I missed a lot of posts here as I traveled, so this may have been covered already, but Rush Limbaugh is trying to buy the St. Louis Rams. In response, several black NFL players have said they would refuse to play in St. Louis. It’s hard to know how widespread that sentiment would be, whether it would affect their ability to sign free agents, or if it’s even possible for the Rams to be worse than they already are, but the NFL will certainly be thinking about that before the owners and league would approve any deal.
Having an owner with a well-known history of racism isn’t that unusual, even in sports with large numbers of black athletes. Marge Schott made enough racist comments when she inherited the Cincinnati Reds from her husband in the 1990s to get herself suspended by the league multiple times. Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, had to pay a multi-million dollar settlement after he was caught forcing black families out of the buildings he owned. While many players have lamented being stuck on the Clippers, few have openly complained about playing for a team run by someone with such a long record of racist behavior. It’s also possible that better players, who have somewhat more control over where they can play, are able to avoid playing for him. The Clippers have been one of the worst franchises in any of the four major North American sports leagues for several decades. That may not be because of Sterling’s racism, but it certainly hasn’t helped.
But Limbaugh may be a different story altogether. With his high profile and his increasing hostility towards Obama and everything associated with our country’s black communities, his presence alone may make it very difficult to assemble a competitive team in St. Louis again. At the very least, every time Limbaugh says something stupid, black players on the Rams will get sick of having to comment on it. It will be a distraction that players will quickly tire of. Unless he just stops saying ignorant things, which appears impossible for him at this point.
If the deal goes through, there would be one side benefit (other than the Seahawks continuing to have two easy wins every year). It would make it clearer to people that Rush Limbaugh is not some average dude railing against “elites”. He’s an extremely fucking rich guy. And while there are large numbers of people who will never figure out that Limbaugh’s shtick has been to get rich by fueling the kind of partisan (and often racist) nonsense that pitted Americans against each other, the fact that he’s now one of the “elites” who sits in a luxury box watching his NFL team play makes it easier for those outside of his listening audience to see him for the fraud he is.
If poor, delicate NFL players don’t want to play in St. Louis, I trust their employer help them fill out their applications for unemployment benefits. Something tells me there’s something in those multi-million dollar contracts they sign that says they have to play where their team plays.
But seriously, read the David Brooks column from a few weeks back about Limbaugh, Beck, et al. The influence of these guys is greatly (and deliberately) exaggerated by extremists on the right and left. I think I know where that puts this blog…
Irrespective of race, a professional ballplayer offered a fat contract signs and plays.
Rush Limbaugh is a winner – he has made himself a winner through his own efforts, unlike folks like, say, Rabbit who are willing to take what others earn. Winners attract winners, and together, they win even more.
If Rush is successful in acquiring the Rams, the hot and self-righteous air spewing from certain types, most of whom probably wouldn’t pass much of a background vetting themselves, will quickly dissipate. Why? Because they’re in it to win and for the dough, not to make Lee or anyone happy.
Welcome to the NFL…
The Piper
Funny I’ve never heard Limbaugh say he was anything other than a “extremely fucking rich guy”. It’s pretty obvious Leetard, that you’ve listened to about 30 seconds of his show total.
If Limbaugh is successfull in getting ownership of the Rams, you can bet they’ll beat the shit out of the Seapigeons year in and year out
.As a Broncos fan, I could care less what the NFC west does.
What a joke! Let Limpblows buy the Rams. He’ll run the team into the freaking ground and be such a laughingstock he’ll be forced into a fire sale.
Couldn’t happen to nicer guy.
Oh? Kind of like he did that to his radio program? Isn’t that how he became the most influential talk radio personality in America ?
And you’ve done what with your life again? Anything even remotely as significant? Or have you simply focused on collecting the world’s largest pile of skid-marked torn underwear in the Northern Hemisphere?
Really, when a nothing attacks a something, the nothing ends up becoming less than nothing.
The Piper
Rush Limbaugh is an asshole. Uninformed, maipulative, bigotted, a peddler of hate and divisiveness and a convicted used of illegally obtained prescription drugs.
Wasn’t he also caught with a large amounts of Viagra on a “sex tour” of a third world island?
And Piper Scott is equally an asshole for defending and supporting a miserable cretin like Limbaugh.
That said…I hope he does it. I would love to see how this all plays out. My guess is the same as Lee’s…the Rams will be way worse and we won’t have to worry about them as competition for the Seahawks for a decade or so.
Maybe they’ll hire Tim Ruskell.
The Assshole known as Piper Scott’s comment at #6 pre-supposes the idea that anyone heere has any respect for the gasbag. A dubiuos proposition at best.
A relevant quote:
“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the american public.”
Shorter Piper: “Hey, darkies, shut up and play.”
Why does Piper admire a man who flew with a jar of Viagra in hand to a third-world nation notorious for child prostitution?
Ping Piper…
Good job.
It only took minutes for you to make the weasel class start chatterin’.
It’s almost like you trained them to jump when you post.
Rush buying the Rams? Can I buy a life insurance policy on Limbaugh? Imagine him “walking around” a bunch of regular folks who could crush his empty skull with very little effort.
Go ahead Rush. Buy the Rams. I dare you.
What is it about “regular folks” that make you believe they are so violent they would attack rush for having a differing viewpoint?
Wingnuts here like to call blacks “jigaboos” and “niggers” while calling Democrats “racists”. Then they defend a racist wingnut perv who flew to the Dominican Republic with a jar of Viagra in hand to fuck black child prostitutes. The values of wingnut goatfuckers on full display. How fucking disgusting.
Shut up, Donny…I mean marvin.
“Something tells me there’s something in those multi-million dollar contracts they sign that says they have to play where their team plays.”
Your ignorance is a dark pestulance. If a player refuses to play, the owner obviously does not have to pay him. This is called “quitting” in most quarters, and even Pooper, in his ignorance, would aver that one should be able to quit work in a free society (however defined).
@Pooperae: “Really, when a nothing attacks a something, the nothing ends up becoming less than nothing.”
One can only wish, in all kindness, that you don’t believe yourself to be a “something”. What is even more distressing, is the baseline anti-democratic attitude your whole little petty diatribe exhibits. Democracy is only for the “somethings”? Fuck you.
stamm’d @ 10: “It’s almost like you trained them to jump when you post.”
As opposed to you jumping to rujax. The irony. It’s rich.
Pooper: “Oh? Kind of like he did that to his radio program?”
Rush was created and promoted heavily by ABC under the ownership of Capital Cities. You might give this aspect of his career some thought, assuming you are capable of it.
Some folks need to read a recent column by David Brooks of the NYT. Brooks points out that Limbaugh has the listeners, but they don’t follow his lead when they vote. They often go the other way.
The man gets the press, but he doesn’t have the follow through.
Interesting that Rush wants to buy into the most heavily taxpayer-subsidized business there is. I guess his hypocrisy knows no bounds.
@6 So? Goebbels, in his time, was the most influential radio personality in his country.
While all the comments here have focused on the race issue, the real story here is Limbaugh wanting to own a piece of an industry that depends on public largesse for its very existence. Rush, it turns out, is a closet socialist.
Pooper’s pseudo-journalism has lifted him (by his own bootstraps even!) into the realm of the “somethings”.
Heh. In his own mind anyway…
@22: What? A bunch of owners conspiring to fix prices, defraud the public, and turn the power of the state to their private advantage? Surely you jest.
Steve farts…
You forgot headless and byebyegoober and they ain’t one of us (wingnuts as you so crudely propose)!
Hmmm.. proudass… Quoting Steve Kangas again on Rush? Still using him as your sledge hammer…
This is a man who is so toxic, he has to leave the country to have sex. He drugged himself into deafness but stayed out of jail. He’s a walking sewer. I can’t imagine how a higher profile will suddenly cause him to lose fans. But I also can’t imagine the NFL approving ownership. Wasn’t his Monday Night Football fail evidence that he’s bad for business?
Great article.
So is this one.
I say let him buy the team and the next time he complains about someone getting “special treatment” or a subsidy we can point right back at him.
Rush creates a lot of noise and has a large listening base. That doesn’t make him influential. You only need to look at the last 2 election cycles, new green power laws, new car emissions laws, raised CAFE standard, and the department of justice going after coal plants for polluting to see that.
Rush’s yelling has had zero effect on public policy.
It’s pretty obvious Leetard, that you’ve listened to about 30 seconds of his show total.
Nope, you’ve overestimated by 30 seconds. I get more than enough updates on his comments to know what he’s about (not to mention the ultra-embarrassing McNabb episode). I’m very familiar with his shtick. It’s not uncommon. It’s not unusual. It’s something that any halfway intelligent person knows can work to get dimwitted rubes like you and Crackpiper worked up into a lather over things you know nothing about. Most of us just know better. He doesn’t. Simple as that.
Shorter Lee:
Wingnuts are some simple, stupid motherfuckers.
@27 You raise an interesting point. How will the poobahs who run the NFL feel about an owner like Rush drawing attention to the utter socialism of their business model? Yeah, Rush is a non-starter.
@2 “Rush Limbaugh is a winner – he has made himself a winner through his own efforts, unlike folks like, say, Rabbit who are willing to take what others earn. Winners attract winners, and together, they win even more.”
What, economically speaking, does Limpdick produce? Besides hot air? Until someone figures out how to harness his mouth to a turbine, he’s not a producer.
3, 32: I once listened to about 90 minutes of Limpdick’s show while driving across Montana because it was the only fucking radio station I could get so it was either him or nothing.
This was when Shrub was floating his Medicare prescription plan, and of course Rush was against it, because helping old folks is, y’know, so-shu-lism.
For 90 minutes, I listened to that blowhard whine about how Bill Gates would qualify for Medicare Rx benefits. (Whatsamatter, Rush, doesn’t Gates pay enough taxes to deserve Medicare?) Never once did Rush mention anyone besides Gates. It was as if the millions of poor Medicare recipients who are forced to choose between food and medicine didn’t even exist.
That’s when I decided Rush Limbaugh is an irredemeeably dishonest man.
After puking out the car window, I turned him off, and listened to the wind rushing by the car window.
“I agree with the Taliban and now I want an NFL Team! Gimmmmmeeeee! I have an ego that dwarfs Texas, and enough money to buy all the drugs, and child sex I want! I make a living lying, taking things out of context, and entertaining people that would be considered brain dead zombies anywhere but in America. I am a racist, a pedophile, a hypocrite, and I despise women, and think they should stay in their place. I guess that makes me an average Republicon…”
Rush Limbaugh
erratum @36 “irredeemably”
37 Just admit it, you’re jealous. HAHAHAHAH Name one thing Rush has lied about.
Mark. I used to listen to the Al Franken Show. He played Rush’s lies on almost a daily basis. I remember him playing a rant about a politician. Rush took what the politician said, edited it so it sounded like the politician said exactly the opposite, and then complained “how could he say something like that” on the air.
Rush is a piece of slime. Face it.
More like crony-capitalism.
The difference between the left and the right is the fact that progressives never have to lie. I enjoy living on the right side of history.
All Facts Support My Positions. The only way to have it….
As far as being jealous Mark? I would rather be myself with my current $$ than be as rich as Rush from spreading hate, and dividing our failing nation. I sleep well. I bet Rush sleeps with a body guard outside his den.
Still sponsoring compassionate release for terrorists, asshole? Do you and your pussified countrymen understand football? Can we count on you to wear your skirt to games?
Yeah, real winner you are.
What Piper doesn’t understand is the fact that we have to take from what people earn to support a society where they can earn more in the future. Not everyone is “lucky” enough to even have a job these days.
If Piper fell off his horse and bumped his head he will be supported by other “earners”. That’s the way our society works. I know it is hard for someone filled with greed and envy to understand, but when he is fading away, I will gladly pay tax dollars to have someone change his diaper, because I know I will have someone to change my diaper when my time comes.
One thing about Rush. He sells hate, and there sure are a lot of buyers. $$$ For Hate!!! $$$ He has Goebbels example to follow… He’s not even original. Btw, how did Germany fare after all their “master race” pursuit? If I remember it looked a little like Detroit looks today.
The left wingnuts like to use the “faggot” word as an insult.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
It’s obvious yours is well past due for a changing.
Yours is an argument in flavor of forced servitude. You claim a right to care that comes at a cost. Someone has to pay the cost. If enough revenue isn’t generated to pay the cost, then, per your theory, the law must force those who currently pay your bills to either pay more or work more, which is a definition of involuntary servitude.
If I am injured, I rely upon resources for which I work and save and upon family and friends.
Detroit today is a perfect example of your philosophy in action.
If you don’t like the idea of Rush Limbaugh buying the Rams, then you beat his offer and buy the team yourself.
Life is filled with hard choices…
The Piper
Piper, no one is forcing you to serve. You can move to the woods, and live off mushrooms, and never pay a penny to anyone.
You are only required to “pay” if you choose to be a member of society. The choice is yours. Freedom!
Just remember to “Don’t get sick, and if you do get sick, then die quickly.” Alan Grayson said it extremely well…. Wouldn’t want your family homeless, and penniless just because you fell off your horse now would you? You can only rely on your family and friends until they run out of money, and then what? Bankruptcy, just like the 1,000,000 Americans that ran out of money trying to pay for “their” care last year. Over half of them were “insured” too, like it was going to do them any good. I guess they weren’t “lucky” like you right?
Rush is a pig, and preaches pigginess. You know what we do to pigs? Yeah that’s right.
As far as life being full of hard choices, my friend that broke his neck at 16 never had any choices. I am happy to pay into the system that took care of him, educated him, and helped him until he got his job RUNNING A COLLEGE.
And probably health insurance! between my employers and my contributions to our heath insurance plan we spend about $400 a month. In an average year total cost for my doctors visits runs about $800 dollars. I’m paying for other people. The year I fell and put 3 fractures in my left leg and broke my zygomatic arch (AKA cheekbone) my heath care costs were somewhere north of $40,000 (not including missed income which was also made up for by short term disability insurance). I paid about 1.5K of that. Not a bad deal if you think about it.
And let me see, besides pompously advocating for the Scottish Pro Terrorist Compassion Society Piper does WHAT for a living???
Some kind of lobbyist, is it?
Must be a demonstration of his (snort) bravery…..
And his credibility is …..?
Kinda hard to “stand up” for the “right” of unfettered ownership in a business that operates free of most anti-trust law, isn’t it?
Rush can be counted on to blather mindlessly about “independence” and wrap himself in a free market flag, but the fact is that professional sports in the United States do not operate in any recognizable free market. Each of the major professional leagues operates as a closed cabal of private ownership that openly engages in collusion to control pricing and exclude competition. This is, of course, all thanks entirely to the beneficence of the American voters and our elected representatives who have “socialistically” engineered our laws to grant these special privileges in return for “something”.
What that “something” is has never been well spelled out. But, among other things, it has included a fair amount of oversight and meddling by Congress whenever it suits them. So try and imagine a U.S. Congress in this political climate sitting idly by while the Fat-Bald-Smelly-Limpdicked drug addict tries to buy a pro franchise. They’ll run out of space for all the hearings.
But it’s not as though the NFL owners can’t read the scoreboard. They have no interest in drawing into their exclusive little club anyone who might prick up the interest of Congress. Does them no good whatsoever. They’ll stomp out any such silly dream before it even gets started. In fact they probably already have. The way these things usually work, any prospective owner begins by getting chummy with existing owners and makes their interest known through back channels. It has probably already been made abundantly clear to the Fat-Bald-Smelly-Limpdicked drug addict that he will be blocked from gaining any controlling ownership of an NFL team.
So why the public statements declaring his seemingly quixotic efforts?
What else? Politics.
Can’t wait to see Glen Beck break down in fits of tears when he has to explain to “real America” how the “socialists” are seizing control of the NFL.
Everytime I hear about that gasbag it has to do with some whopper he’s spewed. He lies about Obama every day. It’s sick.
The last one I heard that almost made me spit my sprite at my monitor was when he said 2 million morons walked in the million moron march.
Sorry it was more like 60,000.
The NFL is a non-profit, but hey get all sorts of exemptions in tax laws too.
It’s like the guys that drive the huge trucks and H2’s and think that they’re some sort of rugged self sufficient individualist when all the gas they burn, brake pads they go through and so on make them the most dependent people in our society.
Meanwhile, the guy with the garden and the bicycle, who’s a lot closer to actually being self sufficient (but, still miles from it), is a pussy. Go figure.
Well, I do think that Marge caused enough of a convulsion that even the most airheaded owners will understand that they need Rush like they need a virus.
Sure, some of the slithery winger types will be worshipfully thrilled (see, Scott, Piper: Terrorist Supporter, Scottish) but most will shudder at thrusting their club into the middle of huge controversy. No matter what the wingers delude themselves into thinking, people like Rush and Glenn cause visceral reactions in millions of sane Americans.
If you were an owner would you want Michael Vick and Rush Limbaugh in the same league? Appearing before millions on prime time tv every time Rush vomits out a particularly loathsome lie to enflame his base that backfires amongst the SANE viewers?
re 2: “Irrespective of race, a professional ballplayer offered a fat contract signs and plays.”
Man is not an economically rational creature. Also, there are other teams offering fat deals, so there is no need to work for Limbaugh — unless you are second rate. ’nuff said.
That is the flaw in your free market ideology.
Not too many people other than Rush’s base ever hear a word the man says. I say sell him the franchise so that everyone and their kids can get an ear full.
As far as selling out for the $$$ Pat Tillman never went “free agent” for big bucks. He stayed with the team that gave him a chance and signed a contract for far less than he could have to stay with Arizona.
For some it is all about money. For some it is all about character.
I wonder what side Rush is on…..
BTW I liked that. The 2 million moron march.
The folks that “don’t want guvvmint health care” while on medicare. You know, the ones like the old lady that told McCain Obama was an “Arab” at his rally. Dumber than a box of rocks. The Republicon Base. Nomongers… The “I want America to Fail” crowd. Oh, for the severely retarded Obama=America=Same Thing
Limbaugh would certainly not be the first asshole to own a major-league sports team, nor would he likely be the first white-collar crook, drug abuser, closet queen or pedo sex tourist. However, the NFL leadership will find him problematical. While most of their owners can be relied on to keep a low public profile, Rush’s gigantic ego, and the fact that he made his fortune shooting off his mouth, is likely to become a major embarrassment.
So much for the Asshole known as The Piper and his dumbass opinions.
what he said wasnt racist, he was talking about the media’s attitude.
It is unfortunate that left-wingers choose to cry racism as a proxy for political debate. As Juan Williams explains in his book ‘Enough’ this a tactic that is really racist because a) it foments racial division and intolerance; b) it results in people dismissing genuine complaints of racism.
Well rich dudes who buy sports teams are generally not progressive – thats just life. I mean, a few years ago the high bid on the Redskins was not accepted because the other owners did not want to let a jew in their precious club.
The difference with Rush and other owners, say Marge Schott for example, is that not only openly biggoted and clearly afraid of black people, but he seeks to cultivate this fear and biggotry in other people, and has made a business out of it. For that reason, I’d vote against him as an owener, were I an owner who could control these sorts of things.
Hey HA Toilet Dwellers… Stephen A Smith decimates this black anti-St Louis Rams argument.
NoFactsOrPositions – Rush is on the American Football side. The RAMS stink. If he thinks he can improve them let him try. It’s his money.
al sharpton is a race baiting piece of shit. He should be locked up for life.
as far as any NFL players who want to quit the rams if rush buys the team? Fine, they can go back to selling crack in compton.
@65 “He should be locked up for life.”
For what? In this country, we lock people up for what they do, not what they say. And thank God for that!
Of course, the First Amendment doesn’t keep Republicans from trying to lock up anyone who disagrees with them. Show me a Republican, and I’ll show you an asshole waving a Sedition Law.
Well, that can cut both ways, bubbas! If you fuckers want to play that way, we’ll be happy to lock you up when we’re in power. All we need is a law making it illegal to be an unpatriotic dicklicker.
@66, your memory must be about as long as your johnson – not very. Tawana Brawley ring a bell? or how about the riots he has instigated? or how about the extortion he and his type pull off?
now run along party partisan boy – REAL patriots dont suck party dick, like you do.
party first, nation last! right bunnyboy?
colonelsandersfavoritechicken shows himself in all his alan keyesian glory…stupid enough to be manipulated by the right wing republicans who just don’t give a shit about him.
Led by Lee Atwater republican campaign strategists began expoiting race as a means to divide the country. They did a great job. Limbaugh and Beck and Savage are the end product.
Rush, a successful extreme right wing talkshow host buys a football team is bad
Al Franken, a failed extreme left wing talkshow
host becomes Senator is good.
Rujax: The culture of dependency is the ultimate exploitation.
What the fuck are you talking about?
70. Sam Adams spews:
Limbaugh is a racist. A convicted prescription drug abuser. An iindividual of questionable morals: a corrosive, divisive voice and probably the de facto head of the republican party.
This is your guy, huh?
Says a lot about you fuckhead.
“Fine, they can go back to selling crack in compton.”
Please clarify, is that what blacks do when they’re not playing pro sports?
I’m just speechless before the absolute fucking stupidity of the right wing.
My god.
As said by someone that “wrote” –
Ru, I didn’t think you cared. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy and unable to debate any further.
Excuse me while I float away………….
Limbaugh the “de facto head of the Repubs?”
Well I’m not a Repub so I wouldn’t know but come on…you don’t think that statement is preposterous?
Yeah, I know…I just used a big word and didn’t actually float away.
He’s the tardo in libtardo. Not the sharpest pencil in the can.
He should make you feel very comfortable since your party is mostly made up of individuals of questionable morals.
So you don’t like Obama,, and don’t seem to align with liberals in general. You just like to give folkss shit? That’s OK, but you’re attitude seems rather narrow; like one of those fake libertarians…nee republicans.
Ahhh the dumb cinderblock trying to make a “point”. So you have issues with Stephen A Smith? He’s 100% right butt rujax can’t deal with any black who spots so called “racism” as perpetrated by Dummocrapts as a smokescreen for personal biases.
Live strong rujax.
Did you catch the admission from HA’s arschloch ylb arschloch? “I hear about that gasbag“…He gets all his information second hand from his whackamole kook-aid sites he loves to visit all day instead of job hunting and WANTING to snatch the pants back from his hard working wife. Another tardo in the libtardo mindset.
Oh you mean it’s Barack The Magic Negro time again ylb arschloch? Oh that was a black man from the LA Times… Nevermind!
So Rush wants to buy a football team with overrated and overpayed boys. Yes, Rush abused drugs and went into treatment but he did it to himself and not some poor dog. NFL should be proud they have a animal killer playing. I am not a racist but I cannot stand that idiot that is playing at being the president. Don’t say anything against a “black” you will be labeled a racist. Sharpton and Jackson are clowns and they are laughed at behind their backs.