Speaking of what people were saying back in 1994, here’s a gem from Rudy Giuliani:
Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do.
If you weren’t clear about what the term Nanny State refers to, read that quote again. A Nanny State is what you get when you elect people who think like that. If Rudy were President, and Congress passed a bill that made cross-dressing illegal, I have trouble believing that Giuliani wouldn’t sign it.
On a completely unrelated topic, how much taxpayer money was wasted on this bullshit:
Several search-and-rescue groups collaborated today to rescue 10 sheriff’s deputies stranded in the Skamania County wilderness Saturday night.
Skamania County Sheriff’s deputies and Clark-Skamania Drug Task Force officers had removed more than 3,000 marijuana plants on the east side of Dog Mountain Saturday.
With some of them exhausted and dehydrated, the group decided to spend the night in the wilderness rather than hike out of the narrow gorge, said Skamania County Undersheriff Dave Cox. All but one of the 10 sheriff’s deputies had been rescued by early this afternoon.
Would this statement sound out of place if it were said by Benito Mussolini, Herman Goering or Francisco Franco?
That any American candidate for president could utter such a sentence just astounds me and makes me embarrassed for the whole country. These ideas are a whole lot closer to fascism then democracy.
I guess Giuliani lost the libertarian west.
Grow operations dump tons of nitrogen on to their plant which then seeps down into streams F’ing up the stream and killing all sort of yummy tasting fish. So, it’s a good idea to get a grow Op. of that size out of there. A bit embarrassing for the Sheriffs department though.
Of course if you could pickup a 1/4 Oz. of Willie Weed at your local liquor store none of this would be happening.
We’ve got the bastard on the run.
Of course if you could pickup a 1/4 Oz. of Willie Weed at your local liquor store none of this would be happening.
“Minnesota Public Radio’s Tim Bedore lives three miles from the I-35 West bridge in Minneapolis which catestrophically failed last week. His daughter was on a school bus which crossed the bridge just a few weeks ago and he wants to know “what the hell happened to our infrastructure.”
“The constant ridiculing of tax-and-spenders and the “It’s your money. You earned it, you should keep it” drum beat of talk radio. The union-busting, outsourcing, we-can-do-America-on-the-cheap philosophy that has infected corporate America, school boards, state legislatures . . . all of us.
People say this is not the time for finger pointing. Is it a coincidence the very people who say that are the ones who screwed things up? If you ever intend to use a bridge in the future, this is precisely the time to ask, “Has conservatism screwed up America?”
It’s a valid question.”
Just more proof the that the War On Drugs is just as foolish and stupid as the Bush Crusades….er, War On Terr’r. Faulty premise, false information, outright lies……sound familiar?
Great quote. If RG remains their candidate, the quote should be printed up on capaign folders with pix of him to encourage the Aryan nattion vote.
2/4 It would be even better yet if you could pick up both your booze and your Willie Weed at the Safeway, and the state got its big fat nose out of both businesses.
As I mentioned at Digby’s place, the best quote appears farther down in the NY Times’ piece:
“You have free speech so I can be heard.”
Rudy’s idea of ‘freedom’ has never been so perfectly stated.
Rudy is not my candidate of choice, for just that very reason. Too much like all the rest of the Democrats.
Personal liberty should be paramount, but with that comes the responsibility to be a productive citizen. Minimal government for those things that need regulation (SEC/FedRes/FDA/FAA) and for tasks that require national commitment (DOD), the welfare state and entitlements should be minimized (DOEd/DHHS/HUD).
The war on drugs could go away.
The war on gun owners could go away.
Eminent Domain (see Kelo vs. New London) should be scaled back.
Social security/medicare/medicaid needs a drastic overhaul.
Socialized medicine should never be considered. We should do better at the low end, but not by dragging everybody down to it. France is a good example, but for every France, there’s 10 Britains and Canadas
Let’s get real. The sheriffs all got stoned and couldn’t come back to work.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all.
Rudy is not my candidate of choice, for just that very reason. Too much like all the rest of the Democrats.
Which of the Democratic candidates has ever said something like that (or even demonstrated a belief in that mindset) when it comes to freedom? The only one I can think of off the top of my head is when Hillary introduced the flag-burning amendment.
Maybe I will make a Cafe Press button wi/ RG is the Big Brother pose and the words “Freedom is about authority.”
BRS and I were down in Renton this weekend. How far from “downtown” can you look for a venue? I noted an interesting Cantina on Rainier Ave about a mile form Renton.
Steve, if you make that button, I will promote it here. That will sell.
BTW, I’m moving to Kent, not Renton.
Oh. I got it confused. As a Northeastern person I have always had trouble telling one part of the south from another.
I’d like to find out more details about those deputies. What *really* happened?
For instance, did they try to burn the crop and for some strange reason become disoriented? That may happen if you burn it too slowly… say, one blunt at a time. That would also explain the dehydration (dry-mouth). Did they all have a really bad case of the munchies when they were finally located and evacuated?
“Hey, search and rescue dudes – can we possibly stop at the 7-11 on the way back home? I *really* need to pick up some Doritos and a Slurpee.”
Wouldn’t. Surprise me. A bit.
I made up a Freedom Logo as a button and tee shirt. It can be seen at my blog SeattleJew
and over to the right there are links to Cafe Press if anyone wants to have one made.
That’s awesome, but impossible to read the text on the Cafe Press site. Do you think it’s possible to put the text somewhere else so that it’s readable? I like the circular format, but the letters are just too small. From two feet away, it would look like a Giuliani supporter’s T-shirt.
Also, I think you’ve gotta use the whole quote, including “a great deal of discretion about what you do.” The entire thing is chilling. And maybe have some fighter jets flying over his head…
One thing about Dog Mountain I haven’t heard in the media is that there’s poison oak on the lower slopes. It would be really unfortunate if these poor guys got into that stuff while on their lark in the woods. What a bunch of maroons. If it was the average citizen, there would be talk of billing them for the rescue response.
While I can’t condone pirate grows in the woods for a variety of reasons, there has got to be a better way to spend the taxpayers dollar.
BTW, when are we going to wise up and end the cannabis prohibition?