So, um… apart from Tim Eyman, the knee-jerk anti-tax Farm Bureau, and the Washington State Republican Party central committee, has anybody else actually endorsed Initiative 1033?
The reliably conservative Washington Association Realtors opposes the initiative. The equally conservative Association of Washington Business couldn’t bring itself to take a position. And now the so-called Mainstream Republicans have come out in opposition to I-1033:
“As Republicans from communities all over Washington State, we believe there should be reasonable limits on government spending. However, Initiative 1033 proposes an unreasonable and unworkable limit that punishes local governments, locks in funding cuts for law enforcement, schools and other important services, and weakens the ability of our communities to invest in projects that would help attract or retain jobs in our state. We ask you vote No on Initiative 1033 and reject Tim Eyman’s ill conceived and unreasonable proposal that will make already tough times worse in our state and our communities.”
Signing the statement were former governor and US senator Dan Evans, former US senator Slade Gorton, former state Lands Commissioner Doug Sutherland, former congressman Sid Morrison, and even GOP moneybags John Stanton.
And in favor of I-1033…? Anybody? I’m just wondering.
By election day the only drowned rats left on this ship will be Eyman, the Fagans, Dunmire, and a few of their cronies.
Glub blub glub blub …
@1 Or we’ll get to watch the spectacle of the whack jobs trying to throw their elder statesman under the bus before it careens off a cliff.
Bruce Agnew signed it, Goldy, the director of the Cascadia Project at Discovery Institute. Keep name calling though. You have a ton of credibility.
@3: The Discovery Institute, really?
The ultimate in pseudo-science, religious bigot, PoS so-called “think” tank endorses 1033?
Credibility? Seriously?
The Centralia Chronicle (Comical) endorsed it. They also (big surprise) oppose R-71.
Oh yea, The Zionists Are Now Controlling America (I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay to pull the actual letter, but here’s a snippet of what they see as fit to print):
It took some searching but I found another endorser, the NFIB endorsed I-1033. No surprise, they also endorsed 4 Republicans: Susan Fagan, Pat Hailey, Terry Nealey, and David Taylor.
How is Goldy being dishonest? If anything Bruce Agnew opposing I-1033 just proves Goldy’s point.
Actually Agnew opposes I-1033 which is a bit of a shocker. I guess it shows just how much of a bad idea I-1033 is.
@4: no you idiot. Bruce Agnew, the Director of the Cascadia Project at Discovery Institute, signed, along with the rest of the “Mainstream Republicans”, in opposition to 1033. Somehow though, Goldy equates Agnew’s work with Intelligent Design. He probably does that because he’s such a wonderful journalist.
@5, Doesn’t a lot of tax money flow from here to Centralia? Maybe we should do them a favor and reduce the flow. Then they should be real happy.
Dumb Bunny @3,
“Bruce Agnew signed it, Goldy, the director of the Cascadia Project at Discovery Institute.”
I don’t know if Agnew signed it or not (he wasn’t mentioned in The Olympian piece), but if he did, it clearly makes Goldy’s point: there is opposition to I-1033 across the ideological spectrum.
“Keep name calling though.”
This would seem to be a non sequitur.
“You have a ton of credibility.”
Apparently he has enough credibility that you follow his commentary and occasionally feel compelled to offer your drivel disguised as comments…. (*snicker*)
@8, why should we separate Cascadia Project from the Discovery Institute?
So far I haven’t seen anything to make me think Cascadia Project is any less wacky than the Discovery Institute to which it is tied.
@9 Ekim:
Couldn’t agree more. The biggest political issue down there is I-5 flooding and what the state is going to do to solve it. No one seems to understand the irony of their demanding public help to solve the problem while damning all gov’t programs as socialist and evil.
Cascadia knows that their precious SR99 tunnel can’t be built if the state is stripped of all revenues. In that respect, they’re at least slightly reality-based.
It’s a rare bobble of logic, though, among the creationists.
I wonder if our usual trolls will be popping up to declare their support for 1033. Taking a roll call of supporters would be like taking attendance at the asylum. Wherefore art thou Puddy, Cyn, LIttle Ricky Dumbass, Troll?
I think we are taxed to much, AND spend to much, but this initiative is not the correct way to go about affecting a more fiscally conservative govt.
I’m curious.
What Govt. services would you like to see cut.
Darryl @10
A non sequitur? “Keep name calling though” refers to Goldy’s willful ignorance about the complete independence of the Cascadia Project from the Discovery Institute. He’ll never prove otherwise. Just innuendo and smears.
“Just innuendo and smears.”
You mean like how you wingnuts are going on and on about Dow Constantine and sexual harassment?
Steve @15: that’s the problem with you, Steve. I point out a disagreement I have with one person (David Golstein) and you immediately caste me in with “wingnuts” and change the subject. Stay focused, Steve. An idiot like you must struggle at life.
Bunny. Cute name. Did you ever see Amazon Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death? Hmm, I have some red licorice. Interested?
Again I ask you, why should we separate Cascadia Project from the Discovery Institute?
So far I haven’t seen anything to make me think Cascadia Project is any less wacky than the Discovery Institute to which it is tied.
Ekim @ 19: How about we start with the Beyond Oil conference at Microsoft last Friday and Saturday sponsored by the Cascadia Project that featured keynote speakers Jay Inslee and Ron Sims. Then maybe we could discuss the fact that Cascadia largely operates on a 10-year grant from the Gates Foundation with language in the contract specifically disallowing any cooperation between the Cascadia Project and the Center for Science and Culture (The Discovery Institute). Does Bill Gates seem like a proponent of Intelligent Design to you? Yet he somehow supports the work of the Cascadia Project? Do your homework, Ekim. Don’t just blindly follow assumptions.
Once again I ask, Puddy, Cyn, Little Ricky Dumbass, Troll–where are you? You need to proudly put your radical wingnuttery on display and proclaim your support for I-1033 here. C’mon, lads, just because even Republican groups don’t support this latest Enrich Tim Eyman Now scheme, doesn’t mean you should abandon your old friend in his time of need.
Interesting how the Lunatic Left is afraid of putting tax increases on the ballot.
They think voters are stupid & greedy.
That’s what it comes down to.
I’m sorry, it is just hard to take Cascadia seriously when it is so closely connected with the Discovery Institute. I mean they even share the same web site.
I see the used chicken salesman MrC is for the moment through molesting farm animals…
Ekim @ 22: well, try harder. I know that’s hard to do because rational, independent thinking does not come naturally to you, but just give it a shot.
What the fuck is YOUR problem…the Discovery Institute is populated by troglodyte wing-nuts.
dumb bunny @27
It looks like your hero did not sign on to I-1033 according to this:
How come you didn’t properly research this?
So much for your vaunted rational, independent thinking.