There’s a lot of corporate money going to the Seattle City Council races. I get it. Amazon doesn’t want to pay taxes. But they are part of the community. They should pay their share for the problems that their growth in the city has caused.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Amazon certainly does not wish to be seen as a problem for Seattle. Perhaps that’s why it wants to site elsewhere.
At least Amazon does its share of R&D. I’d be willing to bet that a good part of that is done locally.
Tech companies claimed the top five spots in the U.S. for research and development spending again last year, investing a combined total of $76 billion. Amazon was at the top of the list, spending $22.6 billion in 2017, 41 percent more than in 2016 (when it also topped the list).
Amazon has poured resources into AWS, Alexa and technologies like computer vision to support ambitious projects such as the Amazon Go cashierless store of the future.
I guess if Steve is going to call me a Putin stooge, I’m at least in good company. Hillary is already pointing out Tulsi Gabbard as the reason Team Clinton’s effort to reclaim the White House for itself will fail next year, too.
Ken Thomas
Verified account
“I’m not making any predictions but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate. She’s the favorite of the Russians,” Hillary Clinton to @davidplouffe
6:42 AM – 18 Oct 2019
In a Trump-Warren matchup next year, if Tulsi Gabbard is on the ballot as a third-party candidate, I’d be happy to vote for her.
Hillary Clinton suggests Putin has kompromat on Trump, Russia will back Tulsi Gabbard third-party bid
Steve, if you want my vote, better nominate Klobuchar.
Amazon is going where?
Note past tense. Signed lease.
Yep headed right out of town.
This is $15 will kill restaurants again, Dumbfuck.
Goldy’s a winner in a world in which the government delivers more, and charges less.
Replying to @GoldyHA
3/ So, under Medicare for All, my Medicare premium will go up. Substantially. But my private insurance premium will be eliminated. If my M4A premium costs less than what I’m currently paying for private insurance, and provides equal or better coverage, I win!
It’s this rationale that explains why Goldy must rely on a billionaire’s largesse in order to feed himself.
@4 “In a Trump-Warren matchup next year, if Tulsi Gabbard is on the ballot as a third-party candidate, I’d be happy to vote for her.”
Because, despite all your denials, you want Trump to win. And in a Trump-Gabbard matchup, you wouldn’t vote for her, because you want Trump to win.
You’re like Trump: You deny everything, then admit what you just denied.
2a folks are all up in arms (see what I did there) today.
So leader of small Neo Nazi group who’s followers are charged with multiple murders in several states lives in Snohomish. He’s got web posts threatening to go on a shooting spree. He posts pictures of himself holding his guns. He is a known purchaser of many, many, many firearms including those favored by mass shooters.
So the FBI works with King County and State police to get an Extreme Risk Protection Order and take his weapons.
Oh, did I mention he posted videos of him and others ‘training’ for assault on buildings?
crazy fringey part of gun rights activistsNRA is upset that this is a slippery slope because until the Nazi has actually killed people he should be able to get whatever weaponry he wants.That’s going to be a good one to try in court. Either way, the gun lobby loses the PR battle here and even more people start looking carefully at the gun vote records of their representatives.
“We don’t want the smoking gun to be in a the form of a Atomwaffen.”
@ 7
It’s Washington state. My vote is expendable.
I’d absolutely vote for Gabbard over Trump in a head-to-head matchup. I’d never have to prove it because your ilk would never have the balls to nominate her, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@6 You’re a doctor, so you probably understand the math of private insurance companies. They take about 30% of every health care dollar off the top, before any health care is delivered. Medicare, by contrast, has overhead and administrative costs under 2%.
America has the most expensive health care in the world, but is down there with third world countries in many quality of care and outcomes categories. Even a dunce like you should be able to figure out why the disparity between costs and outcomes and where money is being wasted.
After all, when a patient who can afford this outrageous private health insurance but is told his policy won’t cover his condition, it affects your bottom line, too.
Lawyers, if you’re listening, will tell you that medical bills are the leading cause of personal bankrupties in the U.S.
And your response? Posting stupid, inane, vapid comments on an obscure local political blog read only by people who are only here to make fun of you.
Weird logic bro. All those Amazon employees who aren’t leaving town are relying on a Billionaire’s largess.
Did you miss the lessons on Capitalism? A Capitalist hired a writer to provide a service for which the Capitalist pays the writer. If the Capitalist feels the service is either too expensive or not achieving results he will stop paying and the writer will stop writing.
I don’t necessarily know the best way to build a health care system, just as I don’t necessarily know the best way to build a car, airplane, or wind farm. You watch how other people do it, check out what works and what doesn’t, then go with what works and build on it. That’s how most progress in this world is made. But you’re a Republican, don’t believe in progress, and like all conservatives you’re nostalgic for bygone times and want to go backwards. Presumably to a time when doctors made house calls with their little black bags and took chickens in payment. From this it flows that you’re probably very fond of eggs for breakfast.
@ 11
All those Amazon employees who aren’t leaving town are relying on a Billionaire’s largess.
Not for a very long time. Bezos owns 12% of the shares.
@ 11
Did you miss the lessons on Capitalism? A Capitalist hired a writer to provide a service for which the Capitalist pays the writer. If the Capitalist feels the service is either too expensive or not achieving results he will stop paying and the writer will stop writing.
So the Koch brothers, or the one remaining, are engaging in simple capitalism when they fund all of those PACS who pay writiers to further their goals?
Why, no wonder the Supreme Court’s majority found it constitutional. You wouldn’t want SCOTUS to be anti-capitalist, would you? That would be simply anti-American.
@ 8
Not a word about the NRA in the piece.
Your last sentence, the one you put in quotes, is nowhere in the piece.
You’re nothing if not predictable, Cz-252.
@8 Probably just a matter of time until a madman with an AR-15 equipped with bump stock, drum magazine, and laser sights attacks an NRA gathering.
It’ll be interesting to see what the NRA’s reaction is when these psychos aren’t just shooting up churches, synagogues, concerts, and elementary schools anymore.
@9 So the question then becomes, which potential Democratic nominees would prompt you to vote for Trump?
This is a trick question, of course. I’m testing whether you have an ideological line you won’t cross that trumps any test of character or fitness, i.e. whether you’d vote for an utterly unfit candidate, no matter how bad his character and behavior, to get the policies and/or judges you want.
@9 I’d say that around here more than just your vote is expendable.
@13 Yeah. With Bezos owning only 12% of the company, hiring and payroll are probably entirely in the hands of some $80,000-a-year HR person.
By the way, how much of the other 88% do you own? Apparently not enough to keep them from paying more than $7.25 an hour to the warehouse slaves.
@14 “So the Koch brothers, or the one remaining, are engaging in simple capitalism when they fund all of those PACS who pay writiers to further their goals?”
No, he’s funding a communist takeover of the USA, dummy. Just as he runs their businesses as worker and consumer co-ops. And the writers, community organizers — ooo, I said a dirty word! — and operatives working for his PACs are in it for the personal satisfaction of advancing his causes, and not for the money.
At least Goldy isn’t a whore. He works for someone he agrees with. Probably likes his boss. And still maintains this blog on the side. Whatever his reasons for latter, he isn’t into HA for the money.
As for you, I’d bet more than a couple of coffees and donuts that you’ve never clicked on the sidebar to donate money to keep this blog up and running. If your attitude toward Goldy is the same as your attitude toward restaurant workers, you’re a moocher coming and going.
@ 20
At least Goldy isn’t a whore. He works for someone he agrees with.
You need to brush up on your definition of prostitution. Even a whore who orgasms during the act wants to be paid for it.
@21 At least prostitutes get an orgasm out of it. What do you get out of sucking up to the likes of Trump?
Oh, I know, a $50-a-month tax cut. Buys another bale of hay for your fuck buddy.
This is a case of the prostitute paying the john, isn’t it? Some prostitute you’ve got there.
@15 I didn’t read his comment as quoting the NRA. I read it as a general statement of what the NRA’s philosophy is. Which, in my opinion, is accurate.
If the NRA has ever said they’re against neo-Nazis having personal arsenals sufficient to equip an infantry platoon, please feel free to cite and quote it.
@ 22
My 2018 marginal tax rate dropped 1%.
My 2018 effective tax rate went up nearly 3%. Half of that was a result the cap on SALT deductions.
So wife and I paid more in federal taxes as a result of the Republican-passed tax law.
We’re not whining about it. We don’t have to trek to the library to read basic financial news.
” … a Republican senator said that the decision to have Trump National Doral Miami, which is owned by the president’s company, host the conference of world leaders shows Trump’s ‘integrity.’ ‘I don’t have any concerns about it other than just politically how it appears,’ Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota said Friday.”
Of course he doesn’t. Hardly any of them do.* You gotta be a Democrat — or at least someone with a sense of right and wrong — to see what’s wrong with it. (* Sen. Murkowski appears to be an exception.)
I wonder if Doctor Dumbfuck sees anything wrong with it? Not that I care what he thinks; just curious, that’s all.
“Five states hit new lows in unemployment during September, including a couple that could be pivotal in the 2020 presidential election. As the national jobless level fell to 3.5%, a 50-year low, Alabama (3%), California (4%), Illinois (3.9%), New Jersey (3.1%) and South Carolina (2.9%) set all-time bottoms in data that goes back to 1976, according to the latest Labor Department count released Friday.”
But I wonder what those numbers would look like if they were adjusted for labor participation?
So Doctor Dumbfuck loves that Tulsi Gabbard stinks of borscht? I’m shocked.
Here’s why low unemployment won’t necessarily help Trump:
“The latest jobs report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the unemployment rate dropping to a 50-year low in September. But the data isn’t wholly positive.
“The US added 136,000 nonfarm payrolls last month, lower than analysts’ 147,000 estimate and August’s 168,000 gain. Average hourly earnings grew by 2.9% from the year-ago period, the metric’s slowest pace of growth since July 2018 – and just 1.2 percentage points higher than the last recorded US inflation rate.
“And though the unemployment rate may be at a five-decade low, slowing wage growth is a dire threat to the nation’s economy. Lower income generally begets decreased spending, kicking off a cycle that could threaten employment, investment, and economic growth.
“Here are some reasons why a lower unemployment rate hasn’t brought steady wage growth, and what could be pulling average hourly wages down across the US:
“Prime age labor participation. The labor market as a whole might be weaker than the 3.5% unemployment rate implies. …
“Polarization. America’s middle-income jobs … are disappearing as wage polarization sets in. … Globalization and automation have wiped out much of America’s manufacturing industry, and as it’s more difficult to scale the job ladder than descend it, many of the workers have been forced into lower-paying roles.
“The security trade-off. Private sector union membership has plummeted … grant[ing] companies greater leeway for slowing wage growth.
“Inflation vs. legislation. … The federal level of $7.25 hasn’t changed since 2009 ….”
Not surprisingly, the massive tax cuts that Trump and the Republican Congress showered on billionaires, with only crumbs for the middle class, did little or nothing to alleviate worker angst.
His promises to bring back manufacturing and coal jobs have largely gone pffft. Many of those former workers are too strung out on opioids now to participate in the labor force anyway. Republicans are against suing the drug companies responsible for peddling the pills that got them hooked. They’re not doing much to appropriate public funds for treatment and rehabilitation, either. Or retraining.
Nor is it particularly helpful to the GOP’s cause for shills like Doctor Dumbfuck to post stuff on blogs saying restaurant workers earning $15 an hour are overpaid in a city where entry-level rents start at $1800 a month.
But hey! Trump is kicking out the immigrant farmworkers, so there will soon be opportunities to perform stoop labor in the fields — where, if you work fast and are good at it, you can make nearly $10 an hour. By the Dumbfuck’s reasoning, this certainly will get the GOP a waterfall of blue collar votes.
@24 “We don’t have to trek to the library to read basic financial news.”
It shows.
@ 27
She could go a month without bathing and still smell better than a shower-fresh Amy Goodman, Steve.
But of course, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Focus on the labor participation rate.
Barring anything unusual happening, the president’s Electoral College victory could easily surpass his 2016 win over Democrat Hillary Clinton, which came by a 304-227 count.
Moody’s based its projections on how consumers feel about their own financial situation, the gains the stock market has achieved during Trump’s tenure and the prospects for unemployment, which has fallen to a 50-year low. Should those variables hold up, the president looks set to get another four-year term.
The modeling has been highly accurate going back to the 1980 election, missing only once.
Or maybe on slowing wage growth. As you lose more of the black vote, and quiet Hispanics let Trump know they appreciate the wall, focus on the fact that wage growth isn’t as good as it was a year ago.
On January 20, 2021, as Trump is sworn in for his second term, I look forward to Steve’s protestations that Trump’s four years weren’t as successful as Obama’s.
I’ll be pleased to agree with him.
See how easy it is, Doctor? Too bad you’re so intent on betraying your country for Putin. Because if you weren’t, you could do it, too.
“Republican John Kasich comes out in favor of Trump’s impeachment”
While we’re on that subject, each weekly issue of Barron’s costs $5 on a newsstand. Of course, you don’t have to purchase the print edition; you can read it online — but only if you pay a subscription fee. I read it at the library for free. Well, not exactly for free, because about 2% of my property taxes go to the library system. So, if I buy Barron’s at a newsstand, instead of reading it in the public library, I’ll be paying for it twice.
Doctor Dumbfuck would have you believe that’s great financial management. But then, he’d also have you believe that a $15 minimum wage will kill the economy. I wonder when the last time he worked for $15 an hour was? Probably not since he was in medical school. You certainly can’t pay for an F-350, horse trailer, horse farm, and horses on the wages he advocates for others.
Varian Medical Systems, a stock he often touts in these pages (or did until recently), was trading for $114.52 the last time I looked this morning. Yahoo Finance rates it as extremely overvalued at that price. I don’t know how good YF valuation ratings are, and can’t vouch for them here. I can state definitively, though, that VAR, which pays no dividends, traded for $114.09 at one point on Dec. 13, 2017, so he’s made almost nothing from VAR’s stock appreciation since then.
As I recall, the Dumbfuck has told us he’s resorting to options trading to make money in the Trump Stock Market(TM). Somehow I don’t think this will resonate with average working stiffs when they open their 401(k) statements at the end of the month. His HA messaging probably isn’t reaching very many of them.
One thing I’ve never done is claim reading Barron’s at the library makes money for me. On the other hand, I have claimed that I save $5 every time I read it at
the library instead of buying it at a newsstand. I’ve also claimed on this blog that nobody ever got rich by spending money. You get rich by saving money and investing it, instead of spending it. The Dumbfuck finds that outlandish.
I’m not going to argue with him about this. Draw your own conclusions. Take financial advice from him, if you want to. After all, he has a Ford F-350, horse trailer, horse farm, and horses, and I don’t, so what could possibly go wrong?
@30 After coming out of the barn, until you bathe, you can’t go 5 seconds without smelling like horse shit.
@31 Yeah, I saw the Moody’s projection. When I did, I couldn’t help but assume they didn’t adjust their model to account for the 52% of voters who’ve just told pollsters that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. How many of those voters do you think Trump will corral next November, dumbfuck?
I think I detect some cognitive dissonance in Moody’s shop.
@32 Sez the troll who’d have us believe he’d vote for Tulsi Gabbard instead of Trump.
At least he’s honest about his feelings toward restaurant workers.
“On January 20, 2021, as Trump is sworn in for his second term…”
There you go again, rooting for Putin and betrayal of country.
By the way, got any snide remarks you’d like to share with the families of our allies who were killed this week because you betrayed them?
@ 36
52% of adults, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You need them to show up at the polls to really have an influence. In 2012 Romney’s problem is that they didn’t show up. Hillary’s problem is that they showed up but didn’t vote for her.
The Trump Stock Market(TM) is now down 200 Dow points.
This, to me, is meaningless. Just a typical daily fluctuation of the sort we’ve gotten used to under the Trump Chaos Administration.
Not enough to be a real buying opportunity. And certainly not enough to pay for a Ford F-350, horse trailer with wet bar, horse farm, and horse feed.
At least I get dividends. And, I’m keeping my investing overhead lower by $5 a week than it would be if I followed Doctor Dumbfuck’s financial advice.
I’m stockpiling my cash for the Trump Election Year Recession, which many reputable economists now think is practically guaranteed. That’s when I’ll load up on high quality, blue chip, dividend paying stocks.
Meanwhile, Trump is trying to fend off an election-year recession by advocating negative interest rates, which I don’t see going over all that well with savers and retirees, and probably doesn’t appeal to the average voter’s common sense either.
@ 38
By the way, got any snide remarks you’d like to share with the families of our allies who were killed this week because you betrayed them?
1. Assad’s wife isn’t a rose in the desert.
2. The road to Damascus isn’t a road to peace.
3. No use talking about red lines unless you do something when they are crossed.
How’d I do?
Aaaand… SCENE!
In a week overflowing with conservative humiliation and disgrace on a scale previously unimaginable, Teh Dumbfuck bestows upon us all his latest mewling plea for approval.
No wonder his father stayed out until after the boy had gone to wet his bed.
I thought you were stockpiling your cash @ 41 for the purchase of the Depends you’ll go through during your trip to the library to read Barron’s, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re quite the clown. Your stockpiled cash will fit in a paper quarter sleeve.
@39 “52% of adults, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Well, you’ve still got the 16-year-old MAGA teen, dumbfuck. At least, last I heard. But you don’t hear much about him anymore.
Putin is pleased with you, Doctor.
“Turkish president threatens US over Trump’s insulting letter: ‘When the time comes necessary steps will be taken’”
“Deadly Turkey air strikes shatter Trump’s hours-old ‘ceasefire’ deal”
Our allies are still dying, Erdoğan taunts and laughs at you, and Putin is smiling at your dumbfuckery.
Way to betray your country, dumbfuck.
@39 “In 2012 Romney’s problem is that they didn’t show up.”
No, Romney’s problem was that he got caught telling a gathering of filthy rich people that 47% of Americans, many of whom were working their asses off just to keep from being evicted, are moochers.
Hey Teh Dumbfuck,
maybe if you beg and plead like a pathetic bitch and promise to share you Lunchables you might get Howard Schultz to sit at your table during lunch period.
Keep fuckin’ that chicken.
@49 He and his cohort are too busy kicking children off subsidized school lunches to have time for that.
“Teh Dumbfuck bestows upon us all his latest mewling plea for approval.”
Putin approves. I don’t.
You’re wasting your time, godwinha.
RR the same model had the GOP sweeping to glory and Champagne showers in 2018 and every single special.
Last time the Masters of the Universe that Teh Dumbfuck worships put all their chips on a group of complex and highly derrivative economic models they blew a twelve trillion dollar hole in household net worth.
As we’ve seen amply demonstrated this past couple of weeks by people like “Gordo”, these dudes aren’t actually too smart. Just lucky, very well connected, and privileged enough to always get a “redo” no matter how bad they fuck everything up.
Pretends social media reaction doesn’t exist
Cultural understanding of recent ‘preemptive strike’ rhetoric goes over your head too.
I suspect CNBC ran that Moody’s story to boost sagging morale on Wall Street, which likes Trump’s one-percent-friendly policies and wants him re-elected to get more of the same. So far today, morale on Wall Street is sinking another 200 Dow points, so it’s not working.
I don’t think anyone should refer to the NRA as a 2nd Amendment group, and certainly never as a “rights” group.
They are an extremist conservative political group that all the evidence suggests advocates for violent resistance to government authority. “Slippery slope” is a garbage argument, legally or otherwise. DUI laws are not viewed as a “slippery slope” to prohibition. NRA and similar extremist groups just use such arguments to muddy the waters and confuse the debate.
Are there overt threats of violence?
Are they credible?
These and other similar criterea are commonly applied in limiting and abridging other Constitutional rights for the sake of broad public interest, like public safety. Not a ton of debate or outrage.
We will all be subjected to a ton of this shit as Wall Street, beltway/corp media cranks up the same old tired machine to convince Dems that their only hope lies in becoming more like Republicans… more like.. Hillary.
If Betsy DeVoss loses even one of her twelve giant yachts (other than by misplacing it) we will get more Trump.
Fo. Sho.
Extremist Militias invited into NE Syria by the GOP are now deploying brother William Peter on civilian Kurds and Yazidis.
So that’s very nice.
I like the cut of this woman’s jib.
Tulsi Gabbard
Great! Thank you
. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain. From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a …
1:20 PM · Oct 18, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard
… concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why. Now we know — it was always you, through your proxies and …
1:20 PM · Oct 18, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard
Replying to
… powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the threat I pose.
It’s now clear that this primary is between you and me. Don’t cowardly hide behind your proxies. Join the race directly.
@ 55
So far today, morale on Wall Street is sinking another 200 Dow points, so it’s not working.
You know, if not for all those days when the Dow rises 250 points, eventually this might be a problem, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Keep saving @ 41 your quarters for that special day when stocks won’t ever decline again, clown.
Anyone else notice that neither Tulsi nor AOC are attacking Trump?
Tulsi Gabbard Says She Was Disinvited From Democratic Debate After Saying Party Should Hold More
@ 52
It’s really not a waste of time, except for giving Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit the time of day.
First place I heard the name Tulsi Gabbard was HA. Thank you to whomever that was – it was someone who comments infrequently.
@63 “except for giving Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit the time of day”
Which you do a lot, so by your own admission, you’re wasting your time. A lot of it. Which tells us what you think your time is worth, doesn’t it?
Doctor Dumbfuck’s visceral hatred of Hillary is, in a way, interesting. Maybe an anthropologist should study it.
Only that they didn’t dress up in Pom Poms and skirts back then, like Bob does.
Addendum to @64: But the horse always welcomes a break.
Bob is senz testicles. His scrotum is just an empty purse. All he needs a slit and some tucking.
He voted for Palin – didn’t he? Based her fuckability. Hubby Palin knew well enough, but not Bob.
Well, I’m off to the gym for my daily workout, after seeing Doctor Dumbfuck off to the barn for his daily workout. See you guys later.
Of course not – what else would you do with the money? Send it directly to Putin’s pony fund?
Sheeiiiit – he’s probably already booked a plane ticket to get closer to Putin.
Read an article yesterday that was about negative interest rates and how it didn’t help Japan and Europe when they did it, and it actually hurt them.
Damn, I can’t get thru all these comments….I have to go do something……got to hit the gym before the Clubbbbbbbiiing!
But I have a lot to do Saturday, so I have to disappoint some of the fucking Repuke trolls here, but it’s going to be a short night out tonight.
Oh by the way PI (Basement dweller) I made $1500 today in my spare time! And I was home by 3:00pm – what a tough day.
Donald threatens to sue CNN.
The 33% “You Go SIR!”
the remaining 67% – “That sunsabitch is really crazy!”
Related, Fox News can’t be happy about that because legal precedent is a problematic thing if that suit did manage to ever get past the first judge.
Unruly white student calls black security guard a “n—–.” Security guard says, “Don’t call me a “n—–.” School fires security guard for saying the “n” word.
No word on what happened to the student.
Somebody’s been making a lot of money from the market’s recent volatility, as if they knew ahead of time what Trump was going to tweet, and Vanity Fair thinks maybe they did and some Democratic members of Congress are asking the SEC to investigate.
“You know, if not for all those days when the Dow rises 250 points, eventually this might be a problem, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Down 200, up 250? Um, dumbfuck, if that was true, the DJIA wouldn’t be in the same place it was nearly two years ago. That the DJIA is no longer going up is the reason why you no longer extoll the virtues of a rising market, but rather the virtues of a sideways market. Remember?
Meanwhile, Doctor, as you babble incoherently about the markets as though you’ve finally found refuge from a frightening reality, our allies are dying because you betrayed our country.
Live in fucking shame.
@ 77
Somebody’s been making a lot of money from the market’s recent volatility…
Roger Dumbfuck RabbitSteve, someone’s always making money from the market’s recent volatility.Options are a wonderful thing. Especially if you’ve got the income to pay for any stocks that are put to you. Which is why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit falls further and further behind – he doesn’t.
It’s far easier, and more profitable, to play options in an oscillating market than in a climbing or falling one.
For the record, Steve, in the last 24 months the DJIA is up 14.75%.
There have been some really nice ups and downs during that period, too.
Steve always forgets that 2015 was a down market year under Obama.
Probably because Steve was still reeling from the Republican takeover of the Senate, and he realized just how badly Harry Reid miscalculated.
Think on your sins, Steve.
@ 76
No word on what happened to the student.
Four year, full-ride scholarship at the University of Wisconsin, why do you ask?
“For the record, Steve, in the last 24 months the DJIA is up 14.75%”
I said “nearly two years”, Doctor. That is a true statement. It’s where it was a year and ten months ago. Crow about that, dumbfuck.
“Steve always forgets that 2015 was a down market year under Obama.”
Dumbfuck always forgets that the market crashed in the last year of the last Republican president and it cost the dumbfuck dearly. Dumbfuck is deathly afraid it’s going to happen to him again. So even though the DJIA performance under his orange moron comes nowhere near matching its performance the commie usurper from Kenya, let alone its performance under BJ Clinton, dumbfuck comes here to say dumbfuck shit about the DJIA.
Anyways, I’m sure you’d like to talk about the economy, about how the DJIA’s inability to stay above 27,000 and your failure to do better than Clinton and Obama is most wonderful thing ever. But the subject of this thread, Doctor, and the subject of all future threads, is your betrayal of our country and how that betrayal is costing our allies their lives.
Live in shame, Doctor. You’ve earned it.
Does anyone out there really think that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent? Apparently Hillary Clinton thinks Gabbard is working for the Russians. No wonder she lost in 2016.
@79 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit … doesn’t.”
I’ll bet you pay exactly as much to read Barrons as I do — nothing. Because the only things you read are comic books and HA comments.
@80 “For the record, Steve, in the last 24 months the DJIA is up 14.75%.”
In the last 23 months it’s up 7.97%. My, what a difference a month can make, especially when you’re cherrypicking your numbers.
Putting it another way, workers with 401(k) plans saw nearly nearly half of their previous gains vaporize over the last 23 months.
Wanna try for the other half between now and Nov. 3,2020, dumbfuck?
“Does anyone out there really think that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent?”
I sincerely apologize to Tulsi Gabbard for writing above that she stinks of borscht. As with Jill Stein, another unwitting Putin foot soldier, Gabbard only smells of borscht. It’s those like Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron who knowingly sell out their country to Russia who stink of borscht.
“In the last 23 months it’s up 7.97%.”
And over the last 22 months it’s even worse.
Let’s see…90 degree heat, high humidity, bedbugs and the possibility of a hurricane. Yup, no better location for a G7 summit.
Don’t forget to invite Putin, Doctor. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled with the accommodations.
Good grief. It’s reached the point where even Moscow Mitch is calling out the doctor and his orange moron for being dumbfucks for Putin.
“The combination of a U.S. pullback and the escalating Turkish-Kurdish hostilities is creating a strategic nightmare for our country. Even if the five-day cease-fire announced Thursday holds, events of the past week have set back the United States’ campaign against the Islamic State and other terrorists. Unless halted, our retreat will invite the brutal Assad regime in Syria and its Iranian backers to expand their influence. And we are ignoring Russia’s efforts to leverage its increasingly dominant position in Syria to amass power and influence throughout the Middle East and beyond.”
This is what the beginning of the end looks like, Doctor.
Live in shame.
86, 88,
Point being that if Teh Dumbfuck’s insipid supply sider theories of tne electorate were true, a nationwide mob of fatandhappy checkbook voters would have carried the GOP to sweeping victories in 2018 (when the cherry picking was even better), instead of smacking them down. Especially since we know that the mid term voter profile skews in favor of the market.
Geez, Doctor, I can see why you guys would release this late on a Friday night. After all, the rabid folks over on 8Chan wanted an awful lot more out of you than this lame ass shit.
Looks like Q’s batting average is still .000. SAD!
Say, isn’t this what you guys call a “nothingburger”?
AITA if I ask the boss to make the promotion permanent right now?
Oh. Asking for a friend.
Has anyone seen my worthless son? I haven’t seen little bastard since I had to forfeit bail.