Don’t you just love irony?
Rep.-elect Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, found himself under attack last month when he announced he’d take his oath of office on the Koran — especially from Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode, who called it a threat to American values.
Yet the holy book at tomorrow’s ceremony has an unassailably all-American provenance. We’ve learned that the new congressman — in a savvy bit of political symbolism — will hold the personal copy once owned by Thomas Jefferson.
Rep. Goode — who took Rep. Ellison’s election as an opportunity to warn his constituents that unless we “wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office” — represents Jefferson’s birthplace of Albemarle County Virginia.
Hmm. If we don’t wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there might be more Thomas Jeffersons elected to office.
Game, set, match: Ellison.
Game, set, match: Ellison.
Damn it. I clicked over to Daily Kos just now and noticed that Kagro X made the same comment on the front page.
Yeah, yeah, great minds… Whatever.
gotta love moronic relativism…
you pals quote Mein Kampf… does that make them Hilteresque?
your pals love to throw about bible quotes… does that make them remotely holy.
This is a STUNT as Jefferson was well known as a BOOK COLLECTOR.
what’s truling amazing is how easily you chumps are played for FOOLS.
Your DemoLibTerrorist is laughing up his keffiyeh at how easily you dupes are conned.
I’m personally not concerned which book he chooses….There are far more important and demanding issues to worry about….I hope he serves his constituents, state, and country well.
Right Stuff says: I’m personally not concerned which book he chooses….There are far more important and demanding issues to worry about….I hope he serves his constituents, state, and country well. 01/03/2007 at 10:35 am
and paramount amongst those are
1.where will the allegiance of the DemoLibTerrorist lie… with the US CONSTITUTION he is pledging to uphold or the Quran which demands he place it above all other allegiance?
2. what happens when soecific national security knowledge he gains through his position is in conflict with his “religious” interests?
I wonder if this new found honor of religiousity amongst moronic and expedient left would extend to a Catholic priest if one was elected?
re 6: Someone needs to put a dog turd and a can of shoe polish in front of you and repeat (for as long as it takes to sink in): “This is shit. This is Shinola.”
Apparently, you havent figured it out yet.
Anti @6
These same slurs were in fact thrown at Catholics for over 100 years in the US every time they ran for office. But they came from cowards like you who thought America would fall somehow if folks from another religion were elected into government.
Oh no! Now the evil Catholics will be taking orders from the Pope! Whatever shall we do?!!?
I’ll repeat myself – you are a coward plain and simple.
America is certainly strong enough to have an elected official use the religious book of his or her choice and if you don’t like it then maybe America isn’t the country for you. There are certainly other options out there for you. I wish you well in finding a theocracy that suits your needs.
6: Funny, the same sort of arguments appeared when Catholics were first elected to public office. “How can they be trusted not to follow the dictates of Rome?” it was argued.
Now Republicans push for Catholics to be punished by the Church for following public policy which is contrary to the Church’s theology on abortion and birth control.
It’s just another attempt by some demigod to try to find a “wedge issue” to stir up support and fund-raising. Like McCarthy before him, he’s trying to find an enemy everyone can hate (preferably in this country), and rally behind him as their leader in the fight against this “enemy”.
Grow up and go home. The hatred against the Hispanics didn’t work, once everyone found out that (a) lots of them were legal immigrants, (b) the illegal immigrants are by a wide margin God-fearing, hard-working people who do their best to stay out of trouble, and (c) Republican financiers love illegal immigration, because it helps keep pay scales low. So now Republicans are looking for somebody else to blame for America’s problem. Hint: start looking at yourself.
Nindid at 8: Gee, we seem to have been thinking on the same wavelength. You must have typed your post faster than I did.
I am personally quite proud of Rep. Ellison, for having the guts to select the ceremony he wants.
I guess some of the RWKs (right wing kooks) need to look back–Hoover, for example, refused to conduct a traditional ceremony. Last I heard he (Hoover) was a conservative Republican, not to be confused with the pseudo-conservative fools doing their current masquerade.
Long Live Ellison!
See #6: anybody remember alllllll the way back to when the true crazies were worried about Kennedy taking instructions from the Pope?
remind me… just when exactly did the Catholics pledge to WIPE OUT AMERICA???
Your muslims HAVE.
And that Muslim DemoLibTerrorist has to prove he will put America ahead of his religion that demands his ONLY allegiance… He can’t serve BOTH.
Figure it out.
News Item:
“Bush called on Congress to sharply reduce spending on pet projects prized by lawmakers.
“One important message we all should take from the elections is that people want to end the secretive process by which Washington insiders are able to get billions of dollars directed to projects—many of them pork-barrel projects that have never been reviewed or voted on by the Congress,” the president said.”
Bush also claims he can balance the budget by 2012 if Congress cooperates.
I knew it was coming, but it still stinks to high heaven. After Bush and the Republican Congress spent money like a bunch of drunken sailors for the past six years, abolishing every control set up during the Clinton administration to protect against such spending, now that the Democrates are in charge, Bush wants to suddenly restrict Congressional spending.
In other words, he wants to take credit for what the Democrats are already going to do anyway. While he is at it, he wants to continue sending federal money to his supporters under the guise of “national security”, but restrict any funding to Democratic interests, at least for the next two years.
And the funniest part is, he claims that he can “balance the budget” by 2012. But Bush inherited a truly balanced budget, with surpluses predicted into the future. And he knows the budget cannot be balanced as long as (a) the Iraq war continues, AND (b) his tax cuts for the wealthy remain in effect, REGARDLESS of Congressional spending restraint. In other words, he’s just passing the buck to the next President, and laying the groundwork for complaining that he “had a plan” but since the Democrats didn’t follow it, then the budget surpluses are all their fault.
Why is it, I’m feeling like a parent who comes home to find that his teenagers have had a wild party while he was gone, and the parents are pissed off at the mess they’ve created, and the teenagers are blaming the parents for spoiling all the fun?
nice quick (and typical) subject change rhp.
I guess even you could figure out that your Muslim DemoLibTerrorist can’t/won’t serve 2 masters.
Another GOP congressman turns out to be a racist? No surprise there.
Speaking of Congress, I see in today’s news that Bush wants congressman to stop spending on pork to help bring his deficits under control so he can sustain his tax cuts for the rich. This wasn’t a priority when the pork was going to GOP districts to help re-elect GOP congressmen. But faced with the prospect of Democrats spreading pork to help re-elect Democratic congressmen, suddenly it’s a national emergency! Fucking GOP hypocrites.
3 “you pals quote Mein Kampf”
cite please, with link
3, 4 The guy’s black. Lots of African-Americans are Muslims. What’s the problem with that? They simply went back to the religion of their African ancestors after being freed from the white man’s slavery. So now you have a problem with A-As practicing their own religion, instead of allowing white bullies like you shove yours down their throats? I smell a racist in this room.
I should mention, Bush’s plan revolves around keeping the Alternative Minimum Tax in place. As Roger Rabbit accurately mentioned in previous posts, that little piece of non-inflation adjusted tax work will start hitting the middle class hard very soon. Of course, at that point Republicans plan to use it against the Democrats, trying to blame the Democrats for the tax and arguing that they need to be returned to office in order to eliminate it. Their real intent, however, will be to make a marginal adjustment to the middle class for which they could claim credit, but at the same time give yet another huge tax increase to the really wealthy.
So why didn’t the Republicans change it while they had the chance? It was originally directed at the wealthy, but they knew there wouldn’t be a popular movement against it until it reached deep into the middle class. By not indexing it to inflation, they simply waited until they could use it as a campain tool, while at the same time eliminating (not indexing) the tax so that their wealthiest supporters receive the lion’s share of the credit.
The same thing holds true of the Republican campaigns against the estate tax. If it hits middle-class working farmers and small business owners as they claim (it doesn’t), then a simple adjustment of the minimum levels would be appropriate, or an indexing of those levels for inflation. But they don’t want that. They want to keep up the argument that it hits the middle class, so they can eliminate it entirely.
So, am I cynical? Yes, but I wasn’t always that way. I used to think that most Republicans had the best interest of their country at heart, even if they were misguided. I know longer believe that way. I’ve seen too much evidence to the contrary. The Republicans have taken a rather conservative Southern Democrate and radicalized him. Good work, guys.
@5 Good God, a wingnut actually posted a reasonable, moderate, sensible statement — and I agree with it! But then, I didn’t think that I’d ever see the Soviet Union fall, either. Maybe there’s still hope for you humans.
When confronted with a choice of which master to serve, you apparently have selected Idiocy. Congratulations on selecting an option that fits within your limitations. By the way, your drool cup is overflowing. You might have someone help you dump it out into an appropriate receptacle.
@6 I think we can safely say Rep.-elect Ellison has more fidelity and allegiance to the Constitution than either you, Bush, or any other Republican does.
I think we can safely say Rep.-elect Ellison is far less likely to divulge national security information that endangers American lives than, say, the Bushies who posted classified Iraqi documents on how to assemble a nuclear bomb on a public web site were.
I think we can safely say that Father Robert Drinan served in Congress more honorably than, say, ex-Rep. Mark Foley or ex-Rep. Duke Cunningham or ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich or ex-Rep. Tom DeLay or ex-Rep. Curt Weldon or ________________ (fill in name of Republican congressman).
Memo to anti-liberal: You just got your ass kicked by a 16 1/2-lb. rabbit.
@11 Ya gotta admit their work ethic … it takes effort to stay crazy and remain a bigot for 43 continuous years ..
@12 Right wing nutjobs like you don’t have to prove anything. We already have all the proof we need.
P.S., how’s it feel to get an ass-kicking from a 16-inch high rabbit, AL?
@13 He’s just using that as cover for the two years of stalemate he plans to create.
BTW, in other news, I see that most of the top U.S. generals in Iraq are about to lose their jobs. They told Bush they’re against putting more U.S. troops in Iraq because it will simply cause the Iraqis to lean on U.S. forces that much more, instead of doing anything themselves. Not what the boss wanted to hear, so their replacement is imminent. Look for new faces in CENTCOM before we get very far into the new year.
@14 He’ll serve his country. You’ll serve your ideology. ‘Nuff said.
Anti-liberal exemplifies the hate dripping from the rightwing. While most of the wingnut trollfucks who come here to needle liberals are merely brainwashed idiots, AL is a virulent hater. He manages to combine anti-black, anti-Muslim, and anti-Catholic bigotry in one sentence! We need more like him, so the American public can truly see what dogshit the Far Right is made of.
If anyone wants to read the Brookings Institution’s article on the Alternative Minimum Tax again, here’s the link:
“By 2010, the AMT will affect 33 million taxpayers – about one-third of all taxpayers – up from 1 million in 1999. … The AMT will be the de facto tax system for households with income between $100,000 and $500,000 ….”
“AMT expansion will encroach dramatically on the middle class. … In 2010, the tax will affect 37 percent of households with income between $50,000 and $75,000 and 73 percent of households with income between $75,000 and $100,000 (compared to about 1 percent for each group in 2002).”
Rather have a Muslim hold up a book by Jefferson Howard Zinn. Look , the lefties are making progress.
Roger@ 16
So are you 16 lbs or 16 inches? You some kind of desert jack rabbit or a really fat version of the floppy-ear variety?
Antiliberal at 12 said: “remind me… just when exactly did the Catholics pledge to WIPE OUT AMERICA???
Your muslims HAVE.”
1. I’m evangelical Protestant, not Muslim. Your attempt to call them “my” Muslims is just another attempt to convolute logic by encouraging hate against a minority group. I bet you used to call whites who weren’t bigots “ni**er-lovers” also. Despicable.
2. Only a few Muslims have called for the destruction of America. Most are peacefull, as are most Americans. But the policies of the Bush administartion are encouraging more of them to be come radicallized each day. The only one who benefits from this escalation of the “religious war” is Bush and Osama bin Laden. They need each other, which makes me wonder if that wasn’t the reason Osama was allowed to escape from Afganistan, and why the CIA office which was assigned to track and capture him was disbanded by the Bush administration. Without the fear of Osama, Bush & Co. have nothing left to stand upon. Certainly not their record.
3. Actually, lots of people have called for the destruction of America who were not Muslims. This includes some right-wing American groups, among those who were responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing. And lets not forget the Germans during WWII, who were ostensibly “Christian” (although there was nothing Christian about the Nazi movement, despite some claims othewise).
“anti-liberal says:
nice quick (and typical) subject change rhp.”
Republican idiocy comes so often, we don’t have time for a new topic to be posted each time. We have to ridicule it as it arises. Try to keep up.
The Dems have control of Congress for the next two years. And likely beyond. So if the AMT is affecting 33 million taxpayers by 2010 isn’t it really the Democrats fault? I doubt this is something Bush would veto.
” While we were celebrating Christmas, a war was raging halfway around the world that has gone totally unnoticed by Big Media. The war-torn nation of Somalia was once again on the verge of being overrun by radical Islamist militias, infiltrated by Al Qaeda and supported by Islamic nations in the Middle East. On Christmas Eve, Ethiopian troops entered Somalia and took up the fight against the Islamist militias alongside forces loyal to the Somali government.
Within days, they had driven the jihadists out of Mogadishu – the very city where U.S. forces were ambushed in 1993. (You may recall that this ambush and America’s subsequent withdrawal led Osama bin Laden to conclude that America was a “paper tiger” that “after a few blows ran in defeat.”) The combined Ethiopian/Somali forces pressed their offensive and eventually routed the Islamists out of their stronghold in Kismayo.
Interestingly, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, representing 57 Muslim countries, issued a statement in Saudi Arabia denouncing the Ethiopian intervention, even though it has ended the fighting and brought peace to the troubled nation.
When Ethiopian troops and their Somali allies marched into Mogadishu, many residents there cheered. For months they had been living under Sharia law, enforced in Islamic courts. The courts were brutal and their rulings were enforced by jihadist thugs in each neighborhood. People were shot if they were caught watching a soccer game on TV, for example, and beaten if they failed to pray five times a day. There were public floggings and bans on music and women swimming.
But there is evidence that some Somalis here in the Unite States support the brutal Islamic courts. Last Saturday, 1,500 Somalis demonstrated in Minneapolis in favor of a Sharia law regime in Somalia. They demanded that the United States stop supporting Ethiopia. Hassan Mohamud, imam of St. Paul’s Al Taqwa Mosque, praised the brutal courts for bringing so-called “peace and security.” Some Germans once said the exact same thing about Adolf Hitler.
That 1,500 Somalis in Minneapolis were willing to rally publicly for this kind of oppression is deeply disturbing. I can’t help but notice that none of the demonstrators have chosen to live in Somalia, but rather have come here. ”
~ ~ ~
Keith Ellison, muslim Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District.
what’s truling amazing is how easily you chumps are played for FOOLS.
Keith Ellison, muslim, Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District.
Your DemoLibTerrorist is laughing up his keffiyeh at how easily you dupes are conned.
Keith Ellison, muslim, Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District.
Allāhu Akbar!
Hmm, by the same logic that anti-liberal uses to equate a practicing Muslim with Al Qaida, I can do the same thing with Christians.
Ergo, every Republican Christian = Robert Matthews and NeoNazi. Heil Boehlert!
Or maybe the idiot will wake up and figure out that extremists in a particular religion =! every person who practices it.
I doubt it, though.
Whoa there, little cowboy…
We understand them mooslims got you running scared, but you’re starting to get little flecks of spit at the corners of your mouth.
As another politician from Minnesota has said:
Sen. Norm Coleman (R.-MN) – comments at the Capitol Hill Club, 2/17/06
Last Saturday, 1,500 Somalis demonstrated in Minneapolis in favor of a Sharia law regime in Somalia.
CF@35: Moonbat!s also forget that Bill Clinton gave GWB 39.2 Million homeless people.
I thought he was elected to cure homelessness!
Oops.. that’s 39.2 Million without health insurance. But he was to cure that too!
auntie liberal:
What say you and I get together for a beer? I’ll buy!!!
Just name the time and place. See if your mouth is as bold in person as it is hidden behind the computer.
You fucktard!
You’re getting shrill again.
And embellishing the facts.
oops. Somalia/Ethiopia = historic rivals
So much for your turbaned monolith yearning for Sharia.
Stop painting your prejudices with such a broad brush, pilgrim.
It’s really funny.
Whenever Republicans want to eliminate Affirmative Action anywhere, they say:
“Well WE judge each person on their merits, unlike Democrats. Race and religion don’t enter into our minds at all. Aren’t we totally SPIFFY in our ability to treat everyone as equals?”
Then a muslim does a photo op with a Koran. OMG the sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!! Screaming and finger pointing and op-ed pieces about how the sky is falling!!! OH no, someone of a different religion actually had the unmitigated gall to be elected to office…
So, Thomas Jefferson was either a Muslim or was inspired by Islam. By the way, the US constitution, Government system, leadership, and judicial system reflect more of Islamic values than any political and social system of European counterparts. In the eighteenth through the period of Warl War 1 the relationship of American leaders was much closer with the Muslim world than their European cousins, for reasons of colonialism, freedom and independence of America and its people.
Well Wisher what are you talking about ? I am sure the Muslim religion has many excellent aspects to it , and commonality can be found with most religions that believe in one God .
Remember the Pilgrims , ThanksGiving , Christmas , Salem Witch Burnings , all the Crosses and Stars on the Grave Yards , especially the folks who died defending this country . Common Law , our original court rooms used Blackstones legal understanding of common law . Our Supreme Court Justices all used them ..