Men knew: The Matt Manweller edition.
I’m glad that KUOW and other mainstream news outlets are reporting on Manweller. Still, they must have known earlier. I knew much of it when Goldy reported on it several years ago. But OK new info has come out, and the interview with his ex wife is sold reporting.
Still, what concerns me is that KUOW had him on the air, on the news roundup show, and acted like nothing was wrong with him. Didn’t question him on the air. It may have been a prerequisite to getting him. But maybe it’s not worth having him.
Not a good idea.
Never, ever leave a child or a farm animal alone with a Republican.
Susan Collins knows, too, but she just joined the Power-Matters-More-Than-Morality camp, destroying her image as a moderate and further undermining whatever credibility she had left after allowing herself to be rolled on taxes.
Did you mean “solid” reporting, Carl?
Damn you, $15 minimum wage!!!!!
On December 4th, graffiti depicting the words “Fight 4 $15” were found on the buildings of the Livingston Daycare and the Asian American Cultural Center (AACC).
This phrase has been linked back to members of the Rutgers United Students Against Sweatshops (RUSAS), a labor rights organization on campus.
According to Dr. McGinty, members of the community received this as a “dog whistle, similar to what we’re seeing in today’s political landscape”.
“The graffiti that defaced the building that houses the Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) and the Rutgers-Livingston Day Care Center is not only vandalism but is also a xenophobic act that attempts to divide our community and incite fear and anxiety among members of a marginalized community.”
Quoted text is from the Rutgers vice chancellor for
pacifying snowflakesstudent affairs.Liberals rarely fail to eat their own, eventually. This is how you got Trump.
@ 3
It has been reported that those with irreversible ED are no longer able to perceive Freudian slips.
The absolute best thing about the tax cut I’m gonna get is that YLB’s kids are gonna have to pay for it.
Even Mnuchin’s Treasury Department says Republican tax plan won’t pay for itself
They’ll be the first in her family to spend money on someone other than themselves.
There’s your second phase of the Hope ‘n Change fallacy, libbies.
@4 “This is how you got Trump.”
No, that’s not how we got Trump. We got Trump from the venality, banality, gullibility, stupidity, and outright racism and bigotry of the dummies who voted for him. Of which you, undoubtedly, are one.
Quinton Jefferson would never have made it over that railing, anyway. He knew it. Another three seconds would have told everyone else, too.
@5 In which a dumbfuck who didn’t bother to look at where “i” and “o” are on the keyboard equates a physical slip with a mental one. They let you interpret x-rays?
@6 Best thing about it is I’m gonna get it too, and there’s nothing you or the GOP can do about it. It’ll free up extra cash for George Soros, Nick Hanauer, and Tom Steyer, too. Goldy might even get a raise.
@8 Don’t underestimate him. Wilted lettuce and soggy bread gave him all the legal justification he needed to win in a court of law.
1 year into the cocksucker’s term…..I thought this terrorism shit was supposed to stop. He’s worked miracles overnight with everything else but this little terrorism task he can’t fucking fix.
But we know he sure knows how to grab that pussy.
Meanwhile, a certain retired doctor with too much time on his hands after the ranch hands locked the horse barn and his wife kicked him out of the kitchen has no place left to go but here.
@1 but she had double D’s and can turn a letter better than Vanna.
@12 We’ll find out shortly whether Democrats are in possession of a juicy photo of Trump getting briefed on a golf course about the terrorist bombing in the NYC subway this morning.
Kinda the Trump version of “My Pet Goat.”
“This is how you got Trump.”
Boob – we know you are so embarrassed you want to re-write history. But the real reason why you have Drumpf is because of the many years of the fear mongering and negative politics caused by the Republican Party that everything was Doom and Gloom when it wasn’t. You are the real reason and you are still one big Dumbfuck. Stop fucking the pony.
@14 The kid’s only 12 fer chrissake. That’s barely the age of consent in Alabama. Roy Moore hasn’t even broken her in yet, and double D’s are still in her future.
@7 you beat me to it. The fucking moron is feeling a little guilty nowadays…poor guy.
There is a retired doc and a retired lawyer with too much time on their hands on the blog. Both of you should get a new hobby.
@16 The pony should be so lucky.
@19 What are you talking about? This is serious business. There is no higher civilian call to duty than slapping down the unpatriotic trolls who deposit slime trails in this blog. Go back to painting your fence.
@ 10
@6 Best thing about it is I’m gonna get it too, and there’s nothing you or the GOP can do about it. It’ll free up extra cash for George Soros, Nick Hanauer, and Tom Steyer, too.
No need. Yours will be redistributed into a failed effort to fix your problem through unreimbursed Pd-103 purchase.
GOP senators are twisting themselves into pretzels to justify seating a child molester in the Senate.
@22 I’m better off than you. I don’t have to buy a truckload of hay and several 100-lb. sacks of oats every week to service my problem.
Nope. Too busy tweeting about his TV obsession and the ‘failing’ fake news.
Republicans plan to blow billions of dollars to the moon and Mars while claiming we can’t afford health care for kids or food stamps for the poor and hungry.
Damn, Salumi is delicious. The Porchetta sandwich is life changing.
(Eds Note: I am fully aware that the Batalli parents are the founders of Salumi and is now minority owned by the sister and the newest groper is not involved but damn there’s a salami joke that writes itself.)
There is no more American Exceptionalism….but there is Russian Exceptionalism.
Just ask the stooges here or in Alabama.
Roy Moores fluent Russian causes a stir (VIDEO)
Busy man fighting Terrorism!
We have the greatest health care in the world.
There’s nothing that private free market for profit insurance can’t do.
Except deny FDA approved minimally invasive surgery in favor for cutting a 16 year old girl’s skull open because it’s cheaper.
Fox News Poll – Jones lead 10 points. Like it matters. You know that Moore is locked in. Anyone who doesn’t believe that he will win is fooling themselves.
@19 this is how Boob enjoys the expensive car and boat by sitting in his underware in front of a desk. That’s why the wife wanted a Pony.
Trump’s Canadian uranium scandal:
“Earlier this month Donald Trump hailed his edict slashing Utah’s Bears Ears National Monument by some 85 percent as a great move for American citizens. But another interest was likely far more delighted: a mining company that lobbied for the change in a bid for access to uranium on the public land.
“The Washington Post discovered a campaign by Energy Fuels Resources, a U.S. subsidiary of a Canadian firm, urging the Trump administration to dramatically reduce Bears Ears. The company reached out just months before Trump announced he was slashing the 1.35 million acre site down to 202,000 acres. …
“Energy Fuels Resources also paid $30,000 to lobbying firm Faegre Baker Daniels to push for the change throughout this year, according to federal records, the newspaper reported. The lobbying team was headed by Andrew Wheeler, whom Trump has tapped to be deputy secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency. Wheeler is awaiting Senate confirmation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Remember Trump’s promises to “drain the swamp”? He and his pals ARE the swamp.
@31 An Emerson College poll taken at the same time says almost exactly the reverse, that Moore leads Jones by 9 points.
But it should be noted the reliability of Emerson College’s polling was criticized during the 2016 campaign.
As for Emerson College pollsters’ calls of the 2016 elections, they projected Clinton would win easily and Democrats would take at least 50 Senate seats.
“Republicans plan to blow billions of dollars to the moon and Mars”
When Republicans talk about going to the moon or Mars, they’re really just trying to come up with an escape plan for themselves.
Don’t believe the hype.
It’s not Whidbey. It’s Lummi.
Doctor? Glass Doctor.
Market timing? Who do you know who actually makes money that way, unless it is with other people’s money? Every gambler I know claims to win. None do. Math is a hard bitch.
And finally, he’s a Roypublican. Wherever you go, whoever you talk to, these are the least successful among their peer group*. Sad. Angry. Resentful. Growing old fast. They just hype it more because they are experiencing so much “insecurity” due to all the “blacks”, “Meskins”, and “pussy hats”.
*After all, even if you buy his MD bullshit, how’d that work out? 12 years of the most expensive and most difficult education, eight more years of 16 hour days performing stoop labor for less than min wage, touching and smelling things most people won’t even talk about in polite company, only to emerge into a profession with the highest suicide rate facing decades of crippling student loan payments. While watching his college peers on Facebook retire at 45 to tropical islands and manly concerns about thrust instead of horses.
“Make those sons a bitches stop kneeling, They’re ruining the game and the NFL is doomed if they don’t fire those sons a bitches.”
Maybe not.
Sidenote, while babbling loons point to “unpatriotic” players for the decline in NFL ratings actual analysis shows that something deeper is going on.
Ratings for college football are also down significantly. Concussions may be taking their toll on fans as younger viewers and younger players are shrinking. Anecdotally, one of two perennial contenders in my high school athletic league disbanded football in 2017 after failing for the 3rd straight year to recruit enough players. They had already dropped Frosh/JV in order to field a team five years ago.
Meanwhile MLS cup final ratings were up 75% over the last two years.
(could a change in Net Neutrality weigh on Verizon’s decision to double their bid? Hmmmm…Verizon, exclusive streamer of the NFL.)
Speaking of market timers and gamblers, Bitcoin sure looks like a classic pump-and-dump to me. Yet another major bank, UBS, came out with a Bitcoin warning today. The crooks who normally steal from the government and their customers, also known as “bankers,” uniformly are calling Bitcoin a “fraud.” They oughta know one when they see one, given their expertise in defrauding people.
While it certainly may be that Bitcoin is being manipulated, bear in mind that the block chain tech behind Bitcoin would (probably will) put most banks out of business. So I take their “warnings” with a giant grain of salt. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the banks themselves were the ones doing the pump and dump. I’ll leave currency speculation to trustifarians who can afford it, and “greater fools” like Doctor Dumbfuck who really can’t, but would never admit it.
Something to keep in mind about the price of Bitcoin is the relationship between the current exchange rates and the rate of mining production. Remember, you don’t have to “buy” bitcoin, you can also mine it. But it is very expensive to mine these days. And it grows more expensive all the time. Long gone are the days when you could turn loose a few Raspberry Pi processors in a bedroom closet to toil away 24/7 producing a few bitcoins a week. So when the exchange rates climb rapidly as they are doing now, the production rate increases. How rapidly depends mostly on the exchange price versus utility rates/cooling costs and tech advances.
On CNN today Roy Moore spokesperson forced to say its no big deal because, “They won’t be voting on slavery in the senate.”
“Hey, our guy is an absolute disaster who was a Supreme Court Justice who doesn’t get that Ammendments ARE the Conatitution. But at least he ain’t no Pinko!”
Will any of it matter?
Good! It certainly wouldn’t hurt my feelings to see some asshole bankers lose everything but their shit-stained underpants. After all, they’re the fuckers who hosed us down with all those CMOS and CDOs and then expecting (and getting!) huge bailouts to save their fucking asses.
None of those assholes were hurt at all, yet they were the cause of the mess. They got off Scot- free!
@40 I wonder how many Alabama voters realize being represented by a theocratic nihilist who will never get anything enacted is equivalent to no representation at all?
I’d advise anyone considering investing in the Bitcoin phenomenon to go carefully and be prepared to lose his or her entire investment when the Black Swan inevitably arrives. This thing is not for the prudent investor. Diversification, diversification, diversification!
A former CEO of American Airlines calls the GOP tax bill “both mean and stupid.” Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard Funds, called the House version “a moral abomination.” Plus its reliance on deficits is hypocritical.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans are disregarding polls that show two-thirds of Americans oppose this bill. A year from now it will be up to them to exact a reckoning from these cynical politicians and their party before they can do even more damage to the middle class.
Diversification, diversification, diversification!
Didn’t you forget Purity of Essence?
Munchkin asserted “over 100 people” at Treasury were working on a “detailed analysis” of the GOP tax plan. Their work product was released today. It’s one page, reads more like a press release than an analysis, and claims the tax cuts will raise $1.8 trillion over 10 years based on growth assumptions that nearly all reputable economists consider fantasy.
@43 Bitcoin aside, the problem with Wingnut Wack-O-Nomics is that diversification doesn’t afford much shelter when everything goes down together because Republicans mismanaged the economy again.
@ 34
But it should be noted the reliability of Emerson College’s polling was criticized during the 2016 campaign.
It should be noted that the reliability of The Trafalgar Group’s polling, also, was criticized during the 2016 campaign.
The Trafalgar Group
Our Pennsylvania poll. Trump is up almost 2%. Larger Trump win with strong hidden vote likely in this state.
10:37 AM – 7 Nov 2016
Gawd, that was a fun week on HA.
@ 37
You need to look beyond the cost of the deal to Verizon and look at the mechanics of the deal.
Verizon’s Yahoo can stream NFL games.
Which means you don’t have to have cable to get the NFL on Fox, CBS, or ESPN.
So Verizon is paying more but it’s getting far, far more out of the deal.
Now imagine how much CBS and Fox are going to want to pay for NFL broadcasting rights next time around.
This is a loss for the NFL, when all of the broadcasting revenues going forward are considered.
Yes, Verizon ended up paying more. But it got much more than it gave.
@ 37, further
Hmmmm…Verizon, exclusive streamer of the NFL.
Nope. NFL can be streamed on any carrier as part of the deal. It’s NFL’s way of trying to grab as much as it can from wireless companies, since the deal it signed with Verizon to stream on Yahoo will decimate its TV network contracts when they come up for renewal.
That Savage video was awful. The referee saw how badly he was hurt and intervened. I suspect that very soon a field official will have the ability to disqualify a player due to injury severity.
I suspect that there will be network involvement as well – some editor sees something like those tremoring hands and the right people can be notified immediately. Hell, they stop games to decide whether the ball broke the plane of the goal or whether a toe was dragged inbounds. They can stop it so the referee can see hands tremoring after a very hard tackle.
@48 I don’t doubt you’ll relive 11/8/2016 in your mind for years to come. When you were a kid, instead of putting pennies on the rails, you probably were pulling out the spikes. Some sickos love watching train wrecks.
@ 51
#CrookedHillary’s campaign, was, indeed, a massive train wreck.
$1.2B up in smoke.
She was truly awful. I didn’t just watch the train wreck. I watched you guys and YLB gleefully ignore the warning signals on the track for months prior to the derailment.
Gosh, maybe Doctor Dumbfuck is right. Maybe we should shit ourselves with fear of MESKINS!, heed “the warning signals”, abandon our allegiance to the greatest nation on earth like all those “smaht hillbillies” and vote for a shirtless commie dictator.
Instead we’ll just have to settle for patriotism.
@ 52
No, but you might consider a response to a poll you don’t like other than, say, this:
Garbage In, Garbage Out: Are Republican “Pollsters” Gaming Poll Aggregators with Bullshit “Polls?”
’cause there’s a better way to do it. See this example:
One of the things I am going to do in this analysis is do two analyses: one with these two pollsters included, and one that excludes all Remington and Trafalgar polls. Pick the one you wish.
All I’m saying is that in November of 2016, it was wiser to be a Darryl than it was to be a Goldy.
The same statement probably would hold true for the other 365 days that year.
Still beats the hell out of being…
a traitor.
Recognizing and resisting the sad deceptions of under-employed teenaged commie script kids isn’t about being “wise”.
It’s about not being a morally crippled, sister-fucking hillbilly dumbshit. But once you’ve gone Roypublican that, I’m afraid, is utterly impossible.
@54 Perhaps someday you’ll forgive us for initially refusing to believe there are enough dumbfucks like you in this country to elect someone like Trump. You’re absolutely right, we didn’t expect our fellow citizens to stoop that low. We thought they were better than that. But we’ve learned, and we know better now. There’s no limit to how far down the party of child molesters and goatfuckers will drag our no-longer-great country if they get the chance. Morons Are Governing America again.
@55 It’s mindboggling that, in the 21st century, we have a Cotton Mather type who’d wave the Bible while lynching gay people and then go fuck 14-year-old girls. And Boob, if he could, would cheerfully vote for this madman. It’s why we call him Doctor Dumbfuck.
According to a former buddy, Roy Moore left a “private club” in Vietnam when he realized it was a brothel: “There were certainly pretty girls. … Some were probably very young …,” Staehle said.
Roy Moore fleeing from “very young” girls? His PTSD must have been really bad in the war zone, but he apparently got over it quickly.
Roy Moore’s wife Kayla: “Fake news will tell you that we don’t care for Jews. One of our attorneys is a Jew!”
She later added, “Some of my friends are Negros.”
The bar is now set at didn’t PAY for sex with an underaged girl.
Roy Moore’s wife Kayla: “Fake news will tell you that we don’t care for Jews. One of our attorneys is a Jew!”
(I also could have gone with) She went on to add, “They’re really intelligent and sly. They run the banks you know.”
Sorry Carl she’s an ex wife. The voters in the district know and her story is not going to sway them. The stuff at the school may, if there is something there, if there is not the schools going to be sued, especially if it looks like it is even vaguely political. May just help him in his next election.