of Iraq. Do you support continuing that failure, or changing the course to solve it?”
Any guesses as to how he would answer?
One more little gem from the NIE key judgments:
This is a concept that the administration, and Dave Reichert in its rubber-stamp Congress, are totally unable to grasp.
“Carl Grossman is actually Jesus Christ yes he is back !!!”
“Carl did confide in me that Bush is indeed EL Diablo : aka ( The Devil)”
“Teresa Grossman is really Mary Magdalene.”
Commentby The Socialist [……………………………………………………………………..Carl and Teresa, Stop it!! You’re killimg me!!]
oh my gawd another delusional Fox news watcher . he’s got everything back ass werd typical
Well Carl may not be Jesus but Bush is definetly El Diablo!!!!
Im downloading Frankenstein_Created_Woman_(1967).
and Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) in 3-D even
for to night movie
usenet is the best
We can only live and pray that you drop dead.JCH.
As cowards go though, you are the biggest (smallest) of them all. When you upchucked into that mask, how did it taste? I imagine it was yellow and you still have the taste of fear in your mouth.
Actually llama is very good.
The problem with wingnuts focusing on the NIE line abut how if the jihadists are perceived to have failed in Iraq, that fewer will be inspired to follow, is that we’re FAILING to make them FAIL. And the “plan” (such as it is) is to do MORE OF THE SAME.
That’s why people are pissed. If it looked like the “plan” were getting anywhere, we could swing with it. I mean, we still woudln’t like an asshole like Bush, but progress is progress, and this AIN’T it. And everyone who’s not a simpleton (which looks like about 2/3 of the country) realizes this.
“Actually llama is very good.”
Commentby My Left Foot [……..Well, how many of Teresa’s Llamas can we BAR-B-Q on “FATWA FRIDAY”?]
“The Socialist”: Cral Grossman?
No im way more liberal then Carl or anyone on here.
I took a politcal test once and I was a little to the left of marx .
How about if you hold your breath and we’ll see which of us drops dead first!
actiuly I consider Carl to be a nice moderett republican
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher yesterday asked Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales to investigate what he called “the exceedingly harsh prosecution” of two U.S. Border Patrol agents now facing 20 years in prison for shooting a suspected drug smuggler in the buttocks. -SNIP- “The drug smugglers are treated like innocent victims and the good guys protecting our borders are given the harshest possible punishment.” […..If Border Patrol agents vote Republican, should they be able to have “guvment” jobs? Thay stop illegals [Democrat-to-be] voters from comming into the USA. Is this good? hehe, JCH]
Roger Rabbit is going on vacation!
Commentby Roger Rabbit [RR, would you like to coming surfing in NOV with Carl and JCH?]
It is kind of cold to go surfing in Nov isn’t it?
Roger, I’ll be glad when you stoke-out.
It is kind of cold to go surfing in Nov isn’t it?
Commentby The Socialist [………..Not where Carl and I are going.]
The presumption of innocence kinda means no shooting guys unless they’re shooting at you. I know that sounds wacky to you.
were are you guys going ?
The presumption of innocence kinda means no shooting guys unless they’re shooting at you. I know that sounds wacky to you.
Commentby Daddy Love [….Yeah, well, 9/11 kind of changed all that. “Trident” Iran, and the Moooooooooslim world may bitch, but the terrorist problem will be solved. If not, pick another Moooooooooslim country, and repeat. Enough of 18 year old Marines kicking in doors. One Trident………war is over. Oh……the Iranian oil becomes “our” oil.]
If most ordinary Iraqis want us to leave, a really sizable majority, and they do, what real, honest chance does good ol’ “stay the course” have of succeeding? It’s pretty close to none, right?
When will you guys break adown and admit it?
Um, you didn’t link to the story (of course) but given that it was the Border Patrol, wasn’t it a Mexican that they shot?
We are not going anywhere until JCH gets serious about meeting when I am in Hawaii. My gut tells me he won’t agree. Why, I have no idea.
“The presumption of innocence”……….Sherman’s March Through The South…………Dresden, Hamburg, Schwainefort, Berlin, fire bombing of Tokyo, ……………9/11..WAR IS KILLING THE ENEMY TO END THE WAR!!!!!!!……..Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???
Build the fence…….mine the border………deport the illegals [before they vote Democrat], and NO anchor babies!!!! Sorry, Democrats……..The illegals [without ID] have to go back to Mexico.
No social services for illegals……no medical care……no jobs, no food stamps or welfare.. and NO VOTING!!!!!………Back to Mexico!!
We are not going anywhere until JCH gets serious about meeting when I am in Hawaii. My gut tells me he won’t agree. Why, I have no idea.
Commentby My Left Foot [We need to pick a beach and time!! How about Outside Log Cabins, North Shore, Oahu [200 hundred yards outside of the break]…….noon……..what day??
Mexicans do look middle eastern I guess
“But he has a fascination with pedophilia….”
Commentby Daddy Love [……This coming from Daddy “NAMBLA” Love???? Classic! Kind of like Teddy Kennedy being concerned about drinking and driving………]
Why should America taxpayers have to pay for illegals. Fuck them…….If you libs what to pay, get your fucking checkbooks out.
Why can’t you beat Doctor JCH Kennedy up here ? Why do you have to go all the way to hawaya
Last time. It’s my name.
JCH @ 44
“NO anchor babies”
Sorry, but you’ll have to change the Constitution.
Crooks working with crooks working with crooks. Welcome to today’s GOP!
Sunday Nov 12? And I am not meeting you 200 yards off shore, in water I don’t know. For all I know you are pulling my leg here. But you give me a time and legit restaurant (no bar because I believe you said you don’t drink) and I will be there.
FYI In Sammamish there will be a public TOWN MEETING at the Lodge at Beaver Lake Park 25201 SE 24th Street. Both 8th District Candidates were invited and DARCY BURNER accepted. So she will be addressing important issues of the day and answering questions. So if yu are in the area you may want to come. 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Directions: From 228th Avenue SE turn east at Discovery School onto 24th Street. Drive about 1 mile and turn right at sign for West Beaver Lake Drive; continue about 1/4 mile to Beaver Lake Park and Lodge on right.
I am not going to beat him up. I am not that way. I would just like to see if a JCH really exists, see if he can carry on a real conversation and introduce him to the wife/llama lover. (And no JCH, she does not love the llamas THAT way). Actually, I think JCH and I share an evil, wicked sense of humor, politics aside.
haha he sead beaver
LOL, he did say beaver.
I think im going to be sick
56 was a nice post, why are you going to be sick? From loving llamas? I said she DOES NOT love them that way.
One of them does kiss her for beer. Does that count?
No im going to be sick from your love fest with Doctor JCH Kennedy . ack
could we tar and feather him first before you get all squishy with him
I believe that it was in 1867 when Congress enacted the law stating that the child of non-citizens will be considered a citizen of the US if that child is born in the US. I don’t recall that being an amendment to the Constitution, Daddy Love, so are you wrong about your comment at 52? Could it be just a part of the United States Code and not part of the Constitution?
Senate Race Summary for Sept. 27:
A new SurveyUSA poll in Washington puts Democratic incumbent Maria Cantwell ahead of Republican challenger Mike McGavick by 12 points (54 percent to 42 percent). We rate Washington as “strong” Democrat because of Cantwell’s commanding 13.8-point lead on our last-five-poll average.
Hey Puddy:
Despite initially hyping Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer’s and Rep. Curt Weldon’s (R-PA) claims that the U.S. military intelligence unit Able Danger identified 9-11 hijacker Mohamed Atta prior to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight and The Situation Room, as well as USA Today and CBS’ The Early Show, have completely ignored the Defense Department inspector general’s September 21 conclusion that the claims were without merit. The inspector general’s report found that “[p]rior to September 11, 2001, Able Danger team members did not identify Mohammed Atta or any other 9/11 hijacker.”
Maria’s a hottie
A right winger show up? A right winger actually not hide behind the keyboard? Who are you kidding? These fucking cowards send other people to fight their wars. If someone did show up, he’d be a bodyguard hired by that punk JCH. Hell I’d pay money to know who some of these traitors are.
Very funny:
JCH won’t show. If he does we talk. That’s all.
There will be no love fest.
Katherine Harris is on HardBall. The camera is not kind to her face. Or maybe it is the reverse of that.
She acts like a school girl with her smile and flirting manner. She trails 65 to 35% in the polls.
Her husband deserves a medal for waking up next to that hag every morning, without make-up and not throwing himself out the nearest window.
Maria’s a hottie
Commentby The Socialist— 9/27/06@ 4:33 pm
Well, she IS better looking than Reichert. That much we’re sure of!
Horsey catches the presidents thought process perfectly.
Oliver Wendell @ 64
Wake up, pal.
Amendment XIV – Citizenship Rights. Ratified 7/9/1868.
1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
This Officer Rodney Johnson death wull hurt the moonbat position.
Daddy Love at 73:
Give Oliver a break, he’s been dead for 70 years. You forget a lot of stuff in that time.
Of course, you know that you do not have to pay taxes because Ohio is not a state.
No, but wingnuts will be hurt by this position:
@8- well, Daniel K, that is not coverage of the Emily’s List poll- as I said, no newspaper has given it any coverage. Lawdy, the Seattle Times article you link to does not give the numbers, just a “In a poll released Tuesday by the left-leaning EMILY’s List, Reichert and Burner were virtually neck-and-neck.”
That is pretty pathetic coverage, buried a dozen paragraphs down in an article headlined “Reichert’s shade of “green” depends on issue”- an article I had scanned, and that single lame sentence was missed.
Sort of like legitimate journalism missed the whole story. And weren’t we promised it would be in the P-I sixty-plus hours ago?
“And I am not meeting you 200 yards off shore, in water I don’t know.”
Commentby My Left Foot [Nope….I’m a water baby!! I’m VERY comfortable in the ocean. Carl, You will be too. For a few minutes. Besides, Hawaii is all about water. Lots of it!! For miles!! And miles!! Warm salt water!! That’s why 7 million people fly to Hawaii each year. Sun, and warm salt water!! Just you, and me, and Mr. Tiger Shark!!]
78……Carl, with any luck, you will make the evening news in Oahu and the outer islands!!!
Actually, I think JCH and I share an evil, wicked sense of humor, politics aside.
Commentby My Left Foot [……Concur…..My respects, JCH]
These fucking cowards send other people to fight their wars.
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— [……..Er, RightEqualsStupid, LT, USN [77-84, 1110, WESTPACs [3], IO [Gonzo Station 79/80, NIMITZ BATTLE GROUP, COMPHIBRON 5, [NOT STAFF!!!]] ………………………………………………………………. AND YOU?]
End Global Warming with Iranian Nuclear Winter
The explosive growth of the Chinese economy over the past seven years has been linked with a rise in emissions of man-made methane, a study has found. Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas and, molecule for molecule, it is about 20 times as potent as carbon dioxide in its ability to exacerbate global warming. […………………………………………………………………………Where are the concerned “save-the-world” progressive Democrat libs on the Chicomms polluting the Earth!!! Watch the Chicomms and the Cubans drill for oil 40 miles off Florida, and the dumb ass libs will not say one word. They are commie traitors. hehe, JCH]
Any asshole dicksucker on this board can claim to be a veteran. But if it’s a right winger making that claim it’s especially suspect.
I’d have to see a DD214 before I’d believe it. How about this. Everyone with a clean DD214 sends it to Goldy to inspect and verify and then the person who owns it can claim vet status?
And anyone who claims vet status who isn’t gets outed and reported for their criminal violation?
What’s that sound? JCH running!
The biggest problem with Global warming in Seattle, is the continual enormous rate at which Mayor Nickels Burns money.
Not on topic, but great comment. Did you spend all last night practicing it on other boards?
RightEqualsStupid at 84:
Any asshole dicksucker
Well that would be John Craig Herman. He only claims to be in the “navy” because he cruises for Indonesian Sailors wearing a cracker-jack suit. And his “work” requires him to be covered in semen.
Given that anything he has said that can be verified has proven wrong (come on JCH, say again how Dick Morris says that Clinton called him a “jew bastard.” He is the rarest of things, a proven liar.
Just a Cocksucking Hypocrit.
come on JCH, say again how Dick Morris says that [Hillary] Clinton called him a “jew bastard.”
Commentby JDB [……………………………………………….Get the quote right!!!!!……….[“FUCKING JEW BASTARD!”]
Any asshole dicksucker on this board can claim to be a veteran.
What’s that sound? JCH running!
Commentby RightEqualsStupid […..OK…….The question: “high, low, medium, “J” Band homer”………Are there any Navy types onboard HA. ORG that can identify?] A Hershey bar for the correct answer…………….[You too, Chief!! E-3 GBS, this is above your paygrade, but you can play.]
Here’s a perfect example of why that lying sack of shit Maria Cantwell is unfit to be a US Senator: http://www.cantwell.com/multimedia/video/40.aspx
After her accomplices and cheerleaders in the unbiased, fair and balanced local media we have here in FUWA told her to get off “her oil shtick”
and the invisible hand forces gas prices to “plunge”
she decided she had to find a new industry to demonize. What better target than the pharmaceutical industry?
In her ad, she claims that consumers are “overcharged” for prescription medicines. Really? Do tell. What evidence is there of overcharging? Is there even one AG investigation anywhere that proves even a shred of illegal corporate activity? How is “overcharging” defined then? As simply being more than some fucking loser wishes to pay? Yeah… apparently…
And what does she propose to “do about” med prices? Price controls? Nationalize the industry? Make them a regulated industry? Or maybe some kind of Robin Hood program where guys like me are forced to pay for other’s self induced inability to pay for meds?
She never quite gets around to proving there’s a problem. She never proposes a “solution” to this non existent problem. Nah.. none of that is required… all she has to do is make an emotional appeal to the gullible among you who will guzzle down any kool aid she pours…
Well, it appears our Democrat African-American friends have found yet something else to be pissed about. A Democrat black congresswoman reportedly complained that the names of hurricanes are all Caucasian
sounding names. She would prefer some names that reflect African-American culture such as Chamiqua, Tanisha, Woeisha, Shaqueal, and Jamal. She would also like the weather reports to be broadcast in language that street people can understand.
“Wazzup, Mutha-fukkas! Hehr-i-cane Chamiqua be headin’ fo’ yo ass like Leroy on a crotch rocket! Bitch be a category fo’! So grab yo’ eight chirren, yo’ Ho, leave yo crib, and head fo’ de nearest guv’ment
office fo yo FRE E shit and guvment check!”
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 9/27/06@
hey stupid @84 goldy would not not know a dd-214 if it hit him in the fuckin head.you need to serve to understand whats in them.ive got 10 which one would you like.lets send yours in 1st for a trail run.
jch try the term poggy bate
MLF @ 70
much the same way pud’s, mtr’s and rufass’ husbands must feel each morning…nufsaid
Careful YO – it’s a felony to pretend you’re a veteran when you’re really just a dicksucking punk.
if Libertarian posts any more fake Roger Rabbit comments, please email Goldy and ask him to delete the phony posts. Libertarian needs a good whack upside the head for impersonating me, that’s what he needs.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/27/06@ 12:55 pm
It wasn’t me Roger. You’ve been spoofed.
Burner is well positioned to win this district. I believe she could use Reicherts pathetic job of investigating the Green River killer against him. Many of the victims families claim they could get none of his attention because he wasn’t interested in a resolution. It seems poor people were not going to vote for him anyway so why should he resolve the Green River Killings. This case could have been resolved 10 years earlier but Reichert didn’t have the time for it. It seems he was busy running for congress and was courting the wealthy folks who would vote for him.
Loser Yellowback:
Is there even one AG investigation anywhere that proves even a shred of illegal corporate activity?
Actually, as has been posted every time you lie like this, there are at least three investigations. What a liar you are.
Posting the same lie over and over is not going to make it come true. Loser!
Pay your bets you welcher!
John Craig at 88:
And you have some proof of that? Oh, that’s right, you don’t, because it never happen. What a liar. You are worse than Loser Yellowback. Posting the same lie for six months doesn’t make it true, especially when you have never been able to provide one link that even comes close to proving your point.
What a loser! Go ahead, tell us about being in the navy again. I love hearing all your lies.
so dave and darcy are dead even… that doesn’t portend too well for the little girl that wants to be.
she’s been home here in the district (well when she’s not mone grabbing in seattle, chicago or san francisco) where presumably all she has to do is get up every morning and go out to campaign.
dave, on the other hand, has been back in dc working, while his staff here campaigns for him.
with the time advantage darcy has had (and she’s had enough to practically MEET every single voter of the 8th in person) over dave, her numbers should be soaring… and yet she’s dead “even” in polls that are acknoledged are unbalanced toward democrats.
you’d have to be pie-eyed optimistic to call that good news for the the little girl that wants to be.
Since you like birds try this one on for size.
“BT has left the rail”
OK, if you’re truly a Surface Warfare Officer you’ll easily know what this means. Especially, if you served in the early 80’s and on Gonzo Station as you claim.
I’ll check in tomorrow to see you answer.
PS: You won’t find it on a Google search, you’re going to really have to know the jargon for Naval weapons systems in order to get this one right.
Good luck, Jack Off, another truth trap has been set. Let’s see if you spring it or avoid it.
Ohhh, man I really hope you avoid answering this one, then, I’ll know for sure you never served.
YO, do us all a favor and save your breath, OK?
@ 84
I’m up for that challenge. Goldy, can we count on your support?