$100,000. That’s how much we raised for Darcy Burner last week via Act Blue alone, much of it coming over a 48 hour period. Wow. Simply wow.
That’s roughly equivalent to twenty days of early July fundraising, and it has lifted a huge burden off Darcy’s shoulders as she’s taken time off from her grueling campaign schedule to tend to herself and her family after losing their house in a fire. Now, thanks to her many friends online, Darcy can devote the time she needs to getting her life back in order without giving up any ground to Dave Reichert.
So a huge thanks to the dozens of blogs nationwide who joined in this effort, and to the thousands of members of our broader netroots community for this extraordinary show of affection and support. And of course, if you haven’t already given, it’s never to late to help buy Darcy a little extra time.
Maybe tell Will your secret to successfull cyber-panhandling. His “fill Will’s piggy bank” drive several threads back wasn’t nearly as fruitful for him.
Raise all the money for Burner you want, She’s still going down in the loss column in November.
Darcy hugged a rabbit, and it’s time for rabbits to hug back! =:-D
[Virtual rabbit hug and smooch]
Here’s what the conservative investment magazine Barron’s says about Mr. Cynical’s bank stock:
“Bank stocks are nowhere near as cheap as in the early ’90s, contends Frederic Marks, president of Cheviot Value Management, which manages $236 million in separate accounts. For instance, Wells Fargo (WFC) had been cut in half by the fall of 1990 to just 75% of its book value. Today, Wells’ shares trade for closer to 1.75 times book, and book values are less than certain, given the potential for write-downs. Wells traded in 1990 at about six to seven times its long-term earnings power (not that year’s published earnings), compared with 12 times long-term earnings today.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure glad I have a government pension and don’t depend in my old age on dividends from a shaky bank stock!!!
I made $4,600 on a day trade today of JRCC.
Then I bought it back again @ $43.15 and it’s closing around $44.78..another $1630 UP.
Wells Fargo–Avg Cost==$24.22
Closed @23.48
Down 74 cents/share
You on the other hand could have sold BOOM at $43 like I told you too.
Fall in love with a stock and you ride it down.
Now it’s $28.95.
Seems like you ought to be focusing more on YOUR investments and less on mine Rog.
Don’t care what some foreigner named Frederic Marks from Cheviot has to say.
will chevron, which named an oil tanker after board member condi rice, name its next oil tanker after usama bin laden?
does it bother cheney that hugo chavez is going to be the next abdullah of oil?
Darcy, let this fire be a sign from God that its time to pack it in and start baking cookies. Now get me my damn coffee!
Good. Then if obama becomes the next president we should get the socialist discount.
Have they figured out which of the right wing trolls here at HA burned Darcy’s house down?
Just a reminder of what the Bush tax cuts have brought to the average American. I’m not talking about the huge deficits & multiplication of the federal debt which will be passed on to our children and grandchildren. I’m not talking about the devaluation of the dollar. I’m not even talking about the takeover of our basic industries and utilities by foreign entitities, a takeover made possible because of the weakened dollar.
I’m talking about the very argument which the neo-cons made, to the affect that a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans because it would create jobs for average Americans.
Now, aside from the absurdity of giving money to one group of Americans who don’t need it so that everyone else can then work at a fraction of their wages in order to earn it back….
The evidence is clear that the Bush tax cuts haven’t created American jobs to any great extent. For one thing, you can consider the great disparity in the number of jobs created under the Bush presidency with that of the preceeding Clinton presidency (as has been reported here frequently in other posts).
But what is clear is that the tax cuts haven’t resulted in investment in infrastructure here, either private of public. The tax cut money has, in large part, taken three paths.
The first path is what I call the “giant circle of money”. That’s what happens when there is a lot of buying and selling of companies, without any significant increase in their ability to produce – well, anything. We saw it first during the Reagan administration, when “leveraged buy-out” and “junk bonds” became catch-words as the rich bought and sold businesses, dismatling some and then re-selling others, with the CEO’s and brokers and bankers taking huge cuts each time the plate was passed around, and workers were expected to pick up the difference in increased loans to finance the buying and selling. The rate of such transactions has multiplied under the Bush administration.
Secondly, the rich have indeed created jobs – but most of them are overseas. With most manufacturing taking place in China and a handful of other foreign countries, the rich have been turning U.S. businesses into trading agents. Chinese workers make teddy bears or children’s clothes at 50 cents an items, the Wal-Marts sell the same for $8.50 (still cheap, by American standards), and then they pay minimum wage to the retail workers who used to be able to work at higher-paying manufacturing jobs a decade or so ago.
Third, there is, of course, the conspicuous consumption. You can argue that perhaps this would result in American jobs, right? Well, it used to – if you consider working as a servant, pool-boy, or gardner to be the ideal jobs for Americans. But even that has dissappeared, some of it by illegal immigration, some by having products built from overseas. But one of the amazing examples is that while millions of Americans have cancelled their vacation plans this year due to high fuel prices, the recipients of the Bush tax cuts are spending even more money on vacations – on luxury tours overseas.
Source: Many Americans still traveling despite economy
So remember that whenever you give a Republican a tax break, you might as well waive goodbye to that money forever – despite what they say otherwise.
@11 Don’t forget that most of the jobs “created” under the Bush regime result from a statistical tweak called the “birth-death adjustment” and don’t represent real people earning real incomes.
So Burner torched her house for the insurance money……hey, she figured the sympathy vote was worth a couple hundred votes to her in November. That or she passed out drunk on the couch with a lit cigarette in her hand. What a mutt.
@ 11 rhp
Thought provoking post. Well written. Thx
@ 12 RR
Good point too!
Done. Cash Talks, bullshit walks.