I slept in this morning, emptied my bladder, brushed my teeth, let the dog and cat out, made myself a pot of green tea, let the dog and cat back in, mixed up a yeast dough, ate a banana, fed the dog and cat, started cooking a split pea soup, drank some more tea, and wrote this post.
So far, that’s about it.
I just updated this post. Not much else is doing.
If you slice up six kosher hotdogs and put them in the soup (last 20 min.), it really makes the soup delicious.
Skipped rubbin’ one out to Ditzy Darcy? :) Happy New Year!
All I’ve done so far this morning is let the dog out, let the dog back in, let the dog out, let the dog back in, let the dog out, let the dog back in, let the dog out, let the dog back in, let the dog out, let the dog back in, let the dog out, let the dog back in, let the dog out, let the dog back in, let the dog out, let the dog back in, let the dog out, and let the dog back in again. In a few minutes, I’m going to walk the dog. After that, I hope to get something else done today.
I like the Hebrew National hot dogs. Those are really good.
3. Roger Rabbit spews:
‘In a few minutes, I’m going to walk the dog. After that, I hope to get something else done today.’
You mean the dog pulls you along in your wheelchair right? At least be honest. Happy New Year! :)
I hereby dedicate the upcoming year to being a good and faithful servant for my cats. Just like last year. And the years before that. But they deserve no less. Just ask them.
@1…B…& @4…PI…
Best to toss in lots of ham bones with plenty of meat still on them. And be liberal (used here in a good sense) with the Worcerstershire Sauce.
The Piper
What goldy, no hoppin’ john?!
@5 Sure beats propelling it with my hands.
Thoughts For the New Year
Conservatism is based on the idea that the strong have a right to exploit the weak.
Liberalism is based on the idea that the weak have a right to protection from the strong.
And now I will explain what Goldy was thinking before he wrote today’s post:
“I want to write something. Hmmm, what to write? I’m still obsessed with Palin, but she’s out of the picture now. Caroline Kennedy is in the news, but I’m afraid that if I express reservations about her qualifications to be U.S. Senator, that may ruffle some feathers with the Democratic Party, and in turn, ruin any future chances I have for running for local office, so I’m just going to write about my daily routine.”
Somehow, I don’t see Goldy doing much cookin’ with pig.
That sounds about right.
Split pea is one of the few things that can be made Vegan and still taste good. Peas, water salt.
But there’s nothing that can’t be made better with the addition of bacon.
Conservatism = personal resposnibility, initiative, achievement and reliance.
Liberalism = “spread the wealth around”, government reliance, no accountability.
Goldy, did you wash your hands after you emptied your bladder or is that where the yeast came from?
10 You will go to the grave never being able to know the truth even though you think you’re
“enlightened”. So sad.
HA has become Twitter.
15 RS
Yes, I noticed how accountable the Bush administration has been.
@18, 19. Let’s keep it on topic, please. Open thread will be coming soon.
– Thank you
Caroline Kennedy is perfectly well qualified to serve in the US Senate.
US Constitution Article I Section 3:
I think there are a lot of good reasons not to appoint her to a seat, but she’s certainly qualified.
2008 Military Times poll: 6 out of 10 Wary about Obama
Well, when Donk take over the military…
20 T
Bite me.
I don’t want to pull rank, but you’re treading on this ice. Take care.
So Pelletizer@3: Today we know who let the dog out woof.. woof… woof woof
Politically Incorrect: Ever seen Takeru Kobayashi eat all those Hebrew National Hot dogs during those 4 July contests?
@23: Too old and too rough. No, I didn’t say too tough. Your sad arguments here prove that everyday.
22 Pud
Well, first of all…
Second, your comment lumps in those who are “uncertain” with those who are “pessimistic.” So we’ve elected a change candidate in a change election, marking the biggest departure from the norm in American history, and some people in the military are “uncertain?” Yes, OF COURSE they are. The article never breaks out the numbers to state how many are pessmistic, but I’d say given the poll’s demographic skew, I’d say the number is not even worth considering, and you end up making no point at all.
24 T
Go for it. Show me what you got, besides delusions of grandeur.
Odd, I would have defined it as
Progressive = personal responsibility, initiative, achievement and reliance and the ability to trust the government as a safety net when fierce self reliance is not enough.
Conservative = “funnel the wealth to the richer”, government corruption, no accountability, bigotry, and intolerance.
Apparently we live in opposite worlds world views.
How do we find common ground? How are conservatives going to try to find common ground with progressive values.
Srooy, I missed the breakdown, because it was in a graphic, and I ignore them because they are so often ads:
Of their admittedly conservative-leaning slice of the whole of the military demographic, 33% of those polled reported that they are “optimistic” about the prospect of Barack Obama as commander-in-chief of the military, 35% report that they are “uncertain” (certainly understandable), and only 25% of these conservative soldiers say that they are “pessimistic.”
I’d say those are pretty GOOD numbers for Barack Obama, who also enjoys stratospheric levels of support in wider polls of Americans.
You know what? It’s New Year’s Day. So what if you’re off-topic? I’ve decided I’m not going to block your IP from the site for a week, after all. That’s my gift to you.
Let’s define terms
If “spread the wealth around” means a steep progressive income tax, I’m in favor of that.
What do you mean?
What’s wrong with some government reliance for those who are weak and unable to fend for themselves? We allow it for Medicare and Medicaid, Social Security? You don’t like those programs?
What do you mean by no accountability? It seems that the current administration, that is conservative, is not being accountable. What fool is in favor of not having government accountability?
32 T
Aw, that’s cute how you turn total powerlessness into noblesse oblige.
However, I still don’t believe in you. Mr. Wizard. Why don’t you REALLY show us all what you can do and how big your balls are and block my IP permanently.
And then I’ll post again.
33 BJ
I like how conservatives stand for “reliance” (on what?) and liberals stand for “government reliance.”
It’s a big mess of non-meaningful mush with no possibility of real-world support, which is pretty much the conservative credo.
So far I’ve spent the day laughing at the retarded, impotent right wing fools we destroyed in the Nov 4th election. I wonder if they secretly just aren’t glad we destroyed everything they believed in. Knowing the whole world is laughing at their pathetic party must make 2009 start on a pretty sour note for these idiots. HA HA HA!
Goldy! I am challenging you summon up the courage to write a piece on Caroline Kennedy! And here’s the kicker… I want you to be honest! I know that you secretly feel she’s not qualified to be a U.S. Senator.
Now … Do you have the guts to say so in public?
In my day they didn’t close the pass highways for “avalanch control” every time it snowed a lot. They kept them open! Now that the liberals are in control, they close it every time it snows! A suspicious person with a wild imagination might wonder …
brb, international business call.
We seem to be improving the definitions as we go along.
Well, you have to admit being the worst president ever is quite an achievement.
Daddy Love: You chose to ignore the important part:
“But as a snapshot of the professional corps, the responses highlight the challenges Obama faces as he prepares to take command of military careerists with different political and cultural attitudes.”
Who are the professional corps Daddy Love? Those who chose to make it a career. Those are the one who bailed on Clinton remember?
Who leads the military men Daddy Love? The Professional Soldiers do. So your “point” is worthless.
Way to start the new year, just the way you left the last one… worthless points.
ByeByeGoober@36: You didn’t destroy anything I believe in.
1) I believe in God
2) I believe in true morals
3) I believe you are ByeByeGoober, the fool who is pissed at Cindy McCain
4) I believe life begins at conception
5) I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
6) I believe in the Bible
7) I believe Jesus is coming again soon.
8) I believe in Creation
I had those beliefs before November 4 and I still have them now
Speaking of unease…NY Times columnist and very reliable liberal, Nicholas Kristoff, scolded lefties for being pikers in the charitable giving department
Of course, to conservatives who believe that charitable good works properly belong to individual citizens and the church, this wasn’t news.
Libs will undoubtedly counter with the amount of taxes they support, which exposes the paucity of their argument. Taxes are involuntary exactions from the citizenry, while charitable contributions are the free-will gifts of people.
There’s a saying among a lot of people I know that, “Love begins at 11 percent.” Meaning, the tithe is the bare-bones minimum – if you’re serious about making a difference, you give above that.
While Kristoff attempts to qualify his admitted ragging of liberals by saying much of what conservatives give is to churchs, he fails to acknowledge that much of the work making a difference in society today is done by churchs.
Government can’t address problems of the soul and spirit, but the church is exactly in that business.
Curious…wouldn’t it be interesing to look at the charitable giving records of the HA Happy Hooligans? To see whether they put their individual money where their ideological mouths are?
All the time, conservatives get scolded for not being “compassionate,” which, as liberal Kristoff acknowledges, is a canard. We give because we WANT to, not because we have to.
Libs, on the other hand, crow about exacting funds from others, then redistributing it. They’re real good at being “compassionate” with other people’s money.
On the first day of 2009, how many of the HA Happy Hooligans will commit to giving in excess of 10 percent of their gross income to worthy, humanitarian causes this year?
Rabbit? YippeeLilBoy? Daddy Love (with a name like that, you should be numero uno)? BBGOP aka Bent (or do you have to spend too much for soap for your mouth?)? Blue John?
Let’s see you boys open those wallets and give…Give…GIVE!!!
Goes for you, too, Goldy…and Lee…and Will…and Darryl.
The Piper
@42: I had those beliefs before November 4 and I still have them now
You have my sympathies. May your god bless your pitiful soul this coming year, and for many years thereafter. As for your ‘belief’ #7, you may be too late, rev. Moon is already here.
Just read the article. I found this paragraph enlightening …
“Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.”
Well so far watched the bowl games, saw a good number of Steve Sarkisian shots, I hope he does a good job at the U-Dub, Whats going on with Gonzaga?
Not so fast, Piper. Kristoff is relying on porous scholarship, and has been suckered:
http://www.dailykos.com/story/.....660/675647 (liberal critique)
http://stevereuland.blogspot.c.....rooks.html (critique on conservative blog)
The fact that you buy into this crap is telling. I challenge you to a bout of intellectual honesty. Try it sometime. It’s quite refreshing.
porous scholarship, intellectual dishonesty, partisan hackery, outright lies, and plain crap are all synonomous with DailyKus.
Your giving records are…???
The Piper
@42: puddy does not forget…remember that! Or Forget Not! Remember the Main! Now, where was I?
@48: Yes, ad hominums are the mark of conservative debate. So how much did you cheat on your taxes last year?
Professional soldiers should be worried. The Pentagon budget is going to be slashed, and the lazy fucking slackers can find a real job–in the real economy. We don’t poll welfare queens for their political opinions.
belief #4: Actually, life is an ongoing process that began billions of years ago.
Rev. Moon told me so, and he’s God. He says so himself. Often. You dispute that?
Troll cranks up brain fart: In my day they didn’t close the pass highways for “avalanch control” every time it snowed a lot. They kept them open! Now that the liberals are in control, they close it every time it snows! A suspicious person with a wild imagination might wonder …
Well actually, idiot, “liberals” have controlled this state for a very long time, so your “suspicion” makes absolutely no sense. But why should you change?
As for the danger, read this:
come’on pooper @ 48. How much did you skim off in tax evasion last year? Many self-employed types brag shamelessly about running personal expenses through their business as “business expenses”. As some kind of “consultant” you probably do the same.
How much? I just want to know if you are above or below the mean.
Wrong. In my day Dan Evans was in charge, and THEY DID NOT CLOSE THE PASS HIGHWAY AS MUCH AS THEY DO NOW! I am telling you from personal experience. I cannot remember ONE DAY as a young skier that I couldn’t make it up to the Ski Acres. Now, every time it snows a little, the close down 1-90. That never, and I repeat, NEVER happened in my day.
I keep good records, have a CPA do my taxes, and take the fullest advantage of every deduction opportunity allowed by law.
BTW…you are amazingly un-clever but very insipid. In your post @49, it’s supposed to be the Maine – that refers to the battleship named after the state that was sunk in Havana harbor in 1898.
Ad hominum attacks are the stock in trade at DailyKus. What you don’t do is fess up and answer the direct question I posed you about your giving. Instead, you sought to deflect the issue by implicitly suggesting that I break the law, which, of course, is defamatory.
So, you’re not only an identity thief, you’re also a defaming coward who is afraid to answer a direct question.
Again…what is your giving record???
The Piper
I have no sympathy for those snowmobilers. They ruin the experience of the outdoors for the rest of us.
@15 “Conservatism = personal resposnibility”
Of all the horseshit you’ve posted on this blog, this ranks among the most laughable.
I keep good records, have a CPA do my taxes, and take the fullest advantage of every deduction opportunity allowed by law.
My CPA keeps excellent records of my giving and last year alone I saved more on taxes than I ever gave to charity!
As for the poor, do they not have workhouses and orphanages!? What little taxes I pay after deducting my well designed and documented “charitable giving” go to paying for the workhouses and orphanages!
Bah Humbug!
@17 Whatever. See #58.
@20 He is on topic! The topic of this blog is
Btw, I see the GOP franchise isn’t exactly prospering these days …
@22 I hate (snicker) to break this to you, puddynut, but the election’s over and your side LOST (snort)!
@24 Bite me.
@25 Gonna make something of it, punk?
@32 The only thing worse than a conservative ass is a pretentious conservative ass.
Now, every time it snows a little, the close down 1-90.
That is simply a lie. Why are you a liar?
@43 I gave to Darcy for a better America. What more could anyone ask from me?
@42(2) You quit the GOP?
@49 Remember which Main? Water Main? Main Street?
Again…what is your giving record???
33 1/3 or so. So how many personal expenses did you run through your “biznus”? I’d wager your “enterprise” owns one or more of your autos, right?
You protest too much. You waltz in here citing Kristoff’s bullshit and throw rhetorical challenges around….and you call me a thug? Grow up.
Where are all the trolls tonight? Buried under snow in their cars on I-90?
Your personal experience means shit. Cite historical data from official sources. You’ve already been shown to be a liar.
You strike me as somewhat pathological.
@72 I can tell you’re not a native Washingtonian. I am.
End of discussion.
@72 I can tell you’re not a native Washingtonian.
Wrong again, bub. Born and raised. Probably older than you to boot.
But you’ve already been shown to be a liar. A shameless one at that.
End of discussion.
Wow. That is fucking impressive…..
….for a 14 year old.
Moronic name stealer@44:
Moon? Full or New?
UPDATE on my 2009.
I watched some re-runs of right wing talking heads making doomed predictions about the Nov 4 election.
I read some right wing web sites where the fools were crying about how bad life is now that they’ve been bent over and fucked in the ass by the American people.
And I continue to just generally laugh at how badly we defeated, destroyed and demeaned the GOP!
The military poll was taken after Obama won.
Still stupid and starting the new year the way you ended the old.
Piper, when a name stealing thug uses DailyKurse to make their insipid point you know you’ve won the argument.
Remember these Kurse thugs brought us Trig Palin was the daughter’s child. Then they mysteriously took down the post. But it was cached. Well maybe Kurse asked Google to kill it, ya know one librul org to another…
@54 Many self-employed types brag shamelessly about running personal expenses through their business as “business expenses”.
Was a survey done to conclude this . . . supporting evidence?
Don’t tell any of the HA leftists but rocket and mortar attacks into Israel have dramatically increased since Hamas won parliamentary elections in January in Gaza from 2006 until now.
Gotta love those CNN peeps when they bring in the new year on live TV.
Becuz I know some of you lefties are slow…
She had to be referring to those NYC libtards…
Looks like James Hansen is at it again.
Study Page 5 Donkey. More wealth socialism requests.
It would be nice if someone like Goldy would monitor this thread and delete any entries of people using other folk’s ‘aliases’ and then block those people from posting in the future for a period of time. Also, if Goldy would post the original alias of those being blocked so we know who to look out for, that would be great.
Oh no global warming caused the December snow jobs.
Green Bay ended the month with 45.6 inches of snowfall, the most of any December on record.
With 42.9 inches already in November and December, the 1-3 inches expected on Tuesday could push the snowfall total up to the average 45 inches that normally falls in any given winter in these parts, with the brunt of winter still to come.
Fargo’s December snowfall total as of 6 a.m. was 30.5 inches, which broke the previous record of 29.2 inches set in December 1927, according to the weather service.
SPOKANE, Wash. – Spokane residents were trying to dig out yesterday after a record-breaking month of snow collapsed roofs and clogged streets. Bismarck, N.D., also set a snowfall record.
Didja notice it was 18 degrees in NYC when da ball dropped last night?
Oh no global warming caused the December snow jobs.
Green Bay ended the month with 45.6 inches of snowfall, the most of any December on record.
With 42.9 inches already in November and December, the 1-3 inches expected on Tuesday could push the snowfall total up to the average 45 inches that normally falls in any given winter in these parts, with the brunt of winter still to come.
Fargo’s December snowfall total as of 6 a.m. was 30.5 inches, which broke the previous record of 29.2 inches set in December 1927, according to the weather service.
SPOKANE, Wash. – Spokane residents were trying to dig out yesterday after a record-breaking month of snow collapsed roofs and clogged streets. Bismarck, N.D., also set a snowfall record.
Didja notice it was 18 degrees in NYC when da ball dropped last night?
I wonder if any of deze are illegals?
Kathy Griffin hating on Republicans has to be one of the top 5 easiest things in the world to find.
Sorry, doubt her comment was aimed at liberals seeing how she is one.
Michael, what inhabits NYC?
It ain’t Conservatives!
Where was she when she blurted out that special comment?
It must be Donk! Transitive property.
Global warming refers to the warming of global average temperatures. That’s why the word global is in it.
Tom Friedman prefers the term “global weirding.”
Sorry Pud, you’re the only one putting a political motive or reasoning on/to her comment.
Why do Republicans feel the need to usurp the works of liberals (Ooo.. Barracuda!)?
Yeah and it’s hot as hell in Mumbai right now and every freaking year Greenland sets a record melt and navigating the northern passage is getting to be a commercial proposition. What the fuck is the point?
It’s 93 in Perth right now..
yelling loser boy: Here is an opposing view to Greenland…
Moron@95 it’s summer in Australia fool…
I know you’ve never been to Perth but it’s a nice city on the Australian west coast!
Michael@93: She made the comment on New Years Eve in NYC. What are my motives again…?
You are too damn funny… :)
Aaaahhhh Stupes is crying the blues for the Palins. Those right wing super parents who were so busy doing the right wing bidness their teenage daughter got pregnant right under their noses.
Happens to the best of us I guess. Sniff.. Sniff…
PudWax: You are a sad,angry, deluded little man.
An ideologue.
Boogity lucy@100: Yes I am an idealogue for the truth, especially when it explodes little librul minds.
First off I don’t need 20+ sock puppet names to try and hide myself as Irv Kupicet or Col Biff, etc…
I’m black boogity lucy, little is out of the question.
I’m not beholden to the reservation boogity lucy, so I’m not sad.
I am a Child of Jesus boogity lucy, so I’m not angry.
Ahhh clueless idiot yelling loser boy… Didja read that link on Greenland yet?
Nope you Dope. I was referring to Daily Kurse and how they got it wrong again. I realize you still get your warm sticky kool-aid from them even in 2009.
Sad sad sad you can’t think for yourself…
HA Libtards like rhp6033 and nevercorrectstillnotbright…
Weren’t you ‘tards pointing your accusatory finger at bank deregulation as the primary cause of bank, brokerage firm, and insurance company failures? Then I read all about it in the libtard media.
But this article is strange…
Is this cuz of declining revenues and layoffs in the libtard media, some believe deregulation could be the solution? You’ve got to be kidding…
You see yelling loser boy… it pays to read many things. But you keep reading Kurse and Morons!
102,103 – Blah, blah, blah – more moronic right wing blather from the self-appointed potentate of right wing bullshit at HA.org.
So sad he can’t see he’s being taken for a fool.
It may pay to read more varied articles – but you are making no sense. I read the article and it says absolutely NOTHING about the banking crisis. In fact, the article is quite muddled and doesn’t really get at the problems of media consolidation.
In the end, it is not how much a person reads, but how a person can actually assimilate information and make sense of it. Your juvenile name-calling doesn’t excuse the fact that you ignore information from sources you don’t like and the fact that neutral sources have pinpointed the problems in the banking collapse to two bills (credit-default swap/banking deregulation) sponsored by Phil Gramm to deregulate the banks. One of the bills was slipped into the budget bill at the last minute by Gramm and the republicans in 2000.
The Stupes method:
Call out – link to something stupid – name-call – repeat.
The method to the madness of a moron.
@77 “UPDATE on my 2009.
“I watched some re-runs of right wing talking heads making doomed predictions about the Nov 4 election.
“I read some right wing web sites where the fools were crying about how bad life is now that they’ve been bent over and fucked in the ass by the American people.
“And I continue to just generally laugh at how badly we defeated, destroyed and demeaned the GOP!”
All this is true, but remember that winning the November election was the beginning — not the end — of our work. The Republicans still have the money they stole from us. Let’s get it back.
Conservative economic policy is summed up by the phrase “Nibor Dooh” — Robin Hood spelled backwards — which consists of stealing from the poor to give to the rich.
Twenty-four hours ago, at midnight of New Year’s Day, Washington’s minimum wage went up to $8.55 per hour.
Many conservatives argue this is outlandishly high. A full-time minimum-wage worker in Washington will now make $17,784 a year, which is slightly more than what health insurance and copays cost for a typical retired rabbit couple in Seattle.
To put the new minimum wage rate in perspective, a minimum wage worker would have to work for a thousand years to earn the $18 million that GOP Senate candidate Mike McGavick got paid by Safeco Insurance for two months of part-time “consulting work.”
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Okay, kiddies, put on your thinking caps because this one is a real toughie! It’s a two-part multiple-choice test, so even a monkey throwing darts as a 50% chance of getting it right! This is not a trick question! There is only one correct answer, and the correct answer is obvious, so applying even a slight amount of logic will vastly improve your odds of selecting the correct answer! Ready? Set? Here we goooooo …
Which of the following workers is most overpaid?
[ ] 1. Minimum wage worker
[ ] 2. Mike McGavick
Now remember, kids, voting Republican is a vote for Mike McGavick and against minimum wage workers! So, if you believe people earning $8.55 an hour aren’t overpaid, and people getting $18 million for 2 months of part-time “consulting work” aren’t underpaid, never ever vote Republican!
By the way, one of the reasons my medical expenses are $15,000 a year is so people like McGavick can make $9 million a month. And I pay $250 a month for heat so guys like the CEO of Puget Sound Energy can get a $20 million bonus for selling his company to foreigners. This is called “robbing the poor to give to the rich” or “Nibor Dooh” for short.
And that’s nothing compared to the $700 billion of taxpayer money that Bush and Paulson just gifted to Wall Street and the banks.
Now that my mortgage is paid off, I have to pay higher taxes, because Republicans just can’t stand the idea of someone like me being able to save any money or get ahead. Only the hereditary entitled class is allowed to have income you don’t work for.
Nevercorrectnotbright: I see you can’t make associations too well…
“Even so, the incoming Obama administration faces difficult choices involving big media nearly as nettlesome, in their own way, as the mess it’s grappling with regarding the Big Three automakers.”
“So as the U.S. wrestles with ways to salvage the auto industry, it’s worth considering options to fortify traditional media …”
What is the mess? Well, it is bailing out the Big Three just like bailing out the banks and Wall Street. But wait Nevercorrectnotbright, why did banks and wall street fail again…?
I realize if it isn’t blatant, Nevercorrectnotbright can’t figger it out.
Wow everyone, now Variety Magazine is right wing blather.
yelling loser boy – your list of right wing MSM is silly, stupid, and strange (SSS). Just like you, howling in your toilet.
Pelletizer@113: Why don’t you list these
“Republican taxes”
so we can determine if you are pissing in the headwind like you did in 2008? Don’t worry I expect another dumb bunny comment.
Pelletizer, there was a Seattle restaurant owner who was saying his wage costs just went up $2000 a month due to increases in minimum wage. He says is not making a lot of money and the additional $2000 a month will force him to reduce their hours or staff. This is the same thing “real economists” mentioned when the minimum wage increases hit this month.
Nice post, Goldy. I didn’t do much of anything yesterday as well. PAC “10” 5-0 in bowls…..nice!
But then again Nevercorrectnotbright, the press does make things worse. Check out this poll
“Poll: 77% of Americans Blame Media for Making Economic Crisis Worse”
And yelling loser boy – Opinion Research Corporation (ORC) is the official partner of CNN for the CNN/Opinion Research Poll(R), so it must be right-wing per your SSS commentary above…
All freeway passes still closed because it snowed.
try try the math
@.48 cents/hr and 160 hr month, that is about $80/employee/month. This employer must be employing about 25 min wage folks.
That sounds like a pretty large restaurant. It can not be Dicks because they pay over mw. That leaves what ? A fast food franchise??
Something is wrong in your story!
Too many Illegal Mexicans in our country depress wages and increases our unemployment and homelessness.
In all the pictures I see on TV of people in Gaza, climbing over rubble, shaking their fist at the sky, I never see any females. What’s up with that?
“Well, Troll, in Islamic culture it is customary for the females to ensure the safety of the children by staying in the home and ….” blah, blah, blah.
Bullshit. I’m going to say what you libs don’t have the guts to say. Islam is an ignorant, backwards, sexist, misogynistic cult that treats women like slaves.
Goldy is going to write a post today on the SPD shooting the guy in the German military uniform.
Connelly has an column in the P.I. today which talks about how outgoing DNR head Sutherland is signing off on some sweetheart deals, allowing firms who supported him to use state-owned aquatic lands for their own business purposes. The Bush administration is trying to do the same by pushing through some last-minute oil & gas leases of public lands.
I encourage people to start off the new year by reading this outstanding commencement speech by David Foster Wallace.
115 -LMAO!! Your head is a toilet. So full of right wing crap, it’s too sad.
At one time you bellowed something about eating shit and barking at the moon.
Pretty apt description of how your kind has always operated considering last Nov 4 and all.
And the most hilarious commencement speech ever …
meaningless blather from troll. Not worth the space it takes on my screen.
42. Puddybud, Very Sad Today… spews:
Ditto for me Puddy.
ByeBye somehow believes this election has HURT us spiritually and financially.
The Progressive Atheists focus on taking away from those who have…rather than growing the pie. They are quite pathetic….living in delusion that Obama will or even can “punish” wealthy people.
Wealthy people have the best Tax & Estate Planning Attorneys & CPA’s money can buy.
ByeBye is in a dreamworld….playing the game where Alligator Heads pop up, you smack it down and another one appears.
Please spare us the report on your efforts to “pinch a loaf” willya?
The actual cost increase for an employer with the new minimum wage is ~$.516 per hour (Employers have to pay Social Security and Medicare which is ~7.5%). So the total wage cost in 2008 was $8.67525 and in 2009 will be $9.19125 for the $.516 difference per hour.
If that particular employer has 4 waiters working half time (1040 hours per year) then his costs in 2008 for wages would have been ~ $36089.04 (4*1040*8.675). For those same four employees in 2009 the cost will be $38235.60 (4*1040*9.19125). The difference is $2146.56.
So that is still not a really large restaurant even with eight employees.
Mr. Cynical: “Goldy– Please spare us the report on your efforts to “pinch a loaf” willya?”
You doth protest too loudly.
Back to the Split Pea soup, (which is probably long gone ) my secret is to add a couple Chipotles to the pot. OMG, adds a bite of spice, and a bit of smoke. Yum
@121: SeattleJew: I caught the story last night as I was brushing my teefes. He has a few people working yesterday. My wife called me in as she thought we had eaten at that restaurant in Seattle.
me@132: Good post man.
yelling loser boy farted out of his mouth as it bubbled up in the toilet:
That quote was attributed to KLake. He wrote his definition of you Moonbat!s was eating shit and barked at the moon. We on the right told him we’d use it as needed as it aptly described your diet and mental state.
Notice yelling loser boy doesn’t argue on the facts. He always resorts to ad hominem attacks…
Remember headlice called it a zero sum game…
I propose that the next time it’s determined there’s an avalanche hazard, that Troll be sent to drive over Snoqualmie Pass alone in a jacked-up Silverado with loud pipes and a 2,000 watt stereo blasting drum-and-bass at full volume.
@116 That’s an easy one, pudnutzcracker: INFLATION TAX. Yep, that’s right, when you cut taxes, increase spending, and print money, you get INFLATION.
The INFLATION TAX is great for employers, most of whom are Republicans, because it allows them to cut wages without appearing to cut wages and then blame the government for the fact their workers are earning less. All the bosses have to do is tell their workers they can’t afford to give them COLAs because of higher costs for everything from materials to transportation — and turn around and tell their customers they have to raise prices because of higher costs. This allows them to increase their profit margins at both ends — by cutting wages and raising prices!
INFLATION works so well for putting more money in the pockets of the wealthy class without having to work for it, invest for it, or take business risks for it, that deficit spending has become standard operating procedure for Republican administrations and Congresses!
Plus, it allows lying Republican politicians to raise taxes on the working class while telling them they’re giving them tax cuts.
By the way, in case some of you haven’t been paying attention, the reason why the Republican Bush administration is printing money to pour a trillion dollars into the banking system without collecting taxes from the wealthy classes who caused this crisis and got all the profits from it is to prevent DEFLATION.
That’s right, the conservative economists are in a dither about DEFLATION, because deflation effectively raises wages! Can’t have that, now, can we?
You mean he’ll borrow yours?
The Piper
The Associated Press reported at least 314 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq in 2008, down from 904 in the previous year.
Chicago Tribune reported today Chicago closed out the year with 509 homicides, an increase of about 15 percent over 2007.
Ya gotta love Obama land…
@117 “Pelletizer, there was a Seattle restaurant owner who was saying his wage costs just went up $2000 a month due to increases in minimum wage.”
Well, that’s possible. The minimum wage increase was pretty large this year — 48 cents an hour — because we have high inflation now. That works out to $2,000 a month if he has 24 full-time minimum-wage workers, or about 48 part-time workers.
Hard to tell what this guy means when he says he’s “not making a lot of money,” though. What is “a lot?” Some people who make $500,000 a year think they’re middle class and aren’t making “a lot” of money, because they’re comparing themselves to CEOs who make $25 million a year and hedge fund managers who make several billion dollars a year. It seems very likely that anyone who owns a restaurant employing between two and four dozen people is doing better than you or more. I don’t know about him, but if I were him, I wouldn’t stay in that business if I wasn’t making six figures and I don’t think anyone else would, either. It’s not worth the effort and hassle if all you’re making is truck driver wages.
Furthermore, it’s a sure bet this guy is raising his prices, and telling his customers he has to raise prices because of higher costs for everything from labor to food to transportation! We all know what has happened to food costs in the last two years.
So spare us the crocodile tears, puddy! When everything costs more, workers have to be paid more. It’s not a raise for them. They’re not better off, they’re not living better, they’re not being paid more. It’s merely a mathematical adjustment to keep them in the same place economically because of the declining value of the dollar caused by inflationary Republican borrow-and-spend policies.
So now I have spent my first full day of 2009 laughing at the impotent republican party – you know – the one we bent over and fucked in the ass on Nov 4. . . the one that America laughed at and rejected . . . the one that now has no plan other than to hope for the destruction of America!
Now – I get to laugh at the thought of that miserable idiot GW Bush leaving office in disgrace. On the bright side, we’ll finally get rid of his office memo bad which says…
“From the desk of STUPID!”
Of course, what conservatives like puddy really want is for taxpayers to subsidize the labor costs of private businesses so the rich owners of those businesses can make more profit! The minimum wage, which pays a full-time worker about half of subsistence, effectively forces taxpayers to subsidize the profits of low-wage employers. In economic terms, it’s the same thing as making taxpayers pay for half of the cost of lumber used to build a new house so the homebuilder can make more profit.
41 Hell, if I had one, I’d give it to him.
The virtues of Subarus are one thing you and I can agree on, Piper.
This is a mighty strange system we have, let me tell you! We don’t expect businesses to sell products for less than they cost. But businesses expect workers to sell their labor for less than it costs the workers to provide that labor, and expect government to provide the workers with housing subsidies, food stamps, and Medicaid so workers can continue to provide them with labor for less than it costs to support the workers with basic subsistence. Why is that? It looks like fucking old-fashioned greed to me.
“The Associated Press reported at least 314 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq in 2008, down from 904 in the previous year.”
ONLY 314? That’s exactly 314 too many. Let’s talk again the year that it’s zero.
I’ve decided it’s the 2009 Forester Ltd. for me…red in color with the black leather heated seats. I will pay cash soon after 1/19.
The Piper
Republicans love to tell people how “hard” they “work” for their money. The truth is, Republicans don’t work for money, they lobby for it.
How many Republican business owners got rich by working their asses off and actually producing something that they sold at a competitive price in a competitive market?
The truth is, no one gets rich from competition, because competition drives down profit margins. They get rich by erecting barriers to competition (often with government help) and collecting government subsidies!
Believe me, the last thing any business person wants is competition. Business people don’t love competition, they complain about it!
The only competition that business owners like is competition among states for their factories and retail stores. Nowadays, most businesses of any size want government to take over some of their costs so they can make more profit! If you haven’t been paying attention, for some years now, businesses have been pitting states against each other to extract the largest possible subsidies from local taxpayers by holding jobs as hostages to taxpayer giveaways. I even recall reading a news story about a manufacturer who moved his plant to Mexico because Michigan refused to pay his workers’ wages. Personally, I think it’s nuts to reward behavior like that. That guy should have been jailed as a traitor.
@122 Troll, that’s exactly why Bush and his Republican cronies want a wide-open immigration policy. Without immigrant labor, America would have a labor shortage, and that would drive up wages. Well, the cheap labor conservatives don’t want that! So the Bush administration, under pressure from big business, has paid lip service to busting illegals to appease their redneck constituencies, but in reality has pandered to big business by doing nothing to stem the flow of illegals across the border and with lackadaisical enforcement of immigrant work laws.
@123 “I’m going to say what you libs don’t have the guts to say. Islam is an ignorant, backwards, sexist, misogynistic cult that treats women like slaves.”
So is American conservatism, which for good measure also throws people of color into the slave pen.
@132 I don’t disagree with your calculations, but why should the lowest-paid workers in the economy take a wage cut? Because Washington’s minimum wage is indexed to inflation this isn’t a raise for them. If you don’t like what inflation is doing to the minimum wage, you should be complaining about the Republican borrow-and-spend policies that created the inflation. Look at it this way. As Bush borrowed all of the money his millionaire tax cuts cost, this is paying for Bush’s tax cuts for millionaires. Did you really ever believe that giving more money to those at the top wouldn’t cost small business owners and ordinary wage earners money?
Inflation is a tax, period. Inflation is not an act of God or a random act of nature. Inflation is a mathematical function of putting more money in circulation without a commensurate increase in economic output. It results from intentional decisions of policymakers. You get inflation by cutting taxes without cutting spending, or raising spending without raising taxes, which is exactly what Bush did on both counts. I’ve been saying for years that Bush’s fiscal policies and tax cuts would lead to inflation, and you’re now seeing the inevitable result of those policies. He gave you a $300 tax rebate and charged you $3,000 of inflation for it, so he could give huge tax breaks to billionaires. And you rightwing suckers fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Idiots.
@149 Not me. I’m gonna spend my money on dividend-paying stocks! Why blow 30K on a new car when I have a perfectly good low-mileage old one that runs fine? With yields now in the 3%-4% range on many blue-chip stocks, putting that 30K into the market will earn me $900 to $1200 a year forever, and that income will be taxed at 1/3rd the rate I’d pay on money I worked for. So I don’t work! I own investments instead! What’s more, the sales tax on a 30K car is almost $3,000 thanks to the light rail tax, while the sales tax on stocks is zero! Plus, you’ll have to pay license fees and excise taxes on the car! There’s no license fee or excise tax on sotcks. You’re a fool, Piper! Why collect cars, which cost money and are heavily taxed, when you can collect shares, which make money and are lightly taxed? You’ll never get to live like a Republican by behaving like a Democrat.
153/154/155 Worse yet, think of who’s holding the bill for the GOP’s borrow-and-spend orgy? A trillion dollars for the most senseless war in history, and another trillion handed by the comedy team of Paulson & Bernanke to the Wall St. magicians. (They’ve never seen a dollar they couldn’t make disappear.) And who gets the bill? The next three or four generations of our offspring!
How do y’all feel about the prospect of bringing more humans into the world, and immediately chaining them to the 1,000-pound weight of the indebtedness of George Bush’s ego masturbation? Reminds me of a line from one of Amber Tamblyn’s poems: “Please do your unborn children a favor by not having them!”
@130 “”5) I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.””
I’m a life-long Christian, Lutheran, and have no doubts whatsoever as to my faith. Further, I have spent the last eighteen hours feverently praying to God that a life so very near and dear to me not be taken. It doesn’t look good. I should know soon, I guess.
That said, the inference of your post is crystal clear and with it you have once again gone too far. Knock it off.
Using your logic, Palin was perfectly qualified to be veep.
18 Million $$?
Sounds like he is one of those liberal entertainers making that kind of money.
If making so much money is a bad thing, I wonder why the rabbit never points his paw at liberal entertainers?
Oprah earns much much more than mcgavick yet the rabbit is too scared to make a negative comment about a black left-winger.
lucy is like the democrat party.
Racist and called themselves dixiecrats. Then in an effort to fool people changed their name to democrat. Liberal turned into progressive.
Lucy has no choice. If this blog wasn’t so “white” I’m sure lucy would never post here again.
Hmm, I wonder why this liberal blog is so white?
Quite the conceited little child aren’t you? I know stupid people and trust me, you’re not that smart.
Once again a liberal/democrat isn’t concerned about all those blacks being murdered in chicago.
The only way for democrats to care about blacks being killed in america is if they can blame it on a republican.
Praying to a man in the sky?
You should watch religious with bill mahar.
Uh minimum wage is a starting point, the bottom of the ladder. It’s not a “living wage” it’s a step in the door.
Of course with the “spread the wealth around” types, there is no “fairness”….
I mean everyone should earn a comfortable living just for being in the USA, walking upright, and breathing….right? Everyone should earn the same amount….
Pelletizer farted:
The restaurant owner said he couldn’t raise prices because he’d lose business right now.
Another dumb bunny statement.
Pelletizer dropped this smelly pellet:
Really? I call Bullshittium.
Did you forget who got a standing ovation from his lobbyist group? Of course it’s over 24 hours old.
John I Hate Marines Murtha
Steve talking about being religious and all that ever comes out of his mouth has to do with fucking goats. I’m sure the congregation would love it! God damn freak.
@168 Are you another one of those wing-nuts who wears his faith like it was some cheap Made-in-China flag pin? Certainly your just another asshole who voices outrage over any little thing but you’d never condemn Republican perversion and pedophilia. Troll condemned this condemned Republican pedophilia yesterday. He said these asswipes should be driven from the party and locked up. That makes him ten times the man you are, or ever will be. In other words, asswipe, you fuck goats.
Such acute self-knowledge. One would think someone with such smarts would be celebrating John McSame’s inauguration on Jan 20.
Oooooops!!! LOL!!
Okay here’s the update on my third day of the new year. I laughed and applauded today reading the Associated Press article talking about the large rifts in the GOP over their new chairman. It seems the righties haven’t paid ANY attention to the giant ass-fucking, WE THE PEOPLE gave them on Nov 4. Some of them are saying they need to be MORE retarded and that’s why they lost. Some are noting that America is a bit more diverse than the typical GOP country club setting. So as they rip each other apart – I have spent my time laughing at them.
America has REJECTED the GOP and I am LAUGHING at them. It’s a great year so far – watching the fools flip and flop and flounder around like a fish out of water. Life is good.
@171 webentover, there is only one problem with your arguement. technically you did win, but one of your point, that it was the wish of the ameriacn people, is wrong for the following reason. the election was fixed, it was fraudulent, and i’m not talking about democrats. its all one party, sophisticated enough that the uninformed citizen has no idea how he is being manipulated. have you watched fox’s coverage of the gaza figthing? you would think you were watching cnn. it is all bought and sold by the literal trillions controled by the rothschilds with help from the jewish lobby. they have waited for voting to get so computerized that they can get any result they want. how many movies have you seen in the last couple of years with black presidents? all to soften you up. your kids will be working for the new communists, the people who have been behind every communist revolution for the past 100 years.