Saddam Hussein wasn’t the only person to die in Iraq over the weekend. According to — which Reuters describes as “an authoritative Web site tracking war deaths” — the US military death toll hit the 3000 mark on December 28 with the death of Spec. Dustin R. Donica. According to the same web site, US military personnel have also suffered an additional 46,880 non-mortal casulaties.
The 111 US fatalities suffered in December was the highest monthly total since November 2004, and the third highest since the US invaded Iraq in March 2003.
Here’s hoping for a happier new year for US military personnel and their families.
George Bush says that the Iraq war is the most important conflict of our lifetime. Really.
I note that our pretend president has exactly 21 family or extended family members aged 18-35. These are combat-aged men and women.
Here’s the number of these men and women who are currently in the US Military.
Z E R O!
No surprise. Bush has always been all hat and no cattle.
Bush wants it to be “the most important conflict of our time.”
Isn’t that his “legacy?” It is now and always has been all about him. Doesn’t matter how many people he kills, it is all about him.
Even daddy choked up at Jeb’s Florida event when he got to the word “decency.” Could hardly get through it . . . Bush Jr. has shamed every intelligent American.
How much time have you spent murdering people? Are you qualified to serve on the jury of a murderer? Perhaps if you were a murderer yourself, you might actually be more sympathetic to that murderer.
Saddam’s dead. Why are we still in Iraq? Does anyone know what the mission is? Is there one?
For the Win!
To piss off Funballs like you!
To make the world a better place!
To show how Moonbat!s like islamofacism!
To show how Moonbat!s hate Israel!
Here is a look back at the liberal year in review:
How is it that Goldstein could even be in the air? I thought we were under a dictatorship, according to him. Clownstein, you are a lying foul mouthed piece of dung.
Gee, peanutbutte etc. aren’t you “in the air.” Actually, considering your posts, you do seem be oxygen deprived.
Attention right wing chickenhawks. Support our troops, take their place!
You fucking cowards.
We went in because there were WMDs WMDs WMDs WMDs and had to go RIGHT NOW.
Strike one.
Then we went because of regime change.
That’s a huge strike two.
Now it’s the most important battle of our era or whatever Smirky McFlightsuit said.
I say SUPPORT THE TROOPS by bringing them home alive.
ANd to the rest of you chicken hawks, go bleep yourselves.
Can you find someone else to talk about besides President Bush? Are you in love with him?
Take their place? Been there and done that! What about you?
The Military does not support the war in Iraq.
I figure the wingnuts will now claim the troops do not support the troops and are Saddam lovers.
What a bunch of small minded, troop hating, US despising freaks you wingnuts are.
Smet at #12 see Jim at #11.
How can any grandmother wish for her kids to kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and kill …
or are you hoping someone else’s kids will do all that killing?
How many kids have to die before you’ve had enough death?
PBJ: Now that’s funny!
Mike Webb, you’re an embarrassment to all us right-wing fucktards.
Suck me Monica…oooooh Yeah baby. Terrorists? Get out! I am getting a blow job here. That’s more important than Bin Laden.
I am not going to read any damn Presidential Daily Briefing! It’s August and I am on a month long vacation at my scrub ranch!
Who cares about this Al Queda? I got rich people that need tax cuts! I am just going to ignore all that “terrorist” clap trap and cut taxes to my rich base, and play golf.
Does not look like we are going to be leaving Iraq all too soon .
Glad Saddam is gone and doing it quickly before the unorganized but effective terroristshad a chance to plan reprisals was a good idea . Watched the video , and it sure appears the folks chanting and trading insults with Hussein lack a fundamental understanding of decency /. And those guys are on our side … ?
My sone is scheduled for Iraq , wish he was not , but I am very proud of him . The lefties for the most part on this blog lack any understanding of the position we are in , does not help when it appears you are rooting for the other side .
Have no answers how to get out of this , but if anyone had the answer on this blog , it would be lost in the lack of civility and common sense .
Mick @ 20
Well said. I wish you and your family God’s speed. For what it’s worth, I am proud of your son too.
Mick @20: The lefties for the most part on this blog lack any understanding of the position we are in , does not help when it appears you are rooting for the other side.
Mick, appearances don’t change facts. The left on this blog understand the futility of what we’re doing in Iraq. You want us cheering for more death but you forget that that blade cuts two ways. I don’t want your son to die. I don’t want another Iraq son or daughter to die. And for what?
You haven’t listened to the tape of Johnson in 1966 that is out and about, have you? If I can find it and link it, I will. But, you may not want to hear what he has to say. You may want to continue your fantasy. At least, that way you’ll continue your misplaced patiotism instead of having actually face the fact that your country is wrong.
You say there is no way out of this. Yes, there is. We cut off the money and bring them home.
Why can’t you people on the right do it? What are you gaining by expending your sons and daughters?
In Johnson’s case, he didn’t want to lose face. Are you willing to send your son to his death rather than lose a little face in the world?