The Seattle Times editorial board urges the King County Council to appoint a “noncandidate” to serve out the end of Ron Sims’ term as Executive:
The best plan is to name an individual who is a noncandidate for the job in November. A candidate likely will be too distracted by the coming primary and general elections to really hunker down and fix the county’s undeniable budget problems.
Nonpartisan noncandidates. Because, you know… the last person you’d ever want to fill a political office is a… um… politician.
Reading the Times’ editors write about politics is kinda like reading a movie reviewer who hates going to the movies.
This one is for you PuddyNutz.
AUSTRALIA may have just had a horrifying preview of what climate change has in store for its people. Even early warning couldn’t stop last weekend’s bush fires in Victoria claiming 170 lives and over 700 homes.
Climate models based on figures from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predict more frequent – and more extreme – fires for southern Australia over the next few decades. Yet the role of climate change in recent fires has been downplayed, suggests John Handmer of the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre at RMIT University in Melbourne.
Certainly, last weekend’s fires were unprecedented: “We had a record heatwave, the worse fire danger index on record, during a record-breaking drought,” says Handmer. The fire danger index takes into account both temperature and humidity. Over 50 is extreme; on Saturday, the index is believed to have been 5 to 6 times higher.
The level of devastation raises questions about whether Australia should, like other fire-prone places such as southern California, evacuate its people rather than let them stay.
The fires also have worrying implications for drought-stricken Melbourne’s water supply. For the first time in 70 years, fires encroached on the city’s water catchment areas. As new trees grow, this could ultimately reduce the water run-off from the forest by up to 30 per cent, says Mark Adams at the University of Sydney.
Holy Off-Topic Tommy!
This kind of “caretaker” idea is just completely nuts. Let’s see, my CFO just quit so as CEO I think I’ll appoint someone who is not really qualified, has told me they aren’t interested in doing the job on a permanent basis and lacks they bare minimum skills of the job. Meanwhile I’ll let the employees argue for a year or so about who among them should get the job. Nothing like a good inter-office morale boosting competition.
Yeah, that will make my company stronger!
I’m a conservative Republican and couldn’t agree more (what does it say about them that the Times’ ED board brings us together?). American politics is supposed to create a certain amount of conflict. It’s freaking healthy and good for the system. And good for the voters. The “let’s all get along” crowd in politics who are horrified by any politician “playing politics” make me laugh and want to throw my laptop across the room.
Maybe I just need to be medicated.
Once again Goldy uses a Times editorial board piece to joust at windmills.
heh heh.. O my times are tough for my billionaire neighbor buddy here in Dallas.. anyone ever catch the tv show?
If things don’t turn around my buddy might have to cut the fatman loose… oooh.. that’d be bad.. very bad…
heh heh… I’d know just what to do.. a little tax cut.. hell A BIG TAX CUT… the bigger the better… they always work… just like the fatman says… so simple.. less taxes means more money to run spots on my buddy’s stations.. he gets richer… everyone’s happy.. heh heh… I like that.. richer… always… later…heh heh..
1 – Stupes says it’s summer in Australia. Duh…
One very HOT summer… Fool..
No, what they’ll do is just award themselves more money by calling it something other than a base salary or bonus, like a “retention package.”
Once again Troll is trying to make fun of Goldy for making some tranchant observations. Troll has claimed that he/she can become an investigative reporter and the he/she can add to this blog – but I have yet to see any evidence that troll is offering anything other than inane commentary. Goldy is making a good point – why should someone non-political be appointed to a political office?
Goldy has also made the point that worshiping at the alter of “nonpartisanship” is not worth it. What really matters is what government does – not if both sides can get along. both these comments are important in dissecting the conventional wisdom, that is anything but.
Didn’t Sims rather strongly advocate this very thing, and didn’t you pretty much endorse the idea a few days ago?
Does the same idea now suck simply because Blethen & Co have put their name on it?
@5 I wonder how Clay Bennett’s toy basketball team is making out in the teeth of this economic gale? Howard Schulz picked a good time to get out of the luxury recreation business.
The next executive will be responsible for the development of the 2010 budget, typiclly submitted to COuncil in early October, in a time of continuing revenue declines. Not a pleasant prospect.
@10 One of the OKC owners, Aubrey McClendon, CEO of Chesapeake Energy, certainly took a hit. He lost billions on margin trading. He only had a few billion to start with. I imagine if the Mayor hadn’t of caved on the lawsuit that Ballmer and friends would now be negotiating to buy the team.
Lou Guzzo!!!!!
Brilliant observations about Republicans:
This essay captures the mentality of the trolls perfectly (it captures Stupes 100 percent) and delivers a powerful lesson – there is no compromise with this delusional insanity.
Of course HAs clueless idiot name changing moron above@5 & @6 dismisses this group who still call it right…
15 – Called nothing correct that I can see – pure bullshit and like you – more fear and paranoia…
Like attracts like it seems.
You see HAs clueless idiot, this is what conservatives fight against and morons like you and your ilk jockstrap…
Fool@16: Not my peeps moron. Those a Democratics.
Read and weep fooltard.
Besides HAs clueless idiot fool@16, looks like your friends hacked the wrong site…
You better call them. They need URL assistance…
But then again HAs clueless idiot is for criminal illegal aliens having fun in Amerikkka.
I betcha he supported…
Absolutely your peeps: full of fear and paranoia.
Where ever goes that crap, you’re there.
20 – You’re for criminals period:
It’s not even up to date!
This is one of the things Democrats fight against:
“Know this if nothing else: This was a hate crime. I hate the damn left-wing liberals. There is a vast left-wing conspiracy in this country & these liberals are working together to attack every decent & honorable institution in the nation, trying to turn this country into a communist state. Shame on them….
“This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book. I’d like to kill everyone in the mainstream media. But I know those people were inaccessible to me. I couldn’t get to the generals & high ranking officers of the Marxist movement so I went after the foot soldiers, the chickenshit liberals that vote in these traitorous people. Someone had to get the ball rolling. I volunteered. I hope others do the same. It’s the only way we can rid America of this cancerous pestilence.”
“I thought I’d do something good for this Country Kill Democrats til the cops kill me….Liberals are a pest like termites. Millions of them Each little bite contributes to the downfall of this great nation. The only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is to kill them in the streets. Kill them where they gather. I’d like to encourage other like minded people to do what I’ve done. If life aint worth living anymore don’t just kill yourself. do something for your Country before you go. Go Kill Liberals.”
This should be something that all decent Americans fight against but so far conservatives are either silent or are even now ratcheting up the kind of hate that leads to the senseless murder of Americans in their house of worship. Or would someone here care to judge the faith of the dead as they recently judged the faith of the senator from Utah? Did the dead have it coming to them?
Check it out right wing morons. Here’s a guy “producing” your “fair and balanced” media:
This is sort of in response to Puddy, but more for the benefit of the rest of y’all. A few threads ago, he noted the continuing high ratings garnered by the screech monkeys on Fox News and AM radio. Here’s an elaboration on my responsee at the time.
The only real difference between the abovementioned members of the “Christian” right and the monetarist neocons is that the first group worships their own perverse conception of God, and the second worships wealth. Anyone belonging to the second group who isn’t kiss-my-ass rich at least clings to aspirations of somehow becoming so. What both groups have in common is the devout certainty that their “god” or their money will bless them in infinite abundance, and that anyone or anything that gets in the way will be destroyed.
The problem with this is that, as others have stated, “reality has a liberal bias”. They’ve had nearly a decade to shove their cockamamie ideas of how the world ought to work down everyone’s throats, and the world hasn’t cooperated. Nonetheless, they’re still firm in their beliefs that just a little (or a lot) more of the same thing will make it all better.
It’s a lot of work to cling to such a belief system when it’s impossible to move in any direction without stepping in a festering pile of evidence that it’s wrong. Therefore, these people need a very large daily fix of being told that it’s OK, and everything will be all right as soon as God Almighty helps them close a few more schools, build (and fill) a few more jails, print a trillion or more dollars, drill-baby-drill under some eagles’ nests (because hey, that’s gotta be there all the rest of that oil must be) and butcher a few more of them “muuuuuslims”. Or better yet, reconstitute the old Soviet Union so’s we can have ourselves a real war.
So, they have to have The Message spewing at all times from every loudspeaker, television and pulpit, the better to drown out the tiniest whimper of doubt.
Steve: We conservatives fight this every day…
Results 1 – 10 of about 3,630,000 for kill Cheney.
Results 1 – 10 of about 18,900,000 for kill Bush.
Nuff Said Sucka
It figures that Bruns “produces” the likes of this:
That’s so-called “conservative” media. Total crap.
Moron @ 26
Results 1 – 10 of about 41,500,000 for kill obama. (0.12 seconds)
You have to be the biggest fool out there!
FartyArt@25: Again you misrepresent what I said moron…
The big one is where did I say
I said if these conservative radio personalities are so bad, then their ratings will drop and eventually they will disappear from the landscape… something that happened to Scare Amerikkka.
Get it right FartyArt and stops pulling stuff out of your cheek surrounded windpipe.
Idiot@28: And most of those links are from Democratic who supported Hillary fool.
Here is one of Clueless idiots counted links:
ALSO, many of those links are about the same recent event. Where the Puddy links are over the full 8 years of continuous hatred.
Goodness HAs clueless idiot is like Rujax! dense as spent uranium…
Oh yes clueless idiot here are the kill bush images all over google… Results 1 – 18 of about 4,890,000
You told us you are an atheist… HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
High ratings for stations that are drowning in red ink because of the Republicans that tanked the economy.
No economy – no spots to support right wing hate.
Fear and paranoia are powerful motivators which keep right wing ears glued to the radio.
You gotta write those fools off. Thankfully only a minority thinks like that. See last Nov 4 for the proof. See the high approval for the stimulus package for even more proof.
30 spin spin spin.. You make a silly argument and you get trounced with your own shit. Moron.
Here’s what’s on the first page of a “kill bush” search:
You are such an IDIOT!
This Illinois senate seat story just won’t go away…
Goodness HAs clueless idiot, you are so pithy. You can’t form an original argument…
So dense so little time…
The moron just can’t stop. Images of “kill Obama”…
Results 1 – 21 of about 3,890,000 (0.16 seconds)
Some interesting Republican faces on the first page.
It’s been fun pointing out the foolishness of Stupes but it gets old fast.
Wow clueless idiot, those images the best you can do?
Sucks to be you sucka.
Here is one of the “vaulted” Obama images presented by clueless idiot…
Here is one of the Bush images presented by Puddy… Oh yes there are so many originals…
Here’s the search for kill liberals:
Results 1 – 10 of about 2,610,000 for kill liberals. (0.42 seconds)
By Stupes’ stupid mind, conservatives hate more.
Here is a collection of goodies approved by HAs clueless idiot…
Maybe if clueless idiot read the words on the blog too…
Results 1 – 10 of about 2,180,000 for kill conservatives.
Your point clueless idiot?
Will Olbermann bite?
I looked for the PHRASE “kill bush”, that is I put it in quotes:
Results 1 – 10 of about 66,900 for “kill bush”. (0.12 seconds)
Here it is for “kill Obama”:
Results 1 – 10 of about 126,000 for “kill obama”. (0.12 seconds)
You lose again chump.
Ok let’s do that again for liberals and conservatives:
“kill conservatives”
Results 1 – 10 of about 357 for “kill conservatives”. (0.13 seconds)
now “kill liberals”
Results 1 – 10 of about 4,660 for “kill liberals”. (0.15 seconds)
By your logic, conservatives are more filled with hate. Just like Shaeffer said.
@26 First, I condemn hate speech. Whether left, right or whatever, eliminationist rhetoric goes too far. In this climate, even to joke is to strike a match. Extremism is not a virtue.
You present a failed link to what is no doubt anonymous internet trash talk which proves nothing. Show me dead Republicans. You can’t. Show me a drop of concern expressed by anybody on the right as to where all this hate leads us. You can’t. Show me any regard from the right for the dead. You can’t. Show me a single article in a right-wing magazine, radio show, blog or toilet room wall that has discussed the Adkisson conviction in any self-searching way. You can’t.
Indeed, for some on the right, in fact, people who say they are Christians, Adkisson is very much a hero for having committed these murders.
Show me your condemnation of right-wing hate. Show me your condemnation of right-wing extremism. You won’t.
Nuff said
Interesting WaPo editorial:
Looks like they are not happy these past 3 weeks but don’t have the chutzpah to single Obama out for his bad choices…
Steve where are the dead liberals… Oh you mean Mary Mahoney, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, C. Victor Raiser II, Montgomery Raiser, Paul Tulley, Ed Willey , Jerry Parks, James Bunch, James Wilson, Kathy Ferguson, Bill Shelton, Gandy Baugh, Florence Martin , Suzanne Coleman, Paula Grober, Danny Casolaro, Paul Wilcher, Jon Parnell Walker, Barbara Wise, Charles Meissner, Dr. Stanley Heard, Barry Seal, Johnny Lawhorn Jr., Stanley Huggins, Hershell Friday , Kevin Ives, Don Henry, Keith Coney, Keith McMaskle , Gregory Collins, Jeff Rhodes, James Milan, Jordan Kettleson, Richard Winters, Major William S. Barkley Jr., Captain Scott J. Reynolds, Sgt. Brian Hanley, Sgt. Tim Sabel, Major General William Robertson, Col. William Densberger, Col. Robert Kelly, Spec. Gary Rhodes, Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Conway LeBleu but conservatives didn’t do it.
wait a minute, they are in biowaste from hospitals and abortion clinics…
The best response you can come up with is to regurgitate some conspiracy theorist’s wetdream? Is that your way of tipping the king over? Check and mate already?
Nuff said.
GOP senators say Obama off to bad start – Top Republican lawmakers Sunday called on President Obama to change his political strategy, arguing that the passage of a massive stimulus bill on a party-line vote showed he has failed to deliver the “change” he promised.”If this is going to be bipartisanship, the country’s screwed,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, told ABC’s “This Week.” “I know bipartisanship when I see it.”
Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, said Obama was off to “a bad beginning,” out of step with the vow of bipartisanship both men made after Obama beat out the Republican presidential nominee for the White House in November.
“It was a bad beginning because it wasn’t what we promised the American people, what President Obama promised the American people, that we would sit down together,” McCain told CNN’s “State of the Union With John King.”
The $787 billion bill made it through Congress with the support of three Republicans — Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. Obama is expected to sign the bill Tuesday in Denver, Colorado.
Well, who actually thought that change was going to be anything more than the change that McCain promised….if they were in control of the house and senate and won the election we would be looking at tax cuts for the rich and famous. It takes two to tango, and they don’t want to dance.
I’m glad I got all the change that I was hoping for – no more Conservative Nazis. Don’t let them fool you.
The Republican idea of a “Big Tent” turned out to be really weird.
48 – Ahhhh The Clinton body count… Fear and paranoia..
Here’s something a little more reality based:
Verdict: false…
Like I’ve said many, many times. There’s no right wing bullshit this moron won’t swallow.
Clueless idiot, where did I say clinton killed them.
Steve, you still for get Jimmy Carter’s friend John Wayne Gacy, serial Democratic killa…
What’s Gacy got to do with anything? It’s not as though I’ve been discussing the Republican Ted Bundy or something.
@53 No, you didn’t say that. But that is the same list of names that appears on countless conspiracy theorist websites. Google one of the more obscure names and see for yourself, as if you don’t already know. I took that kind of stuff to be more manoftruth’s speed, not yours.
Hey, why have a surgical cardiologist operate on your ticker when you could just have a temporary care-taker do it?
Not to pick a nit, but Goldy takes “non-candidate”, quickly morphs it into “non-politician”, then beats on the Times for the idea of the “non-politician”, something they never said. He’s actually beating them up for a phrase he made up himself. Is that how Dems do things in Philly, Goldy? You’re in Seattle now. Knock that shit off or become a Republican. Distorting what someone says and then attacking the distortion is more their speed.
Steve, I noticed you had to answer for HAs clueless idiot. He can’t stand alone, he always gets Democratic help.
Steve, it is his speed – there’s no right wing bullshit this fool won’t buy.
Did you see how I ripped this idiot on his google searches? He is such a loser…
Lord it is heartwarming to see how Pubbydub has become nothing but a blathering puddle of incomprehensible wingnut mush.
He must feel so alone now that he can tell that everything, EVERYTHING he has ever espoused is on the trash heap of history, and that trash heap is on fire!
Pubbydub is a lost soul sputtering his nonsense as he slips beneath the waves, weighted down by his own hate and disreputable politics.
Bye bye, Pubbydub, let me throw you an anchor!
surreal @60:
Once a fool always a fool. I don’t seem to remember anything substantial or remarkable from your mind on HA you moron. Why is that? Cuz you have nuthin… Nuthin… So, show me da money.
Yodel on fool in trash heap of your mind.
Steve@53: I said dey were dead libtards, that’s all. Your friend the clueless idiot came up with the SNOPES BS. He is really depressing, just like surreal amerikkkan.
Both of them deliver aches, pain and fatigue when you read their blather…
Once again Jerry Brown provides the necessary ammunition to prove Puddy right again.
When asked about the Fairness Doctrine Jerry Moonbeam Brown stated: “A little state control wouldn’t hurt anybody.”
Communist Pillar #6 – Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
Thanks Jerry for stating the Democratic position. Maybe HAs clueless idiot will learn something for a change… Naaaaaah, but I could hope…
So now that the Porkulus Bill stimulated the congressional Democratic – I remember these works from the head Democratic…
“All of you are committed to building a more responsible, more accountable government, and part of what that means is making sure that we’re spending precious tax dollars wisely and cutting costs wherever possible. During this period of economic emergency, families are tightening their belts. So should Washington.”
Somehow those words were lost last week…
Then these are more code words from the head Democratic:
“Those of us who manage the public’s knowledge will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can they restore the vital trust between the people and their government.”
Of course surreal amerikkkan will have difficulty figgering this out.
Keep blathering Pubbydub… keep playing the fool.
You, and everything you stand for is rejected! Your whole existence is meaningless. Except for the amusement it gives us. The Real Americans. The Patriots of America.
And amusing you are as you writhe and moan… and blather. Lots and lots of blathering.
I imagine, Pubbydub finds all Americans “sureeal amerikkkans”.
As they elected a black man as the President of the United States. And destroyed every lie that Pubbydub has spouted.
Pubbydub is living a “sureal amerikkan” life.
Everything is upside down in his bigoted, hateful life view. His lies and hateful politics is ignored now. His dreams of an Amerikkka where the poor are pissed on and where the Rich just get more rich is over.
Never to be. Ever.
He is alone in the wilderness of his own hate. With nothing but his fellow wingnuts. And he slowly realizes that they always hated him. Because THEY are the bigots. Not the “evil donks” that he created in his diseased mind.
Pubbydub is almost to be pittied. If the horribleness that is his existence were not of his own making.
Come on, man. Express some gratitude to Puddy. He provides endless amusement, all the while reminding those of us who can think why we are liberals.
Hey Proud, Cynical and Puddy want to know…
what did daddy say?
@ 69, I am indeed very grateful for Pubbydub’s ability to amuse us while he makes a complete fool of himself.
But I would be doing him as disservice if I did not point out that there is an alternative for him, Namely: Quit making a fool of yourself and recognize that you are wrong, and always have been wrong. The republican party has no need for black people or women, or anyone who is not s white rich, bigoted, completely amoral male.
But the Republican party will use anyone, and laugh at them behind their back while they do everything to keep them poor and abused.
There! I have done my duty.
Pubbydub, go back to amusing everyone with your hilarious, nonsensical blathering!
surreal amerikkkan’
my hateful bigoted life.
Once I asked you about how you’ve helped your fellow man with your own personal funds.
All we heard was white noise…
I think your white noise answered who is a bigoted moron!
I lived the Democratic inner city dream… wait… it was dreamus interruptus… I made my own way fool.
NUFF Said Sucka…
“A lot of economists now saying that what is really — could be needed is bite the bullet nationalization.” George Steponallofus.
Communist Pillar 5 – Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Thanks George…
Ahh, the soothing strains of Pubbydub lying and blathering nonsense, music to my ears.
Puddy @ 73
Uh, temporary nationalization of banks is quite possibly the only way out of the Bush/tax-cuts-at-all-costs debacle. Call it what you want. I’ll call it reason. You guys lost the election. When are you going to understand that?
@ 75
Better yet, what are they gonna do about, besides whine and moan on liberal blogs? Ah, well. It is amusing.
Republican swine = powerless traitorous pigs.
Yeah, but they still oink real loud. If the media wasn’t so conservative, they’d have no voice at all. They are a regional party, composed mostly of white males who are terrified of the future.
46 Steve, in the interest of keeping everyone except Puddy (who’s a hopeless case) on the up-and-up, “Landover Baptist” is a satire.
The fact that it’s so easily mistaken for something representing an actual institution is a sorry statement on religion on America.
Puddy couldn’t possibly admit that he’s wrong. His head would immediately explode.
And oh, what a greasy mess that would make…
Sounds like some of HA’s Republican dipshits.
So FartyArt, Proud Leftist, and Surreal Amerikkkan, without running to Don Joe, which of you three can explain the theory of rational expectations without looking it up or googling it? Why is there almost 2 trillion of bank money being held by the FED Reserve? Why is the December 2008 personal savings rate at 3.6%?
Tell me you three geniuses of HA (more like three standing visages of dense spent uranium), why are you so gun ho about making possible again for peeps to purchase homes they can’t afford (another forecosure boom), sending chilluns off to institutions of high learnin they could never pay for in the first place, and having families purchase cars that are too expensive and probably can’t afford? Well… that’s okay to you three morons of course.
Or how giving $$$$$$$ to businesses (GM, Chrysler) for the next few months to survive off their debt while both companies are not making a profit? Does it make sense? Now they are being asked for their repayment plan. Guess what kiddies… we, U.S. taxpayers, will take a backseat to Citigroup Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. for repayment because they are the prior creditors. Thank Nancy and Harry for another stupidly worded legislation coming from the Democratic controlled congress. You can view these loan agreements posted at the U.S. Treasury’s Web site.
Tell me you three sniveling drooling libtard sycophants what will you do when you feel inflation begin with all that money eventually appearing in the marketplace? What will you do when the wallet pain sets in? Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters?
What happened to Obama’s tax cut for peeps making less than $250K per annum? Strange… Puddy hasn’t heard this campaign promise anymore. Well we did hear from Obama on 10/28 $250K then the next day 10/29 it was $200K, but Biden said $150K then Richardson said $120K. Puddy was the first to place this real fact here. But the HA libtards said Puddy was wrong. Well where is it you three geniuses?
Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid claim a payroll tax refundable tax credit of $500 in the Porkulus bill. When you visit the FED taxes paid tables, the tables display the top 25% of the nation earners pay 70% of US tax revenues, you know those with incomes over $65K per annum. Did you know these same peeps pay upwards of 85% US personal income taxes. See what Robert Reich said.
So you three morons agree with this $500 tax credit going to those peeps who don’t pay no net taxes at all? I assume you all make more than $65K? Yes/No/Maybe? You have no problem giving $500 to peeps who will get a freebie, since you are now carrying Obama’s tax burden. But it was $250K per Obama’s promise. So now the tax break is $65K. McCain claimed it was around $43K so it seems McCain was more correct than the messiah (insert aaawwww music). The Media Morons peep claim the less than $65K crowd won’t get this free refund. Puddy thinks they will once the screaming starts…
So your three kings of loquaciousness, tell us all about it…
So to the three kings of loquaciousness, see what Axelrod had to say about the auto industry.
Then read the first three comments… they are spot on…
Then go back a page and read more articles…
Okay, let’s say temporary… You actually think Democratics will give up this power in the future?
Nope you dope! When you all lost in 1994 libtard MSMers like Peter Jennings called it a temper tantrum.
You ripped me with google searches? What a clown… Even the secret service said the kill him (Obama) rants didn’t happen. You are a 1 vigintillion percent moron ylb, a real moron.
Did you miss the Kill Bush pictures I posted? What a fool..
Yet when the kill him is discounted on the HuffPo they then go to “the treason call”.
HAs clueless idiot@60, so easily dissected, so easily discarded.
I guess I should have used a googol is 1X10^100 to explain the moronic case of @60. He’s a 100 googol percent moron!
Hey HAs clueless idiot, looks like the people you support getting out of Gitmo are at it again…
Given the libtard media hatred of all other religions, can you imagine the media screams over a Jewish or Christian television network owner “proselytizing” Jewish or Christian principles beheading his wife? Where is it on the news this past weekend?
Now that was a pre-valentines day present…
@ 82
Rather than asking other people to tell you what rational expectations means, why don’t you tell us why you think the model is relevant? I’ll bet you a lunch that you get it wrong.
Hm… Looks like Lindsey Graham is a communist.
Don Joe, I asked the questions of the three kings of loquaciousness. Not my yob to answer you…
And that’s all you are going to say?
Yes Don Joe, Lindsey Graham of the gang of 14. Anyone who claims this is referring to pillar #5.
@ 90
Not my yob to answer you…
Bullshit. You know full well that if you even try, I’m going to catch you getting it wrong and you’ll owe me a lunch.
Not only are you truly HAs village idiot, you’re a gutless village idiot.
@ 91
Um. Squirt. Communism doesn’t have any “pillars”. The Communist Manifesto has “planks” that read remarkably similar to these “pillars,” but the Communist Manifesto has been pretty much a dead document for more than a century.
Don Joe, call it what you want. They attacked me above so let’s see them argue out of a paper bag. I put forth the challenge and you can determine if they know it or not. I’m not gonna answer my own question you fool. What a dunce you are…
So I guess you’ll have to wait until they answer. I doubt it since all there are so loquacious, so full saying nuthin all the time.
Don Joe, I’m no squirt… I’m black that should answer that question.
Next here is why I call them the 10 Pillars… because they come from the manifesto.
Dead document… what doobie you smoking now? They are alive and well…and Sam Webb agrees
@ 94
I’m not gonna answer my own question you fool.
I didn’t ask the same question you asked. The rest of your weaseling is pure bullshit.
There’s a very common mistake that people make when talking about the rational expectations model, and I’m willing to bet that you ran across some article on the web written by someone who made that mistake. But, since you don’t know anything more about the rational expectations model than most everyone else here, you didn’t spot the mistake.
In other words, unless you answer my question, everyone here will know that you are as clueless about rational expectations as you claim these other folks to be. Indeed, you’re even more clueless. At least they aren’t stupid enough go around using terms they don’t understand.
LMAO!!! Don Joe’s call on HA’s idiot-in-chief cuts to the quick.
not my yob to answer you.
gutless, coward.
This idiot thinks he can live down the stupidity he showed in 26. Fool.
@ 95
I’m no squirt…
I was referring to your intellectual capacity, not your capacity for anything else.
Next here is why I call them the 10 Pillars… because they come from the manifesto.
Did you read the part of my comment where I mentioned the Communist Manifesto? By the way, I don’t see Sam Webb talking about the Communist Manifesto at all, which means the document is pretty much dead. If you disagree with that, find me a contemporary communist who ascribes to those planks.
I should point out that, even if we accept that the Communist Manifesto is not a dead document, your argument is specious. You’re essentially saying that the policy idea is a bad idea, because there are “bad” people who also advocate the policy idea. That argument has nothing to do with the merits of the idea itself.
To take your argument to its absurd extreme, many Communists think it’s a bad idea to kill people. By your reasoning, we should make murder legal. After all, Communists are in favor laws that outlaw murder.
Is Stupes going to revive 50’s fears of commies?
Since when have communists have ever been a force to reckon with in this country?
There’s no backwater of right wing fear and paranoia that this wretch won’t visit.
So now Obama is a communist according to our idiot-in-chief. What foolishness!
Amazing insights into the minds of conservatives.
(Gotta love Dan Ackroyd.)
Amazing insight into Don Joe’s mind:
Don Joe @52:
Once again, Barry Ritholtz makes the point starkly clear
Don Joe @58:
Do you believe the mess had anything to do fannie mae and freddie mac?
No. Do you understand the meaning of the term “sub-prime loan”?
Don Joe @69
Schools out . . . You may go back out to the playground and play.
Barry Ritholtz @72
Now, we come to the fun part of today’s commentary: assessing blame for the whole shebang.
* Federal Reserve (FOMC)
* Borrowers
* Mortgage brokers
* Appraisers
* Federal Government
* Fannie Mae
* Lending banks
* Wall Street firms
* CDO Managers
* Credit agencies
* Hedge funds
* Institutional Investors (pensions, insurance firms, banks, etc.)
* And back to regulatory role of the Federal Reserve
Don Joe @73
I’d rather talk about what’s responsible than talk about who’s responsible
Thanks for the lesson, Dancin’ Joe!
Look Don Joe, I asked the question of the three kings of loquaciousness. A big up yours if you think for one second I’m gonna allow the three kings of loquaciousness to get away.
You on the other hand will have a cold day in hell before I answer something I asked the three kings of loquaciousness.
Since Proud Leftist (what did his father say), FartyArt (breathes from his lower cheeks), and surreal amerikkkan (white noise anyone) seems the three kings of loquaciousness have run away…
what HAs clueless idiot? I’m parroting your own words
I don’t take orders from libtards. By the way the Secret Service called you a liar and you didn’t even get it.
And it sure is curious how you jump in when someone comes to your rescue. Shows how sorry your ass is to all HA libtards.
101 – They have better things to do than throw a bone to the silliest moron here.
82 is nothing but name-calling and rambling idiocy. Yaaaawwwnn.. Boring…
No one should pay it any mind.
I’m still laughing at 26!
Poor conservatives have to deal every day with hits on boneheaded google searches.
Poor babies. Waaaaaaaa! LOL!
You know Don Joe sometimes you are as dense as spent uranium. He claimed above Sam Webb didn’t discuss the Communist Manifesto at all. I submit the 10 Pillars are reworded below…
Hmmm… I guess you missed his points in Ohio for People’s Weekly World Communist newspaper event.
* Public ownership of the financial system and the elimination of the shadow banking system and exotic derivatives.
* Public control of the Federal Reserve Bank.
* Counter-crisis spending of a bigger size and scope to invigorate and sustain a full recovery and meet human needs – something that the New Deal never accomplished.
* Strengthening of union rights in order to rebalance the power between labor and capital in the economic and political arenas.
* Trade agreements that have at their core the protection and advancement of international working class interests.
* Equality in conditions of life for racially minorities and women.
* Democratic public takeover of the energy complex as well as a readiness to consider the takeover of other basic industries whose future is problematic in private hands.
* Turning education, childcare, and healthcare into “no profit” zones.
* Rerouting investment capital from unproductive investment (military, finance and so forth) to productive investment in a green economy and public infrastructure.
* Changing direction of our nation’s foreign policy toward cooperation, disarmament, and diplomacy. We can’t have threats, guns and military occupations on the one hand and butter, democracy, goodwill, and peace on the other.
* Full scale assault on global warming.
* Serious and sustained commitment to assisting the developing countries that are locked in poverty and misery.
Damn… now look at the 10 Pillars for the fourth time…
Communist Pillar #1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
Communist Pillar #2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Communist Pillar #3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
Communist Pillar #4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
Communist Pillar #5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Communist Pillar #6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
Communist Pillar #7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Communist Pillar #8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Communist Pillar #9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
Communist Pillar #10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.
NUFF Said Sucka
Moron@103: that’s your call to anything that makes you think. You can’t think without your morning kook-aid shot.
You run like the intellectual moron you are…
Where are the three kings of loquaciousness?
106 – Hey I chose the winning the side. You’ve been losing for the last 4 years.
And you’re going to keep on losing because you’ve been a fool of the Limbaugh show and all the other right wing bullshit out there.
It’s not worth anyone’s time dealing with you Stupes. Your little pile of poo stinks to high heaven in 105. Who’d want to waste their time with that?
Heck, it’s been three weeks, how come Obama doesn’t have a signed tax plan yet?
Ask a stupid question…
@105: Still going with the pathetic communist stuff? Do you enjoy being irrelelvant? I guess that is the republican way right now. According to you, most of europe is communist. they sure seem to be doing better than us (except when they invested in our banks).
How does it feel to have most of the country moving with Obama and the small 20% minority of republicans babbling about socialism?
How does it feel to support wasting over a trillion dollars for an Islamic republic in Iraq that is making oil profits off of us, while protesting jobs for real Americans and building our own infrastrucure. The average american doesn’t give a damn about your socialist argument – they want their jobs protected from the Bush depression.
Looks like you guys have lost again:
Calling Republicans’ strategy “unsustainable,” the official warned of the political risks GOP leaders will face if they are as unyielding on other Obama initiatives as they were on the stimulus.
Moron@108 still running away.
Correctnotright so…? We’ll see in two years if the words of Henry Morganthau in 1939 are right or wrong for today…
Regarding the “irrelelvant” Communism stuff, all I did was replay what Sam Webb said in his points in Ohio for People’s Weekly World Communist newspaper event. Sounds so eerily similar to the 10 Pillars.
Oh and to top it off, Bush sinks right to the bottom part of the Presidential list.
My bet is that after about 4-5 more years when the truth comes out, Bush will be at the absolute bottom of historians lists of Presidents. The morons who supported and still support the idiot and criminal bush administration will STILL be trying to claim how great he was…what a joke. The idiot Krauthammer is the biggest Bush apologist…of, course he also loved Alawi…what a pathetic tool.
cnr @ 110
That whole irrelevant party is reveling in being irrelevant. The headline in the Huffington Post is hilarious:
Celebrating Zero!
One week Republicans scream that Democrats are all fascists, the next week they’re hollaring as to how they’re all commies. Except for the 20 percenters, Americans seem to grow weary of this. No wonder Republicans are being tuned out.
You know Don Joe sometimes you are as dense as spent uranium.
Do ya think?
Don Joe @73:
So, where did the hedge funds and institutional investors get their money? Any ideas? As a clue, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2004–right about the time when the whole cycle I cited above started kicking in.
John @74:
I would have to see an analysis of the role the tax cuts had.
Don Joe @75:
Does this report (2004 CBPP report, {}) have sufficient analysis for you?
In particular:
A disproportionate share of the tax cuts went to those at the top of the income spectrum. Yet unlike low-and middle-income households, high-income households tend not to spend immediately the money that they receive.
The top 20% of income earners got 59% {CBPP report, Table 1, 2004 tax cuts} of the tax cut –that’s 59% of $350 billion dollars. If they spent only a small portion of that money, what do you think they did with the rest of it?
[Error!: That was supposed to be $340, not $350 – see Don Joe @73]
John @82:
What is your source (link) for the CBO estimate (in Jon Doe @73):
Jon Doe @83:
Wikipedia here {}
[Big error, big error, big error!: According to the Wikipedia text, first sentence, fifth paragraph, the tax cuts would increase the deficit $340 billion by 2008, not by 2004:
“The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the tax cuts would increase budget deficits by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2008”
The 59% used above was from 2004, the $340 billion from 2008: garbage in . . . garbage out!
Jon Doe @81:
Now, as I said, I am making some ceteris paribus assumptions.
[And errors in the extremus, but thanks for the BIG clue anyway!]
Jon Doe @69:
Schools out . . . You may go back out to the playground and play.
[Thanks for another lesson, Joe the Microsoft software engineer! And we wonder why Microsoft’s most successful product has been a two-way, high speed transit system from Kiev to our banking accounts!
I don’t know exactly what point DJ was making, but the overall economic performance over the 8 years of GW Bush has been about the worst in history. We have had the largest budget deficit in history along with the worst performance of the economy by any standard measures (GDP, jobs, stock market).
Are you trying to push the ridiculous argument that Bush has done a good job and that the republican policies of tax cuts for the rich and unlimited spending in Iraq have worked?
Clueless idiot@114, thanks for the HuffPo link.
I’m sure your SEIU wife agrees with this: “One SEIU official speculated that the process was designed to free up money for the union to make a firmer push on its legislative priorities, specifically the Employee Free Choice Act.”
Yep SEIU will lay off peeps so they can lobby for the EFCA. Yep, just look for that union label…
@113 I see that JFK is ranked sixth overall. Beats Reagan handily. That’s gotta chap some Republican ass. They hated JFK back then in ways most foul. They’ll deny it now, of course, but I’ve got a number of old Regnery Press books that would show otherwise. They were ragging on how JFK was a commie. By 1964 they had focused their hate on RFK. Yep, like his brother, he was a commie. Of course, they’ll deny that now. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Steve, you are probably both. It’s hard to decipher what comes out of libtard mouths these days. So much doublespeak.
119 – Stupes is a huge fan of Regnery books. He’s quoted hacks like Miniter with that paranoid bullshit many a time.
Now he’s on a commie scare tear.
Stupid is as stupid does. That’s our Stupesy!
@ 101
I asked the question of the three kings of loquaciousness.
Yes. You asked a question that you cannot answer, and everyone here knows it. The funny thing is, you won’t ever ‘fess up to that, ’cause your ego won’t allow it.
Moron@121: No comment on the people you support getting out of Gitmo in #87?
You always run from the fun. Why is that?
I know… I know teach…
Cuz he can’t think on his own?
Correct Johnny. You get an A for today.
No Don Joe: I asked the question you want me to answer but I won’t. I asked the question of the three kings of loquaciousness
Hint… Keep asking!
@ 116
So, you have two typo’s. These are your “errors in extremis”? An error of roughly 3% when we’re talking about estimates in the first place?
And, by the way, you managed to leave out the link I posted that gives the revised estimates. Why?
The funny thing is, you missed my most significant error. I suggested that John look at the savings rate for the top 20% of income earners. Actually, we should be looking at their marginal propensity to save. Not that you’d know the difference.
Awww too bad HAs clueless idiot hates Regnery. I guess his truth only comes from Daily Kooks Publishing Company huh?
@ 124
I asked the question you want me to answer but I won’t.
Obviously. I’m merely pointing out that your refusal to answer the question means that you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.
Everyone here knows that you’d never pass up the chance to nail my ass to the wall if it were at all possible. Therefore, the only reason you’re refusing to answer my question is that you don’t know.
To quote you, “Venni, Vidi, Vici.”
I coined the term “commie-fascist” in a post to the Orcinus comments about a year ago. I did it to mock the absurd accusations coming from the likes of Jonah Goldberg, his Mini-Me Mark Musser, and now you.
Ohhh Don Joe but I do… You can’t predict what I’ll say next.
Now where are the three kings of loquaciousness?
Fool for debating you it’s “veni didici vici”. The HA libtards run to figger it out.
you missed my most significant error.
No, you missed your most significant errors – after all, you made them and used them. In fact, your entire reasoning, your “weighty analysis,” was based on these dumb mistakes. And there are others – but you’ll have to find them. No clues for you, clueless Joe.
I’ll have to dig out some of those old Regnery JFK/RFK books and share the “truth” with Puddy. He can see for himself just how whack his predecessors were back in the day. Of course, then, as now, they had some hilarious subtitles. Strange subtitles must be a tradition with those folks.
Steve, back then I was a Democratic living in Philly.
Libtards today would throw JFK out of the Democratic Party as not progressive enough.
See the genetic traits on the left of the ylb family. Look at all the feeble minded in family ylb. ylb’s legal hero is Oliver Wendell Holmes. Or is his name clueless idiot? clueless idiot’s legal hero is Oliver Wendell Holmes. Or is his name dumbya? dumbya’s legal hero is Oliver Wendell Holmes.
@ 129
You can’t predict what I’ll say next.
No. But, I can predict what you’ll do: weasel, squirm and steadfastly refuse to demonstrate that you understand the material behind your own questions.
Oh, fun, I can play that game too. Republicans today would throw Goldwater and Reagan out of the party for not being conservative enough.
@ 131
In fact, your entire reasoning, your “weighty analysis,” was based on these dumb mistakes.
You’ve yet to explain how a 3% error affects the analysis. In fact, it would seem that you’re not even going to try.
Goldy, can we do something about bringing in some more intelligent trolls? The present bunch are a most pathetic lot.
Don Joe for the last time even though you’ll whine like a baby with a shitty diaper, I asked those questions of the three kings of loquaciousness.
When they answer then it’s my turn. They go first then I go. You love to speak out of turn. Must be a hereditary trait deficiency.
I wait for the next installment of your stupid commentary…
Where are the three kings of loquaciousness? MIA like always when challenged…
Steve, yeah right. Goldwater is second in conservative thinking only to Reagan. Goldwater started the conservative movement against the Rokefeller libtard wing still occupied by Specter, Snow and Collins…
Try again.
You say JFK would be tossed and then suggest that I try again? Amazing.
Of course, Republicans would also give the heave-ho to that no-good eco-terrorizing, capitalist-hating, Teddy Roosevelt.
That makes every bit as much sense as your statement about JFK. You can see that, can’t you?
Remember that so many times there’s dialogue about, you know, we have to go back to our core values.
“What is that? What is core? How far does core go back in history in America, the word core? Does it go back 30 years? Does it go back 50 years? Because we know that Teddy Roosevelt talked about universal health care. So they’re off the core for a long time ago already. He has talked about protecting our environment. So they’ve been off for a long time on that.”
Geez I wonder who said that? Could it have been the Republican goveror of Califirnia? Better toss him too.
Oops, the full quote:
“Remember that so many times there’s dialogue about, you know, we have to go back to our core values.
What is that? What is core? How far does core go back in history in America, the word core? Does it go back 30 years? Does it go back 50 years? Because we know that Teddy Roosevelt talked about universal health care. So they’re off the core for a long time ago already. He has talked about protecting our environment. So they’ve been off for a long time on that.”
I wonder why I can’t even see the HA edit function on my home laptop?
Anyways, the Governator is obviously a clueless traitor. You guys had better toss him out of the party.
@ 139
When they answer then it’s my turn.
You are incredibly dense. Unless you can explain why the concept of “rational expectations” is relevant to the current policy debate, there isn’t any grounds by which we might reasonably expect anyone here to understand what it’s about.
In other words, Puddy, your expectations are irrational–that is, unless you can explain why the concept is relevant.
Steve, Arnold now?
He’s beholden to Maria’s family. We know who they are…
Universal healthcare and protecting the environment! I bet Republicans would hate TR if he was still around.
Finally someone with some guts writes a critique of Madam Nancy’s little girl’s work…
Wingnuts, who wrote the following:
Yes, Arnold. How long ago was it that Republicans were scheming of ways to let him run for Prez? Who was he married to at the time? How quickly Republicans turn on their own. Just like they’d turn on TR. Just like they’d turn on dastardly liberal, Abe Lincoln. Just like they’d turn on that military-industrial complex hater, Dwight. So of course Republicans would turn on Reagan and Goldwater. They’d turn on anybody who didn’t march lock-step with today’s ultra-conservative, hate-filled ideology. Hell, they’ve already turned on George Bush. He wasn’t conservative enough, you know.
Nancy? Nancy Reagan? Republicans now hate Nancy Reagan for her utter disregard for the lives of those poor little blastocyst Americans.
I just heard this factiod from last year
Lawmakers blast DHS for building border fence with Chinese steel
By Ian Swanson
Posted: 10/18/07
House members allied with the domestic steel industry blasted the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday for building a fence on the Mexican border with Chinese steel.
Conservatives, should we have used US steel or Chinese steel? Or does the only thing that matters is that the Chinese steel is cheaper.
You’ve yet to explain how a 3% error affects the analysis.
The entire “analysis” you provided was based on incredibly dumb mistakes caught by others. And those were just the ones that were pointed out to you. No wonder you tell other people to provide the analysis to support your claims – you lack the ability. Nobody in their right mind would trust your “analytical” gymnastics.
Highlight reel stuff, Joe the Microsoft software engineer. Is this any wonder:
Tricky Windows Worm Wallops Millions
A sneaky computer worm that uses a virtual Swiss army knife of attack techniques has infected millions of Microsoft Windows PCs, and appears to be spreading at a fairly rapid pace, security experts warn.
We need more open threads, or at least more topics!
@150 They’ll need a moment or two to figure out how to spin that factoid of yours into the appropriate hatred of America, Mom and apple pie. Or maybe they’ll just say that JFK’s standing up to U.S. Steel is proof that JFK secretly supported the development of Chinese steel, so that, yes, it’s all the Dems fault.
146 – LMAO!!! Judging from the crap that’s come here in the comment threads, Alexandra Pelosi captured the right wing perfectly.
From shitheads like little Rickie Dumbass, Surreal Mark, Mark the bet welshing shithead and many others (strangely enough Stupes stayed mostly out of the fray, the poor schmuck was too shamed by the Dems nominating a black man) we learned the following about Obama:
1) he had terrorist ties, i.e. Ayers,
2) he was a socialist, i.e. he wanted to redistribute the non-wealth of Joe the bullshit plumber,
3) he hated America because his preacher got a little heated on the pulpit (guilt by association)
3) he was the “chi town ass clown” from little Rickie Dumbass,
4) Michelle was a militant black supremacist, per little Ricky Dumbass
5) he was just a pretty ‘boy’ in a suit, per Surreal Mark
6) he wasn’t even a citizen, the ultimate in freeper idiocies
and much more…
Alex Pelosi captured the right wing yahoo pretty well I’d say. It’s no wonder they’re so irrelevant.
I thought all threads are open threads.
@ 151
The entire “analysis” you provided was based on incredibly dumb mistakes caught by others.
I’ve already acknowledged the error, so I really don’t know what you hope to gain by saying essentially the same thing you’ve already said.
What you haven’t done is explain how my error affects the analysis. Frankly, I don’t think you can, otherwise you wouldn’t be spending this much time talking about a 3% error involving estimates.
153 – The wingers would have no problem with that. They love cheap everything especially labor and materials.
They’d only make the argument that refusing to use U.S. steel weakens the unions.
The point is Joe you made some pretty dumb mistakes – mistakes that should have been absolutely transparent to anyone with a modicum of analytical ability. You made other mistakes – and those weren’t pointed out to you. You’re not up to this type of stuff – and that’s the bottom line. Again, nobody in their right mind would waste time wading through and correcting your analysis, or at least what you call analysis.
Sorry, clueless Joe.
Speaking of turning on their own, there was a Republican here on HA who turned on John McCain last year. Threw him under the bus. Didn’t even vote for him. Said that “he wasn’t conservative enough”. Who was that? Oh, I remember now. It was Puddybud, the same guy who says that JFK would be tossed from today’s Democratic party. Hmm, I’d guess he’s just projecting again. He so easily turns on his own, figures we’d do the same.
There’s a difference between factchecking and analysis. Offer up some analysis of your own. If you can, fine. We’ll read what you have to say and comment. If you can’t, then your own dismissal of Don Joe’s analysis will be likewise dismissed, although you’ll still get a slight Google nod for your factchecking prowess.
So anyway, Puddy, did you really fall for Cynical’s line about exiting the market at 14,000? By the way, 14,000 was back in 2007. Did you notice that Cynical claimed to have made $100,000 in the market in 2008. Did you noticed that every buy he supposedly made in 2008 was at an interday high, and that every sell was at an interday low, all announced after the fact? Did you notice that GBS, myself and others offered to post our trade confirmations if Cynical would post his? Did you notice that he refused, offering the most feeble excuses imaginable? Did you notice that Cynical didn’t have a clue as to what a stop loss order is? Did you notice that, if you had shorted any stock when mentioned by Cynical as a buy, that you would have made money? You probably didn’t notice all that, did you? I hope it helps that I point this out to you. Maybe you’ll eventually come to realize that Cynical is a habitual liar.
Oh, and the funniest thing? He said he was daytrading by calling his broker! Excuse me – I laugh as I type this.
You don’t have to read fully any one of PuddyNutz’s comments to realize he is hopeless, and an idiot, and nothing more of an instigator. Try expressing something that is an idea, is that too much for him? Maybe it is his Black heritage that causes him to try and pick fights all day. He probably doesn’t have a job.
Steve, I’ll never post my trades. It tells everything about you.
@ 158
The point is Joe you made some pretty dumb mistakes – mistakes that should have been absolutely transparent to anyone with a modicum of analytical ability.
I made two typographical errors, and acknowledged them. If you think those errors really do impugn my analytical abilities, then you should be able to show how those errors affect my analysis.
I think most people would know that a 3% error doesn’t affect any kind of Economic analysis all that much. Why is this not at all apparent to you?
@ 164
Steve, I’ll never post my trades.
You missed the point. Anyone who does any day-trading doesn’t “call” a broker. Takes too much time to execute a transaction.
@164 I didn’t ask you to post your trades. I never posted my trades. Cynical blabbed on and on and you said nothing. And now you chide me for something he did and I didn’t? Hmm, what does that tell me about you?
Puddy missed more than the one point. Perhaps he should just go back to ignoring Matthew 7 while judging so harshly the religious faith of Democrats. That was a hoot!
I see no enj analysis, Don Joe. It’s looking like he shot his wad with the factchecking, insignificant as it was.
I see that under a Republican governor’s leadership that California is projecting a $41 billion budget shortfall. Oh, wait! Puddy says that since he married outside his party Arnold isn’t really a Republican. My bad, though they really should remove the big “R” from his forehead before somebody else comes along and makes the same mistake that I did.
Looks like that fool ejn has run away – couldn’t answer Don Joe. Seems like the right wing trolls run in here and then run away after they can’t answer a simple question.
Trying to defend the Bush record is just too tough for even the most obtuse trolls. I love going over to Sound Politics and beating the crap out of the poor idiots over there.
My personal favorite is Pudge. Pudge is brilliant – in his own mind. Pudge likes to argue by calling people liars – with nothing to back up his crap. When I back up what I write – he changes the topic or doesn’t answer. Pudge is an intellectual coward – he will delete my writing if he can’t figure out a reply…I love how he is so insecure.
I made two typographical errors, and acknowledged them.
You don’t seem to be getting the point (surprise!). You pulled the wrong set of numbers – that’s not a typographical error – and ran with these in your self-described “analysis” that you were extolling: all of what there was of it. These were just some of the boneheaded errors you made. Someone who was even remotely qualified to analyze this stuff wouldn’t have made them in the first place. And, again, your idea of analysis leaves an awful lot to be desired.
Nobody’s going to waste their time with this.
Do what you do best: write programs for Microsoft that end up on people’s desktops.
Get it?
Well TommyGunner maybe you can help the three kings of loquaciousness. Come on show your libtard acuity.
Steve, I don’t day trade. So what? I’m in for the long haul.
171 Dr NotRight: Yeah you repeat the same useless mantras.
So did you accept Leon Panetta and his call on Iraqi WMD? Or like always did you ignore it? He’s gonna be your next leader. So where does that leave you besides wearing your “I’m Stupid” hat?
Don Joe still doesn’t understand 18/62 ratios either. Puddy was busy last week, did you figger out your search only pulled up 4 SP links where Puddy actually posted? Didya figger out Puddy ain’t PuddyMac? Don’t post much on SP and I called them out.
What a fool!
@174 You’re certainly trying hard to ignore the fact that Cynical lied to you. You do understand that he lied to you, don’t you? He either (1) lied to you and everybody else here when he posted all those trades, (2) when he told you at dinner that he got out of the market at 14,000, or (3) he lied about everything. I’d go with #3, Puddy. As Cynical’s a chronic liar, that’s surely the safest bet.
@172 “Get it?”
I get that you’re incapable of your own analysis and have now resorted to the usual troll evasion tactic of making snide remarks.
Steve, I’ll ask Cynical if he lied to me.
Even Ed Schultz is having issues with Democratics:
“Here’s the bottom line, the committee that grilled these eight executives, 71 members, 42 Democrats, 29 Republicans. Now we’re doing ESPN Inside the Numbers. Of the 71 members, folks, there’s only 33 of them that have ever run their own business or were involved in upper-level management of a business, less than half. That means a bunch of ’em come from government, a bunch of ’em come from the activist life, people that have never met payroll. Of these 71 members, get that?, 33 have ever been in private business. And, get this, five have some business experience but did not run their own business and were not involved in upper management. So now the number’s up to 38. OK, of the 71 members, 33 have no apparent business experience. OK? What are you doing on the House Financial Services Committee? Who are these 33 that have never been there and done that, supposed to hold anybody accountable who is at the absolute top of their profession being a CEO of a major financial institution?”
“All right, now let’s go on over to the Democrats. They’ve got 42 on the committee. Forty-two Democrats on the committee. Half of them, 20 of them, 20 of the 42, almost half, have zero business experience as far as running their own business or being involved in any operation of a business. Here’s one — this includes the six most senior Democratic members. The most senior Democrats, who are getting to talk first, have absolutely zero business experience!”
“Let’s get on over to the Republican side where you’d think it would be a little bit better since they’re all syringed on tax cuts. You’ve got 13 that have never, 13 out of the 29, have zero business experience as far as running their own business or being involved in the operation of a business. This includes three of the top five most senior Republican members. So once again on the other side, the most important dudes who get to speak first! They don’t know squat about business, they’ve never been there and done that!”
Hey Steve, check this out…
@179 Hmm, if one asks a chronic liar if he lied, I wonder what he’d do? Nah, he wouldn’t lie again, would he?
@181 It’s a shame that all that was going on under Bush, Cheney and the Repubican’s watch. Weren’t they paying attention? Oh well. I’m sure that, like myself, you feel much safer now knowing that we have President Obama and the Dems running the show.
Don Joe,
I was reading your post above where you wrote, “the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2004.” Can you provide a link to the actual CBO doc that you read? I saw your Wiki ref, but couldn’t find the CBO report it relied on. I assume you dug it to read. thx!
Holy Crap! 24 hours later and Pubbydub is still dancing around in circles blathering wildly and making himself dizzy with his own nonsense.
Dance some more for us Pubbydub! Dance for us!
Spinning like a pinheaded town fool!
@ 172
You don’t seem to be getting the point (surprise!).
No surprise at all, given that you seem to not have a point.
Once again, how did these errors alter the outcome of the analysis? If you can’t tell us that, then you’re blowing smoke.
@ 176
Don Joe still doesn’t understand 18/62 ratios either.
You still haven’t replied to this.
[D]id you figger out your search only pulled up 4 SP links where Puddy actually posted?
A long time ago. That was, in fact, exactly my point–that you don’t post all that often on Sound Politics.
@183 I saw your Wiki ref, but couldn’t find the CBO report it relied on. I assume you dug it to read. thx!
He’s probably trying to dig it up right now – for the first time!
@ 183
I believe the original is here. You can find more discussion of the effects of the Bush tax cuts here.
@ 187
He’s probably trying to dig it up right now
You were saying?
Don Joe, there’s nothing there to answer except your holier than thou rhetoric. The Audacity of a Dope.
Your argument was why I don’t take righties to the woodshed. I don’t need to.
Just white noise the rest of your rant…
surreal amerikkkan waiting for your comments on #82. Oh I realize this is a tough one for your small mind. So step up to the plate king of loquaciousness.
Don Joe @ 189: You were saying?
I was saying on what page does it say Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2008? I couldn’t find it.
@190 “I don’t need to.”
It might be a little more honest if you were to write, “I don’t want to.”
A little right-wing political soul-searching might be good for you:
Republicans are going to have to come up with a way to ditch the fork and pitchfork mob that is their base if they hope to avoid wandering the American political desert for the next 40 years. No easy task. Maybe even impossible.
Hmm, that didn’t come out right. It’s the
torch and pitchfork mob. I wish Goldy’s edit function would even appear on my screen. Alas, it doesn’t. That sucks, Goldy.
Steve, when the lefties start taking their morons to the woodshed, I’ll consider perform my yeoman’s task!
@ 191
You’re waiting for my response to one of your batshit crazy posts, Mr Impotent Loser?
Why in the world would I waste time responding to a post from a powerless loser!
You have no power at all, Pubbydub!! You dance for us!! And there is nothing you can do about it!! You have no political power in Congress, or the Presidency, and no power on this blog. You have nothing but the entertainment value you bring to us, the Real Patriotic Americans.
Dance, Loser. Dance!
surreal amerikkkan, I dance for no man. Keep thinking otherwise.
You know you can’t answer the question so all you have is your loquaciousness.
Blather on fool.
Maybe nevercorrectnorbright could answer my question since he seems so smitten by Don Joe’s answers: In the CBO report that Don Joe claims he relied on, where does it say Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2008? Tell us what you do find, nevercorrect, AFTER you’ve taken the time to read the report.
@ 198 “I dance for no man.” blathered Pubbydub as he danced for our amusement.
@ 190
Your argument was why I don’t take righties to the woodshed. I don’t need to.
No. My argument was that your justification for not taking righties to the woodshed (your infamous 18/62 ratio) is complete bullshit. The real reason has nothing to do with the 18/62 ratio. The real reason is that you’re simply a partisan hack (and not a very good one at that).
@ 192
I couldn’t find it.
Jane, the document is 11 pages long. It boggles the mind that you can’t find what you’re looking for.
The funny part is that we’re talking about CBO estimates regarding one of the Bush tax cuts. In fact, all we have are estimates, because none of us can go back in time and redo what would have happened without the tax cuts.
I could have just as easily gone and found this (PDF). You can pull out your calculator, do a little addition, and see that the estimated cumulative effect of the Bush tax cuts on the top 20% of income earners through the six-year span from 2003 through 2008 (inclusive) to be more that $750 billion.
Or, we can go the CBO’s historical data (Excel spreadsheet), and note that the cumulative budge deficit for that same six-year span was $3 trillion, and do some other back-of-the-envelope calculations to come up with a number that’s somewhere between the original CBO estimates and the numbers I cite above.
None of this changes the analysis–namely that a significant amount of the funds that were chasing after mortgage backed securities over the past six years came from the Bush tax cuts.
@202 Jane, the document is 11 pages long. It boggles the mind that you can’t find what you’re looking for.
You were asked to provide the CBO document YOU referenced that had the data for YOUR claim:
“Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2008”
You provided a CBO document that has nothing even REMOTELY close to this. It boggles the mind that YOU can’t provide the CBO document that you claimed had this deficit data.
Where’s the CBO document you referenced that contains the data above? You either read it – or you didn’t. Boy, you are slow.
@ 203
First, I don’t recall saying that my source for that statement was the CBO. I explicitly stated that my source was wikipedia. If you’re going to be anal about accuracy, then you are obligated to be as precise about what I’ve actually said as you are demanding I should be with respect to estimated numbers.
Second, I guess I can add you to the long list of wingnut trolls who can piss and moan, seemingly endlessly, about the accuracy of estimates and not once explain how slop in the estimates affects the analysis. Do you folks simply not know the meaning of the word “estimate”?
Foolish socialist@201. The 18/62 ratio is now worse. It’s probably 18/98 now. YEs, I am a conservative partisan hack. I lived the non Democratic dream and I left the reservation.
Yes Jane he uses wikipedia cuz he knows it’s approved leftist material.
@204 First, I don’t recall saying that my source for that statement was the CBO.
Sure you did, you said it right here @73 on []
“So, where did the hedge funds and institutional investors get their money? Any ideas? As a clue, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2004–right about the time when the whole cycle I cited above started kicking in.”
And right above when someone asked you for the CBO link for the claim, you provided a link.
And of course the real point is – you are slow, aren’t you? – you made a claim that cited the CBO:
“the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2004”
managed to get the year wrong, and now we know never read a CBO report that had that data. You started digging for it when people started asking for it. And then – to show just how dumb you are – the only CBO report that you could dig up had deficit data that wasn’t even remotely close to your claim.
What a nitwit, to make a claim based on a doc you never read AND to argue that that’s somehow not a problem! Somebody back there said you’re a Microsoft engineer (or is that also a typo?). Boy, that ought to give PC users plenty MORE pause!
Stay away from anything analytic, Dumb Joe – it’s not an area of strength.
@ 206
And of course the real point is – you are slow, aren’t you? – you made a claim that cited the CBO:…
managed to get the year wrong”
Given that I’ve copped to that mistake several comments ago, I’m not sure how you conclude that I’m slow on this.
What a nitwit, to make a claim based on a doc you never read AND to argue that that’s somehow not a problem!
If your indictment is that I could have been more careful about researching the numbers, I stand guilty as charged. I copped to that one a long time ago.
But, as I’ve pointed out all along, these are estimates. The numbers are sloppy to begin with, and are loaded with a number of assumptions. All of the calculations here are back-of-the-envelope stuff.
Given that this is true, the onus rests on you guys to show that the errors are large enough to be significant. None of you has even tried.
I’m beginning to think that you really don’t fully grasp the meaning of the word “estimate”.
Now this is a sin tax…
“Outrage brewing over proposed 1,900% beer tax hike”
Looks like the Oregon version of Libtard Drunkards will have to go to Vancouver, WA or Yreka, CA.
@ 205
YEs, I am a conservative partisan hack.
So, when you gave the 18/62 ratio as your justification for not jumping all over righties, that was a lie. Thank you for finally admitting it.
Wow the NY Slimes share price is cheaper than the Sunday paper…
Fool@209: Good try at twisting my words fool.
Puddy don’t allow that. Once again pissing in the wind…
Why do you like being wet and smelly?
Gee, Puddy, have you gotten any Real Estate tips from Sam Zell lately?
Gee Don Joe, running out of commentary?
@ 213
That was commentary–not that you’d figure it out, though.
Notice Don Joe,
Jane and ejn are eviscerating you on your CBO “anal-ysis”. I’m just watching you get your Wolverineing…
Nuthing to figger out Mr Programmer.
BTW which product do you add your bugs, wormholes, virus paths, attack points, phishing locations, spam bots, easter eggs, hack points, malware, backdoors, denial of service openings, and software inconsistencies to?
@ 215
Jane and ejn are eviscerating you on your CBO “anal-ysis”.
Spoken like a true partisan hack. ‘Course, none of them have even tried to show that the errors are significant. Why don’t you give it a shot?
@ 216
You haven’t been paying attention. The browser I use is Safari running on Mac OS X. I’ve stated that in a number of comments before.
I don’t do Windoze.
@207 – I see you’ve discovered Clueless Joe, Microsoft software engineer.
The evolution of Clueless Joe:
Version 1:
“the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2004”
But one of the years is wrong, Joe. Version 2:
“the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2008”
Can we see the CBO doc use read, Joe? Version 3:
“the Congressional Budget Office [] estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2008″
But the data in that doc doesn’t at all agree with your data, Joe. Version 4:
“the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2004”
Concludes Clueless Joe: data sources don’t really matter, anyway.
Are you sure, Clueless Joe? Let’s send out a search party for that CBO data. It’s got to be somewhere . . . or is it just buried deep somewhere in that thick skull of yours?
SOMEBODY has to be paying Clueless Joe for this priceless highlight reel material. Nobody could be this dumb . . . could they?
When you find that CBO doc, Clueless Joe, you let us know, ok?
What is the stink about? Is ejn trying to defend the worst President in history with the worst economic performance since Hoover?
Are you THAT stupid ejn?
Certainly even Puddy has given up trying to defend Bush. Notice that historians are rating Bush in the bottom ten and he will probably sink lower as more comes out about his pathetic Presidency – the torture, the lies, how he “lost” all his E-mails, Brownie (and other incompetents), the entire Justice department and the idiot Gonzalez, the nomination of Harriet (sic) Meires to the Supreme court (what a JOKE). The fool Rumsfeld and the fiasco in Iraq, the constant comments about how the economy was sound – just before the fall. The outing of a CIA agent, the unnecessary war in Iraq, paying ex-general sto spin the Iraq news….If Bush had a fiddle – he would put Nero to shame.
This is the guy that you are defending ejn? This is the guy you voted for twice? You ought to be embarassed to even admit it.
Is ejn trying to defend the worst President in history with the worst economic performance since Hoover?
There is a reason why correctnotright is more aptly named nevercorrectnorbright: he can’t follow the thread . . .
@ 218
data sources don’t really matter, anyway.
This is truly funny. You vilify me for inaccurate data, but can’t be bothered to give an accurate representation of my position.
Can you even remember what my argument is? Probably not. It’s why you’ve fixated in the CBO estimates, and have completely neglected just about everything else I’ve posted.
@ 219
Are you THAT stupid ejn?
These are the kinds of folks who have swallowed the idea that the present crisis was caused by the Community Reinvestment Act. Not only do they buy this idea, but you can post several links to several different sources showing that the idea is laughable, and they’ll continue to believe that the Community Reinvestment Act is responsible.
Hell, if you’re lucky, the only rhetorical engagement you’ll get out of these idiots is they’ll latch on to some inconsequential error, and kick that same dead horse over and over again, never realizing that they’ve missed the broader argument.
Should we not take you seriously then, or just recommend Roger Rabbit sue you for copywrite infringement?
48 hours and Pubbydub is STILL dancing and blathering!
Dance Pubbydub! Dance!!!
Ain’t nothing more entertaining that watching Pubbydub dance to our tune!
Dance some more! Blather till you realize how powerless and insignificant you are!
This is priceless!
Dumb Joe, ya have no credibility . . . got it?
First you tried to pass this off as part of some “analysis” you had done:
“the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2004.”
The bolded phrase was straight from Wikipedia, except you couldn’t even get the 2004 straight – it was 2008. Did your cut and paste fail you? Then when people began to press for the CBO document you referred to, you tried to pass this off as what you had used:
Then when it was pointed out to you that the data in that doc didn’t even remotely resemble the numbers you had used, you retreated – actually, fled pell-mell – into:
“I don’t recall saying that my source for that statement was the CBO”
despite having referred to the CBO doc right here:
“So, where did the hedge funds and institutional investors get their money? Any ideas? As a clue, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush tax cuts would increase the Federal deficit by $60 billion in 2003 and by $340 billion by 2004–right about the time when the whole cycle I cited above started kicking in.”
So in the end it turns out you never bothered to read – worse, even find – the CBO doc you were relying on, and then tried to lie about it in a shameful – and frankly, totally stupid – performance:
“I am not a crook”
Richard Nixon
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
Bill Clinton
“I don’t recall saying that my source for that statement was the CBO”
Don Joe aka Clueless Joe
Say it ain’t so, Joe, say it ain’t so.
You want SOME redemption, Clueless Joe? Mount an expedition led by nevercorrectnorbright to locate and return the misplaced CBO document. Where should we begin? How about here: the “Lost World” – otherwise what is known as your brain.