The official story, as faithfully repeated in the press, is that Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot his hunting companion, Harry Whittington, from a distance of 90 feet. But a forensic firearms expert who prefers to remain anonymous, tells me that this account seems highly unlikely.
Judging from published reports of the type of firearm and ammunition used, the tightly focused pattern of pellet wounds on the victim, and the severity of the injuries, my source says that the distance between shooter and victim was likely closer to 20 feet. And as it turns out, my anonymous expert is not alone in questioning Cheney’s story.
According to Slate, Whittington’s own local hunting buddies are skeptical about the official story that he was shot at a distance of 30 yards.
Hunters at the Vaughn Building are skeptical. The hunt took place on a cold, windy afternoon. Whittington and his fellow hunters were probably wearing warm clothing
This piece of shit coward Cheney has never told the truth about anything in his life. Why would you expect him to start now? The rethugs are worried about this. They’re really trying hard to change the story but it won’t go away because it NEVER goes away when you get caught in a lie. And it shows you how MORALS and rethugs don’t really go together. They’ll defend ANY republican caught doing ANYTHING as long as it’s a republican.
Our government is the laughing stock of the world, as well it should be.
See? I was right last Sunday when I said Cheney would follow The Swimmer’s playbook. And I think Goldy is absolutely right about booze being involved… after all…. the secret service has a long standing tradition of letting drunks with guns around the VP. They do it all the time. Also, watch the story “evolve”… maybe it’ll turn out that somebody else did it, or the guy did it himself. Maybe Cheney will talk about his mind being a “fog”.
Goldy, you’re a fucking moron…
Goldysteinburg, Do you have any pictures of the dead Mary Jo? Could you post them? Was she wearing a white neck brace like Teddy? Could you do a thread on “Teddy and the Bridge”?
Cheney doesn’t give a fuck about what ANY of us think.
Let’s call it it for what it is:
You HATE Bush and Co. ANYTHING they do is eithe an outright right lie or a crime of some sort.
What’s next? He lied about the color socks he was wearing?
Goldy, good on you. This lying piece of shit, Dick Cheney, convicts himself with his own words. Thirty yards, indeed! This shameful slob should be LAUGHED out of office.
Tree Frog Farmer
I always find it interesting that the people who yell loudest for civil rights have absolutely no problem with the government forcing me to work for it 50% of the year.
Anonymous, Did I miss you post on the Senator “Captain Oldsmobile”/Mary Jo thread? [hehe]
I heard Mr. Whittington speak this morning on the radio concerning the accident. That was all it was – an accident. This story is over. Time to piss on the fire and call in the dogs: the hunt it over.
Do they have to LIE about E$VERYTHING??
And why “Skylar” do you put up with it? Are you just a lying bastard too?
Oh sorry…I forgot.
You’re a Bush Apologist Republican. Lying is endemic to the sub-species, eh?
It was all planned, Goldy. Cheney was field testing Ann Coulter’s final solution to the liberal problem. The 90 feet is part of his cover story.
All you lying sack of shit trolls should go play beaters for Cheney. No body armor. Just get him likkered up, maybe he might hit some birds.
These guys were going to bring integrity to the Whitehouse. Sheesh.
This degenerate bunch of protoplasm couldn’t bring integrity to pond scum.
What a shock. The republican asshole attorney swears he somehow shot himself. I suppose that will be the story by the time Butt Boy Rove gets done with it!
Kevin Carnes aka Jack Burton @5
“Let’s call it it for what it is: You HATE Bush and Co. ANYTHING they do is eithe an outright right lie or a crime of some sort.”
Let’s call it for what it is — Bush, Cheney, and numerous other Republicans have repeatedly been caught lying. That’s the way it is, pardner. It’s not a partisan statement, it’s simply a fact.
At $42 Billion, Largest Contract of its Kind, Company Says
The Halliburton Company announced today that it had won a $42 billion no-bid contract from the U.S. government to reconstruct the reputation of Vice President Dick Cheney.
While Halliburton has been known for massive reconstruction projects in such war-torn nations as Iraq, the $42 billion contract represents the first time that the company has been employed to put its reconstruction expertise to work on one embattled human being.
At the White House, spokesman Scott McClellan defended the $42 billion price tag for the reconstruction effort, telling reporters, “Given how much work Dick Cheney’s reputation is going to take to rebuild, at the end of the day that $42 billion contract is going to look like a bargain.”
Mr. McClellan likened the state of Mr. Cheney’s reputation to conditions on the ground in Iraq, “only worse.”
But even as Halliburton began gearing up for the daunting task of reconstructing the vice president’s reputation, an unlikely critic of the plan, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-Ill), questioned the wisdom of even attempting to rebuild Dick Cheney.
Rep. Hastert said that based on what he had seen of Dick Cheney’s reputation in recent days, it reminded him of the city of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, making him wonder whether the vice president could be rebuilt at all.
“It looks like a lot of Dick Cheney could be bulldozed,” Rep. Hastert said.
Of course, when you lie about everything, all the time, you’re bound to get caught lying.
“I always find it interesting that the people who yell loudest for civil rights have absolutely no problem with the government forcing me to work for it 50% of the year. Comment by [JCH]— 2/17/06 @ 11:28 am”
Aren’t you the guy who was bragging just yesterday that you don’t work at all? That you retired at age 51? Which is it?
Color-coded System Would Warn Nation of Future Attacks by Veep
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced today that his department would immediately implement a “Cheney Alert” system to warn Americans if an attack by Vice President Dick Cheney is imminent.
The Department of Homeland Security has been under pressure to respond to the widespread panic and anxiety that have gripped the nation since Mr. Cheney shot and wounded a fellow quail hunter while on a hunting trip in Texas over the weekend.
Across the country, people have holed up in their homes and hoarded food and water, fearing another senseless attack by the gun-toting vice president.
“What we have learned, the hard way, is that Dick Cheney can attack without warning,” Mr. Chertoff said. “It is our hope that with this Cheney Alert system we will be able to give the American people some warning before he strikes again.”
The alert system, with five color-coded levels indicating the likelihood of another brutal pellet attack by the Vice President, was derided by some in Congress such as Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del), who likened it to “closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.”
“The fact is, the White House already had ample warning that Dick Cheney was going to strike, and they sat on their hands and did nothing,” Mr. Biden said, referring to a Presidential Daily Brief dated February 4 with the title, “Dick Cheney Determined to Strike in US.”
Elsewhere, former Education Secretary William Bennett said that he was “outraged” that an NHL gambling ring has been in operation for five years and he was never invited to participate in it.
It was a Rethiglican ‘blowjob’. Here, son, just suck on the end of this gun.
Believed Shooting Victim Was Zawahiri, Veep Says
Vice President Dick Cheney revealed today that he shot a fellow hunter while on a quail hunting trip over the weekend because he believed the man was the fugitive terror mastermind Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Mr. Cheney acknowledged that the man he sprayed with pellets on Saturday was not al-Zawahiri but rather Harry Whittington, a 78-year-old millionaire lawyer from Austin, blaming the mix-up on “faulty intelligence.”
“I believed I had credible intelligence that al-Zawahiri had infiltrated my hunting party in disguise with the intent of spraying me with pellets,” Mr. Cheney told reporters. “Only after I shot Harry in the face and he shouted ‘Cheney, you bastard’ did I realize that this intelligence was faulty.”
Moments after Mr. Cheney’s assault on Mr. Whittington, Mr. al-Zawahiri appeared in a new videotape broadcast on al-Jazeera to announce that he was uninjured in the vice president’s attack because, in his words, “I was in Pakistan.”
An aide to the vice president said he believed that the American people would believe Mr. Cheney’s version of events, but added, “If he was going to shoot any of his cronies right now it’s a shame it wasn’t Jack Abramoff.”
At the White House, President George W. Bush defended his vice president’s shooting of a fellow hunter, saying that the attack sent “a strong message to terrorists everywhere.”
“The message is, if Dick Cheney is willing to shoot an innocent American citizen at point-blank range, imagine what he’ll do to you,” Mr. Bush said.
rujax @ 10 & 11 –
OK. Who shot John Kennedy?
Why are they hiding aliens from outer space in Area 51?
Take the tinfoil off your head.
Skylarthegrifter@22 No second shooter here. The other hunters restrained Cheney from administering ‘the mercy shot’.
The Bushites truly believe that they should be able to control what is “news” and how the media should conduct itself. Within a day, all we heard from the buttfucks is that the Cheney story isn’t news, the shooting was an accident, and everyone needs to focus on something else. The refrain continues–see post 9 above. The Bushites yearn to have Soviet-style control of the media. They would love to have something akin to Tass/Pravda. They probably have plans drafted to implement a takeover of the media. There’s nothing these guys hate more than getting challenged and being held accountable. Guess what you fuckheads who try to dictate how the media should conduct itself–at least at this point in time, there remain some journalists and media outlets that will decide for themselves what stories are worth reporting. For now, I think this Cheney shooting incident just may be a gift that keeps on giving.
While we know the $7 check for the bird stamp ‘is in the mail’ I want to know that another check covering the cost of the Air Force plane that took Cheney to this hunt. Cheney sez he ‘privatized’ this trip (retroactively). That means he owes multiple thousands for the trip.
These guys want more ‘mulligans’ than a potzer golfer!
Righ on Goldy.
Oops, I forgot to capitalize it and put it in quote marks, like this:
Cheney was field testing Ann Coulter’s “Final Solution to the Liberal Problem.”
Skylar = wingnut apologist for Cheney
This was the man who was going to ‘give Gravitas’ to monkey face’s administration. I would have to say, it got pretty damn ‘grave’ on this ‘hunting’ trip.
Roger Rabbit = Arrogant self-centered old man who’s pissed off because he got cought up in the Vietnam War. He was so arrogant that he thought he wouldn’t get drafted, but they got him anyway. He wasn’t smart enough for the Air force or the Navy. He ended up with the grunts, and it was where he belonged.
JCH, Mark the Redneck, Jack Burton = quailtards
Since the Right is always yammering on about how our elected leaders are supposed to be models of decency and virtue for the rest of us, I want to know if it is now OK next time I accidentally run over a friend with my car to keep the police away from me for 14 hours, not accompany my friend to the hospital, go have a drink, and for my eyewitness/passenger to disappear for the next five days and counting (still not available)?
“Sigmund Freud” = Angry, fat white guy pissed off he’s no longer important just because he’s white, deeply closeted to boot, and eternally dreaming of killing his mother and fucking his father due to a tragic misinterpretation of Freud
“Anonymous” = Rogert Rabbit?
Could be…
rujax206 and all others – This story will be disappearing in a few days. Better get your digs in now before it’s over.
Actually, I’m not. So fuck yourself. After you attend to dad.
SkylartheGrifter@35 Actually this story will have a shelf life of thirty plus years. Everytime a moron like Doofus or Mark the Retarded Redneck bring up Ted Kennedy, you’ll have to ‘duck’ or ‘quail’ from mention of the Armstrong Ranch.
This is not going away. The present administration and party in control has taken another huge hit in the polls. The price to be extracted this November. Please, no crying from the trolls when you lose control of the Senate and House. Then your lame duck President can coast into retirement as the worst in our history. He is already boasts the lowest approval rating numbers of ALL TIME. Can you all say President Clinton, President Hillary Clinton. All of your wives and girlfriends will be cancelling your votes secretly. The return of calm and sensible government is upon you. Good day!
I almost forgot. JCH, from the bottom of my heart….FUCK YOU!!!
You know, like Rabbit, I am getting angry. I am armed. Unlike Cheney, if it comes to arms, my shots won’t be accidents.
(The preceding statement is intended for humorous purposes only. There is no intent to harm anyone, living or imagined or to act in any manner that violates the law) If you are offended by my comments, well, what can I say but….FUCK YOU TOO!
Hippity Hop @ 15
Who is Kevin Carnes? Let me know so I can understand the insult
About those Bush & Co. lies: Where are the convictions for perjury?
And to the folks at homeland security who may be monitoring this blog, have a nice day and I hope this fits nicely up your collective asses.
Jack Burton,
I suggest you Google Kevin Carnes. You can do that can’t you? The convictions are about to start rolling in. DeLay first, then the rest of the pack. Can’t you feel the tide turning? Is your head so far up your ass? Oh, that’s right, I forgot. You are an ignoranus. This is when you are both stupid (for you stooopid) and an asshole.
“Jack Burton” got his nickname because of an STD he once had, which his girlfriend referred to as “big trouble in little china.”
Still curious as to why we don’t hear from Soupy, Cyniclown and Amused Ding Dong anymore. Kevin, can you tell us? Wait, scratch that. When you speak only lies spew forth.
Anonymous @ 43…..ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!
“Roger Rabbit = Arrogant self-centered old man who’s pissed off because he got cought up in the Vietnam War. He was so arrogant that he thought he wouldn’t get drafted, but they got him anyway. He wasn’t smart enough for the Air force or the Navy. He ended up with the grunts, and it was where he belonged. Comment by Sigmund Freud— 2/17/06 @ 12:12 pm”
This thread is about Dick Cheney and Republican liars, not Roger Rabbit, but since you asked …
1. I wasn’t drafted, I enlisted.
2. I enlisted in the Army, not the Navy or Air Force.
3. You are probably correct that the Navy or Air Force wouldn’t take me. I can’t pass a military physical. For that reason, the Army didn’t want to take me, either, but I talked them into it.
4. Inasmuch as I was physically unfit for military service (due to eyesight), I only served twice — once in the active duty Army (with a combat unit in Vietnam), and once in the Army Reserve.
5. Now you can take your “I’m more patriotic than you” shit and stick it up your ass.
I didn’t volunteer for Navy SEALS or Army Rangers because, realistically, someone with 20/400 eyesight has no business in that kind of duty, as he will be a danger to himself and his buddies. I had to choose service I could perform within my physical limitations, so I choose Army artillery, and my actual job was riding shotgun for truck drivers. We transported artillery shells on the dangerous roads of northern I Corps. I was usually sitting on top of several tons of high explosives, and yes, the roads were mined and sniped, and yes, I survived a North Vietnamese ambush. My driver and I were ahead of the column, so the enemy let us go through, and nailed the tank column behind us.
If my military duty wasn’t warlike enough, or dangerous enough, to suit you — go fuck yourself … and when you’re done fucking yourself, fuck the armadillo you rode in on.
The closest Dick Cheney ever got to a war was playing “Battleships” on his home computer. He’s one of those people who shouldn’t be allowed to play with real guns.
““Anonymous” = Rogert Rabbit? Could be… Comment by Sigmund Freud— 2/17/06 @ 12:17 pm”
Only in your hyperactive imagination. Take your Ritalin, dude.
Roger Rabbit is not “Anonymous.”
“This story will be disappearing in a few days. Better get your digs in now before it’s over. Comment by Skylar Vandergrift— 2/17/06 @ 12:19 pm”
Don’t you wish.
Skylar = apologist for GOP idiots
This story won’t go away because it symbolizes everything that’s wrong with the Bush, Cheney, and their fucked up administration:
1. Incompetent
2. Trigger happy
3. They hurt innocent people
4. They break laws
5. They lie
6. They spin
7. They cover up
“You know, like Rabbit, I am getting angry”
I’m never angry when I take aim. I’m focused. My trigger finger feels no emotion.
Emotion makes you wiggle. Wiggling makes you miss.
What the heck is all this fuss about the V.P., Bill clinton fired off a load in the oval room of the White House and nobody heard about it for a long time, and it wasn’t and accident.
I actually wouldn’t mind if the story went away soon. As awful as Cheney is, he’s not running for anything in ’08; for all of our righteous “the tide is turning” fervor, the decline of the rightists isn’t a done deal.
I think the last thing the country needs is for Cheney to be swept away and someone like Bill Frist to get into the Veep’s chair and get a headstart looking and acting Presidential.
Anon & Left Foot:
Personal attacks and insults do wonders when trying to support a point of view.
The tone of your posts remind me of Ann Coulter.
I get it now: Roger Rabitt is a Gun Bunny
“Fire Mission!”
Unless of course you where in Service Battery
WTF are you talking about?
For one thing, the sheriff did not arrive until the following morning:
For another thing, obviously the big cover-up is due to them hunting while drunk. That kind of reckless play with guns doesn’t sit well with Right-wingers. It’s a huge scandal.
Putty’s newest true believer circle jerk pal…
…Skylar Vandergrift!!!!
Don’t get any on ya’!
“Anon & Left Foot:
Personal attacks and insults do wonders when trying to support a point of view.
The tone of your posts remind me of Ann Coulter.
Comment by Jack Burton— 2/17/06 @ 1:41 pm”
Yeah like you shitheels respond to FACT, logic and reason.
“Anon & Left Foot: Personal attacks and insults do wonders when trying to support a point of view. Comment by Jack Burton— 2/17/06 @ 1:41 pm”
You should know — your side perfected the technique.
“I get it now: Roger Rabitt is a Gun Bunny “Fire Mission!”
Comment by Jack Burton— 2/17/06 @ 1:51 pm”
How’d you guess? I was trained in FDC. For you civilians, that’s Fire Direction Center. You know, calculating range, curvature of earth, air temperature, etc., so the round lands where you want it to. Namely, on the enemy’s ass. They do it with computers now, but I did it with pencil and paper.
Cheney shot the guy because his judgment was impaired by alcohol. Which is why he couldn’t effectively judge his distance. And why he had the sheriff come back the next day.
Both men have publicly stated there was no alcohol involved. I disbelieve both of them.
It should be easy to figure it out though. Let’s see Mr. Whittington’s medical record from the ER.
When a 78-year old man comes to the ER with shotgun wounds from a hunting accident the possibility of surgery to repair internal organs or control bleeding is very real.
No ER doctor in country is going to put anyone, especially a 78 year old man under anesthesia without testing the victim’s blood for alcohol or drugs.
Certainly, they aren’t going to give him pain meds without testing the blood alcohol level either.
The malpractice lawsuit would be too great to risk. Given the fact that Cheney has a well documented history of alcohol and legal troubles why are we to believe him?
I say the DA in Kenedy County has the duty to examine Mr. Whittington’s medical records and test the veracity of their story.
How can you tell Jack Burton is a Republican?
[ ] 1. He looks like a Republican.
[ ] 2. He walks like a Republican.
[ ] 3. He talks like a Republican.
[ ] 4. He can’t spell “rabbit.”
[ ] 5. All of the above.
The field artillery lends dignity to what would otherwise be a mere brawl.
@ 58
Personally, I’d love to see Frist replace Cheney. The sooner the better.
With Frist’s “blind trust” scandal hanging over his head it would be great fodder in ’08.
“The tone of your posts remind me of Ann Coulter. Comment by Jack Burton— 2/17/06 @ 1:41 pm”
Not really. She’s in favor of this, I’m not.
How can you tell Jack Burton is a Republican?
[ ] 1. He looks like a Republican.
[ ] 2. He walks like a Republican.
[ ] 3. He talks like a Republican.
[ ] 4. He can’t spell “rabbit.”
[X] 5. All of the above.
Ann Coulter thinks liberals should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed.”
Who needs a thumb when you’ve got a rabbit dick?
This is a fine example of a run on sentence. The irony is that he was slamming Roger Rabbit for being a “dumb fuck lawyer.”
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Conservatives, what a bunch of meat heads.
Yo is almost as stupid as the WASHOUT.
Speaking of Clarice the WASHOUT, where is the loser?
Roughly 225 members of Congress are dumb fuck lawyers, which perhaps explains some things.
Dick Cheney = 5 draft deferments
George W. Bush = AWOL from National Guard
YO = armchair warrior
Roger Rabbit = patriotic bunny
@ 78
Lawyers are like cops; nobody want them around until some really bad shit happens.
Then they can’t get on the phone fast enough.
Besides, the only dumb fuck lawyers are the ones who get shot in the face on hunting accidents.
Yo = Xena, the warrior princess.
@ 85
Is that you RR?
That whole blood sport shooting game by Chaney was just foreplay (“Chaney Porn”). His viagra no longer works. Everyone knows it’s his failure to achieve an erection that has resulted in thousands of people dead.
Shooting a little captive bird ass, and a friend or two…how else was he going to get it up for his girlfriend Pamela?
Do you read anything you write?
Talk about being a loser.
Try finishing grade school.
Your Mom
vancouversucks @ 88
I think you’re on to something. I’ve long thought that Cheney’s anger comes from being married to a mean-assed lesbian (just take a look at the woman–she’s frighteningly manly). So, he gets nothing at home, and probably only gets something on the road when he gets off his heart meds and engages in macho activity like shooting wingclipped quail from a car. No action starts to produce a lot of rage over time.
“They never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human
knowledge.” — Thomas Brackett Reed
Isn’t this a most apt description of the trolls (JCH, MTR, Oink, Jack Burton, Skylar, etc.) on this blog?
DimWit@6:We know Tree Frog Farmer is Anonymous!
Impotent. NonCowboy (let me tell you from someone who has spent mucho time in Wyoming…anyone Cheney’s age who is NOT a cowboy was a comfort boy for sheep camps). Liar.
LeftFootASS: Apparently you don’t read too well do you. I posted this yesterday: 57% of the US think this is no big deal.
rugratASS: Brilliant writes brilliantly. rugratASS writes shit. Nuff SAID!
Hey! I accurately guessed the pellet size used to wound the vic. What do I win?
It’s probably a free hunting trip with Cheney…
Did your mom have any children that lived?
GBS, SCUBA this AM. Thanks for “axing” [a little Democrat humor]. Kona is beautiful. BTW, can you swim?
Left Foot……Are you Maxine Waters? You sound like Maxine Waters!
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/17/06 @ 3:32 pm [And you comments on Clinton’s military service? I thought so…………..]
Proud Leftist: Is that an oxymoron? Like working welfare hack, or Democrat taxpayer
Get over it! Its not like he was getting a Lewinski or keeping his cigar humid using some strange fashon.
GBS, I saw a fish that looked like you. Kind of pig like. It had a funny nose.
#107 Nah, it was just a little blood sport foreplay so he could satisfy his girlie Pamela. Personally if I had the choice of cigar foreplay or gun foreplay…
Inn’t Geaorge W. Bush the dumbest dickweed on the planet? He says he’s “satisfied” with Vice President Cheney’s explanation of the hunting accident. He said Cheney “handled the issue just fine.”
Let’s see. Dick Cheney drank out on a hunting trip (his admission), ignored every rule of safe hunting and shot a man in the face and chest (his admission), lied about “seeing him fall” (since he said he couldn’t see him before the shot), lied about how far away the man was (simple math), sent the police away until the next morning (police reports), told the woman whose land they were on that the right way to “handle the issue” of the Vice President of the United States drunkenly sending a 78 year old man to the ICU was to announce it in the local paper in a county of 414 residents, then leave the state without giving the police a statement, and didn’t tell his boss the POTUS that he had shot a man in the face for 36 hours.
What’s not to be satisfied with? You’re doing a heck of a job, Dickie.
#110. Yeah Daddy Love. With his coke habbit, his AWOL past, his wife who murdered a young man and never stood trial, his party-hardy kids. He’s one A-ONE top specimen of Republican Values.
Comment by YO— 2/17/06 @ 2:40 pm
Comment by YO— 2/17/06 @ 2:42 pm
I’ll just let your writing skills speak for themselves as to who’s the loser and who’s the winner.
Obviously, Yo was working for JCH in the canoe club. Two loser peas in a pod.
Hey Putty-
You’re a dumb-d-dumb-dumb dumbass on this thread too.
93 – Add YO the sticky keyboard guy to that list.
Clarice, you never told us about the ridicule your father suffered when he had to tell everyone he worked with that his future Naval Aviator son WASHED-OUT of ground school and is now a supply clerk “servicing” Marines at sea.
How did that work out for your father?
J Clarice H:
Tell us, how did your parents remove the “Fly Navy” bumper stickers from their cars?
Did they scrape them off with a putty knife, or did the use rubbing alcohol?
GBS, I bet you think of me in the middle of the night! You need to get a life.
GBS, I saw a fish today that looked like you. Kind of a pig nosed fish. It didn’t swim very well.
GBS, Did you know Goldy’s daughter was a NAVY SEAL? Just like you!
Puddy Pud @ 98 Look dumbass, the Rasmussen Report is as unbiased as the FOX News Channel. What a joke, Brit Hume (fair and balanced?) “interviewing” (throwing softballs) Cheney. Both are conservative spouting fountains of Republican bullshit. It was no accident that Cheney was made available to FOX and not to the MSM, the unbiased souls who would have asked about the holes in Cheney story (pack of lies) and wiped that fake look of concern off his otherwise smug face. One trait among you conservatives is your inability to hear anything other than the party line. And worse, the blind faith at which you take every word (lie).
Jack Burton,
You are a moron. Someone needs to tell you. It is cruel to be kind sometimes. When you post a logical, fact based statement here, I will be happy to respond in kind. For now, as your illustrious Vice President might say, Get the fuck out of the way.
Rabbit, I am angry now, but when the lead is flying, the cold calm in my eyes will be evident to the enemy. I love this country. I will not stand silently by while Republicans tear her apart from the inside out. I will heed the call to actions.
Oxymoron’s kind of a big word for you to try out. Here’s a good example of an oxymoron: “compassionate conservative.”
JCH is that cum in your regulator, or did you hook up the wrong hose?
(un)Sound Politics is looking for you. Apparently they are one shit short of a load and would like you to return ASAP. Dont’ worry, we won’t miss you. And, quite frankly, your facination with Rabbit is beginning to concern us. He is cute and furry and God knows it has been a long time since you held something cute and furry, but he is not the bunny for you.
YO, I have to come to GBS’ support here. SEAL Demolition. It’s tough.
GBS – I learned much from my corpsman nephew. When you told me about yourself it was easy to figure it out. MY CW4 bro-in-law asked about your last service component commander.
YO, you claimed 30 years in MOS/NEC. What did you do? Otherwise I have to agree with GBS, you are not making much sense here.
Now for JCH, you need to clarify the AVGAS vs. JP-5 issue! You are operating abeam of marks and GBS!
LeftFootUpHisASS: How good are you with history? Which reporter did Clinton run to after the Lewinsky suck-off was discovered? No peeking now!
‘Pappy’ Shot Down by Campus Ignoramuses
It’s well known that college students today aren’t as educated in our nation’s history as they should be, but it’s still hard to grasp the mind-bending political correctness just displayed by the University of Washington’s student senate at its campus in Seattle.
The issue before the Senate this month was a proposed memorial to World War II combat pilot Gregory “Pappy” Boyington, a 1933 engineering graduate of the university, who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his service commanding the famed “Black Sheep” squadron in the Pacific. The student senate rejected the memorial because “a Marine” is not “an example of the sort of person UW wants to produce.”
Digging themselves in deeper, the student opponents of the memorial indicated: “We don’t need to honor any more rich white males.” Other opponents compared Boyington’s actions during World War II with murder.
“I am absolutely bewildered that the Student Senate voted down the resolution,” Brent Ludeman, the president of the UW College Republicans, told me. He noted that despite the deficiencies of the UW History Department, the complete ignorance of Boyington’s history and reputation by the student body was hard to fathom. After all, “Black Sheep Squadron,” a 1970s television show portraying Colonel Boyington’s heroism as a pilot and Japanese prisoner of war, still airs frequently on the History Channel. Apparently, though, it’s an unusual UW student who’d be willing to learn any U.S. history even if it’s spoonfed to him by TV.
As for the sin of honoring a rich white male, Mr. Ludeman points out that Boyington (who died in 1988) was neither rich nor white. He happened to be a Sioux Indian, who wound up raising his three children as a single parent. “Colonel Boyington is luckily not around to see how ignorant students at his alma mater can be today,” says Kirby Wilbur, a morning talk show host at Seattle’s KVI Radio. Perhaps the trustees and alumni of the school will now help educate them.
[U of W, A bunch of dumb ass liberal Democrat students who are as clueless as Left Foot, Goldy, and GBS. What a total waste of taxpayer’s funds.]
A conversation one day at the workplace of JCH’s father:
“Oh, yeah?!?! That’s nothing, my son graduated from Penn State and now he’s an officer in the Navy!”
“They just sent him to Pensacola, Florida. You know what they do down there?”
“NOOOOO?!?!” “You guys are knuckleheads.”
“That’s where the Navy trains the best of the best to become fighter pilots in only THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!”
“Yep, you’re looking at the proud father of soon-to-be “U” “S” Navy fighter pilot, boys.”
“He’s in ground school right now.” “Just a mere formality, though In a few weeks they’re probably going to get him flying in some trainer jet.”
“He’s going to fly F-14 Tomcats when he gets his ‘seat in the fleet'”
“Seat in the fleet, that’s what my son said they call it when a pilot gets carrier qualified.”
“Someday, I bet he’s gonna be a . . a. . . (JCH’s dad getting vechlempt) . . a Blue Angle!!!!”
“I’m so proud of him.” **sniff**
Proud Leftist, I always find it interesting that the people who yell loudest for “compassion” and “civil rights” have absolutely no problem with the government forcing me to work for it 50% of the year. Atlas has Shrugged, and soon you libs will have to tax each other for your free lunch.
Guns Don’t Kill People
Dick Cheney Does
@ 127
Geez, I feel sick to my stomach. I actually agree with JCH.
GBS, Can you swim?
GBS, Aren’t those U of W students bitching about honoring World War II combat pilot Gregory “Pappy” Boyington your liberal leftist Democrat buddies?
JCH = JESUS CHRIST, HAROLD. (what his father, mother, teachers, co-workers say to him most often)
Famous Democrats: Jane Fonda, Toyko Rose, U of W students, Left Foot, Beltowner, Goldy, and GBS
My Left Foot, I bet you are one of those loser U of W Democrat students bitching about white Medal of Honor males in WWII.
134: Can I swim?? Uhhh, gee, no, JCH I guess I can’t swim now that I think about it. I’m afraid of swimming. Dumb ass.
135: Yes, they are bitching and it seems fairly narrow minded to me. But, it’s their right to be dumb, as is it yours.
Democrats honor REAL HEROS, like Jesse Jackson, “Tookie” Williams, and Joe Stalin!
JCH, where is this free lunch you are always screaming about. I have worked my ass for 30 years and I have not once had a free lunch. One time I won a Big Mac on a scratch off ticket at Micky D’s. Does that count?
GBS, I don’t know why, but the pig fish reminded me of you.
My Left Foot, When the overtaxed private sector just………leaves, blacks, “guvment” workers, and welfare hacks can tax each other. That will be fun to watch. Atlas has Shrugged.
Good idea JCH, just leave. We would love it.
LeftFootUpHisASS:UUUUUNNNNNNTTT, wrong you stupid idiot. You are as smart as those UW Dummocrap stunuts! Try again!
GBS: These UW stunuts (spelled correctly) probably have relatives in SF such as SF Supervisor Gerardo Sandovar, who helped block the USS Iowa from being docked in San Francisco. This is what liberal teachers teach students in high school and college today. You ignorant leftist ASSes on ASSHeads cannot comprehend where they are going because they have no sense from whence they came! And my son has applied to UW. Yeeeech! I’m telling him to get educated out-of-state!
GBS, My Left Foot, Goldy, and Beltowner, Instead of honoring Gregory “Pappy” Boyington at U of W, you Democrats could honor “Tookie” Williams. Maxine Waters and Jesse and Al and LOuis would all be there to celebrate!!
Good idea JCH, just leave. We would love it.
Comment by vancouversucks— 2/17/06 @ 4:54 pm [When I leave, so does my tax dollars. Multiply by 100,000, and Atlas has Shrugged. Who are you loser Democrats going to tax?]
JCH funny how you want to crucify Clinton for a blowjob very few men would have turned down and yet you are willing to forgive, forget and ignore the unlawful discharge of a firearm by the Vice President. How do you justify this position? One act perfectly legal. One act perfectly illegal. How, JCH, do you wrap your mind around it. You forgive one, but not the other. A man nearly died. My father taught me one thing about firearms. Once the trigger is pulled, you cannot recall the shot. Be ABSOLUTELY sure of your target. So, asshole, explain how you mind fuck yourself into your position.
vancouversucks, Millions of taxpayers are leaving California, and millions of tax receiving illegals are moving in. What 10 years, and California will be a third world Mexico. Thank God I moved out 3 years ago.
#147 That’s OK JCH, nice of you to worry about us but really, truly we can manage without you.
Puddybud @ 125:
“MY CW4 bro-in-law asked about your last service component commander.”
I’m not sure what your stating here. Are you saying your Warrant Officer brohter-in-law wants to know who my SCC was? Or, that he knew a SCC?
A SCC is close to the OTC (Officer in Tactical Command) if I remember correctly. Either way, no SCC knew me personaly and vice versa.
#148 JCH’s sorry ass is satisfied to parrot “it is the will of Landru”
LeftFootUpHisASS: You’ll cheat so here it is:
Once again the left is as stupid as dirt!
Just in case you all forgot the Clinton/Lewinsky limericks:
GBS: He was wondering where your last post was and if you knew your SCC. He is much older than me but is still well connected in the retired officer clubs especially being a past president of one.
152, [VS], Aloha, and fuck you! Tax someone else!!
Puddybud, this comment is NOT for your EYES!!
JCH @ 142:
Why did the “pig fish” remind you of me? Did it have a huge black dick and you couldn’t resist putting your white mouth on it and sucking like Tookie Williams cell mate?
I was discharged out of Coronado, officially in Jan ’91.
Like I said, you’d have to be pretty high up the food chain to know and SCC and espcially and OTC.
Even JCH never met an OTC or a JTF commander.
GBS:LMAO ROTFL Tookie Love back at him!
Teddy and the Bridge and 30 years later an ilicit presidential blowjob. Wow! What nerve. Who cares about you? Go fuck yourselves…
What’s interesting is how the internet is goosing the MTM into actually having to confront facts rather than cover for these right wing bastards.
OH shit, I’m starting to spell like YO.
That’s pretty sad.
OK JCH enough. First, I know who Pappy was. I am proudly the son of an Army Ranger Sgt. who jumped at Normandy (saving the pussy French’s ass). I was raised to love this country, serve this country and raised my son the same way. I also know that my fathers generation saved the world. I know too that he would be the first to defend the right of the UW students to voice their opinion (no matter how wrong they may be). Generations of men have died so you and they can be as wrong as you choose to be without fear of government reprisal.
The problem with you Republifucks is that you want to silence the opposition, something that would turn the stomachs of the Greatest Generation. Your one track mind amazes me, but I would defend your right, to my own death, to spout it. I doubt that you can honestly make the same statement with any conviction. Like the devine Ms. Coulter, you would ship us to internment camps and exterminate those who could not be re-educated. Well, ass wipe, fuck you. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Your time is done. Enjoy the last few months of your power (abuse) because the majority is about to speak. Volumes.
HEY, I said the Tookie Willams thing wasn’t for your eyes, Puddybud!!
Left Foot
EXACTLY how is this country being torn apart from the inside out?
Puddy Pud……FOX is the flagship station of the Extreme Right Wing. Jim Lehrer is a respected jounalist of, to my knowledge, no known political persuasion. Hume is a Republican apologist with a very strong bias. Might as well have come to Rush Limberger for the interview. Please, don’t compare apples to assholes again. It just shows you for what you are. An asshole!!!!
So you were SD based! He thought so. ’91 Hmmm…, he was retired (+30) working as a civilian electrical engineer at Coronado. I don’t remember his location. Retired again in 1993 with a lump sum retirement. Otherwise would have been a triple dipper!
Check this out:
I’m out of here. Puddybud, let’s get a bite of lunch when PacMan gets back to town. Hope you feel better soon.
JCH, you know what’s funny to me? I’m in your fucking head, messing with you and you don’t even know it. I’m winning the psyops war, bud.
Here’s how I know and I’ll point it out to everyone on the thread.
JCH @ 108 wrote:
“GBS, I saw a fish that looked like you. Kind of pig like. It had a funny nose.
Comment by [JCH]— 2/17/06 @ 3:50 pm
The truth is you don’t know me and have no idea what I look like. Yet, while you were out SCUBA diving in paradise, you thought of me.
@ 118 you wrote:
“GBS, I bet you think of me in the middle of the night! You need to get a life.
Comment by [JCH]— 2/17/06 @ 4:16 pm
This is your Freudian slip. Now we know you’re thinking of me in the middle of night and while you’re diving. 24/7 you’re my mental bitch.
By your own admission, JCH, you have told us you are thinking about me when you’re away from this blog.
That’s why you WASHED-OUT, JCH, you are mentally weak.
Best part of this whole thing is that no matter how hard the far right fruitcakes spin this, the GOP looks like shit because of dickless (I had other priorities) Cheney the chickenhawk who can’t shoot straight. Republican train wreck #47944040984 and counting! HE HE!
Dear Jack,
Well, lets start with the matter of the corrupt Republican politicians. Delay, Cunningham, Frist, Ney, etc, etc…
Now lets move on to the lies of the administration. About weapons of mass destruction. About the economy. About torture. About the war is won. Shall I continue?
Now lets talk a bit about the separation of Church and State. About the interference of congress, no less, in a right to die case in Fl. About congressmen calling for the impeachment of justices, who rightly stood up to congress, and decided the case had been decided properly. About the choosing of judges based on their moral (read conservative political and religious) mind sets.
From there we can go to the failure of the government to properly prepare for Katrina. An entire MAJOR U.S. city was destroyed. The government dropped the ball. At all levels. Blame is still being passed around, but the city is still in ruins. (And don’t give me that crap that I don’t know, I WAS FUCKING THERE. HELPING. I saw it with my own eyes).
This is what I mean by torn apart from the inside out. The threat is not Russia or communists. The threat is, sadly, our own government. We have allowed to take too much control. It acts with impunity. With arrogance. With no concern for the people for whom it was created to serve. I am sorry that you can’t see this. I am sorry that your selfish view of the world and the joy of power has tainted your ability to see things for what they are. But don’t worry, it is all about to be fixed. The people will take back control and if politicians wish to continue they will heed the voice of the people.
Uhhh LeftFootUpHisASS, Apparently you don’t know this or are just too dumb to figure it out. Lehrer is a softball thrower. He chose Lehrer like most dummocraps choose Larry King! SOFTBALLS! Man you are so ignorant the screen bleeds it! Google it and read the other takes on that interview. Here let me ASSist you: clinton lehrer lewinsky. See ya dumbASS!
Fox is more fair and balanced than ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN ever were. Tell me who they had on their shows.
Let’s see
Meet the Depressed – All Lefties
Feces on the Nation – All Lefties
This Week with:
Brinkley – George Will, Bill Kristol
Sam & Cokie – George Will
George Steponallofus – Fired Bill Kristol, now Him alone
Capital Gang – Two Lefties – Two Righties But Al Hunt or Mark Shields always gets the last word in!
Hannity vs Colmes
Susan Estridge, Bob Beckel, James Carville, Juan Williams, and Mara Liasson, Morton Kondracke, Ceci Connelly, etc. are all lefties.
John Gibson, Greta Van Susteren are middle of the road.
No other channel has opponents like that going after each other. Watch Chris Matthews and see all the leftists he interviews every night.
So LeftFootUpHisAss: Blah blah blah on Fox News. You all are angry your little shop of horrors called the weekday evening news is finally exposed!
Hmmm, let’s see if anyone is guilty of hyperbole on this thread:
Goldy: Guilty several counts but I waived most due to this being his blog (See below for the unwaived).
My Left Foot @148
Clinton for a blowjob very few men would have turned down and yet you are willing to forgive, forget and ignore the unlawful discharge of a firearm by the Vice President. How do you justify this position? One act perfectly legal. One act perfectly illegal.
If it weren’t for your target being JCH, I would take you to task for the obvious in your post…Specifically, I am a man who would have turned down a blowjob by Monika (IN FACT, SHE is the reason I felt Bill should be impeached). If you are the head honcho, judgment does matter. Had Monika had the obvious attributes of an attractive female, I would not have given the matter much thought back then…
Similarly, I believe Cheney made a grievous error in judgment at a critical point. I thank God Whittington has walked out of that hospital. But we are talking about birdshot and a 78 year old. The only inane question now is some distance thingy.
Well, first of all, if the shooting actually took place at the much closer range experts suggest, then Cheney and his eyewitnesses have lied to investigators, and that I assume would constitute a crime.
You assume wrongly. Is Cheney a walking theodolite? Perhaps we should convene “My Cousin Vinny” to answer the burning questions here…
Yeah GBS, I’m out of here too.
re 168: The government is in the hands of people who hate government and don’t know the first thing about how to use it for any other purpose than lining their own, rich peoples’ , and huge corporate profits.
They want a government that’s just strong enough to keep you down if you decide to change it. Iraq is a test run. They even set the army loose and left enough loose weapons lying around to test the proposition.
Really?!?! I’ve always thought Monica was kinda cute. Now Linda Tripp, theres a horror show, but I guess to each his own.
#170 You forgot the other question: why is the VP of Mr Family Values doing Pamela?
Dick is too old to be a theodolite, he’s more like a Brunton.
vancouversucks, you know I always thought the biggest problem with going after Bill Clinton about the blowjob is that it essentially had nothing to do with the operation of the government and was not a crime. Similarly, who the vp might be having or not having sex with is completely irrelevent to the significant questions about alcohol, ignoring press requests for information, and ignoring local game laws. I think its nothing more than a distraction from real issues actually.
addendum to “it essentially had nothing to do with the operation of the government and was not a crime.” All that plus, it had nothing to do with what Ken Starr was hired to do, which was look into real estate deals. There is a man who is a flimflam artist, look into real estate and come up with gossip.
You really gotta wonder, next time you get called as a witness in crime, is it ok for the prosecutor to ask who you sleep with? How about if they figure out that it wasn’t a crime and they guy you saw didn’t actually do anything but they call you on the stand anyway and ask about your sex life?
Harry Whittington: ‘I’m a Lucky Person’
The lawyer shot by Vice President Dick Cheney during a hunting trip was being discharged from a hospital on Friday and told reporters he was sorry for all the trouble Cheney had faced over the past week.
“We all assume certain risks in what we do, in what activities we pursue,” Whittington, 78, said as he stood out the hospital in a suit, his face clearly bruised.
“Accidents do and will happen,” Whittington said, “and that’s what happened.”
Whittington thanked the hospital staff. He also said he was sorry for all the difficulty the vice president and his family had faced. He said the past weekend encompassed “a cloud of misfortune and sadness.”
“My family and I are are deeply sorry for everything that Vice President Cheney and his family had to go through this week,” Whittington said, appearing emotional in front of television cameras.
Speaking in Wyoming to the state Legislature Friday, Cheney said, “Thankfully, Harry Whittington is on the mend and doing very well.”
ROTFLMAO! You libs are classic! You probably all need counseling. GBS, the fish did look like you! VPL! [very pig like!] BTW, can you swim?
I’m guessing puddy and “gazpacho soup” JCH are ok with that, but how about the people here who think for themselves?
That’s why you WASHED-OUT, JCH, you are mentally weak. [GBS] GBS, I write one sentence, you go off with a book! Sounds like a little inferiority complex. Learn to swim! BTW, Did you know My Left Foot was a Navy SEAL?
“Fox is more fair and balanced than ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN ever were. Tell me who they had on their shows.”
I dunno, Pudd, but it seems that this can in part be proved demonstrably false, at least insofar as the guests appearing on those shows.
As for the so-called “liberal bias”, whether it be real or imagined, I’d just like to know where conservatives are on the fairness doctrine these days. You don’t exactly see themselves falling over each other to get it reinstated.
Personally, I don’t think any of the Sunday morning talkshow hosts lob anything other than softballs most of the time, and on the rare occasion that they do ask a difficult question, they usually fail to follow up when the guest obfuscates. If you want to see a real hardball-lobbing journalist in action, watch a Jeremy Paxman interview sometime. IMO, his interviews should be required viewing by all US journalism students.
Marks @ 170, Let me quote you first….
“But we are talking about birdshot and a 78 year old. The only inane question now is some distance thingy.”
OK, dickhead. It is a gun. Birdshot is deadly. It is intended to kill. He fired the weapon without a clear target (at least that is what it looks like, maybe he did have a clear target). I am also relieved to know that 78 year old men are expendable. Where does your dad live? How old is he? We can begin the culling with him? Are you out of your fucking mind to make an imbecilic remark like that? Holy cow man, according you if it is an older person the situation is acceptable. What a fucking moron. Please, pull your head all the way out and take a deep breath. For God’s sake he is a human being, not a disposable unit of minerals and water. I am beside myself. How the fuck did you manage to type that? Do your parents know you feel this way about the elderly? Have you volunteered for disposal on your 40th birthday. Jesus H. Christ man. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Maybe this document will put Cheney’s accident into context. Compare the official version of events with the 30 hunting accidents that occurred in Texas last year. His accident seems most similar to this one:
“Comments: Victim was covered by shooter swinging on game outside of his safe zone of fire. Shooter had just retrieved a downed bird and then fired at another quail that flushed and flew in the direction of the victim. Many pellets struck victim in the upper torso, arms and face.
“Prevention: Always point the muzzle in a safe direction; stay within a safe zone of fire; communicate with hunting companions; know where others are positioned at all times; wear blaze orange to be seen; apply what is learned in the hunter education course.”
Oops — “this document” (above) can be found here;
“I am beside myself” [My Left Foot]. Hey, Don’t work yourself up in a tizzie, gay boy!
Dr. E…Any advice on driving an Oldsmobile off a bridge and leaving a young women to die? I must have missed your post on this! [hehe]
My Left Foot [who is “beside himself”], Do you “know” Bob from Boeing?
Really?!?! I’ve always thought Monica was kinda cute.
I think we part company with that.
As for how any of this affects the day-to-day running of our essential government services, ummm, nil.
Hmm, did you have other questions?
Goldy’s theories are completely credible. The secret service has a long history of letting drunks with guns sneak up behind the VP. It isn’t widely known, but those secret service guys are really a bunch of happy go lucky give a fuck party kinda guys.
JCH, I am only addressing the Navy Seal comment you made. I was not a Navy Seal. My service record, of which I am very proud, is not fodder for this blog. I am more than willing to engage you in banter and prose, but I am not going to dignify your lies with a response other than this one. My wife would like to talk to you about your reference in comment 186. WE ALL KNOW WHO HAS MASCULINITY issues as soon as one tosses the “gay” bomb.
My Left Foot embarks on his/her meanest mission yet:
Marks made a comment; seek and destroy!
I am also relieved to know that 78 year old men are expendable. Where does your dad live? How old is he? We can begin the culling with him? Are you out of your fucking mind to make an imbecilic remark like that?
If I had some time, I would refute. I am waiting till my 78th birthday…or until after dinner…whichever comes first…
JCH we do own you. You are our bitch now. We are in your head. You can’t seem to type a cogent sentence now that you are hearing the voices. Well you couldn’t do it before you heard the voices either.
“Dr. E…Any advice on driving an Oldsmobile off a bridge and leaving a young women to die?”
Nope, but if you really wanna know how to do it, maybe you can find something here.
Dr Bonghit – Have you ever fired a weapon? Ever? Without googling, explain the difference between a shotgun and a rifle.
Marks @ 192….you said it. It is there for everyone to see. Did I misquote you? No. You minimized the situation using the man’s age. I simply extrapolated that that is your position on all older Americans. I chose your father to make a point that might get through to you. I meant no harm and mean no harm to your father. So please, make your argument but leave out the part where I wish harm upon your father.
Also you quoted me without the relevant quote from your post:
“But we are talking about birdshot and a 78 year old. The only inane question now is some distance thingy.” How else should I have taken your statement? Distance thingy? I left that be but since you are intent to defend yourself….there is a huge difference between 30 feet and 30 yards. Most experts agree that Cheney was much closer to him than 30 yards. The “birdshot” penetrated layers of clothing.
Now, have at it.
“Have you ever fired a weapon?”
“Without googling, explain the difference between a shotgun and a rifle.”
“Shotgun” is a small bore weapon you give to Dick Cheney when he’s had a few and wants to kill some crippled, cage-raised birds. “Rifle” is the weapon the Secret Service snipers will be sporting wherever Chucklenuts and Evil Dick might be appearing.
correction above “smoothbore”
Oh, and also: shotguns go “boom”; rifles go “pow”. Or prrrkhkhkhhh. Or something like that.
Hey, MTR … maybe that should be your word for the day: onomatopoeia.
Or, better yet, usufruct.
JCH, you syphilitic sycophant (check your dictionary),
You always want to talk about the 50% you pay in taxes to the federal government and that somehow Democrats take and don’t pay. I’m very confident that I pay more in taxes than you do, and as an employer, my employees probably pay more than you do, too. I could care less if my taxes paid for good government; hell, I’d be happy to pay more. But, paying for this federal government that we have now, I have to agree with you–it’s painful, isn’t it, to have to pay GWB’s salary?
“syphilitic sycophant”
How ’bout “bilious lickspittle”?
“My wife would like to talk to you about your reference in comment 186.” [Mr. and Mrs. Left Foot] Dear Mrs. Left Foot, OK, babe, talk away!!!
JCH we do own you. You are our bitch now. We are in your head. You can’t seem to type a cogent sentence now that you are hearing the voices. Well you couldn’t do it before you heard the voices either.
Comment by My Left Foot— 2/17/06 @ 6:29 pm [We? WE? Would that include Mrs. Left Foot? Would she like to “own” me?]
Dr. E @ 203–I like it.
Has kind of a Tristam Shandy ring to it, ya know?
My Left Foot, I’m standing by to talk to Mrs. Left Foot!! I look forward to move the discussion to “Tookie” Williams anal love. I hope it will be a “fruitful” conversation!
206, Mrs. Left Turn will say the same! [“I like it.”]
“JCH we do own you.” [ROTFLMAO!] “Own me!!” Mrs. Left Foot!!
Llllllllloooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! [“Own me!”]
Okay My Left Foot,
Thank you for pointing out that I engaged in the same hyperbole that makes this a non-issue. My apologies.
I do note the following:
Birdshot is deadly. It is intended to kill.
Yes, kill birds.
He fired the weapon without a clear target (at least that is what it looks like, maybe he did have a clear target).
You weren’t there, were you? Is this not just an exercise in speculation? If I thought it would add value, I’d bring up OJ and his tribulations, but there is no real comfort in that…and red herring is not what I want for dinner.
@175 why is the VP of Mr Family Values doing Pamela?
You have been reading too much Huffington blog…
If the VP were trying to cover up his affair with Pamela Welleford, perhaps he shouldn’t have invited her husband along on the hunt too. Or did you not know that little fact that they “forgot” to tell you about?
#208 JCH is standing by to talk to Mrs Leftfoot, it will be the first woman he’s talked to in years. All that time he spends in the basement (he calls it SCUBA) with his schlong in his hand…
Vancouversucks@ 214. You know what JCH has is a schlort, if he had a schlong I would introduce him to my sister.
@214 (uh, Hi headless) and 215
That is funny!
215…Come to me, Mrs. Left Foot! Take it Democrat “Tookie Williams” style!
Swallow, Mrs. Left Foot! No spitting!
218, cont……… Good girl! Here’s your two dollars!
Vancouversucks, Your turn!
#213 Powerline got her name wrong Michael, it’s Willeford. Since when has a minor glitch like being married stopped you guys? Get real.
Very funny Mrs. Leftfoot!
Oh, crap, JCH is still a living breathing human (umm, okay, maybe not). JCH, can’t you just go hunting with Dick?
Mrs. Left Foot, Say hello to the San Diego Chargers Football Team!
Clearly I got it right if that is your idea of how to please Mrs Leftfoot JCH. Typical of you guys who spend all that time in the basement. No idea at all about women.
Vancouversucks, Say hello to the San Diego Charger Football Team!
224, Vancouversucks, Thanks for your advice. Now, bend over and meet the Chargers!
Okay, JCH, your chance to actually be useful, for a change…
Comment on this:,00.html
I suppose that’s the America that most wingers want to be proud of.
227, could not open. Reached “error”. JCH
Let’s try it this way:,00.html
That oughta work.
Figures your image of sex is rape JCH, no wonder you are a Republican. And no wonder you spend all that time “SCUBA” diving as you call it…
One does have to wonder why not have the secret service agents tell their version rather than Ms. “peppered” Armstrong. And the delay does lend itself to questions as to booze and who may be coming or going from ranch.
I see the total posts on (u)SP comment threads from today total 70 right now. Why don’t you trolls go post some stuff over there to boost his stats?
JCH @all is the reason I refuse to kowtow to the entire republican agenda. Some is good, JCH is bad…
In a functioning democracy, a citizen should never have to kowtow to the agenda of a political party.
Well said, Dr. E.
reply at 233
because it is our civil duty to educate you silly ass liberals. they don’t need our help over there…..they already know right from horribly wrong.
Dr Bong – I was right. You have NFI do you. You’ve NEVER fired a shotgun have you. Here’s another test. Without googling, is a 28 gauge bigger or smaller shot than a 12 gauge.
I thought so…
Bob @237
Yeah, me too…(but JCH still sucks)…Perhaps that is why it sank? Umm, no, not really…
vancouversucks [231] Wasn’t Tookie Williams a hero in the Democrat Party? Yes, all the black Democrat “Get out da vote!” rappers talkin bout hoes and bitches. Not a Republican within miles of the black community!
JCH @all is the reason I refuse to kowtow to the entire republican agenda. Some is good, JCH is bad…
Comment by marks— 2/17/06 @ 7:57 pm [Finally, marks, you are “getting it”. I don’t asked to be supported or liked. Don’t ask me to support or like you. America is a nation of INDIVIDUALS. The Dems are into “special group rights” blacks, gays, unions, “guvment workers”. sad, but true.]
JCH @ 241,
You need to shove your dead lover up your ass where he belongs. I don’t know anybody but you who keeps harping on it.
JCH has a Tookie anal fixation. I guess he wants some.
Comment by BOB from BOEING— 2/17/06 @ 8:06 [Bob, little Democrats in training. This is no surprise.]
244, K, Tookie Williams was a black Democrat felon hero! Not a Republican within miles of this story.
“blacks, gays, unions, “guvment workers”.” I almost felt sorry for you, but you did the single worst thing that a human could do:
You said “blacks” as if it were a horrid thingy. Fuck you, JCH. Wuz ur mother a whore?
I’d rather be bird hunting with Cheney than drinking and driving over a bridge with Kennedy!
That’s for Damn Sure!
JCH @ 241,
You need to shove your dead lover up your ass where he belongs. I don’t know anybody but you who keeps harping on it.
Comment by marks— 2/17/06 @ 8:21 pm [marks, my neighbor has a German Short Haired Pointer who could give Mrs. marks the “Tookie” love she needs. Your thoughts?]
JCH- your repeated references indicate to me a Tookie obsession. Pretty much any tpoic, and what spring into your mind- Tookie. You just cannot see anything else.
Enjoy your fantasies
247, marks, Blacks are the “voter slaves” of the Democrat “Plantation” Party. Nothing more or less.
JCH- Aparently there’s one black man you dream of. Can’t get him out of your head.
JCH……I am a lady and you will speak to me as such. I am sure that speaking to a lady is a new experience for you but your behavior only shows you for the sexist pig that you are. Boorish is never funny. Do you kiss your mother with a mouth that talks like that?
K, Dumb ass…….You missed the point. “Tookie” felon Williams, hero of the black community killed 4 and had AIDs. Explain how if blacks are 12% of the US population, they are 50% of the HIV AIDs cases. And 115% of the black community votes Democrat [lots of voter fraud, and if you “axe” any voter fraud questions, you are a racist]. Soooooooooooo, blacks: Democrats: 50% of AIDs cases: dirty needles, anal sex, and gay sex. “Enjoy your fantasies!”…..Really, It looks like this just isn’t MY problem!
253, Mrs. Left Foot, Do you like Great Danes?
JCH @249
“marks, my neighbor has a German Short Haired Pointer who could give Mrs. marks the “Tookie” love she needs. Your thoughts?
My Dachshund will give you all the luv u need…
252, K…….”Aparently”? Spell much? Read, think, then type.
253, Mrs. Left Foot, Did you “know” Tookie Williams”? Would you vote for him? Hell, if dead Democrats can vote by the thousands in black cities like Detroit, Harare, Gary, Philly, and Chicago, why can’t Tookie run as Hillary’s VP in 08?
BTW-Lt(jg) JCH,
Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps I will pay to ensure you die at an efficient age? I won’t, but maybe another will…
So, Democrat children………….Does voting Democrat cause AIDs, or do Democrats get AIDs from anal “Tookie Williams” sex? And would Mrs. Left Foot explain to me how the AIDs virus got from African monkeys to Democrat gay men in San Francisco?
259, Yawn. You sound like the towel head Muslins in the Middle East all screaming “Death to America”!
JCH- I think plenty. Just not about the same perversions you think about.
And I’ve always conceded spelling isn’t my forte.
Mrs. Left Foot! Can I buy you a drink?
261.OK, K, Your spelling shows me you spent 4 years or less at U of W or some other liberal bull shit school with Democrat socialist dumb ass props who couldn’t make it in the private sector.
JCH- since you don’t like to think, here’s the theory of how AIDS made the inter-species jump:
It is generally believed that a chimpanzee hunter contracted the virus in the early part of the twentieth century by cutting himself while preparing the meat.
With the citation-
Not as much fun (for you) as your silly fantasies. My oh my, you do hace some sick fantasies.
JCH @260
You said “Democrat children” which implies me being absent from your gulag.
Just to be clear, fuck you and your idiotic phlem machine. I wait for Goldy to ban you, yet I know Goldy has a plan (if you b God fearing, Goldy will do God’s work soon)…
JCH- sorry bud, I am an engineer. Numbers, not letters are my strenght.
And I’ll match my Ivy League undergrad and UW grad degree against yours, asshole.
Plus, I don’t spell check. You are not worth it.
And I’ll match my Ivy League undergrad and UW grad degree against yours, asshole
JCH is a proud Penn State grad…
I think JCH has been allowed to go far enough. His racist, sexist remarks have nothing to do with the thread. I am asking you to ban his IP address in the interests of good taste and judgment. His attempts to anger and incite are failing, but honestly do we have to be subjected to his hate mongering ways? This man can’t speak like this in public, because his ass would be kicked into the next county. So, how about it? Ban his ass!
Ya’know, the Navy felt sorry for him and decided he needed the benevolence of the Navy. We are benificiaries of the nutty situation…
That Penn degree is doing JCH a lot of good. He can say “Would you like to supersize that?” and the degree hanging from his rearview mirror is gets him disabled parking in all the best Value Village lots.
270, My Left Foot…….FATWA!!! Kill the infidel!! Cut the head off the evil unbeliever!! Ban his ass!! Death to Bush!! Praise to Allah!! [ROTFLMAO!]
Let’s just mock JCH’s pitiful obsession. It makes clear the bankrupcy of his ideas. He’s got nothing.
I don’t presume to speak for Goldy (HAHAGOLDY, I’M SPEAKING FOR YOU) but it should not be long before we are free of the harrangues of JCH…
And then there’s his silly-ass arab foolishness.
Such a sad individual. Probably thinks he’s funny too.
marks, Were you one of the U of W idiots bitching about honoring Pappy? Well, you have had a busy day!
FATWA!!! Kill the infidel!! Cut the head off the evil unbeliever!! Ban his ass!! Death to Bush!! Praise to Allah!! [ROTFLMAO!]
me @ 275 Then what will I do? …
JCH, are you about done? Your material is getting thin. Your mind is a vast wasteland. Your parents must be proud. What are you 14 or 15 years old?
That Penn degree is doing JCH a lot of good. He can say “Would you like to supersize that?” and the degree hanging from his rearview mirror is gets him disabled parking in all the best Value Village lots.
Comment by My Left Foot— 2/17/06 @ 9:06 pm [Errrrrrrrrr, My Left Foot, Penn is U. of P. [Philly Quakers]. I am a Nittany Lion [Penn State]. I wouldn’t expect you to know the difference.
280, I take it Mrs. Left Foot has “turned in” for the evening. What a “bitchin” Friday night at the Left Foot home!
And then there’s his silly-ass arab foolishness.
Such a sad individual. Probably thinks he’s funny too.
Comment by K— 2/17/06 @ 9:09 pm [Not funny? Now that hurts!]
This just in;
the kook liberal loons are just
as politicaly extreme and biased as
the far right.
And to add to the VP’s long list of things that he is incompetent at let’s add hunting.
When Cheney was CEO at Halliburton he acquired a company that had a lot of asbestos claims against it. People were astounded at the stupidity of such an aquisition. One of the first things the Bush/Cheney team put their minds to was Tort reform and specifically limiting “nuisance” suits about asbestos.
These guys claims to be driven by a philosophy and a world view are a sham.
It’s always about the almighty dollar and more specifically the dollar they are ripping off the taxpayer for. These assholes should be in jail.
Ahhh MLF (aka DJ pet yorkie). Ah is the widdle librul doggie barking at those mean old conservatives. That is a good widdle doggie.
JCH, I referred to your school properly. And I assure you that I know the difference. Nitany Lions, Joe Pa and all that. You might want read my post again. As a graduate of USC (Trojans, not Gamecocks) I speak and write very clearly. So let me make this very clear to you. You think that making anonymous comments here proves the size of your penis. Surprisingly, you are correct. Small mind, small penis. You impress only yourself and a few of your like thinking automatron RightWingNUt buddies. So one time and one time only I am going to allow myself the luxury of not couching what I think. Go fuck yourself in the ass. It is the only way you are ever going to get any ass. For a guy who claims a degree, you write as if you are stuck on stupid in high school. Which is what I believe you to be.
JCH- no intent to hurt. Just a simple statement of fact. Your posts are generally either racist or Tookie obsessed. You are a sorry excuse for a human. Outside this blog I’d just walk away from you. I will not, however, give you the satisfaction of leaving here.
And to add to the VP’s long list of things that he is incompetent at let’s add hunting.
I have never seen this list but I know one thing that is not on the list…. beating democrats in elections. Hehehehehe
289 cont…
Of course how hard can that be, all you need to do is step back and let the liberal fool talk.
My Left Foot @287 and K @288
I’m with you on this. I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable…
umm, damn, my Dachshund is stuck in the drain again…beg pardon while I do what’s necessary….
re 286: Being a conservative, Rufus, gives you an identity which you otherwise could not possess, but what’s it put in your wallet?
Nothing! You are morally and financially bankrupt and JCH is a poser who drives an 80’s K-car with hate stickers on it. He goes around tearing out Democratic political signs and has been arrested for it.
I, on the other hand, being smart and competent , actually have all the things you righty losers claim to have. I don’t live to own, I own to live.
Dr. E. are you going to holland to protest the pictures of Muhammad the Danish printed in the local papers? Roger are you going with Dr. E. in his Kitty box under his seat?
Illinois Student Paper Prints Muslim Cartoons, and Reaction Is Swift
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 16 — Since the morning the cartoons satirizing the Prophet Muhammad were republished in the student newspaper at the University of Illinois here, response has been swift and split.
Muslim students and others held a protest on the main quadrangle on Tuesday, saying they were stunned and hurt by The Daily Illini’s publication on Feb. 9 of the images that had stirred so much violence and caused so much pain in other parts of the world. Some members of The Daily Illini staff said they were furious, too, and in Wednesday’s editions, the publisher announced that the editor in chief and opinions page editor had been suspended, pending an investigation into how the cartoons had ended up in the paper.
“This has gotten crazy,” said Acton H. Gorton, 25, the suspended editor in chief who decided to run 6 of the 12 cartoons even though he said he found them “bigoted and insensitive.” Mr. Gorton received calls for his resignation but also a deluge of praise, including comments of support from students as he walked on campus. “We did this to raise a healthy dialogue about an important issue that is in the news and so that people would learn more about Islam. Now, I’m basically fired.”
Most major American newspapers, including The New York Times, have not published the cartoons, which were first published in a Danish newspaper last September.
But on college campuses, student journalists are still grappling with the decision, saying the choice of most of the nation’s newspapers makes theirs even more crucial. Editors at some student publications at the University of Wisconsin, Harvard University, Northern Illinois University and Illinois State University have published some of the cartoons.
The decisions have set off a painful clash, seemingly pitting two of the values so often embraced in university environments — freedom of speech and sensitivity to other cultures — directly against each other.
Other student newspapers, including those at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Arizona State University and the University of Arizona, have published their own cartoons that comment on or refer to the controversial cartoons.
The issue has prompted letters to the editor, community meetings and public forums. Officials at the University of Wisconsin were organizing a forum in Madison for next week after The Badger Herald on Monday ran one of the cartoons, one that portrayed Muhammad with a turban in the shape of a bomb.
“Universally, we found the cartoon to be repugnant,” said Mac VerStandig, the editor in chief of The Badger Herald. “But we believe that there was a certain endangerment of free speech here, especially given the general prudishness of the American press. We believe our readers are mature enough to look at these images.”
In Champaign on the morning of Feb. 9, angry phone calls began within hours of The Daily Illini’s hitting the stands. The cartoons were printed on the opinions page beside a column by Mr. Gorton explaining why he was publishing them. Shaz Kaiseruddin, a third-year law student and president of the Muslim Student Association, said she awoke to a phone call from an angry colleague.
“I was in disbelief that they would do this,” Ms. Kaiseruddin, 24, said. “That our own student-based newspaper would be so ignorant and disrespectful.”
Producing any image of Muhammad is considered blasphemous by many Muslims, and reproducing such anti-Muslim images, she said, revealed no understanding of the pain that would carry. Students met to plan a response.
Richard Herman, the chancellor of the university, sent a letter criticizing the newspaper, which is published independently. In part, it said, “I believe that the D.I. could have engaged its readers in legitimate debate about the issues surrounding the cartoons’ publication in Denmark without publishing them. It is possible, for instance, to editorialize about pornography without publishing pornographic pictures.”
At the paper, meanwhile, some staff members said they were furious — and surprised. They said Mr. Gorton and Chuck Prochaska, 20, the opinions editor, had made the decision to publish the images without properly consulting the newspaper’s other top editors. The pair denied this, saying they had followed the normal decision-marking procedures and that anyone who was working at the newspaper could have seen the planned pages before they ran.
In the days that followed, the newspaper ran an apology, held conversations with Muslim students and promised more complete, nuanced coverage on the issue. “We need to start fixing our image,” said Shira Weissman, one of two interim editors in chief of the paper in Mr. Gorton’s absence. “We’re being viewed as being hateful.”
But among students interviewed on Thursday, many said they were angry not because the newspaper had published the images but because it was now doubting that choice.
“I was absolutely crushed to see that the editors were removed,” said Cody Kay, 18. “What happened to freedom of speech? If we start saying we can’t look at things, what’s next? Our books?”
Ms. Weissman said the suspensions stemmed from the fact that the two journalists had not properly consulted the staff about the decision.
Ms. Weissman said she would not have printed the cartoons. Others said they might choose to run them, but only with plenty of context, explanation of the controversy and perhaps a guest column from a member of the Muslim student group.
Mr. Gorton said on Thursday that he wished he had discussed the issue more with his staff. And he would have printed more context, more explanation, something The Northern Star, Northern Illinois’s student newspaper, did when it published the cartoons on Monday.
Derek Wright, the editor in chief of The Northern Star, said his newspaper included a front-page editorial explaining the choice to run the 12 images, as well as an article about them, student reaction and a column from a Muslim student leader.
“There really hasn’t been as much outcry as we might have expected,” Mr. Wright said.
Either way, Mr. Gorton said he still would have printed the images. “My first obligation is to the readers,” he said. “This is news.”
287, Left Turn, Nittany has two “t”s. Spelling counts!
thanks, headless @292,
you reap what you sow…and that ain’t a whatever post…
Left Foot [Turn, Wing, whatever], Good night to Mrs. Left Foot!
REV AA, Could I buy you and call you an “endentured servant”?
man, you are a fuckbag. Not for what you say, but for…okay …what you say…
Left Foot………..Remember, “Nittany”. Spell it correctly!
You poor lib Democrats. You are all losers and pussies. No wonder none of you can support yourselves without “guvment” checks.
Moron. Spell it correctly…
My Left Foot @ 270
I have a sneaking suspicion that JCH’s days on HorsesAss are coming to an end…taunt him while you can. [he he]
RUFUS @ 286
“Ahhh MLF (aka DJ pet yorkie). Ah is the widdle librul doggie barking at those mean old conservatives. That is a good widdle doggie.”
Oh…brother. More wingnut self-projection.
Hey RUFUS…isn’t it about time for you to drag you ass across the lawn again?
Hey dj!
If what you say is true (and Goldy sez it so I believe), I might be relevent again…
Then again…:)
Ah hell, those funny faces make for… :)
hey, I did it!!!
I am glad to see our message is getting out.
JCH, good night. The tech with the meds is waiting to give you your lithium. Sleep well.
Hey DJ was is new. Hey have you stumbled accross John Kerry’s medical records yet? I know what your going to say “the Globe had them before they didn’t have them”.
Rufus @ 307, you best get on the ball man and email your finding to Stefan the Shark Boy so he can take credit for it. Hurry!!!!!
Why bother, nothing new in that article. If only I could find something tangible like lets say a document from Dean Logan. Where is Dan Rather when you need him. Hehehehehehehe
Marks @ 304
“If what you say is true (and Goldy sez it so I believe), I might be relevent again…
Then again…:)”
Hey, marks…you are always relevant! Why? Because you are intelligent and articulate, you have a sense of humor, and your opinions are informed first by thinking and then by ideology.
I’ve noticed that you sometime endure the wrath of some lefties (and unfairly so most of the time :-) ). I suspect this is largely (1) confusion with other people with “mark” in their name, and (2) from knee-jerk reaction to the genuine trolls around here. (Like: marks is challenging me, therefore he must be a troll…must hit back hard!). I try to say something when I can, but I am somewhat busy these days and don’t get to participate in all the HA comment threads.
Hang in there, though!
re 307: People are always willing to believe the worst about Democrats. Doesn’t make it so, Roofass. We’ve only begun to hammer you back. Getting someone to believe your false message is not winning any more than neo-con announcements of their success in Iraq hastens the end of the war if the announcements are lies — which they are in both cases.
I think the Democratic Party should sue Stefan for slander because it can be demonstrated that what he says is not merely his opinion but is a deliberate distortion and lie designed to damage our reputation in a criminal way.
Hey Rufus @ 309
“Hey DJ was is new.”
Literate much? :-)
‘Hey have you stumbled accross John Kerry’s medical records yet? I know what your going to say “the Globe had them before they didn’t have them”.’
Funny you should ask…I just stumbled over them on my way out the front door this morning!
When I get a chance, I’ll fact-check your previous statements about Kerry’s college grades (yep…they were part of the records).
RUFUS @ 311
“Where is Dan Rather when you need him.”
I heard he was standing behind Whittington…nobody’s seen him since…
“You have NFI do you. ”
You’re right, I have no fucking interest in firing a shotgun. Done that before, don’t need to do that again.
re 307: People are always willing to believe the worst about Democrats.
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist— 2/17/06 @ 10:50 pm
We have more freedom of the press today then we ever did before. The reason people believe the worst in democrats is because it is finally getting exposed by the alternative media. It is called the truth.
Fact of the matter is, when I go to the store to buy my food, all the animal proteins are already dead — including the quail, squab, pheasant, etc. Can’t see much other reason to be firing shotguns right now.
“Dr. E. are you going to holland to protest the pictures of Muhammad the Danish printed in the local papers? Roger are you going with Dr. E. in his Kitty box under his seat?”
No, and I don’t see what Holland has to do with the Danes, who live up there in Denmark.
Roofass: re 317: What studies indicate that there is more freedom of the press now than ever before? Why do you make these idiotic claims when Donald Rumsfeld is simultaneously saying that blogs are a terrorist tool because they express opinions contrary to his own.
This brief moment in the sun when real citizens could voice their opinions and have them count for someting is being strangled by the neo-cons as we speak. When they suceed you can relax in your solitude because you won’t be able to say anything either. You think they want an inarticulate clown like you representing them?
While it’s true, Goldy could ban some of the more infantile trolls, I get the feeling he won’t. In a strange way he is doing a public service be letting these fools post and display their sickness and folly. As they say, you can’t make this stuff up, folks.
In the long run, we’re all dead. . .but also, in the long run,
history writes what it will regardless of how some of these fools strut and fret. Dick Cheney, being the good sturmfuerher that he is would rather be dead than wrong.But, he’ll wind up dead anyway. . .and eventually shown to be as wrong as he truly is. So will some of our most flamboyant trolls. . .living in a logic-tight bubble is no protection from being bit by reality.
marks @ 222. I think you miss typed your post. You said “JCH, can’t you just go hunting with Dick?” I think you meant ‘hunting for dick’ as this has been JCH’s passion for his entire life. The only problem he is too scared of all the ‘big guys’ that he lusts for so he live his fantasies here, talking, accusing, dreaming of dick from everyone.
“Is that you RR? Comment by GBS— 2/17/06 @ 2:32 pm
Nah, one of my girlfriends. They’re patriotic, too!
“57% of the US think this is no big deal.”
No, that’s not what the poll says, it says “57%, say it was … very embarrassing …”
Why are trollfucks liars?
“Oh, crap, JCH is still a living breathing human (umm, okay, maybe not). JCH, can’t you just go hunting with Dick? Comment by marks— 2/17/06 @ 7:39 pm”
JCH is, always has been, and always will be an anomalous protoplasmic blob.
“because it is our civil duty to educate you silly ass liberals. Comment by horseshead— 2/17/06 @ 8:09 pm”
I’ve been on this blog for over a year and I’m still waiting for you ignorant wingfucks to educate anybody about anything.
“is a 28 gauge bigger or smaller shot than a 12 gauge Comment by Mark The Redneck— 2/17/06 @ 8:14 pm”
A 28-gauge is .55 caliber which is very close to the Civil War .58-cal. miniball — how would you like to get shot with one of those. At close range, there’s not much difference between a soft lead mini-ball and a wad of birdshot. Just ask anybody who’s ever been shot with a Glaser Safety Slug — oops, none of them are able to answer questions.
@221 Perhaps being married wouldn’t stop him, but her husband along on the trip with his own shotgun would have put a damper on things. Or are you saying that it was a big party, swinging, alcohol, and shotguns. Willeford’s husband was on the hunting trip, that is the part that Huffington & Co left out.
Swinging, and singing,
shotguns spraying,
dick’s in diapers
and Pamela’s just hoping he can get it up…
Yeah Michael, guess that IS what I am saying.
I’ve been on hunting trips like this before. Maybe Whittington
had no clothes on and it really was 90 feet. Probably looked
like the REV AA in the field pickin cotton.
The timeline on the arrivals and departures might be interesting as well as explaining the delay in reporting. Perhaps some were coming in as well as departing!
Roofass: re 317: What studies indicate that there is more freedom of the press now than ever before? Why do you make these idiotic claims when Donald Rumsfeld is simultaneously saying that blogs are a terrorist tool because they express opinions contrary to his own.
Comment by Rev. A.A. Tappman: Anababtist— 2/17/06 @ 11:41 pm
Leave it to a liberal to ask for studies from their biased press or colleges to prove a point. The fact is now we have Fox and conservative talk radio. That is all the proof you need. We dont have to be spoon fed the lying drivel from NBC, See BS (proven liar), CNN (proven liar)and ABC.
The fact that you liberuls even talk about freedom of speech is laughable on its face. This latest episode with the cartoons just proves the point even further. The cartoon page is an appropriate outlet for you libs; after all you are a bunch of “looney tunes”.
“Probably looked like the REV AA in the field pickin cotton.”
Wingnuts can’t resist throwing in a racist comment at every opportunity … I guess it’s because they’re RACISTS.
To see picture of wingnut convention, click here
If I shot Whittington do you think he’d apologize to me for all the fuss and hubbub that he was causing me? Probably not. By now he probably realizes that the VP of our United Fascist Superdemocracy could shoot him just for a joke to entertain his “entourage” and he would not pay for it. Travelling with an entourage , by the way, is one of the signs of the overweening ego that many alcohlics have.
I, for one , was hoping that the VP would have to resign because of his heart condition. If there is a God, he would help us with this.
Gawd O’Sakes, y’all are sum dum bunnies. At 20 ft, the man would be dead, not making elegant and gentlemanly speeches. Something the left is personally incapable of, by the by. Just try and quit rushing to judgement about matters you are completely ignorant of. Try and speak on subjects you are actually experienced in, such as ant-Bush sign making and body piercing, perhaps. Y’all know about as much about hunting as Sean Penn knows about boating, which is ought. Nothing to be ashamed of. I know y’all are city folks and don’t have much experience with weaponry. Maybe y’all can ask some of those inner city thug friends of yours. Why not take a look at Tookie William’s murder victims to see how a face, and brain, full of bird shot looks when you recieve it at close range?
Michelle @ 339,
You psycho-bitch from hell. What are you talking about? Have you lost your mind, wait, oxymoron Michelle’s mind, sorry. You obviously have been reading too much Ann Coulter and hearing too much Rush Limbaugh on the AM radio in your Ford Pinto. You are the one with “ought” knowledge of the facts of the case, choosing instead to believe what you hear from the lead WingNuts. OK, princess? Now go get prettied up it is Saturday night and the guys on Aurora are waiting!!
dj @312
Aw, shucks, dj…
I don’t mind the flack, and I certainly deserve it if I make a reference that is unfair. If I am challenged unfairly, I will state my case. If I am vociferously challenged by someone (vociferously usually involves epithets and expletives hurled in my direction), I will vigorously defend my statement (vigorously usually involves epithets and expletives hurled in the direction that vociferously attacked me).
Anyway, sounds as if you are staying busy. I had noticed you were scarce for a while, though recently you seem to work a comment or two into some of the threads.
Oooohhhh, My Left Foot’s having a full on retard fit isn’t he??? Epitomizes the angry left there doesn’t he? Well my right wing brother and sisters, you know it’s pointless to argue with these lefties. Their brains just don’t work right. They are still suffering over the last Presidential election and are doing everything in their power to lose the next one too. They just can’t see that most “normal” people (whom they despise) don’t agree with their insane leftist policies. They don’t believe in compromise or reason. They want what they want and they want it now. Rather than letting gay marriage and child molesting gay scout leaders and such become a natural occurance over time, they want to drag people kicking and screaming into it. They ream Bush over forcefully spreading democracy and then they forcefully impose their values on the majority. Besides, is it any more realistic to “end world poverty” and “stop global warming” than it is to spread democracy? Maybe if those rock/pop musicians carried guns instead of guitars, they could actually make a dent in world hunger.
Michelle, no full on retard fit here. We are not the ones still crying over the Governor election. So take your whiney ass back to (un)Sound Politics. Your party spends a great deal of time silencing the opposition, to wit, the law in Texas to prevent protests on the PUBLIC road to Bush’s ranch. The heat, as they say, is on. Michelle, look around you party is going down in flames. The gay marriage is happening naturally. But your “Christian” Catholic priests, part of the “moral majority” can continue to give Altar boys private lessons. And you can continue to believe what your leaders feed you. The rest of us call it BULLSHIT!
One last thing….Bush forcefully spreading Democracy? You mean the war with no end in site in Iraq? In a land that does not want it? A land ruled by religion for thousands of years, but by God, we are going to kill all of them, and thousands of our own young men and women, to prove that Democracy is what they need. Comparing gay marriage to war, what the fuck are you thinking? OOPS, you are not thinking, you are faithfully, blindly following your leaders. Don’t question, just follow. Like sheep to slaughter.
Left Foot, Islam was founded in 7th century BC. It is not thousands of years old. There are many different peoples in Iraq. I doubt that you would be happy if we voted to run the US by Catholic law and made all the other religious groups here in America abide by it. In fact know you would hate it. Yet you seem smugly satisfied that Iraq might be ruled by fundamentalist Islamists. If the Iraqis wanted to be ruled by the light of Islam then I guess they have George Bush to thank for it don’t they? Saddam Hussein was a secular, socialist leader. As for following my leaders like sheep, I live in the San Francisco bay area and I am one of the few people here that does think for myself. I have seen the mess that Liberals have made of the educational system here and the damage that they have done with the welfare state. As for dying for a cause, I think the Kurds are damn happy that 2 thousand Americans finally lived up to their promise and died to free them from tyranny. Why does the left support freedom for Palestinians but not the Kurds? If you want the killing of Muslims to stop you might talk to your insurgent buddies and ask them to stop murdering children.
Ooops, my bad, I meant 7th century AD. It’s that Liberal schoolin I got. Me so ignorant. sorry Left Foot, Sir.
#338RevMan: You just proved you are NOT a man of God! Men of God do not wish ill will on their opponents. You are a quack, on the order of Jimmy Swaggart & Jim Baker.
K@250: You need to inspect the internet more on AIDS. When you spew that racist CNN Africa horseshit, I have to step in clear the air!
“The epidemic did not begin in Africa. The first AIDS cases were uncovered in Manhattan in 1979. At that time there were no reported African cases. In fact, the AIDS epidemic in Africa did not begin until the autumn of 1982 at the earliest.”
“Harvard virologist Max Essex claims the American HIV strain spreads more easily via anal sex; whereas the African strains spread more efficiently via vaginal sex. (Google: Max Essex + HIV strain) This could explain why the American epidemic spreads primarily through homosexual activity and anal sex , while in Africa it is primarily heterosexual and spreads through vaginal sex. The “different” HIV strain in America is further evidence that “American AIDS” did not originate in Africa.”
So Bob & Windie, you can visit Africa and not worry about HETEROSEXUAL Males giving you anything!
I love my ancestral homeland and any time bullshit is posted, I will flush it!
BTW K, where in the Ivy League did you attend?
Brown University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Harvard University
University of Pennsylvania
Princeton University
Yale University
I know where I went.
Puddybud @ 348. That is incredible! I never imagined you had such a big toilet that you could flush yourself away! So long Mr. Freeples
I am one of the people that the Palestinians want to drive into the sea. Do not attempt to speak for me. I am able to clearly express my views with having you put words in my mouth, so to speak. As for 2000 young Americans dying to keep their promise? What are you smoking in San Francisco these days? This promise you speak of, who actually made it? And why do you say that the 2000 men and women who have died, made it? Clearly they did not. Saddam was bad, no doubt. We took him out. Promise kept. Can our sons and daughters come home now? Or do they just stay there until Iraq is the 51st state? Is Iran and North Korea next? What about the bird flu making its way around the world? Pandemic not scary enough for you? Not as sexy as terrorists is it?
It would have been totally cool if Cheney had pulled up to the press conference with Whittington tied to his car roof.
Left Foot, if it wasn’t for the Americans, all the Jews of Europe would be dead. The Jews are in desperate of need strong friends. It looks like it’s heading that way again. Although in desperate need of a solution, the Palestinian issue is an excuse, like Hitler used Germany’s humiliation in World War I as an excuse. The Arabs are purely and simply jealous and terrified of the success, militarily and socially of the Jews, which points out to the Arabs in every way how unsuccessful their culture is. That the Israelis so easily defeat Palestinians in every battle wounds the souls of Muslims everywhere, because they are over-invested in a system of “honor.” Which causes them to kill their own daughters for violation of that “honor.” America has given money and aid to the Palestinians, indeed so has Israel, so money is not the main issue. If America is damned for supporting Israel, why is Hamas worried about losing American funding. We were supporting Saddam, as well, when he was oppressing his own people, but no one cared about that. The Jews seem to be the catalyst. Oppression is acceptable if brown people are doing it to their own people, but not if European “looking” Jews are doing it. I am not saying in any way that the formation of Israel was right, it clearly was not. My Grandmother, who was born in the 1920’s would not buy Israeli products. I remember buying cookies at Cost Plus that were from Israel and she read me the riot act. I disremember if she ate some anyway, she had a major sweet tooth. She was against Zionism and thought that it was wrong for the Americans and Europeans to take Arab lands away to give to the Jews. I agree. But what’s done is done and we have to move past it. I am also for uniting North and South Korea, we could call it simply, Korea. The Iran problem is more complicated but it needs solving as well, all the negotiation and talking seems to have been as useless as we on the right expected it to be. As for the Kurdish situation, you are I think, unaware of how happy the Iraqi Kurds are right now. The Kurdish soldiers prefer to think of themselves as part of the US military. For people that have been oppressed and marginalized for so long, they are remarkably forgiving. They are a non arab people but they live in an area where there is oil. Saddam wanted their oil. It is an example of what you in the left scream about all the time. I used to date an Iranian and his room mate was a Kurd from the Iran/Iraq border. He is a communist so his leftist credentials are staunch. I learned a lot about the Kurdish situation from him. You might also learn about the plight of the Marsh Arabs under Saddam, another terrible story of oppression against a minority, that the west was unaware, or uncaring of. Leftists pick the Palestinians and Iraqi insurgents as a cause celebre, because it is hip and hot, and as you put it, sexy. Leftists can march around in keffiyahs without having to go home and strangle their daughters for dating a boy or blowing themselves up on a bus. As for 2,000 men and women dying, how about all the girl babies that are being aborted or killed after birth, all over the world. The leftists are for population control, aren’t they. Americans use most of the world’s resources, why not look at the war as a form of population control. Those Americans that died were trained to kill other people and possibly had done so. They were killed in their own turn. It always amuses me that the left complains about the prisoners at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, never thinking that if those guys were let go they would end up shot or blown up by Americans or other forces. Which is worse? There is a reason that the sons of pacifists like Cindy Sheehan join the military and that is to get away from oppressively feminist mothers. These boys are desperately seeking masculinity. Raised by single mothers, who have problems relating to men, they don’t get a chance to bond with their male sides. Besides, people die in conflicts every day, why shouldn’t Americans? Look at the bird flu in the same way. Death is inevitable. Leftists think they can create heaven on earth, no death, no suffering, no hunger. Cure all the diseases. Stop war and killing. Right!!! I understand the left’s frustration at the little to no progress it has made in those endeavors. I realize that you need to let off steam. But do you really think you are going to achieve your goals by insulting Cheney for hours and hours on blogs?? Good luck. Anyway left, we must agree to disagree and I give you the last word if you like, because this is your political party/parties’ forum. I believe in expanding my mind so I read the I left wing blogs from time to time. It depresses me, but I learn a lot. I appreciate the chance to air my opinions. I appreciate that you began to temper your insults and maintained a civil, albeit spicy, discourse. Ta very much. The floor, Left is yours.