This year’s short session starts January 13. With the state Senate controlled by the GOP even more so than last session, and the House and Governor’s Mansion firmly in the hands of Democrats, I think we’ll see more defense than either side being able to push an agenda. They won’t have to compromise on a budget, so I suspect anything that does get passed will be small and around the edges. Still, they might surprise us. And anyway, there’s no reason to start the session out without a wishlist. Is there anything you’re hoping for or anything you’re hoping gets blocked?
For me, I’m less and less sure that there’s any sort of transportation package that isn’t terrible, but you never know. If I had one thing that in an ideal world I’d have the legislature pass it would be a high earner’s income tax. That won’t happen, doy, but it’s worth saying I’d like it. If they won’t pass that, a local option income tax would be better, although I think localities have the right, because of supreme court decisions made in the 1930’s and political cowardice, they won’t use it without some prompting. Barring that, I’d still like the Reproductive Parity Act but given that when NARAL called me, they weren’t even pushing that, it seems unlikely.
It seems obvious that the people who have most of the money should pay most of the taxes.
Well, Eyman’s at it again. This time, he’s playing Monty Hall. Behind door number 1, his initiative wants to cut a penny off the state’s share of the sales tax. Or instead, you can have what’s behind door number 2, a constitutional amendment to bring back the 2/3 majority to raise taxes. Basically, the initiative says that if legislators don’t put forth an amendment to the voters (which would require a 2/3 vote in both houses), the state’s sales tax rate drops a penny. Eyman claims this isn’t blackmail, only “a strong financial incentive to let the people vote“.
Was Timmy born with a learning disability? Seriously, Eyman is proposing another initiative with two items so as to give legislators a real (Hobson’s) choice, cut taxes or cut taxes. This one is sure to be slapped down by the state Supreme Court over the one issue clause.
Hey Eyman, where’s the initiative that lets the people vote on corporate tax breaks? Oh, but his rich benefactors wouldn’t stand for that sort of populism.