The results of the one night count are in, and they’re bad.
The One Night Count of homeless people in King County took place early this morning. We are incredibly grateful to the many volunteers and supporters whose careful work made this a safe, respectful, and accurate Count.
At least 2,736 men, women, and children were found sleeping on sidewalks, under bridges, in their cars, on public transit, and in temporary structures and makeshift campsites. This is 142 more people than our volunteers counted outside one year ago.
We’re failing as a society when the number increases. We failed as a society 2,736 times last night. While many of us were comfortable in our beds, 2,736 of our neighbors had to brave the cold night in one way or another.
Hey! Maybe in the future the new city subsidized sports palace could be made available?
I’m sure the number is like 2 to 3 times that. When obummer and the idiot Insley get thru with their bullshit it will be a lot higher. Not to worry I’ll just saddle up and ride 3 miles up into the hills, i’ll survive. I can live off the land. What will you guys in the great Seattle do? I will miss the internet, because I can’t read about you guys crying the blues.
Round them up and send them off to fight the Hashemite’s! It’s either fight them over there or fight them when they come over here.
I wonder if there were any shelter beds available that weren’t filled last night and if so what the disconnect between getting people into those beds. It’s a temporary solution at best but on cold nights especially there should be a chance for everyone to have a warm place to stay.
If the Ten Year Plan is exemplified by what’s being done to Yesler Terrace, it was doomed to failure. That is, if “failure” is defined as, you know…actually doing something to help the people sleeping on the streets. On the other hand, in terms of its true if unstated objectives (a big taxpayer handout to developers, an opportunity for wine-and-cheese liberals to congratulate themselves and talking points for the right about how the “welfare state” doesn’t work) it’s been a howling success.