Good staff don’t let candidates look this stupid:
There may be a reason why Seattle mayoral candidate James Donaldson, is one of the seven dwarves in the race against Mayor Greg Nickels.
This, a tweet from White Center’s Full Tilt Ice Cream:
James Donaldson came to WC yesterday, askin folks to vote for him. I asked him if he knew that we were not in Seattle. He looked confused.Political advice from the Blathering One: the city limits, man, the city limits!
You know, some of the most important decisions an executive makes involve hiring the folks who work under him. So honestly, who would you rather have running the show as Deputy Mayor… Tim Ceis or Cindi Laws?
As much as I dislike Darth Ceis, even the very remote concept of Cindi Laws as Deputy Mayor gave me a little seizure of horror . . .
Geez, Goldy, you’re calling a man who stands 7′-2″ a dwarf? Of course, you know, don’t you, that Marvin will soon be here to tar you as a dwarf-hating bigot?
dude, as much as i plan to not vote for him, cut the guy some slack. full tilt is like 100 feet from the city’s southern border. and it is also, like, the coolest business in the history of white center. vegan ice cream + vintage pinball + a zine library + all ages punk shows? i’d go there if it was in tacoma!
@3 Indeed. I was going to mention to Goldy that on one side of Roxbury is White Center, on the other side Seattle.
“vintage pinball”
Damn. Now I have to go there myself.
m @3,
Well, he coulda gone to the new Full Tilt Ice Cream in Columbia City. Last I checked, it was still in Seattle.
Well, not to mention that just because the business is located over the city line, doesn’t mean that the people who work or patronize the shop might not be Seattle residents. But I guess he should have at least asked, first, if they were residents of Seattle.
Then why does the Full Tilt Ice Cream say their White Center location is in Seattle, when it’s technically not?
Also, since Roxbury is the dividing line, there’s nothing stupid about talking to people in businesses on the other side of Roxbury, because many of those shoppers presumably live on the Seattle-side of the Roxbury.
@7 I lived a half block north of Roxbury on 25th SW for five years. A Seattle resident and voter, I shopped in White Center most of the time.
You know what, I think most folks are missing the point. He’s campaigning for mayor of Seattle. It might be legitimate for him to be campaigning in a business district just across the city line, but he shouldn’t have been surprised to learn he wasn’t actually within city limits.
He wasn’t properly prepped.
Geez, Goldy, of course we get it. He’s not going to win. What’s wrong with you cutting the Big Guy some slack?
So, a mayor needs a deputy mayor to read maps for the geographically challenged. Great.
He wasted his time, made an ass of himself, and the only good answer I can think of is that he could have said he was for annexation.
Other than that, he f’d up.
Another tasty tidbit from his website:
“He also works closely with The Seattle Supersonics basketball team in the community/public relations departments.”
If elected, I’m not sure if he’ll have time for his mayoral duties, what with working closely with the Sonics and all. That must take up most of his time…
Does Cindi Laws know where the city boundaries are? She drank an awful lot of funny Kool Aid during that monorail debacle.
Second time he screwed the pooch…or his henchlady did it for him. She got in a pissing match with the Stranger. Typical dumb move from a typically dumb campaign.
Well, Miss Thang has a habit of not working hard, nor working smart.
At another LD (34th, I think), she was too busy flirting with everything in pants to even line up motioners and seconders for an endorsement. It was a really uncomfortable moment, from what I hear. “I motion to endorse James Donaldson” said one. “Do I hear a second?” The audience goes silent. Cindi was nowhere to be seen, but be-bopped in a bit later, after her candidate’s opportunity had passed. Anyone? Anyone? Buehler????
Plus, she appears to be bat-shit crazy. It’s too bad that James didn’t get better staff. But, she does have nice “girls” and is proud to show them “au naturale”, so I suppose that is something.
At least she hasn’t rolled out the “jew bait” for poor James or fired off the patented “f-bombs” like she did for Bobby Forch, losing him an endorsement at an LD that was in the bag.
Donaldson is a truly nice guy and I suspect he’s really, really uncomfortable with the campaign so fair, as it’s nasty and negative – very far from James’ authentic self. Time to, take command!
He would do better to fire her and go it on his own or get a different manager, inmsho.
The best part about the 34th LD debacle, of course, is that it is Cindi’s home turf!
I agree — Donaldson seems like a thoughtful, nice guy who is just cursed with a crazy staff person that he hired out of desperation when his campaign was at a low point. Hopefully, he stays in the game and shoots for a position that is really more his style, like Council, rather than grabbing for the brass ring the first time out.