And the number one reason given by Law Enforcement for stopping someone not Caucasian is that the Black or Hispanic is suspected of being involved in the drug trade. An automatic – but all too often groundless – suspicion. But one which is deeply entwined with drug prohibition itself, literally from it’s inception.
So…the question is, what will those who so loudly and proudly claim the mantle of ‘progressives’ do about it? Will they work energetically to help change the drug laws of this country?
Or will they continue to do what they’ve done all along, and cluck their tongues about how it’s such a shame that so many Americans are savaged by these laws, and do nothing to change them…or vote in a display of legislative one-upmanship to appear even tougher than the troglodytes who propose more punitive drug laws?
Let’s see just how progressive some ‘progressives’ are…
And if you’re a female and you live in the South Park neighborhood of Seattle, and a black man breaks into your home, you could be stabbed to death, like this woman was:
Hey this is fun. The future of the Republican party is in great hands:
When her friend Eric commented, “obama bin lauden is the new terrorist….muslim is on there side …..need to take this country back from all these mad coons…….and illegals,” Shay responded: “You tell em Eric! lol [laughing out loud].”
Yep, Libtardo Cambridge police arrest Henry Louis Gates Jr. after someone complains of a black man breaking into a house in Cambridge and although Gates gets belligerent around the cops and tells them “do you know who I am” he got arrested. “the messiah” was making a comment about it.
Now all you HA Libtardos, that was Cambridge Mass, deep in the blue territory of Mass, home of the “liberal lion”, friend of the Kopechnes, who so many of you claim gets reerected ever six years so the Mass people must love him. Yet, here is another instance of police libtardos in Mass treating a black man suspiciously. It was his own house. Puddy has been telling you HA Libtardos northeast progressive libtardos are the most racist bunch there is closely followed by northwest progressive libtardos, many of them live on this blog. What say you ROTCODDAM?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama is like Jim Marshall…the guy who ran the wrong-way thinking he was scoring a touchdown!!
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-six percent (36%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -7 (see trends).
Thirty-one percent (31%) now say the U.S. is heading in the right direction. That’s down nine points from the 2009 peak. Investor confidence is at the lowest level since March. Fifty-three percent (53%) of investors believe the economy is getting worse while just 26% say it is getting better.
Fifty-three percent (53%) now oppose the Congressional health care reform package. That’s up eight points over the past month. Just 20% now see health care as the most important of the President’s priorities. Nearly twice as many, 37%, say deficit reduction is most important.
Thar Freep thread is weird. They propose that their own self-confessed minority of 25% of the population (if that, really) “restore” the Constitution by removing all Constitutionally-elected federal representatives by force and imposing their ideas on the other 75% of the population. Charming.
Nothing illustrates more clearly that Republicans will be a long while in the electoral wilderness. Lots of them have given up on the very idea of ever winning an election again.
Don’t copy and paste large chunks of someone else’s materials. That is considered theft of intellectual property, and likely infringes on someone else’s copyright.
Under the idea of fair use, a brief excerpt of another author’s work is permissible provided you properly attribute the material and include some substantive commentary of your own.
If you want people to read something longer, provide a link.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Diddled Luvr farts:
Thar Freep thread is weird. They propose that their own self-confessed minority of 25% of the population (if that, really) “restore” the Constitution by removing all Constitutionally-elected federal representatives by force and imposing their ideas on the other 75% of the population. Charming.
ISn’t that similar to what the libtardo progressives want to do with gay marriage? The majority of Americans is against it yet, all we who think right hear is it’s a civil right just like the black struggle. What say you ROTCODDAM, it is a “civil” right?
Puddy has been telling you HA Libtardos northeast progressive libtardos are the most racist bunch there is
Yeah, right. Those Republicans in TN must be going to school up there majoring in idiocy.
See comment 5. Fool..
@11 Did you catch the part where they get throw out the current president and install the Secretary of State in his place? I wonder if they even know who the Secretary of State is these days? Such loons they are.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You must not like what I posted!
I gave the appropriate credit to Keith Ervin and the Seattle Times using only an excerpt and my commentary.
I also used admittedly a large part of the Star Parker paper…but gave her credit and did my own commentary.
Seems like I hit a nerve Darryl.
I thought both were appropriate and intellectually stimulating.
I guess you look at Star Parker as an Aunt Tom…just like you look at Puddy the same way.
Any Black Conservatives are wrong.
@7 Puddy, being an idiot as usual.
What do you know of the officer’s politics? I don’t know too many “liberal” police officers. In fact, I have three officers in my extended family (2 SPD, one a captain, one a detective sgt and one Snohomish). All three are 20%ers.
Typical, Puddy. Assuming facts and motives that you have no reasonable basis to assume. (If every single person in MA is liberal, how, pray tell, do you explain Mitt Romney?)
The Massachusettes cop who arrested a man trying to enter his own home is dissapointed that his behavior has been called stupid.
Got anymore racist jokes to share with us, Mr. Klynical? Puddy seemed to really like that last one you told about how black men abhor the thought of ever having to work like a white man.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The problem with California is that they taxed themselves so heavily that anyone with any sense left or is thinking seriously about leaving. No tax base, no revenue.
“I gave the appropriate credit to Keith Ervin and the Seattle Times using only an excerpt and my commentary.”
You copied 80% of it. That is not a brief excerpt!
“I also used admittedly a large part of the Star Parker paper…but gave her credit and did my own commentary.”
Next time provide a link in place of the large cut and paste job.
“Seems like I hit a nerve Darryl.”
“I thought both were appropriate and intellectually stimulating.”
If so, then construct a comment that falls within Goldy’s comment policy.
“I guess you look at Star Parker as an Aunt Tom…”
I don’t know who Star Parker is.
“just like you look at Puddy the same way.”
Nope…I look at Puddy as, umm…Puddy.
“Any Black Conservatives are wrong.”
Frequently…just like White conservatives. But it is the Purple with Pink Polkadot conservatives that are the worst. They are ALWAYS wrong.
California has added half a million residents since July of 2006. Another talking point disproven with .02 minutes research.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Half a million residents that are a drag on the system rather than helping. There’s no shortage of takers in California, just a shortage of producers of wealth. Go have a pilsner.
Thank for being the first, on a non-beer related forum, to get it!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
I love Star Parker. Anyone who knows her story will love this black woman too. Well Puddy doubts ROTCODDAM will like her since her politics are not dependent on Libtardos.
Any Black Conservatives are wrong.
Nope just conservatives in general are wrong.
Hardly anybody disagrees with smaller government and lower taxes.
But look what happens when those who promise that get into power – unnecessary wars, spending like drunken sailors, incompetence, corruption, unfathomable hypocrisy – a big mess.
That adults have to then clean up and that usually means rightsizing taxes and spending – maybe higher than many would like but that’s what adults have to do.
May the adults run things for a very long time and then maybe we’ll finally get smaller government and lower taxes – responsibly.
I’d say most every one of us is a racist to some degree. Awareness of that simple fact is the first step toward dealing effectively with our fellow citizens. Society is not “race neutral” and there really are no “race neutral” situations.
Those situations can range from mildly benign to terrifying. The potential for terror rises sharply whenever we give one of our fellow citizens a gun, badge, and uniform. Ask the friends and family of Oscar Grant III.
Those of us who can’t develop a healthy awareness of their own racism and learn to deal effectively in tense situations have no business being police officers.
@7 Hey, Puddy….how’s about you go to Cambridge, walk up to a cop and call him a “libtardo”…and then use your one phone call to let us know what happened?
But look what happens when those who promise that get into power – unnecessary wars, spending like drunken sailors, incompetence, corruption, unfathomable hypocrisy – a big mess.
You aren’t by any chance referring to the Iraq war where we were promised by the Bush Admin the cost to the US would only be around 3 or 4 billion dollars and easily paid for using Iraqi oil profits, are you?
Politically Incorrectspews:
Used to brew beer myself. The Czechs are some of the best brewers around.
ButtPutty should also use the phrase “racist bunch of libtardos.” That should win him lots of friends among the Cambridge cops.
Although, you could take out two words and make the sentence more accurate.
Those words are: “Any” and “Black.”
See the Dow today? as of 11am up about 188 points, over 9,000 points.
The first time it’s been over 9,000 points since it slid from 14,000 points in Dec 07 all the way down to the Bush Bottom this spring where it hit around 6500.
The Dow is up about 1/3 since the Obama/Democrat stimulus bil saved us from another repupublican caused Great Depression.
Things are on track for another electoral ass whooopin’ next year.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
25. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
I love Star Parker. Anyone who knows her story will love this black woman too. Well Puddy doubts ROTCODDAM will like her since her politics are not dependent on Libtardos.
She is awesome. Reminds me of you Puddy.
Personal initiative and consequences of actions over a pandering, plantation-type government.
Darryl and all the other Libtardo’s are threatened by you Puddy…and by the Star Parker’s and Bill Cosby’s of the world.
They expect you to be their USEFUL IDIOT’s for some handouts!!
Puddy is clearly full of it.
He has NO idea of those individual cops were Liberals or Conservatives — NONE!
Could it be that those cops were just good ol’ fashion conservatives who hate black people?
Conservatives racists are everywhere, just like cockroaches.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I did not copy 80% of Keith Ervin’s story.
Just the 1st 3 paragraphs that made Julia Patterson look like an idiot for squealing about raise taxes AGAIN or people will get sick & die!!
Of course you are threatened by Black Folks that question your Marxist Dogma. But the Star Parkers’ and Puddy’s of the world will prevail. Watch. Once folks figure out all this free shit ain’t free at all….but that it makes them a slave to the government…they will rebel (ALL COLORS).
Your Leftist philosophy is filled with holes & poison Darryl. Go ahead and censor the truth. It’s a reflection of your insecurity.
Mr. Klynical likes to share his racist jokes with us.
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
Got any more of those, Mr. Klynical?
36. Mr. Cynical spews:
Your Leftist philosophy is filled with holes & poison Darryl. Go ahead and censor the truth. It’s a reflection of your insecurity.
Baaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaaaaaaaa
This from a man who gets his “news” from Fox News. Exposed as a propoganda machine for the Bush White House by Scott McClellan.
What a freakin’ joke. Talk about being angry and unhinged at losing elections.
What’s next Mr. C? President Obama isn’t an American citizen? Are you one of the lunatic Birthers?
How much tin foil can your head support before your damn neck breaks???
Ahhhh, man, your so pathetic is hillarious.
Do you think the morality cop, Marvin Stamn will call out one of his own as being a racist?
“Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head. In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start working for a living,”
The underpinning implication to make the joke work is that “niggers” are just lazy pieces of shit who don’t work and live on welfare that working white people have to pay for. You know the code word for this don’t ya? Wealth redistribution!
I wonder if Puddybud thinks that joke is funny?
What’s next Mr. C? A fried chicken, watermelon and kool-aid welfare buck featuring Barack Obama wearing a turban?
Mr. C.
Did you relly like the punch line?
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
If you’re a person of color the reason your skin is brown is because your’e full of bullshit.
Niggers = Bullshit. How conservative of you.
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 38
Wow, thanks for sharing that. I missed it when Cynical first posted it. That is truly offensive. Given that I already had no respect for Cynical, it’s hard to believe my level of respect could go down, but it has. Keep up the good work in bringing to light the more offensive posts of our trolls. When are we getting better trolls?
@40 Marvin’s crusade to persuade progressive commenters here that you and I are anti-gay bigots has gone nowhere. So far he’s recruited Mr. Klynical, who said, “Although I did miss Roger Rabbit….he’s not a pansy-ass like the other faggots” 08/29/2005 at 8:00 pm He’s also recruited Puddy, who exlaims, “I’ve stated my position on queers, gays, fags, GLA, GLAAD, etc many times.” 10/13/2006 at 5:53 am
heh- Some anti-gay bigotry squad that turned out to be.
Blue Johnspews:
Gotta love the irony,
cyn was recently using a posted comment from a year ago, as his justification for his hatred of democrats, and now GBS is using a posting of cyn’s, to expose cyn’s racist tendencies.
Nothing posted to the internet ever goes away.
Poor Stupes just can’t get a break. Had his sorry ass handed to him by Darryl yesterday in a showdown between right wing bullshit and the scientific method.
Now his butt-ugly ignorance and batshit-insane “argument” about the Cambridge cops has been skewered in this thread.
I feel for the poor fool – NOT! LOL!
And Mr. Klynical? Oy! If I had a dime from that slob every time he gay-baited a left-leaning commenter here?
“I did not copy 80% of Keith Ervin’s story.
Just the 1st 3 paragraphs that made Julia Patterson look like an idiot for squealing about raise taxes AGAIN or people will get sick & die!!”
You copied the article from the beginning of the article until “and Kathy Lambert voted no.” That would be the first six of eight paragraphs.
“Of course you are threatened by Black Folks that question your Marxist Dogma.”
(*Rolls eyes*)
“But the Star Parkers’ and Puddy’s of the world will prevail. Watch. Once folks figure out all this free shit ain’t free at all….but that it makes them a slave to the government…they will rebel (ALL COLORS).”
I have no idea what you are babbling about (“free shit”???), but aren’t you a little, um…OLD and unhealthy to be spewing “revolution” shit?
“Your Leftist philosophy is filled with holes & poison Darryl.”
No problem…It’s labeled with a Mr. Ick sticker and I secure it each night in a child-proof, metal cabinet…under a fume hood.
“Go ahead and censor the truth.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? I’ve not prevented you from saying anything. There are millions of blogs out there for you to spew upon. But if you want to comment here, you either follow the comment policy or you risk having your comment deleted. Its very simple.
Analogously, if some idiot decided to conduct a noisy devil worshiping ceremony right in the middle of your church service, wouldn’t said idiot be asked to refrain from that behavior? Would you consider that “censoring”?
@37 Does she go around the country talking about livin’ in a vaaaaaan down by the river?
Interesting link to Star Parker.
Star just loves Mark Sanford, even after his fall. He is the man who Star hopes will someday lead America back to greatness.
“Mark Sanford’s world is that world. Let’s pray that he can fix what is wrong inside of himself and that maybe we can still have a leader with the courage and vision that America needs.”
On the other hand, she says JFK was a sleaze, everything wrong with America is his fault (an amazing 1000 days that must have been), and Palin resigning her office inspires Star to say that she is cut from the same mold as Ronald Reagan.
Gee, the Merry Band of 5 lifestyle unemployed fringe lunatic Leftist are flapping their wrists at warp speed today!
I really struck a nerve this time!
steve, YLB et al continue to troll f@*k Goldy’s Blog. They actually think reasonable folks read their mindless drivel.
I got news for you KLOWNS……….
since you have ruined the comment section of HA with all your puke about Goat Fornication, homophobia, racism…
Congrats, you have self-imploded by trolling your own Progressive Blog.
Too Damn Funny!!
@50 I particularly liked the one for Tim Geithner. Born on two different islands at the same time…well, if you really stretch the concept of quantum mechanics beyond even the way the producers of the bull-pucky What-The-Bleep flicks did….
Of course, the actual truth is that Geithner wasn’t born. He sprung fully grown from Hank Paulson’s left nostril on April 1, 1985.
Interesting we haven’t seen much more from Puddy. Since he posted comment #7 in this thread he must be occupied trying to get his foot out of his mouth.
[Comments using screen names that are likely to be confused with well established commenters will be deleted. That is considered a form of Sock Puppetry in the HA Comment Policy]
Daddy Lovespews:
13 Pud
Isn’t that similar to what the libtardo progressives want to do with gay marriage
Nope. The Freepers want to advance on Washington, force (in an undetermined, Underpants Gnome way) the president, the vice-president, and all members of Congress to resign, and to reverse the will of two-thirds of both houses the aforementioned Constitutionally-elected Coress and that of the elected representatives of thee-quarters of teh states by summarily repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments. These are people who spend much of their time yelling about how they revere the Constitution, but they’re all just petty despots and mob-rulers.
On the other hand, supporters of same-gender marriage are bringing suit to allow Constitutionally-convened courts to repeal discriminatory laws, or urging their elected representatives to pass laws that enable same-gender marriages. Nothing in that last sentence could be further from the Freeper plan.
OF COURSE conservatives have to dream of becoming a minority mob that takes power and forces their ideology upon the rest of us! You guys can’t win at the ballot box and your ideas are getting more unpopular every day.
He was a leftist idiot, to be sure, but not a ‘useful idiot.’
Ahhh. That must have broke your Horowitzian heart.
I see the article saw that the KGB’s unglamorous heart was industrial espionage – ostensibly for the cause of showing up the capitalist’s world production as being inferior to the command economy model.
It didn’t work. Get a life.
Daddy Lovespews:
I thought it was really funny when the States’ Rights boys proposed a federal law to force states and municipalities to allow concelead carry if it is allowed under the gun bearer’s home jurisdiction.
This is from the people who don’t want states to have to recognize marriages performed in other states.
@59 Those “old, white, dead guys” wrote the Constitution in an age where citizen soldiers carried muskets that took about a minute to load and fire a single round that had about a 15% likelihood of hitting a stationary target at 25 feet. Had they been able to envision hordes of nut cases toting assault rifles that can turn a child to hamburger at 100 yards, they’d have included an article mandating national disarmament.
Daddy Lovespews:
60 AF
Have you heard of Harry Turtledove’s The Guns of the South? In it, apartheid South Africa manages to send some dudes back in time with the information necessary to start manufacturing AK-47s and providing them to the South in order to let the Confederacy win the Civil War.
It’s so like today’s Republican Party. Here’s their “stragety:”
1. Get a lot more racist and violent.
2. ???
3. Electoral success!!!!
@61 Yeah…particularly long on the “???” part.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Liquid FartArt Racetracked…
Interesting we haven’t seen much more from Puddy.
Farty Art, Puddy has many things going on so Puddy don’t live on HA Libtardos tout le temps.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
GBS, sorry to burst yo bubble butt Crowley told the radio station today that he supports the president “to a point, I guess.”
Nuff Said dude!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
It’s so bad HA libtardos like ekim are such fools.
Puddy wrote:”HA Libtardos northeast progressive libtardos are the most racist bunch there is”
Since ekim has no memory Puddy will try to restart his useless memory processes. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama wrote
“I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don’t belong. Regardless of the circumstances under which I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second.”
“By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desperation of their situation and feel more hopeless about a resolution as opposed to an integrationist who is ignorant to their plight.”
“Attending Princeton has probably forced [black alumni] to compete intellectually with Whites more than with Blacks and, thus, they have probably become more familiar with Whites intellectually, but in other activities they are likely to have gained familiarity with Whites if they did not spend time with Whites in other activities besides intellectual ones. “
“Predominately white universities like Princeton are socially and academically designed to cater to the needs of the white students comprising the bulk of their enrollments.”
“I hoped that these findings would help me conclude that despite the high degree of identification with whites as a result of the educational and occupational path that black Princeton alumni follow, the alumni would still maintain a certain level of identification with the black community. However, these findings do not support this possibility.”
ekim you can axk Steve and clueless wondermoron as Puddy previously posted this on HA. They love my Puddyisms so much they archived many of them.
Now that your mind has been cleared of some of the cob-webs of Libtardoism where does the fool ekim go next?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
clueless wondermoron diarrhead on HA libtardos
But look what happens when those who promise that get into power – unnecessary wars, spending like drunken sailors, incompetence, corruption, unfathomable hypocrisy – a big mess.
That’s because it’s expected and readily accepted of Dummocrapts.
66 – What a fool!
Your ugly party that you switched to because of the bad old Dems BLEW IT BIG TIME!!!
If I was politically active in the 60’s I would be no fan of the Dems but I also wouldn’t see any alternative in the Republicans. Nixon? Gimme an ‘effin break!
I’m no fan of corrupt politicians of any stripe. They should stick to organized crime.
I am for progressives that are motivated by a personal mission of public service – not greed like your crowd.
I am for progressives that are motivated by a personal mission of public service
Yeah, as long as it doesn’t cum from your pocket right cheepskate?
What a loonytard.
@65 “ekim you can axk Steve and clueless wondermoron as Puddy previously posted this on HA. They love my Puddyisms so much they archived many of them.”
Well, I did archive this rather remarkable exchange:
53. Troll spews:
Are you talking about the niggers beat Tubaman to death, and only going to be sentenced to weeks in jail?
04/03/2009 at 6:09 pm
55. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews: Troll@53, there are white ones too.
04/03/2009 at 6:21 pm
And this one:
3. Puddybud Nagin Need Mo Money spews:
I’ve stated my position on queers, gays, fags, GLA, GLAAD, etc many times.
10/13/2006 at 5:53 am
7. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Puddy has been telling you HA Libtardos northeast progressive libtardos are the most racist bunch there is closely followed by northwest progressive libtardos, many of them live on this blog.
Something the liberal media isn’t talking about….
What about the lady that called 911?
Even if she never had a formal introduction, she lives across the street from henry and she doesn’t recognize him in broad daylight?
Most likely another liberal that supports blacks as long as they stay in their place.
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. czechsaaz spews:
California has added half a million residents since July of 2006.
How many of those half million new residents are taxpayers?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve, Puddy asked you in another thread who said: “there are white ones too.” Cum on Steve who said it without looking it up fool?
Marvin Stamnspews:
40. GBS spews:
Do you think the morality cop, Marvin Stamn will call out one of his own as being a racist?
You and steve are calling out “my own.”
That leaves me the job of calling you out.
Why did YOU assume I was black when I said I was on welfare?
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
What is it about you life experience that gives you the impression that welfare recipients are black? Are you aware of the fact there are many many more white people on welfare? I know, you’re shocked. Google it and learn for yourself.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy guesses Diddled Luvr forgot this ad from his friends on the left…
Well, then surely you saw the TV ad in which two smarmy Mormon missionaries knock on the door of an attractive lesbian couple. “Hi, we’re from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!” says the blond one with a toothy smile. “We’re here to take away your rights.” The Mormon zealots yank the couple’s wedding rings from their fingers and then tear up their marriage license.
As the thugs leave, one says to the other, “That was too easy.” His smirking comrade replies, “Yeah, what should we ban next?” The voice-over implores viewers: “Say no to a church taking over your government.”
Gay Ad against the Mormon Church and Prop 8 last year.
Of course you missed the Mormon Scum calls from your buds too eh?
And you don’t think the gays and they organizations are the aggressors in the “marriage” war?
Sheik al Marvin;
You’re the one who said you were black. How else would I know that?
Just like you said you were on welfare. How else would I know that?
When you gonna call Mr. Cyn a racist?
Marvin Stamnspews:
67. YLB spews:
I am for progressives that are motivated by a personal mission of public service – not greed like your crowd.
jenna bush is a school teacher that worked at a shelter as part of an internship for UNICEF’s Educational Policy Department.
chelsea clinton works for a hedge fund.
Which presidential daughter is greedy?
64. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
GBS, sorry to burst yo bubble butt Crowley told the radio station today that he supports the president “to a point, I guess.”
Nuff Said dude
“Cop Tells Obama: I Didn’t Vote for You and Won’t Apologize”
You can apologize now to the HA board for saying that a liberal was the racist piece of shit, when it turned out to be one of your own. As usual.
Like Mr. C saying that if a black man turns white that scares them to death because they think they’ll have to work.
Oh, and the reason your skin is brown, Puddybud, is because you’re full of bullshit.
What does that say about your mother and father?
Would that kind of talk fly in the ‘hood?
Why does it fly when Mr. C does it?
Why do you assume that a cop working in a mostly liberal part of the country is liberal when he conducts himself more like a conservative?
Answers, Puddy, we need answers. Oh, and that apology.
Marvin Stamnspews:
76. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin;
You’re the one who said you were black. How else would I know that?
I’ve already proven you a liar, Sheik.
Now it’s your turn to prove me a liar or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Go ahead I DARE YOU!
Bet you can’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I mention that Mr. Klynical writes poetry?
31. Mr. Cynical spews:
So let’s hitch up the wagons and head out west
To the land of the fags and the sun
Goldy will be real world homo jackass millionaire
Hey hey, Ron Sims, here Goldy comes!!
06/04/2006 at 4:26 pm
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
GBS, He supports his president but didn’t vote for him?
WAIT A COTTON PICKIN MINUTE… You used Newsmax? NEWSmax? MEWSMAX? The site ridiculed by clueless wondermoron, rhp6033, NutsTooTight and Diddled Luvr to name a few?
“I support the president of the United States 110 percent.” Sgt. Crowley told WBZ-AM.
What does that say? When his hometown voted overwhelmingly for “the messiah” > 64%? When the he was hand-picked by a black police commissioner to teach recruits about avoiding racial profiling?
“If people are looking for a guy who’s abusive or arrogant, they got the wrong guy. This is not a racist, rogue cop. This is a fine, upstanding man. And if every cop in the world were like him, it would be a better place.” – Andy Meyer, coached youth sports with Crowley and is his teammate on a men’s softball team.
Oh, and the reason your skin is brown, Puddybud, is because you’re full of bullshit.
Thanks for the support GBS. And all the times Puddy stood up for you here.
Now where did Puddy say:
liberal was the racist piece of shit
Marvin Stamnspews:
75. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Gay Ad against the Mormon Church and Prop 8 last year.
Pretty ironic when you consider that america didn’t allow mormons their right to marry as many as they wanted either.
Maybe if gays supported their right to marriage that the mormons would have returned the favor.
Hold on there pard’na.
Do you want another news source to back up the claim that the officer did NOT vote for Obama?
Oh, and one last thing. Don’t drag me into your pathetic pity party. That part about your skin and bullshit was a reference to Mr. C’s very racist joke — black man!!
Yes, now a personal apology to me. When you and your wife were under attack with racist and sexist comments you know, I know, and every on this blog knows I stood shoulder to shoulder with you.
Don’t stab me in the back.
Now where did Puddy say:
liberal was the racist piece of shit
Grow up. You’ll have to do better than that.
Marvin Stamnspews:
80. GBS spews:
I’ve already proven you a liar, Sheik.
Now it’s your turn to prove me a liar or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Go ahead I DARE YOU!
Bet you can’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I googled to see if I said I was black.
No results.
You lied.
Now tell us why you assumed I was black.
You “googled” it and no results?
Doesn’t make me a liar.
You need to PROVE I’m a liar.
Shiek al Marvin:
Hint: you didn’t say “black” you used a word that refers to African-Americans.
Good luck with your proof statement.
Oh, and don’t get all lazy on me, not do the homework, claim you did and then type that I’m a liar.
If you’re calling me a liar then the burden of proof is on you chump. Not me.
Marvin Stamnspews:
82. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Let me throw steve a bone…
Hey Puddy, that’s racist. All good democrats know only black people pick/picked cotton. How can a white man like you write such a thing?
Make you happy steve? I called Puddy out like you want.
Sheik al Marvin:
I’m still waiting on you to back up your words and prove me a liar.
Marvin Stamnspews:
89. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin:
I’m still waiting on you to back up your words and prove me a liar.
How can I prove a negative.
I have no recollection of identifying myself in any words referring to african-american. I’ve googled many words and didn’t get any results.
If you prove I did, I’ll apologize right here and now. And for my punishment, I will NEVER again bring up your use of a word referring to a gay male.
91. Marvin Stamn spews:
89. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin:
I’m still waiting on you to back up your words and prove me a liar.
How can I prove a negative.
Then why did YOU bring it up????
Marvin Stamnspews:
91. GBS spews:
91. Marvin Stamn spews: How can I prove a negative.
Then why did YOU bring it up????
Using your logic…
Prove it you didn’t say goldy was a child molester.
You know steve will be your BFF if you post the link abut me identifying myself as black. Throw the guy a bone, he needs the help.
Besides, I didn’t bring it up. It was YOU that said I identified myself as black.
Shiek @ 93:
Thanks, but no thanks.
I’ve already proven you a liar once. No need for me to do it again.
You are the one who called me a liar, now you are the one who needs to back your accusation.
Can’t don’t or won’t do it?
The topper is you want me to do your homework — again, thanks, but no thanks.
You had 3.5 minutes to view the link. Then I removed it.
Did you see it?
Marvin Stamnspews:
93. GBS spews:
Can’t don’t or won’t do it?
I can’t do it.
I need your help.
Please help me and show me the link.
No can do now. You had your chance.
You must’ve been using “the google.”
See 95.
Marvin Stamnspews:
94. GBS spews:
Then why did YOU bring it up????
YOU brought it up that I identified myself as black.
Like you said in #76-
You’re the one who said you were black.
Marvin Stamnspews:
96. GBS spews:
No can do now. You had your chance.
So tell us, why did you assume I was black. Do you think everyone on welfare is black? Many would consider that racist thinking. Didn’t manotruth say the same thing?
@92 “You know steve will be your BFF”
Marvin, GBS is everything you’re not. He’s highly intelligent and armed with a sharp wit. He’s a vet who served this nation bravely and continues to display his patriotism and love for country in the way he mercilessly kicks your America-hating troll ass in these comment threads. Marvin, you’re not half the man GBS is.
Sheik al Marvin.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
You called me a liar and couldn’t back it up.
You were probably eating your boogers when your mommy and daddy were teaching you manners so here’s the remedial version.
Had you said something a little more classy like “I googled that, but I couldn’t find it. I’m certain you’re right and it’s an obvious oversight on my part. Could you help me and provide the link? Thanks, Marvin Stamn.”
But, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you had to be the 1st class ass hole that you are and jumped to the wrong conclusion that I lied.
Here’s a clue for you; go read Dale Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends and Influence People.”
Obviously you’ve never studied how to interact with people or you never would have been so belligerent when you needed/wanted something from me in the first place.
Calling me a liar isn’t going to sway me to do the heavy lifting for you.
Now run along.
Oh, Sheik al Marvin:
Me and Steve are already friends. He doesn’t need me pandering to him for friendship.
That’s a report card on you and how you try to win people’s friendship; “you do something for me and I’ll be your bff.”
True friendship and meaningful relationships with other people are given without expectation, and given often, and without expectation.
Get the picture?
Really, take my advice, go to your library, check out “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and read it — NOW!
Don’t leave your house until you’ve read it, understand it and are ready to begin implementing it in every facet of your life.
This is the best, and possibly nicest thing anyone as ever said to you. If you think otherwise, you have a negative attitude.
I’ll give you another book recommendation after you’ve read Carnegie’s book.
Here’s the secret formula to success Go. Learn. Do. Succeed.
That’s the secret formula to success. It’s not really a secret it’s more of an enigma. You know what you should do, you just don’t do it.
That’s the difference between being having a clunker and two Porsches.
Marvin Stamnspews:
(hope that fixed the closing tag)
100. GBS spews:
You called me a liar and couldn’t back it up.
You said, and I quote…
You’re the one who said you were black.
I called you on it.
I’m certain you’re right
Logic fail.
If I was certain you were right why would I need proof?
Marvin Stamnspews:
100. GBS spews:
Here’s a clue for you; go read Dale Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends and Influence People.”
Did you read the book?
If so, you’re not doing a very good job of demonstrating the effectivness of the book.
And why do you feel I would want to be friends with you? What about your friendship would improve the quality of my life? After all, you have said many times you fantasize about kicking my ass but can’t because you’re afraid to meet me. I remember that post well, I called you a chickenshit for a month after that until I got bored and moved on.
That’s the difference between being having a clunker and two Porsches.
This is one reason I wouldn’t want to be friends with you. You feel that having putt putt cars is something to brag because it makes you a feel like a better person. I can only imagine how you treat poor people you meet.
79. Marvin Stamn spews:
07/24/2009 at 4:08 pm
Did you or did you not call me a liar?
It is you, who made the false accusation that I’m lying.
If I’m lying prove it.
I don’t have all day to read through your excuses, because that’s what they are EXCUSES.
Either prove I’m a liar as you claimed or continue to flounder around like a fish out of water. Praying some Good Samaritan, like me, will do the heavy lifting and throw you back in the water instead of letting you lay their with you mouth opening and closing sucking for the oxygen you so desperately need but cannot do for yourself.
It is you, who made the false accusation that I’m lying.
I called you a liar.
And that’s the way it is.
Why did you assume I was black? Why do you assume all welfare recipients are black?
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
“After all, you have said many times you fantasize about kicking my ass but can’t because you’re afraid to meet me. I remember that post well”
You’re so fucked up in the head, Marvin! LMFAO!! That’s some fucked up memory you have there, boy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
106. Steve spews:
You’re so fucked up in the head, Marvin! LMFAO!! That’s some fucked up memory you have there, boy.
Prove he didn’t say it.
104. Marvin Stamn spews:
100. GBS spews:
Here’s a clue for you; go read Dale Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends and Influence People.”
Did you read the book?
Did I read the book? As if I read it only once. I’ve OWNED the book since 1994. I STUDY the it at least 3-4 a year. My copy is so worn out with highlighted passages, dog eared corners, notes in the margins, I get something out of it every time I read it.
If so, you’re not doing a very good job of demonstrating the effectiveness of the book.
My big bank account, trade account, two Porsches, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Ford Ranger, Sanger ski boat, trips to Europe, my own home, putting my son through dental school, my daughter’s college is already paid, and my wife who’s lived out her dream of being a stay-at-home-mom because she WANTED to, says otherwise.
Do you think I got all that by being a lousy ass hole like you?
T-H-I-N-K again.
And why do you feel I would want to be friends with you? What about your friendship would improve the quality of my life? After all, you have said many times you fantasize about kicking my ass but can’t because you’re afraid to meet me. I remember that post well, I called you a chickenshit for a month after that until I got bored and moved on.
I don’t want to be your friend.
That’s the difference between being having a clunker and two Porsches.
This is one reason I wouldn’t want to be friends with you. You feel that having putt putt cars is something to brag because it makes you a feel like a better person. I can only imagine how you treat poor people you meet.
Because I earn more money than the average person it allows me to give away thousands of dollars each year to people and organizations that need help.
That’s the great part about being a LIBERAL with a big bank account. Not only can I provide the things in life for my family, I can help provide some relief to the people in my community who it. That’s why making money, lots of it is great.
Not for the greedy reasons conservatives want it, hoard it all for themselves, and then want to cut every program to help the poor and the hungry.
Some Christian values you conservatives have.
106. Marvin Stamn spews:
Why did you assume I was black?
I made no such assumption.
You identified yourself as black. Called me a liar, now you can’t back you your assertion.
Any time now, Sheik. We’re all waiting. The spotlight is on you. Your time to shine.
Prove me a liar.
Sheik al Marvin:
It’s been real, but not real fun.
I’ll check this post later to see if you can come up with the proof to back you YOUR claims.
Until then, it’s time to go enjoy the fruits of my labor.
First, since it’s a nice day in Seattle, I drove my ’93 RS America to work today. I’m going to take the back road home (the winding, twisting road) and have a lot of fun.
Then, me and my wife are going to go out and enjoy a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant.
When I get home I think I’ll uncork my last ’97 Kistler Vineyard Pinot Noir. Rated around 95 I believe. Mmmmmmm . . . a very good wine indeed.
Marvin Stamnspews:
109. GBS spews:
You identified yourself as black. Called me a liar, now you can’t back you your assertion.
I never identified myself as black.
Sucks for you that you can’t prove your assumption.
Marvin Stamnspews:
110. GBS spews:
Marvin Stamnspews:
108. GBS spews:
My big bank account, trade account, two Porsches, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Ford Ranger, Sanger ski boat, trips to Europe, my own home, putting my son through dental school, my daughter’s college is already paid, and my wife who’s lived out her dream of being a stay-at-home-mom because she WANTED to, says otherwise.
You have all that and still feel insecure about yourself that you need to brag about it?
I’m glad that you are not contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
But you are contributing to the stereotype that rich people don’t pay income taxes. How republican of you. Cheney would be proud.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
GBS farts:
Not for the greedy reasons conservatives want it, hoard it all for themselves, and then want to cut every program to help the poor and the hungry.
Some Christian values you conservatives have
Wrongo Buddy. Puddy give much to charities. Puddy went to Katrinaland and spent his own money to take the family there to help out. Didn’t see no HA Libtardo stand up and be counted. They closed their wallets.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
GBS, Puddy said the northeast liberal is racist. Michelle Obama even admitted that.
What? You calling the First Lady a liar?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
GBS, there are many Americans who didn’t vote for either person. And since he stands behind his president 110% is a very telling comment. It’s telling his father voted for “the messiah”.
Puddy is interested how you decided to use right-wing sites totally dismissed by your compatriots so much. Maybe they’ll change their tunes?
Klynical Repellentspews:
Yeah, as long as it doesn’t cum from your pocket right cheepskate?
What is it with this moron?
It’s spelled:
And this fool claims to be educated?
Back to my regular screen name
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
poor poor clueless wondermoron. Puddy writez and spellz the way Puddy wants to. Puddy don’t take orders from a clueless wondermoron.
Marvin Stamnspews:
118. Klynical Repellent spews:
What is it with this moron?
It’s spelled:
Um… There are not supposed to be spaces in between each letter.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So how do HA libtardos feel about HR 1913?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
So clueless wondermoron, why haven’t you dissed GBS for using Newsmax?
Marvin Stamnspews:
120. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Puddy writez and spellz the way Puddy wants to.
Thanks for the heads up.
I thought you were spelling like that to make it easier for ylb to read phonetically.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Well he is clueless.
His “mind” is a wonder to behold, monomaniacal all the time.
His commentary is moronic and chronologically inaccurate.
Therefore he’s a clueless wondermoron.
121 – The spaces are there for emphasis.
why haven’t you dissed GBS for using Newsmax?
cuz I trust GBS to use Newsmax the way I would use Newsmax – to expose the idiocy and the bankrupt thinking of the right wing. Shit if anything GBS is more freaking anti-right wing than I am.
Puddy writez and spellz the way Puddy wants to.
Like an idiot, just as I thought.
Thanks for playing.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Gee clueless wondermoron@126-128 trusts GBS to use Newsmax to expose idiocy and bankrupt thinking of the right-wing but gives it a pass when Newsmax exposes idiocy and bankrupt thinking of the left-wing.
Again, you hypocrite!
clueless wondermoron’s other posts are swill and insipid drivel.
but gives it a pass when Newsmax exposes idiocy and bankrupt thinking of the left-wing.
That’s your problem – you want to believe it does. Newswhacks only convinces the gullible, the ignorant and the willfully ignorant like you.
Those who know better, knows its purpose is to LIE.
And the number one reason given by Law Enforcement for stopping someone not Caucasian is that the Black or Hispanic is suspected of being involved in the drug trade. An automatic – but all too often groundless – suspicion. But one which is deeply entwined with drug prohibition itself, literally from it’s inception.
So…the question is, what will those who so loudly and proudly claim the mantle of ‘progressives’ do about it? Will they work energetically to help change the drug laws of this country?
Or will they continue to do what they’ve done all along, and cluck their tongues about how it’s such a shame that so many Americans are savaged by these laws, and do nothing to change them…or vote in a display of legislative one-upmanship to appear even tougher than the troglodytes who propose more punitive drug laws?
Let’s see just how progressive some ‘progressives’ are…
And if you’re a female and you live in the South Park neighborhood of Seattle, and a black man breaks into your home, you could be stabbed to death, like this woman was:
He probably was trying to rape those women.
That boy deserved to be arrested. He was acting all uppity to one of his superiors.
When Timmy Lieman was in diapers there was a crusty old bag of pus called Howard Jarvis.
Here is his legacy:
Hey this is fun. The future of the Republican party is in great hands:
It appears that the freepers are now calling for the overthrow of our government and installing Hillary Clinton as president. Strange.
Yep, Libtardo Cambridge police arrest Henry Louis Gates Jr. after someone complains of a black man breaking into a house in Cambridge and although Gates gets belligerent around the cops and tells them “do you know who I am” he got arrested. “the messiah” was making a comment about it.
Now all you HA Libtardos, that was Cambridge Mass, deep in the blue territory of Mass, home of the “liberal lion”, friend of the Kopechnes, who so many of you claim gets reerected ever six years so the Mass people must love him. Yet, here is another instance of police libtardos in Mass treating a black man suspiciously. It was his own house. Puddy has been telling you HA Libtardos northeast progressive libtardos are the most racist bunch there is closely followed by northwest progressive libtardos, many of them live on this blog. What say you ROTCODDAM?
Obama is like Jim Marshall…the guy who ran the wrong-way thinking he was scoring a touchdown!!
It’s the deficit stupid!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Thar Freep thread is weird. They propose that their own self-confessed minority of 25% of the population (if that, really) “restore” the Constitution by removing all Constitutionally-elected federal representatives by force and imposing their ideas on the other 75% of the population. Charming.
Nothing illustrates more clearly that Republicans will be a long while in the electoral wilderness. Lots of them have given up on the very idea of ever winning an election again.
Mr. Cynical,
Don’t copy and paste large chunks of someone else’s materials. That is considered theft of intellectual property, and likely infringes on someone else’s copyright.
Under the idea of fair use, a brief excerpt of another author’s work is permissible provided you properly attribute the material and include some substantive commentary of your own.
If you want people to read something longer, provide a link.
Diddled Luvr farts:
ISn’t that similar to what the libtardo progressives want to do with gay marriage? The majority of Americans is against it yet, all we who think right hear is it’s a civil right just like the black struggle. What say you ROTCODDAM, it is a “civil” right?
Yeah, right. Those Republicans in TN must be going to school up there majoring in idiocy.
See comment 5. Fool..
@11 Did you catch the part where they get throw out the current president and install the Secretary of State in his place? I wonder if they even know who the Secretary of State is these days? Such loons they are.
You must not like what I posted!
I gave the appropriate credit to Keith Ervin and the Seattle Times using only an excerpt and my commentary.
I also used admittedly a large part of the Star Parker paper…but gave her credit and did my own commentary.
Seems like I hit a nerve Darryl.
I thought both were appropriate and intellectually stimulating.
I guess you look at Star Parker as an Aunt Tom…just like you look at Puddy the same way.
Any Black Conservatives are wrong.
@7 Puddy, being an idiot as usual.
What do you know of the officer’s politics? I don’t know too many “liberal” police officers. In fact, I have three officers in my extended family (2 SPD, one a captain, one a detective sgt and one Snohomish). All three are 20%ers.
Typical, Puddy. Assuming facts and motives that you have no reasonable basis to assume. (If every single person in MA is liberal, how, pray tell, do you explain Mitt Romney?)
The Massachusettes cop who arrested a man trying to enter his own home is dissapointed that his behavior has been called stupid.
Got anymore racist jokes to share with us, Mr. Klynical? Puddy seemed to really like that last one you told about how black men abhor the thought of ever having to work like a white man.
The problem with California is that they taxed themselves so heavily that anyone with any sense left or is thinking seriously about leaving. No tax base, no revenue.
Mr. Cynical @ 16
“You must not like what I posted!”
Beats me. I didn’t read it.
“I gave the appropriate credit to Keith Ervin and the Seattle Times using only an excerpt and my commentary.”
You copied 80% of it. That is not a brief excerpt!
“I also used admittedly a large part of the Star Parker paper…but gave her credit and did my own commentary.”
Next time provide a link in place of the large cut and paste job.
“Seems like I hit a nerve Darryl.”
“I thought both were appropriate and intellectually stimulating.”
If so, then construct a comment that falls within Goldy’s comment policy.
“I guess you look at Star Parker as an Aunt Tom…”
I don’t know who Star Parker is.
“just like you look at Puddy the same way.”
Nope…I look at Puddy as, umm…Puddy.
“Any Black Conservatives are wrong.”
Frequently…just like White conservatives. But it is the Purple with Pink Polkadot conservatives that are the worst. They are ALWAYS wrong.
California has added half a million residents since July of 2006. Another talking point disproven with .02 minutes research.
Half a million residents that are a drag on the system rather than helping. There’s no shortage of takers in California, just a shortage of producers of wealth. Go have a pilsner.
Thank for being the first, on a non-beer related forum, to get it!
I love Star Parker. Anyone who knows her story will love this black woman too. Well Puddy doubts ROTCODDAM will like her since her politics are not dependent on Libtardos.
Nope just conservatives in general are wrong.
Hardly anybody disagrees with smaller government and lower taxes.
But look what happens when those who promise that get into power – unnecessary wars, spending like drunken sailors, incompetence, corruption, unfathomable hypocrisy – a big mess.
That adults have to then clean up and that usually means rightsizing taxes and spending – maybe higher than many would like but that’s what adults have to do.
May the adults run things for a very long time and then maybe we’ll finally get smaller government and lower taxes – responsibly.
I’d say most every one of us is a racist to some degree. Awareness of that simple fact is the first step toward dealing effectively with our fellow citizens. Society is not “race neutral” and there really are no “race neutral” situations.
Those situations can range from mildly benign to terrifying. The potential for terror rises sharply whenever we give one of our fellow citizens a gun, badge, and uniform. Ask the friends and family of Oscar Grant III.
Those of us who can’t develop a healthy awareness of their own racism and learn to deal effectively in tense situations have no business being police officers.
@7 Hey, Puddy….how’s about you go to Cambridge, walk up to a cop and call him a “libtardo”…and then use your one phone call to let us know what happened?
But look what happens when those who promise that get into power – unnecessary wars, spending like drunken sailors, incompetence, corruption, unfathomable hypocrisy – a big mess.
You aren’t by any chance referring to the Iraq war where we were promised by the Bush Admin the cost to the US would only be around 3 or 4 billion dollars and easily paid for using Iraqi oil profits, are you?
Used to brew beer myself. The Czechs are some of the best brewers around.
ButtPutty should also use the phrase “racist bunch of libtardos.” That should win him lots of friends among the Cambridge cops.
Yo Stupes and Stamno!
Here’s how your peeps do:
25. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
She is awesome. Reminds me of you Puddy.
Personal initiative and consequences of actions over a pandering, plantation-type government.
Darryl and all the other Libtardo’s are threatened by you Puddy…and by the Star Parker’s and Bill Cosby’s of the world.
They expect you to be their USEFUL IDIOT’s for some handouts!!
Puddy is clearly full of it.
He has NO idea of those individual cops were Liberals or Conservatives — NONE!
Could it be that those cops were just good ol’ fashion conservatives who hate black people?
Conservatives racists are everywhere, just like cockroaches.
I did not copy 80% of Keith Ervin’s story.
Just the 1st 3 paragraphs that made Julia Patterson look like an idiot for squealing about raise taxes AGAIN or people will get sick & die!!
Of course you are threatened by Black Folks that question your Marxist Dogma. But the Star Parkers’ and Puddy’s of the world will prevail. Watch. Once folks figure out all this free shit ain’t free at all….but that it makes them a slave to the government…they will rebel (ALL COLORS).
Your Leftist philosophy is filled with holes & poison Darryl. Go ahead and censor the truth. It’s a reflection of your insecurity.
Here is Star Parker!
The person Darryl is afraid of!!
Mr. Klynical likes to share his racist jokes with us.
Got any more of those, Mr. Klynical?
Baaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaaaaaaaa
This from a man who gets his “news” from Fox News. Exposed as a propoganda machine for the Bush White House by Scott McClellan.
What a freakin’ joke. Talk about being angry and unhinged at losing elections.
What’s next Mr. C? President Obama isn’t an American citizen? Are you one of the lunatic Birthers?
How much tin foil can your head support before your damn neck breaks???
Ahhhh, man, your so pathetic is hillarious.
Do you think the morality cop, Marvin Stamn will call out one of his own as being a racist?
“Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start working for a living,”
The underpinning implication to make the joke work is that “niggers” are just lazy pieces of shit who don’t work and live on welfare that working white people have to pay for. You know the code word for this don’t ya? Wealth redistribution!
I wonder if Puddybud thinks that joke is funny?
What’s next Mr. C? A fried chicken, watermelon and kool-aid welfare buck featuring Barack Obama wearing a turban?
Mr. C.
Did you relly like the punch line?
If you’re a person of color the reason your skin is brown is because your’e full of bullshit.
Niggers = Bullshit. How conservative of you.
Steve @ 38
Wow, thanks for sharing that. I missed it when Cynical first posted it. That is truly offensive. Given that I already had no respect for Cynical, it’s hard to believe my level of respect could go down, but it has. Keep up the good work in bringing to light the more offensive posts of our trolls. When are we getting better trolls?
@40 Marvin’s crusade to persuade progressive commenters here that you and I are anti-gay bigots has gone nowhere. So far he’s recruited Mr. Klynical, who said, “Although I did miss Roger Rabbit….he’s not a pansy-ass like the other faggots” 08/29/2005 at 8:00 pm He’s also recruited Puddy, who exlaims, “I’ve stated my position on queers, gays, fags, GLA, GLAAD, etc many times.” 10/13/2006 at 5:53 am
heh- Some anti-gay bigotry squad that turned out to be.
Gotta love the irony,
cyn was recently using a posted comment from a year ago, as his justification for his hatred of democrats, and now GBS is using a posting of cyn’s, to expose cyn’s racist tendencies.
Nothing posted to the internet ever goes away.
Poor Stupes just can’t get a break. Had his sorry ass handed to him by Darryl yesterday in a showdown between right wing bullshit and the scientific method.
Now his butt-ugly ignorance and batshit-insane “argument” about the Cambridge cops has been skewered in this thread.
I feel for the poor fool – NOT! LOL!
And Mr. Klynical? Oy! If I had a dime from that slob every time he gay-baited a left-leaning commenter here?
HE would be a penniless man!
Mr. Cynical,
“I did not copy 80% of Keith Ervin’s story.
Just the 1st 3 paragraphs that made Julia Patterson look like an idiot for squealing about raise taxes AGAIN or people will get sick & die!!”
You copied the article from the beginning of the article until “and Kathy Lambert voted no.” That would be the first six of eight paragraphs.
“Of course you are threatened by Black Folks that question your Marxist Dogma.”
(*Rolls eyes*)
“But the Star Parkers’ and Puddy’s of the world will prevail. Watch. Once folks figure out all this free shit ain’t free at all….but that it makes them a slave to the government…they will rebel (ALL COLORS).”
I have no idea what you are babbling about (“free shit”???), but aren’t you a little, um…OLD and unhealthy to be spewing “revolution” shit?
“Your Leftist philosophy is filled with holes & poison Darryl.”
No problem…It’s labeled with a Mr. Ick sticker and I secure it each night in a child-proof, metal cabinet…under a fume hood.
“Go ahead and censor the truth.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? I’ve not prevented you from saying anything. There are millions of blogs out there for you to spew upon. But if you want to comment here, you either follow the comment policy or you risk having your comment deleted. Its very simple.
Analogously, if some idiot decided to conduct a noisy devil worshiping ceremony right in the middle of your church service, wouldn’t said idiot be asked to refrain from that behavior? Would you consider that “censoring”?
“It’s a reflection of your insecurity.”
Are you sure I even have a reflection??
@37 Does she go around the country talking about livin’ in a vaaaaaan down by the river?
Interesting link to Star Parker.
Star just loves Mark Sanford, even after his fall. He is the man who Star hopes will someday lead America back to greatness.
“Mark Sanford’s world is that world. Let’s pray that he can fix what is wrong inside of himself and that maybe we can still have a leader with the courage and vision that America needs.”
On the other hand, she says JFK was a sleaze, everything wrong with America is his fault (an amazing 1000 days that must have been), and Palin resigning her office inspires Star to say that she is cut from the same mold as Ronald Reagan.
Absolutely bizarro.
Well it was fun while it lasted I guess.
The “birthers” deliver the goods:!!
Health care by Christmas.
@49 Bat.Shit.Crazy.
Gee, the Merry Band of 5 lifestyle unemployed fringe lunatic Leftist are flapping their wrists at warp speed today!
I really struck a nerve this time!
steve, YLB et al continue to troll f@*k Goldy’s Blog. They actually think reasonable folks read their mindless drivel.
I got news for you KLOWNS……….
since you have ruined the comment section of HA with all your puke about Goat Fornication, homophobia, racism…
Congrats, you have self-imploded by trolling your own Progressive Blog.
Too Damn Funny!!
@50 I particularly liked the one for Tim Geithner. Born on two different islands at the same time…well, if you really stretch the concept of quantum mechanics beyond even the way the producers of the bull-pucky What-The-Bleep flicks did….
Of course, the actual truth is that Geithner wasn’t born. He sprung fully grown from Hank Paulson’s left nostril on April 1, 1985.
Interesting we haven’t seen much more from Puddy. Since he posted comment #7 in this thread he must be occupied trying to get his foot out of his mouth.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
[Comments using screen names that are likely to be confused with well established commenters will be deleted. That is considered a form of Sock Puppetry in the HA Comment Policy]
13 Pud
Isn’t that similar to what the libtardo progressives want to do with gay marriage
Nope. The Freepers want to advance on Washington, force (in an undetermined, Underpants Gnome way) the president, the vice-president, and all members of Congress to resign, and to reverse the will of two-thirds of both houses the aforementioned Constitutionally-elected Coress and that of the elected representatives of thee-quarters of teh states by summarily repealing the 16th and 17th Amendments. These are people who spend much of their time yelling about how they revere the Constitution, but they’re all just petty despots and mob-rulers.
On the other hand, supporters of same-gender marriage are bringing suit to allow Constitutionally-convened courts to repeal discriminatory laws, or urging their elected representatives to pass laws that enable same-gender marriages. Nothing in that last sentence could be further from the Freeper plan.
OF COURSE conservatives have to dream of becoming a minority mob that takes power and forces their ideology upon the rest of us! You guys can’t win at the ballot box and your ideas are getting more unpopular every day.
Ahhh. That must have broke your Horowitzian heart.
I see the article saw that the KGB’s unglamorous heart was industrial espionage – ostensibly for the cause of showing up the capitalist’s world production as being inferior to the command economy model.
It didn’t work. Get a life.
I thought it was really funny when the States’ Rights boys proposed a federal law to force states and municipalities to allow concelead carry if it is allowed under the gun bearer’s home jurisdiction.
This is from the people who don’t want states to have to recognize marriages performed in other states.
@59 Those “old, white, dead guys” wrote the Constitution in an age where citizen soldiers carried muskets that took about a minute to load and fire a single round that had about a 15% likelihood of hitting a stationary target at 25 feet. Had they been able to envision hordes of nut cases toting assault rifles that can turn a child to hamburger at 100 yards, they’d have included an article mandating national disarmament.
60 AF
Have you heard of Harry Turtledove’s The Guns of the South? In it, apartheid South Africa manages to send some dudes back in time with the information necessary to start manufacturing AK-47s and providing them to the South in order to let the Confederacy win the Civil War.
It’s so like today’s Republican Party. Here’s their “stragety:”
1. Get a lot more racist and violent.
2. ???
3. Electoral success!!!!
@61 Yeah…particularly long on the “???” part.
Liquid FartArt Racetracked…
Farty Art, Puddy has many things going on so Puddy don’t live on HA Libtardos tout le temps.
GBS, sorry to burst yo bubble butt Crowley told the radio station today that he supports the president “to a point, I guess.”
Nuff Said dude!
It’s so bad HA libtardos like ekim are such fools.
Puddy wrote:”HA Libtardos northeast progressive libtardos are the most racist bunch there is”
Since ekim has no memory Puddy will try to restart his useless memory processes. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama wrote
“I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don’t belong. Regardless of the circumstances under which I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second.”
“By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desperation of their situation and feel more hopeless about a resolution as opposed to an integrationist who is ignorant to their plight.”
“Attending Princeton has probably forced [black alumni] to compete intellectually with Whites more than with Blacks and, thus, they have probably become more familiar with Whites intellectually, but in other activities they are likely to have gained familiarity with Whites if they did not spend time with Whites in other activities besides intellectual ones. “
“Predominately white universities like Princeton are socially and academically designed to cater to the needs of the white students comprising the bulk of their enrollments.”
“I hoped that these findings would help me conclude that despite the high degree of identification with whites as a result of the educational and occupational path that black Princeton alumni follow, the alumni would still maintain a certain level of identification with the black community. However, these findings do not support this possibility.”
ekim you can axk Steve and clueless wondermoron as Puddy previously posted this on HA. They love my Puddyisms so much they archived many of them.
Now that your mind has been cleared of some of the cob-webs of Libtardoism where does the fool ekim go next?
clueless wondermoron diarrhead on HA libtardos
That’s because it’s expected and readily accepted of Dummocrapts.
66 – What a fool!
Your ugly party that you switched to because of the bad old Dems BLEW IT BIG TIME!!!
If I was politically active in the 60’s I would be no fan of the Dems but I also wouldn’t see any alternative in the Republicans. Nixon? Gimme an ‘effin break!
I’m no fan of corrupt politicians of any stripe. They should stick to organized crime.
I am for progressives that are motivated by a personal mission of public service – not greed like your crowd.
clueless wondermoron@67
Yeah, as long as it doesn’t cum from your pocket right cheepskate?
What a loonytard.
@65 “ekim you can axk Steve and clueless wondermoron as Puddy previously posted this on HA. They love my Puddyisms so much they archived many of them.”
Well, I did archive this rather remarkable exchange:
And this one:
Something the liberal media isn’t talking about….
What about the lady that called 911?
Even if she never had a formal introduction, she lives across the street from henry and she doesn’t recognize him in broad daylight?
Most likely another liberal that supports blacks as long as they stay in their place.
How many of those half million new residents are taxpayers?
Steve, Puddy asked you in another thread who said: “there are white ones too.” Cum on Steve who said it without looking it up fool?
You and steve are calling out “my own.”
That leaves me the job of calling you out.
Why did YOU assume I was black when I said I was on welfare?
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
What is it about you life experience that gives you the impression that welfare recipients are black? Are you aware of the fact there are many many more white people on welfare? I know, you’re shocked. Google it and learn for yourself.
Puddy guesses Diddled Luvr forgot this ad from his friends on the left…
Well, then surely you saw the TV ad in which two smarmy Mormon missionaries knock on the door of an attractive lesbian couple. “Hi, we’re from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!” says the blond one with a toothy smile. “We’re here to take away your rights.” The Mormon zealots yank the couple’s wedding rings from their fingers and then tear up their marriage license.
As the thugs leave, one says to the other, “That was too easy.” His smirking comrade replies, “Yeah, what should we ban next?” The voice-over implores viewers: “Say no to a church taking over your government.”
Gay Ad against the Mormon Church and Prop 8 last year.
Of course you missed the Mormon Scum calls from your buds too eh?
And you don’t think the gays and they organizations are the aggressors in the “marriage” war?
Sheik al Marvin;
You’re the one who said you were black. How else would I know that?
Just like you said you were on welfare. How else would I know that?
When you gonna call Mr. Cyn a racist?
jenna bush is a school teacher that worked at a shelter as part of an internship for UNICEF’s Educational Policy Department.
chelsea clinton works for a hedge fund.
Which presidential daughter is greedy?
“Cop Tells Obama: I Didn’t Vote for You and Won’t Apologize”
You can apologize now to the HA board for saying that a liberal was the racist piece of shit, when it turned out to be one of your own. As usual.
Like Mr. C saying that if a black man turns white that scares them to death because they think they’ll have to work.
Oh, and the reason your skin is brown, Puddybud, is because you’re full of bullshit.
What does that say about your mother and father?
Would that kind of talk fly in the ‘hood?
Why does it fly when Mr. C does it?
Why do you assume that a cop working in a mostly liberal part of the country is liberal when he conducts himself more like a conservative?
Answers, Puddy, we need answers. Oh, and that apology.
I’ve already proven you a liar, Sheik.
Now it’s your turn to prove me a liar or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Go ahead I DARE YOU!
Bet you can’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I mention that Mr. Klynical writes poetry?
GBS, He supports his president but didn’t vote for him?
WAIT A COTTON PICKIN MINUTE… You used Newsmax? NEWSmax? MEWSMAX? The site ridiculed by clueless wondermoron, rhp6033, NutsTooTight and Diddled Luvr to name a few?
“I support the president of the United States 110 percent.” Sgt. Crowley told WBZ-AM.
What does that say? When his hometown voted overwhelmingly for “the messiah” > 64%? When the he was hand-picked by a black police commissioner to teach recruits about avoiding racial profiling?
“If people are looking for a guy who’s abusive or arrogant, they got the wrong guy. This is not a racist, rogue cop. This is a fine, upstanding man. And if every cop in the world were like him, it would be a better place.” – Andy Meyer, coached youth sports with Crowley and is his teammate on a men’s softball team.
Thanks for the support GBS. And all the times Puddy stood up for you here.
Now where did Puddy say:
Pretty ironic when you consider that america didn’t allow mormons their right to marry as many as they wanted either.
Maybe if gays supported their right to marriage that the mormons would have returned the favor.
Hold on there pard’na.
Do you want another news source to back up the claim that the officer did NOT vote for Obama?
Here’s a video clip so you can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears!!
Oh, and one last thing. Don’t drag me into your pathetic pity party. That part about your skin and bullshit was a reference to Mr. C’s very racist joke — black man!!
Yes, now a personal apology to me. When you and your wife were under attack with racist and sexist comments you know, I know, and every on this blog knows I stood shoulder to shoulder with you.
Don’t stab me in the back.
Grow up. You’ll have to do better than that.
I googled to see if I said I was black.
No results.
You lied.
Now tell us why you assumed I was black.
You “googled” it and no results?
Doesn’t make me a liar.
You need to PROVE I’m a liar.
Shiek al Marvin:
Hint: you didn’t say “black” you used a word that refers to African-Americans.
Good luck with your proof statement.
Oh, and don’t get all lazy on me, not do the homework, claim you did and then type that I’m a liar.
If you’re calling me a liar then the burden of proof is on you chump. Not me.
Let me throw steve a bone…
Hey Puddy, that’s racist. All good democrats know only black people pick/picked cotton. How can a white man like you write such a thing?
Make you happy steve? I called Puddy out like you want.
Sheik al Marvin:
I’m still waiting on you to back up your words and prove me a liar.
How can I prove a negative.
I have no recollection of identifying myself in any words referring to african-american. I’ve googled many words and didn’t get any results.
If you prove I did, I’ll apologize right here and now. And for my punishment, I will NEVER again bring up your use of a word referring to a gay male.
91. Marvin Stamn spews:
Then why did YOU bring it up????
Using your logic…
Prove it you didn’t say goldy was a child molester.
You know steve will be your BFF if you post the link abut me identifying myself as black. Throw the guy a bone, he needs the help.
Besides, I didn’t bring it up. It was YOU that said I identified myself as black.
Shiek @ 93:
Thanks, but no thanks.
I’ve already proven you a liar once. No need for me to do it again.
You are the one who called me a liar, now you are the one who needs to back your accusation.
Can’t don’t or won’t do it?
The topper is you want me to do your homework — again, thanks, but no thanks.
You had 3.5 minutes to view the link. Then I removed it.
Did you see it?
I can’t do it.
I need your help.
Please help me and show me the link.
No can do now. You had your chance.
You must’ve been using “the google.”
See 95.
YOU brought it up that I identified myself as black.
Like you said in #76-
So tell us, why did you assume I was black. Do you think everyone on welfare is black? Many would consider that racist thinking. Didn’t manotruth say the same thing?
@92 “You know steve will be your BFF”
Marvin, GBS is everything you’re not. He’s highly intelligent and armed with a sharp wit. He’s a vet who served this nation bravely and continues to display his patriotism and love for country in the way he mercilessly kicks your America-hating troll ass in these comment threads. Marvin, you’re not half the man GBS is.
Sheik al Marvin.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
You called me a liar and couldn’t back it up.
You were probably eating your boogers when your mommy and daddy were teaching you manners so here’s the remedial version.
Had you said something a little more classy like “I googled that, but I couldn’t find it. I’m certain you’re right and it’s an obvious oversight on my part. Could you help me and provide the link? Thanks, Marvin Stamn.”
But, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you had to be the 1st class ass hole that you are and jumped to the wrong conclusion that I lied.
Here’s a clue for you; go read Dale Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends and Influence People.”
Obviously you’ve never studied how to interact with people or you never would have been so belligerent when you needed/wanted something from me in the first place.
Calling me a liar isn’t going to sway me to do the heavy lifting for you.
Now run along.
Oh, Sheik al Marvin:
Me and Steve are already friends. He doesn’t need me pandering to him for friendship.
That’s a report card on you and how you try to win people’s friendship; “you do something for me and I’ll be your bff.”
True friendship and meaningful relationships with other people are given without expectation, and given often, and without expectation.
Get the picture?
Really, take my advice, go to your library, check out “How to Win Friends and Influence People” and read it — NOW!
Don’t leave your house until you’ve read it, understand it and are ready to begin implementing it in every facet of your life.
This is the best, and possibly nicest thing anyone as ever said to you. If you think otherwise, you have a negative attitude.
I’ll give you another book recommendation after you’ve read Carnegie’s book.
Here’s the secret formula to success Go. Learn. Do. Succeed.
That’s the secret formula to success. It’s not really a secret it’s more of an enigma. You know what you should do, you just don’t do it.
That’s the difference between being having a clunker and two Porsches.
(hope that fixed the closing tag)
You said, and I quote…
I called you on it.
Logic fail.
If I was certain you were right why would I need proof?
Did you read the book?
If so, you’re not doing a very good job of demonstrating the effectivness of the book.
And why do you feel I would want to be friends with you? What about your friendship would improve the quality of my life? After all, you have said many times you fantasize about kicking my ass but can’t because you’re afraid to meet me. I remember that post well, I called you a chickenshit for a month after that until I got bored and moved on.
This is one reason I wouldn’t want to be friends with you. You feel that having putt putt cars is something to brag because it makes you a feel like a better person. I can only imagine how you treat poor people you meet.
Did you or did you not call me a liar?
It is you, who made the false accusation that I’m lying.
If I’m lying prove it.
I don’t have all day to read through your excuses, because that’s what they are EXCUSES.
Either prove I’m a liar as you claimed or continue to flounder around like a fish out of water. Praying some Good Samaritan, like me, will do the heavy lifting and throw you back in the water instead of letting you lay their with you mouth opening and closing sucking for the oxygen you so desperately need but cannot do for yourself.
I called you a liar.
And that’s the way it is.
Why did you assume I was black? Why do you assume all welfare recipients are black?
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
“After all, you have said many times you fantasize about kicking my ass but can’t because you’re afraid to meet me. I remember that post well”
You’re so fucked up in the head, Marvin! LMFAO!! That’s some fucked up memory you have there, boy.
Prove he didn’t say it.
Did I read the book? As if I read it only once. I’ve OWNED the book since 1994. I STUDY the it at least 3-4 a year. My copy is so worn out with highlighted passages, dog eared corners, notes in the margins, I get something out of it every time I read it.
My big bank account, trade account, two Porsches, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Ford Ranger, Sanger ski boat, trips to Europe, my own home, putting my son through dental school, my daughter’s college is already paid, and my wife who’s lived out her dream of being a stay-at-home-mom because she WANTED to, says otherwise.
Do you think I got all that by being a lousy ass hole like you?
T-H-I-N-K again.
I don’t want to be your friend.
Because I earn more money than the average person it allows me to give away thousands of dollars each year to people and organizations that need help.
That’s the great part about being a LIBERAL with a big bank account. Not only can I provide the things in life for my family, I can help provide some relief to the people in my community who it. That’s why making money, lots of it is great.
Not for the greedy reasons conservatives want it, hoard it all for themselves, and then want to cut every program to help the poor and the hungry.
Some Christian values you conservatives have.
I made no such assumption.
You identified yourself as black. Called me a liar, now you can’t back you your assertion.
Any time now, Sheik. We’re all waiting. The spotlight is on you. Your time to shine.
Prove me a liar.
Sheik al Marvin:
It’s been real, but not real fun.
I’ll check this post later to see if you can come up with the proof to back you YOUR claims.
Until then, it’s time to go enjoy the fruits of my labor.
First, since it’s a nice day in Seattle, I drove my ’93 RS America to work today. I’m going to take the back road home (the winding, twisting road) and have a lot of fun.
Then, me and my wife are going to go out and enjoy a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant.
When I get home I think I’ll uncork my last ’97 Kistler Vineyard Pinot Noir. Rated around 95 I believe. Mmmmmmm . . . a very good wine indeed.
I never identified myself as black.
Sucks for you that you can’t prove your assumption.
You have all that and still feel insecure about yourself that you need to brag about it?
I’m glad that you are not contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
But you are contributing to the stereotype that rich people don’t pay income taxes. How republican of you. Cheney would be proud.
GBS farts:
Wrongo Buddy. Puddy give much to charities. Puddy went to Katrinaland and spent his own money to take the family there to help out. Didn’t see no HA Libtardo stand up and be counted. They closed their wallets.
GBS, Puddy said the northeast liberal is racist. Michelle Obama even admitted that.
What? You calling the First Lady a liar?
GBS, there are many Americans who didn’t vote for either person. And since he stands behind his president 110% is a very telling comment. It’s telling his father voted for “the messiah”.
Puddy is interested how you decided to use right-wing sites totally dismissed by your compatriots so much. Maybe they’ll change their tunes?
What is it with this moron?
It’s spelled:
And this fool claims to be educated?
Back to my regular screen name
poor poor clueless wondermoron. Puddy writez and spellz the way Puddy wants to. Puddy don’t take orders from a clueless wondermoron.
Um… There are not supposed to be spaces in between each letter.
So how do HA libtardos feel about HR 1913?
So clueless wondermoron, why haven’t you dissed GBS for using Newsmax?
Thanks for the heads up.
I thought you were spelling like that to make it easier for ylb to read phonetically.
Well he is clueless.
His “mind” is a wonder to behold, monomaniacal all the time.
His commentary is moronic and chronologically inaccurate.
Therefore he’s a clueless wondermoron.
121 – The spaces are there for emphasis.
cuz I trust GBS to use Newsmax the way I would use Newsmax – to expose the idiocy and the bankrupt thinking of the right wing. Shit if anything GBS is more freaking anti-right wing than I am.
Like an idiot, just as I thought.
Thanks for playing.
Gee clueless wondermoron@126-128 trusts GBS to use Newsmax to expose idiocy and bankrupt thinking of the right-wing but gives it a pass when Newsmax exposes idiocy and bankrupt thinking of the left-wing.
Again, you hypocrite!
clueless wondermoron’s other posts are swill and insipid drivel.
That’s your problem – you want to believe it does. Newswhacks only convinces the gullible, the ignorant and the willfully ignorant like you.
Those who know better, knows its purpose is to LIE.