Oddly enough, I’ll be doing the O’Reilly Factor tonight, defending Washington state from charges of being a far-left extreme commie-fascist-atheist sanctuary. In other words, Billo doesn’t much like the Atheists sign that was put up in our state Capitol, but he somehow sees it as part of a pattern of secular decadence that includes Death With Dignity, naked bicycle riding, and the Fremont statue of Lenin.
In fact, none of these have anything to do with each other (I-1000 was libertarian, the statue of Lenin is kitsch, and naked bicycle riding seems, well, just plain uncomfortable), but you know, if religious groups insist on putting holiday displays in public facilities, they can’t much complain when competing groups do likewise, and since freedom of religion also means freedom from religion, Atheists have just as much a right to promote their solstice greetings as anybody else.
That’s America. Love it or leave it.