New Years Eve party didn’t end until 3 AM. Went to bed. Awoke at 8 AM to piss. Pissed. Pissing woke up the dog, who made it clear she had to piss too. Walked the dog. Dog pissed. Went online to look at headlines; learned that George W. Bush is still president. Really pissed.
At least you were at a party, Goldy. R. Pope was up well beyond midnight trying to figure out how to use tildes.
Don’t be blue. Just think that you’ve got three more years to be pissed that Bush is president and then at least 12 more years to be pissed that someother Republican is president.
Life is good.
Happy New Year Goldy!
PS- Dear Vanderfuck-
Republicans SUCK!
Total Republican control sucks EVEN WORSE!
Is this the yellow steam revolt?
Without being vulgar, not at this site, it sure feesl good in the morning to take a good, yes, a great good piss.
Impeach Bush. The Best New Year Ever.
Hillary can win.
2005 is the year that America ceased to be great and started down the road that all other theocracies end up on-oblivion.
Happy New Year!
It seems like being pissed is your greatest joy in life.
At times, it appears you desperately look under every rock to find something to be pissed about….or manufacture something out of desperation.
Your highlight (which from my perspective was your lowlight) was your ongoing propensity to paint yourself as a Holocaust Victim when you grew up with a very privileged life in Philadelphia. Talk about a stretch that doesn’t reach!!!
Anyway, despite your many flaws Goldy, I appreciate what you do here. Hopefully in 2006, you will grow increasingly physically ill being on the side of KLOWNS like Clueless, Rujax and the other full-time losers who whine & complain about this great Country…..and living in freedom that was earned with blood and sacrifice over the past 230 years.
Fuck you too, Cyn!
Happy New Year…you dumbshit grouch.
Well, now Bush, who is still the President, says the lead of the NSA spying “caused great harm”. I agree. I harmed his lame duck administration. It exposed the complete disregard they have for a little thing we like to call…The Constitution.
Anyway, just another case of Republicans attacking the messenger and refusing to deal with issues.
Now I am pissed too! It was going to be a Happy New Year or so I thought.
I am pissed that there are people who would welcome 15 more years of the idiocy we have been tortured with since 2001.
Bozo @ 6
Stop lying about what I feel about this country. I was born here. I will die here. I love this place. I’m here at to point out how Bozos like you are SCREWING IT UP!
Kindly take your worthless opinion, your lousy sense of, what you believe to be, clever writing and your neanderthal approach to the issues of the day and confine yourself to (un)Sound Politics.
After that, please by all means….GO FUCK YOURSELF! Perhaps you Alpabet Soup and Amused by Liberals can find a nice quiet seaside hotel and enjoy one last cluster fuck, just prior to walking into the surf to end your miserable existance.
Have a Happy New Year.
Comment by For the Clueless @ 10
I think you are in violation of copyright laws by publishing a picture of Bozo. Oh wait, this is photo of your mom… I apologize.
Now, join the other three jackasses and go fuck yourself.
MLF @ 12
You’re confused dude. My bozo references was directed towards Mr. Cynical Irrelevant who has been proven so irrelevant since he’s been here that he’s reduced to hate seizures in his comments. It’s him and his ilk that is screwing up this country by voting for a black hole of debt made possible by policies of taxcuts for the rich, pork and wars of choice. Really adult.
My apology. I did the Republican thing and jumped without understanding. I am sorry.
Look at it this way: By this time next year, we’ll know who’s running for president, the GOP will have taken a shellacking in the midterms, Bush will have ‘declared victory’ and will be pulling troops out of the Big Sandbox quicker than you can say ‘Mission Accomplished’, Seattle will be defending Superbowl champs, the Dems in Olympia will have picked up a couple of seats in both Houses, Gregoire will crack 50% approval, Carlson and Kirby will file an initiative to repeal libraries, David Irons will be running a gas station/car wash in Maple Valley, Stefan Sharkanky will get his herpes under control, your Apple stock will go through the fucking roof and maybe even split again, Dino Rossi will be finishing his ‘year-off from politics’, and last of all…
We will still be downing a pitcher of Manny’s in your honor, appreciating all the good work you do for the Dems and folks who work for a living.
Sharpen up those rhetorical knives and start passing out axe handles, ’06 is going to be a fun one.
“Just think that you’ve got three more years to be pissed that Bush is president and then at least 12 more years to be pissed that someother Republican is president.”
From the polls (under 40% approval rating) and news (waterfall of indictments coming) I read, either you are hopelessly optimistic, or you know something about election software I don’t.
Hey Cynical, have you been laid since JFK was president? Nope, I didn’t think so.
I want one o’ them axe handles! This is gonna be fun – fun – fun!!! Just like the good ol’ Wobbly days! Some of us will get killed for sure, but man-o-man we’re gonna bust some wingnut heads … !!!! :D :D :D
Just came back from visiting a friendly foreign country.
People there said “How on earth did you re-elect Bush?”
I didn’t have much of a good reply…
HEY! Mr. Cynical….
Glad to see that you were able escape the embrace of your equine boyfriend long enough to acknowledge the dawning of a new (moderate) age in American politics.
Wingnuts come here trying to brand Goldy and his supporters as out of the mainstream Marxist-Leninists or some such idiocy. Of course we all know that’s crap.
So just to counter that little myth I nominate Republican of the Year 2005: James Comey.
Stick that in your pipes and suck on it, wingnuts.
Hey Wingnuts,
Here’s a little story about your favorite Congressman Tom DeLay and his dear friend Jack Abramoff with a side note about conservative Republican Frank Murkowski.
Just to warm you up for 2006.
Kindly take your worthless opinion, your lousy sense of, what you believe to be, clever writing and your neanderthal approach to the issues of the day and confine yourself to (un)Sound Politics.
After that, please by all means….GO FUCK YOURSELF! Perhaps you Alpabet Soup and Amused by Liberals can find a nice quiet seaside hotel and enjoy one last cluster fuck, just prior to walking into the surf to end your miserable existance.
Have a Happy New Year.
Comment by My Left Foot— 1/1/06 @ 11:58 am”
This is typical of the Marxist/Leninist LEFTISTS who wallow in their own puke like a bunch of Sophomorons from Seattle Pubic Schools. I love it when these KLOWNS try to stifle opinions different from their musings. So much for tolerance and diversity, ehhhhhh LEFTY??? I, on the other hand, love it when you PINHEADS drone on and on!!! Spew more… all means.
Your anger is going to eat you up LEFTY. Yet your miserable existence is absorbed in anger. You actually take all this banter personally and seriously, don’t you loser!
LEFTY, hopefully your New Year’s Resolution will have something to do with being more tolerant of Diverse viewpoints….and having a wee bit of perspective on all of this nonsense.
You are precisely why the LEFTIST KLOWNS are headed nowhere. All you can do is piss and moan and have zero positive ideas.
Cyn – What we’re seeing here is librulism 101. The currency of librulism is misery. Libruls must have misery to exist. If there isn’t any, they create it. Librulism is about distributing misery equally.
This is one of the fundamental reasons that libruls continue to slide into irrelevance and obscurity. That and the fact that they chose Howard Dean to be their leader. Now if we can only get them to pick The Smartest Woman In The World to run for president….
Hey Bozo @ 23,
I like Jim King’s comment @ 20. Most of your posts actually look like you’ve typed them while being buggered by your equine boyfriend!
I’d like to know what that fucking genius Howard Dean is hiding.
His Governor papers he had locked up for what 10 years?
Hey Rabbit, you gonna cut your pony tail this year? Were just
outside, in the van.
Now that I have been banned at SP for posting “Impeach Bush now” I really appreciate the FREE forum you give us here at HA, Goldy. Have a great New Year!
Mark – Be careful now. We don’t want to do anything that could force Dean to resign. We gonna need him next coupla years.
While Phil Talmadge has a gold-plated political resume (state senate, state supreme court justice, gubernatorial candidate), this item today from King 5’s web site really makes me wonder whether he should be the next state Democratic chair:
“Talmadge dropped out of the governor’s race because of medical issues. He was a tough critic of Gregoire’s. During his campaign, he shared opposition research on Gregoire with key allies of Gregoire’s opponent, Republican Dino Rossi.”
“The currency of librulism is misery. Libruls must have misery to exist. If there isn’t any, they create it.”
We don’t have to create misery. You Republicans do that very, very well. We make our living cleaning up the messes you guys leave behind.
Yeah, I see the van, but — God help us all — we’re really in trouble when you NSA guys can’t tell the difference between a horse and a rabbit, or a pony tail and a cute cottontail.
No wonder Osama got away!
No wonder Bush attacked the wrong country!
No wonder the mission is — not accomplished!
@ mark – he’s DNC chainman, dummy.
RR @30
Why would he not be a good fit?
He was a tough critic of Gregoire’s.
Good! Someone with character and integrity. What’s so bad about that? Oh, maybe you are right and he won’t be a good fit to lead your party…
We dont need ax handles, these asholes have no loyalty and will sell out their own mothers. Abramhoff is cutting deals, Cooter Libby will sell out that limp wristed vp.Life is good.
Predicitions for 2006 anyone?? Cheney resigns citing health problems after a fundraiser in Enumclaw.
I got what I wanted, you responded. I find this as entertaining as you do. You have never angered me. Nothing you say is worth even thinking about once I have read it.
Now, kindly, go fuck yourself! I would respost this at (un)SP but the tight asses who run it don’t like profanity.
I predict that we will have a sixth straight year without a white house intern getting a semen stain on their dress. I have been right the last five years.
Prediction: War on terrah will expand to include Iran. Before June, Murka and Israel either together or independently will take out Iran’s nuke facilities.
Yes Happy New year to all of you, and try not to wake up EVERY single day Pissed off at someone and waiting to write about it. Usually over and over and over. Life is too short!
Keep on over taxing and over regulating everyone in this state this next session, I want the climate to be really ripe for some real changes in the 2006 state election.
Here comes the fire – proof cigarettes…………
no talking on a cell phone, and whatever other “We are superior and we know what’s best for you” legislation that the dreamers can come up with.
Oh and By the Way Wabbit
52 million people in Afganistan and Iraq now have their freedom, the same freedom you have and spew every single day.
How long has it been since this country was attacked on our soil?
How long has it been since Mr Bin Laden been even heard from, let alone seen, let along led anything?
He is Not able to lead, he is being hunted!
I Call this Victory!
Isn’t there also something called “The Progressive Alliance” that’s going to start a movement to “overhaul” the tax system? Seems like I heard something about that. They want to take another run at a state income tax. I wonder if they’ll have the noble pooooor pay their fair share, if they’ll just try to fuck the Producers.
Rufus @ 38 the only difference is when Clinton was president it was a woman….you should change your post to say ‘slacks’ instead of ‘dress’. GOP, the good ole boys that just love….. boys……
The reason the New Age Progressive Atheist KLOWNS reject Christ is very simple…..they prefer darkness over light!
This is why the Christian-Hating State Democratic Party sold those Hypocrite Fish on their website.
Washington State Dem leadership hates Christ, hates Christians, hates the Light…..and LOVES Darkness!
My Cynical, you are such a shining example of Christianity – I’m surprised everyone reading this blog has converted to Christianity from your wonderful personal Christ-like behavior shown in your blog comments.
“New Years Eve party didn’t end until 3 AM. You went to bed drunk in peace. You barely awoke at 8 AM in peace to piss. Then you got pissed, Bush was still president! Your pissing and your cussing woke up the dog, who made it clear the poor dog had to piss at this point too! In peace! you got to walk the dog in peace! Then you in peace then had to go online to look at Bush hating headlines, looking for absolute lib crap to report on, but soon learned that George W. Bush is still president, and then you were really pissed….In Peace! …… Really pissed!… In Peace! Then you went back to bed ….in peace! In peace…in peace!
It took you 5 hrs to flush out all your New years celebration….in a peaceful celebration.
Happy peaceful new years to you complete idiots!
It has been completely peaceful in this country since BUSH and the republicans have been in power!
Have a once again peaceful Egg nog on me!
If you prefer light you should pull your head out of your ass and find a quiet place to read your bible.
Real peaceful in this country, not Iraq .2100 dead soldiers,give or take 30,000 dead Iraqis. Really something to be proud of you repugs sicken me.
2006 Predictions (remember, you heard ’em first here!)
Rufus will meditate ever more intently about semen stains on intern dresses. One day he will do it too intently in public.
MTR will stare poverty in the face for reasons entirely outside of his control, and he will begin to develop empathy for those who are less fortunate.
Mr. Cynical will have a vivid dream where he dies and goes to a very hot place. There he meets many of his deceased heroes, such as Richard Nixon, Joe McCarthy and Lee Atwater. When Mr. Cynical awakens his undies will be quite wet, and a satisfied smile will spread across his face. A life well lived!
“Before June, Murka and Israel either together or independently will take out Iran’s nuke facilities.”
When are we going to take out North Korea’s nuclear program, then? The DIA believes they may have as many as 15. How ’bout China, Pakistan, et al.?
Predictions from Rakeface and Twerp:
…it’s just that the reality is vaginas make us men .
Comment by GBS— 12/29/05 @ 5:44 pm
…vaginas do indeed make us men.
Comment by Donnageddon— 12/29/05 @ 5:55 pm
“Before June, Murka and Israel either together or independently will take out Iran’s nuke facilities.”
I’ll lay you eight to five you’re prediction is wrong, vagina lips. I hear you like to put down a little wager now and then.
Remember the hypocrite and the liars that supported him.
“The time has come that the American people know exactly what their Representatives are doing here in Washington. Are they feeding at the public trough, taking lobbyist-paid vacations, getting wined and dined by special interest groups? Or are they working hard to represent their constituents? The people, the American people, have a right to know… I say the best disinfectant is full disclosure, not isolation.”
– U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, 11/16/95
Can I reserve an ax handle in case the one I am currently using breaks?
How do you GOP evangelicals justify promoting Usury? Is 2006 the year we see Dobson and Falwell drive the monelenders from the temple?
Just curious…
I see I made a typo. Well I am in good company I guess.
I predict Bush will finally admit to making a mistake in 2006. A typo actually. He really meant to invade Iran but spelled it wrong.
Quote for the day…
“I am no Einstein.”
— Einstein
End of 2006 Headlines:
Democrats Take Back Congress
Americans Take Back The USA Government from Facist Rule
Bush Impeachment Hearings Begin
Bush Found Guilty in 5 Hour Impeachment trial
World Breathes sigh of Relief as Sanity Returns to US Government
The Hague Prepares for Bush Administration Trials
Yes, it is gonna be a great year for patriotic Americans!
Hey Mark the Villiage Idiot Redneck, how is your theory going?
In 2006 I predict MTVIR will get his ass kicked by some girl scouts that he tried to steal cookies from.
Mr. cynical: You don’t resemble a Christian. Please stop slandering and diminishing Christianity by setting yourself up as an example.
You, as the well as the other KLOWNS (many of whom are the same person posting under multiple identities…like YOU) seem to enjoy the Darkness, desperately wanting company. No thanks. Jesus is the Truth and the Light. This Blog has consistently exposed how scarey that is for the LEFTISTS. The State Dems selling Hypocrite Fish on their Website was no accident either. It shows the depths of despair you New Age Progressive Atheists have plummeted to. Enjoy the Darkness if you must. But the Light is right in front of you.
Ah,yes, not only is Cynical not a Christian, he is ignorant of history as well. He was the one who asserted that “the Democrats would have screwed up WWII”. Moron. The DEMOCRATS won WWII. Fascist pagan.
I said the current shitferbrain pretend Democrats of today would have screwed up WWII!! You LEFTIST PINHEADS are as inept as the French!
Hey Bozo @ 62,
If you believe in the teachings of Jesus, then change your ways.
The traditional Republican party is the party of Satan himself, and thereby unpalatable to nearly all of the 90% or more of the US public that self-identified as Christian. I am not exaggerating here, not one tiny little bit. (Nor am I alone in this. Remember, I’ve met and done volunteer work alongside Dr. Michael Aquino, the founder of the largest Satanic church in the world, and you have never met a more staunch Republican in your life. Nor did he make any bones about why: he is a Republican Party loyalist because the Republican Party stands in total opposition to the Christian scriptures.)
Cynical, I’ll say again, You are ignorant of history and devoid of Christianity. You and your’s will be the roadkill of history. Crawl back in to your cave, troglodyte moron.
The “Religious Right” is neither.
….and the illegitimate Queen Christine is still Governor.
Proud to be an Ass @ 54 be careful with MTR, he like to run his mouth, place his bets but he never pays his debts. He still owes bigtime from last year and is still trying to change the rules of his losing bet. Welsher to the MAX
@ 70, Plus Mark The Yellowdick is afraid of vaginas!
had to add this….sorry for the paste, but too darn topical
The other good news is that a non-citizen named Dumitru Bufu was also removed from the voter rolls. The bad news is that Mr. Bufu managed to vote in 8 different elections between February 2003 and February 2005 before his registration was canceled
Jewish-americans read carefully.
While the “anti-semitist” apologists gain control of international bodies like the U.N., the democrats in america refuse to condemn their actions. To the contrary, they seem to be aligning themselves with these same “anti-semitic” forces.
All the while, radical liberals (like Goldy) want you to believe that the greatest danger to jewish americans is with the christians.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced in a Christmas speech that “the descendants of those who crucified Christ” have appropriated the riches of the world.
Speaking at a rehabilitation center on December 24, the controversial left-wing president said “the descendants of those who crucified Christ… have taken ownership of the riches of the world, a minority has taken ownership of the gold of the world, the silver, the minerals, water, the good lands, petrol, well, the riches, and they have concentrated the riches in a small number of hands.”
For Spanish speakers on this list, the full speech can be found at
http://www.gobiernoenlinea.gob.....122005.pdf (The remarks about Jews are on page 18.)
In an interview with BBC Radio yesterday to mark the Christian New Year, Britain’s normally mild-mannered chief rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, warned that a “tsunami of anti-Semitism” is threatening to engulf many parts of the world. Dr Sacks said he was “very scared” by the rise in anti-Jewish feeling, which had led to Holocaust denial, attacks on synagogues and a boycott of Jewish groups on university campuses.
Among British concerns, he cited the fact that since 2002, Jewish student groups on 17 British campuses have faced the threat of expulsion from fellow students who claim to merely be anti-Israeli rather than anti-Semitic. Dr Sacks said attempts to “silence and even ban” Jewish student groups were “quite extraordinary” because most of Britain’s 350,000 Jews regarded themselves primarily as “British citizens”.
Sacks added: “If, God forbid, one could imagine a world in which the state of Israel did not exist and, I repeat, God forbid, then not one of the world’s conflicts would be changed by one millimeter – there would still be conflict in Chechnya, in Ossetia, in Indonesia, in the Philippines. So to make this [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict – where the two sides have worked now for 12 years in a process of peace – the epicenter of global politics is not merely wrong … but it is also quite troubling.”
Here is a good year in review from Dave Barry: