10,000 immigrants, refugees and their allies are expected to descend on Pioneer Square this Saturday, in what is surely to be one of the largest pro-immigration reform rallies in the nation. So I wonder… will our local media bother to muster the same kind of coverage they routinely lavish on a couple hundred angry teabaggers?
If history is any indication, I’m guessing not.
Nearly one in six Washingtonians are Latino or Asian and 12.3% are foreign born. Immigrants comprise 14.2% of the state workforce, and pay 13.2% of state and local taxes. And of course our state’s vital agricultural industry is as dependent on immigrant workers, documented or not, as it is on the vast network of dams and ditches that irrigate its fields.
But although “New Americans” — naturalized citizens or the U.S.-born children of immigrants — account for 7.5% of Washington’s registered voters, and despite the huge impact immigration reform would have on our state’s residents and economy, the immigration reform debate receives surprisingly little attention from our local politicians and journalists beyond the usual hyperbolic sound bites.
Well, you can help the establishment types take notice and join the Stand Up in Seattle for Immigration Reform Rally, Saturday, April 10, in Seattle’s Occidental Park. Gates will open at 11 a.m., and the program of entertainment and featured speakers is scheduled to start at noon, so please stop by and show your support for rational, humane immigration reform.
I know it’s not quite as compelling a story as a few dozen angry old white folks with scary, misspelled signs, but together, perhaps we can make up in numbers what we lack in a marketable trope.
Fox News will cover 156 Tea Party activists for 3 hours, but this…nope. Fair and Balanced.
Or PROVE me wrong. Tell me how much time Fox News devotes to this. Is it orders of magnitude more than the Tea Party rallies with a few hundred people?
If by immigration reform they mean tightening-up our immigration laws, securing our borders, and fining companies that hire illegals, and deporting illegals that broke into our county, then I’m for immigration reform.
@2….gotta agree with that.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Hey, Goldy: Offer the illegals one free night’s sleepover at your house. That’ll bring ’em out.
@2, well said. Agreed. Respect our laws, come here legally and pay taxes, or get the fuck out. Simple.
Everyone knows how you get media coverage for a left wing demonstration:
1. Block traffic.
2. Break a window.
THEN you’ll get plenty of coverage.
Mark1 you guys don’t understand, illegals are paying taxes, and how someone can wait in line for 20 long years to get a Visa, someone in your family ever try that. We are humans and need respect, I not taken anything away from you, we are just want to work for this great nation. Thank you.
@7…then get in line and do it the right way: legally.
Why should someone from Mexico or South America get preferential treatment over someone from Europe, just because they walked across the border?
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
I hope some of the speakers at that demonstration remind attendees to fill out their Census forms. Irrespective of whether they’re citizens or have green cards.
The decennial Census enumerates persons living in the United States. Not citizens, not legal residents … persons.
And it’s a federal crime for any individual-level information on a Census form to be shared with anyone until 72 years have passed. That’s why genealogy buffs have a couple of years to go before they get to see the raw data from the 1940 Census.
@4 You don’t have to prove you’re a stupid, clueless, ignorant ass … we already know that.
@5 What makes you think foreign workers don’t pay taxes? Most of them probably don’t make enough to owe income taxes, but they certainly pay gas taxes, sales taxes, and social security taxes (unless a crooked employer is paying them under the table because he isn’t paying taxes).
Which brings up another point — why do people who argue that illegals shouldn’t get government benefits expect them to pay taxes for the government benefits they’re denied?
@6 Yeah, blocking traffic is the time-honored leftist method of objecting to the policies our despotic rightwing governments. (The window-breaking is the work of anarchists, who have nothing to do with us.) Why shouldn’t we block traffic? The drivers who are slightly inconvenienced for a few minutes aren’t the only ones paying road taxes. We buy gas and pay those taxes, too. We own those streets, so we certainly have as much right to walk on them as you have to drive on them.
Yeah, I understand why rightwingers might consider us unruly for taking over a street for an afternoon to protest our government’s killing, raping, napalming, looting, etc., in other people’s countries in furtherance of corporate greed, after all, having to detour around a blocked street is a big deal. Rightwing demonstrators are much more civilized than us: All you do is spit on congressmen, call them “niggers,” throw bricks through their office windows and try to blow up their homes, send them e-mails threatening to kill them, etc.
Yeah, you civilized rightwing motherfuckers have a lot to teach us leftists about protest etiquette …
@7 Jorge, I hope someday you can find good-paying work in your own country, so those ungrateful bastards will either have to pick their own lettuce or pay three times as much for it.
Hey, I don’t have any problem with enforcing the laws. But that’s not how it’s been done during years of both Republican and Democratic administrations.
The reason: illegal immigrants can’t complain when they are paid sub-minimum wages and exposed to dangerous and illegal working conditions. Large industries, particularly the large agri-businesses (and now large parts of the construction businesses) have profited greatly from this. They like the profits reaped from cheap labor, and if the labor gets too “uppity” they can just have them arrested and kicked out of the country. It’s the Republican idea of a dream society.
Of course, that comes at a cost. Illegal immigrants pay into the system far more than they take out. Federal withholding taxes are deducted from their paychecks but they can’t claim refunds because they are using false or duplicate social security numbers. They pay Social Security and Medicare taxes, but can’t claim benefits. They pay sales taxes, gas taxes, etc., but their children can’t get in-state tuition or federal financial aid (unless they can prove they were born in the country).
The only real government benefit they can really receive is their children get free public-school education K-12. They also get some free medical care, but only if it becomes a life-threatening emergency which can be treated in an emergency room, at which point they will be examined, stabilized, and then discharged. In some states their kids can get free medical care, because as Republican governor Swartzenegger explained, communicable diseases spread regardless of a person’s green-card or citizenship status.
I see lots of immigrants (presumably undocumented) standing alongside the road daily in front of the Home Depot or Lowes, looking for day work. In contrast, I also know a family of legal immigrants who are still receiving benefits more than a decade after immigrating to the U.S., and who don’t work because it would mean the end of those benefits. I also know quite a few Americans who wouldn’t dream of doing the hard work regularly done mostly by immigrants, either documented or undocumented.
Yes, have control of our borders, for security purposes. But reform the laws to have a rational system which allows enough workers to enter the country to do the work we won’t do and still be protected by our country’s laws. Continuing to insist that workers wait a lifetime for a visa is unrealistic, when companies regularly give jobs to undocumented immigrants.
Speaking of cheap labor assholes, the company that killed those coal miners is run by a grasping, anti-environment, union-busting thug who has compiled one of the worst labor, safety, and environmental records in modern U.S. corporate history:
“Blankenship and his company, the fourth largest coal producer in America, were accused of putting profits ahead of safety long before Monday’s incident. ‘Coal can be mined in an environmentally responsible way,’ United Mine Workers of America President Cecil Roberts said in the organization’s magazine last year. ‘But … Massey has chosen not to do it that way, and the result has been to give the coal industry a black eye.’
“The Upper Big Branch explosion ‘isn’t just of matter of happenstance but rather the inevitable result of … reckless corporate conduct,’ said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, a former coal miner, in a stinging statement this week. …
“Blankenship … ‘made his name’ … when he went head-to-head with the UMWA in a labor dispute. ‘He broke the mine workers union in southern West Virginia,’ said Stanley ….
“Blankenship routinely fights back … when accused of labor, safety or environmental violations. … ‘Any suspicion that the mine was improperly operated or illegally operated or anything like that would be unfounded,’ he told West Virginia Metro News. ‘Violations are, unfortunately, a normal part of the mining process.’
“Perhaps, but the Upper Big Branch mine was cited by the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration for 1,342 safety violations from 2005 until the explosion and assessed $1.89 million in proposed fines. Of those violations, Massey contested 422 that could have cost it $742,830 in penalties, according to federal officials interviewed by The Washington Post.
“Many, especially on the left, have vented toward Blankenship. Rolling Stone included him in its list of the top polluting ‘Climate Killers’ and called him ‘a villain ripped straight from the comic books: a jowly, mustache-sporting, union-busting coal baron who uses his fortune to bend politics to his will.’
“As a director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the outspoken coal exec has used that platform to lobby against climate-change legislation, dismissing global warming as a figment of the imagination of ‘greeniacs.’
“A glance at his Twitter page in the days before the explosion reveals a conservative who is unabashedly political in his tweets. A sampling:
“‘New study in Geophysical Research Letters finds strong winds cause ice loss in Arctic. Those full of hot air like Gore should avoid the Arctic.’
“[W]hen it comes to power players in West Virginia, few can compare to this big-time operator …. ‘He’s told me he averages $15 million a year,’ Stanley said. … Blankenship has used his money to push his political agenda. According to the National Institute on Money in State Politics, he gave more than $150,000 to legislative candidates in a failed attempt to throw Democrats out of power in Charleston. He and others connected to Massey have given more than $300,000 to federal candidates since 1990, with 91 percent going to Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. …
“‘Don Blankenship would actually be less powerful if he were in elected office,’ Rep. Nick Rahall of West Virginia told Rolling Stone. ‘He would be twice as accountable and half as feared.’
“Blankenship sponsored a tea party-inspired Labor Day Friends of America rally featuring Fox News star Sean Hannity and country singer Hank Williams Jr. In a video, the CEO invited people to come and learn ‘how environmental extremists and corporate America are both trying to destroy your job.’
“Beyond West Virginia, Blankenship’s greatest impact may be on constitutional law. His actions in a judicial election prompted a legal battle that ended in the U.S. Supreme Court. It stemmed from more than $3 million in campaign donations he made to elect Brent Benjamin to the West Virginia State Supreme Court. After Benjamin won the 2004 election, he ruled in favor of Massey to throw out a $50 million jury verdict against the company.
“As the case made its way through the courts, Blankenship was photographed on the French Riviera with the state’s chief justice, Elliott ‘Spike’ Maynard, who was at the time considering the same case. When an ABC News reporter confronted Blankenship about his vacation companion, the CEO grabbed the correspondent’s camera and said, ‘If you’re going to start taking pictures of me, you’re liable to get shot.’
“Before the high court ruled, Blankenship told The New York Times that …[,] ‘Eliminating a bad politician makes sense.’
“The Supreme Court ruled last year that judges must disqualify themselves from cases that involve campaign contributors because of ‘a serious risk of actual bias.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know what a miner-killer looks like — exactly like a teabagger, because he is one.
You all better be native americans to be talking with such godly powers.
The Blankenship blowout, as with almost every domestic disaster of the last century, more or less, happened while in the tender embrace of the progessive regulatory statist state.
The regulatory state doesn’t necessarily cause coal mines to explode or Katrina catastrophes to happen or E.coli veggies to kill us, but regulation at a minimum is not a progressive panacea for the bad things that happen to good people.
Joel Salatin’s amazing book, Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal, tells why. And it shows how your naive liberal faith in a security blanken of regulatory reform looks to someone who is literally at ground level, trying to make a living from dirt and grass.
Joel goes a stretch too far when he starts to make a case for taking down child-labor regs, but the rest of his book has the immediacy of reality. Real reality. Not liberal progressive crack-pipedreams:
Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist farmer Joel Salatin, star of Omnivore’s Dilemma and Food, Inc., implies that Roger Rabbit, who asserts that comments about America’s unsustainable entitlements are vapid talking points gleaned from the right-wing conspiracy’s echo chamber, is an idiot.
@16…not godly powers, just the the law.
and even the “native americans” are immigrants to one extent or another…
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
nearly .01 in one thousand Washingtonians is a teabagger.
can someone tell me just what exactly these people are protesting?
are they protesting the fact that they are here illegally and nobody is doing anything about it?
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
strange how people who have followed the rules and immigrated to the US legally, don’t need any immigration reform.
Funny how that works.
Whats next? We ask convicted rapists for rapist reform?
…and I seriously doubt there will be 10k people there…pie in the sky, as they say..
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
People power! This is brilliant. Should be a party with a serious message. Not a crazy, anger-fest with an archaic message from a bunch of Teabaggers.
Immigration reform is morally right and will help boost the economy. Which could use it right now.
how come everyone squawks “immigration reform”, yet nobody can explain what that means?
does reform mean that we give everyone a pass and declare immediate citizenship for illegals, or does it mean we actually uphold the existing laws and start sending people out of the country.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Vince, you clearly know nothing about immigration, because the legal immigration system is as broken as can be. How about checking out the visa bulletin, which you clearly don’t know exists:
Scroll down a bit and take a look. Try this on for size: A NATURALIZED U.S. Citizen from the Philippines who petitioned LEGALLY for their unmarried son or daughter in the Philippines to join them in the U.S. would be eligible to receive their visa if they had APPLIED ON MARCH 1, 1994. That’s right, they would have waited 16 years to be reunited with their child. Does that make sense to you? You ever wait 16 years to be reunited with your child? I’m guessing not, but even if you had, I’d also guess it wasn’t a lot of fun.
I would also guess that if your child came to visit on a temporary visa in say, year 8, you might even beg them to stay over that visa and become (gasp!) undocumented.
Get your facts straight. The WHOLE immigration system is broken. Hope you’ll join me on Saturday.
@24…I dont know peabody, I think I smell some bullshit.
I know 2 people who have immigrated to the US in the last 5 years. Neither waited for more than year to get in.
One was from Mexico, and the other was from Russia.
Both got their visa’s without any issue after following the law and the rules.
Sorry, if the weather is good, I will golfing on Saturday.
Perhaps the system is “broken” in your opinion because it seems many people abuse it..IE illegal immigration. You should be blaming them maybe…
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Peabody…to continue..
Lets assume that the legal immigration system is broken – and I grant you that it very well may be – the problem that you are going to face when trying to make the legal immigration system better is that you also attract all those in favor of open borders and immediate citizenship for illegal aliens.
That is where you will lose a lot of support, in my opinion.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
@25…Did you bother looking at the State Department website or just prematurely smell bullshit? If you care to enlighten yourself, you’d actually find out that it isn’t.
You’d also find out that the immigration system is complex and that there are more than one way to immigrate to the U.S. I’m glad that the system worked for your two friends, as it should for all. However, you may be assuming that your two-friend sample size of how the immigration system works reflects the experience of the millions of immigrants who come to the U.S. every year.
Have fun golfing on Saturday, just make sure not to take the nice greens, well cut fairway and nice pin location for granted–they were all probably brought to you by immigrants.
@26…No proposals in congress or in discussion call for open borders or immediate citizenship. And even if they did, would those have a chance to pass? No chance.
You gotta stop listening to Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh for your news. Try actually looking at some of the bills that have been proposed before coming out staunchly against it and the hard-working people the legislation tries to give a fair chance at the American Dream.
@27….fair enough Peabody.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
@28….first of all, I dont listen to either Rush or Beck…or Hartmann or Schultz for that matter.
They are all hucksters.
Now, back to immigration…
I never said I was against immigration reform. I first stated that somebody needs to explain just what the hell it means – because you have different groups with different idea’s on just what “immigration reform” means. To some groups, it most definitely means open borders and immediate citizenship for all.
– you’re gonna love my nuts…
I am immigrant myself and strongly believe people of all races and kinds should be given an apportunity to live in this great country. However, i am absolutely oppose so called “Immigration Reform”. In which country in the world illigal people come and demand to be legalized, and even this country did once under Reagan, and here we go again, and i am sure if we let those 13 million illigal to become legal– there will be another 13 million at the gate after one year demanding same treatment. Where shall we draw the line.
No No NO period
The Immigration firestorm against the–WIDE–open borders movement is supported heavily by wealthy corporate ownership. The congregational church, ACLU, US Chamber of Commerce, The Council of Foreign Relation, SEIU Unions all furnished copiously with lobbyists dollars. All want an unfettered flow of cheap labor either for future voting blocks, to replenish church pews, for low wage labor, but all for bulging coffer’s of money. Before readers jump to conclusions or the rhetoric of the SEIU–NOT ALL MEMBERS BELIEVE IN THE UNIONS AGENDA. ASK OTHER UNION MEMBERS WHO HAVE NOT BEEN BRAIN-WASHED BY PROPAGANDA AND NOT NECESSARILY THE SEIU. FOR INSTANCE TALK TO MEMBERS OF THE TEAMSTERS OR THE AFL-CIO. The Teamsters certainly wont agree, because they are already losing jobs from the deliberate government incursion of foreign national trucks allowed to cross the border. This is under the FREE TRADE-NAFTA plan for 18 wheelers to transport cheap goods made South of the border, to boost corporate American profits.
Numbersusa is fighting for–ALL–American citizens and legal residents. Eight million illegal immigrants have jobs because of parasite businesses, while our government does nothing about the 15 million US unemployed AMERICANS.WE CANNOT TRUST OUR GOVERNMENT AND THOSE WHO BUY THEIR LOYALTY. USE YOUR VOTE TO SPEAK UP. JOIN NUMBERSUSA million of members to fight the battle against another MASS AMNESTY. Whatever the other-side calls it, it is by any name AMNESTY. Together–UNITED–we can stop this travesty of our Immigration laws. We must demand E-Verify as a permanent illegal alien removal law from the workforce.
Enforce–ALL–and every state, county and community apprehension program that includes 287 (G) Audit all businesses and check their employees referencing their I-9 forms for irregularities and bring these pariah businesses owners to federal court. ICE has a job to do and like most immigration enforcement is intentionally under staffed, under funded and not given the necessary directions to perform their duties. Just like E-Verify, 287 G. and any enforcement measure its demonized or any other method of ruining its reputation by the open border usurpers. We can win if we don’t unite together. REMEMBER ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS THAT HAVE ALREADY VIOLATED THE LAW, WILL WITHOUT ANY DOUBT VOTE IN ANY ELECTION. MILLIONS MORE WILL COME IF WE DON’T HALT IT. THE CONSEQUENCES WILL BE TERRIBLE, TO AMERICAS FINANCES. numbersusa.com
Read about corruption of our leaders at judicialwatch.org Show an example of panderers to the illegal alien occupation of our country. THROW OUT SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV) in the midterm elections. Sen. Feinstein, Sen. Boxer and all those who want to force AMNESTY down the throats of the American people, will be given the boot. Enough is Enough! This will show that intentionally manipulated polling is just is BS and we cannot lay back on our rear ends. It will influence your lives in the immediate future with third world scorn of our laws and introduce even more poverty, more deterioration of our language and a constitutional rights.
KKK @ 17
No regulation, no markets.
No regulation, no competition.
No regulation, no society.
Is to much to ask that you libertarians acknowledge that you share this rock with others?
@30…here is a start:
You might be interested in reading more about this report from the CATO Institute about the positive impact of providing an pathway to legal status for the undocumented: http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=10438
Here is some other good research on it, too: http://immigrationpolicy.org/s.....an-workers
@31…It’s unfortunate that some people have access to a pathway to come to the U.S. while others don’t, depending on their nation of origin and whether they have relatives living in the U.S. As far as what country would let people get a pathway to a legal status? Well, you answered your own questions in mentioning that President Reagan in 1986 did that and it doesn’t seem to have hindered your appreciation for the U.S. I’d like to point out that your math is wrong: it has been 24 years since the last legalization (it wasn’t over the course of one year we got 13 million undocumented workers) and we have not had a comprehensive reform of the system. How much has our economy and country changed since then, without looking at overhauling the system? How many other major systems in our country would we not change despite such drastic changes?
rhp @ 14
> I see lots of immigrants (presumably undocumented)
> standing alongside the road daily in
> front of the Home Depot or Lowes,
> looking for day work.
Undocumented workers supporting Republican corporations. Those parking lots are our immigration debate in a nutshell.
@34…just because they are standing in front of home depot and lowes hardly means they are working for home depot lowes. More likely they are there looking for work from homeowners or from small contractors who buy materials from home depot or lowes.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Should the numbers of legal immigrants allowed into the country be tied to the unemployment rate?
the higher the unemployment rate, the fewer people are allowed into the country.
seems logical on its face..
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
slap @ 36
Economic growth tracks with population growth. More people means more consumers, more cars to fix, more teeth to clean, etc.
Our unemployment (and underemployment) is the result of inequity.
Inequity in turn is caused by regressive taxation and how the gains of improved productivity are not fairly shared.
In other words, “trickle down” economics is a scam.
@37…that would presume that new immigrants have money to spend on those products and services.
I would say that the rest of your post is more opinion rather than fact….and thats cool, but I do not necessarily agree with all of it.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
@17 As soon as I read “millions of aborted babies,” I stopped listening entirely. Try again.
@38…it is not a faulty assumption. Immigrants are overrepresented as tax payers in WA State (they are 12.5% of population and pay 13.2% of state taxes, as of 2007). WA State lacks an income tax, which places far more of the burden on low and moderate income earners.
One thing that people often forget to consider is that immigrants are consumers like everyone else. Take them out of an economy and it hurts everyone (imagine taking 11 million people/consumers out of the U.S. economy right now). In addition to paying income taxes (even undocumented immigrants pay income taxes, 75% according to the IRS), they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, and property taxes. $1.5 billion in WA State alone.
What they need to do is get 10,000 downtown on a weekday at 8am. THAT will get media attention.
@40….I assume you are talking about illegal immigrants?
where does that money that they are spending come from?
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Mostly from the people who employ them, farmers, restaurants, hotels, home builders. A-list Republicans one and all.
Immigration will be an interesting one as you have a deeply split Republican party/political right on this one and because it doesn’t make a clean left/right break.
slap @ 42
> where does that money that they are spending come from?
The gold faerie. Same place you get your money.
“and even the “native americans” are immigrants to one extent or another…”
no sh*t sherlock. And with more reason to it…we are all immigrants, who are we to decide who stays and who goes?
The problem with people like you Vince, is that you put everybody in the same bag. You think that those people wating outside home depot are the “average immigrant”, and for some reason it bothers you. You dont know how many young people I know, decent, well raised, young adults…that they were basically raised in the United States, graduating right now and can’t even go to collage, cant get a licence to drive a car, cant get a decent job, etc.
You think this is fair? Good families wating for an oportunity. You dont know how many familys are waiting for some sort of law to pass, so they can go buy a car, buy a house, go to collage, travel, it would be a huge economic boost. If they are already here, why not give them a chance?
aand waiting in line is very easy to say, but not easy to do. This shows it prefectly:
@44….lol, I wish.
I think you missed the point though.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
@45..actually you are wrong. I dont lump legal immigrants together with illegal ones. I am all for a controlled, legal immigration – as has been done for over a hundred years.
I think the problem people like YOU have is that you lump together legal immigration issues with the problem of illegal immigration.
It sounds like you are under the idea that anybody who walks, drags, or floats themselves here ought to be granted immediate citizenship.
These are two separate issues – and if you take the time to read the thread, you will see that I pointed that out a ways back.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
@43…you know I had long detailed response to answer your post and my computer crapped out on me.
suffice to say that all a person has to do is look at a residential roofing or framing crew to understand that illegal immigration is a problem. The wage rate for those occupations has been decimated by people who will work for half of what the “legal” roofers or framers used – thus running them out of the market.
the solution is two-fold: severely punish those who employ illegal immigrants, and actively remove those who are here illegal from the country.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
I’m calling the INS. They should be able to send a few people home Saturday.
what is a legal immigrant to you??!!
just to make sure…
@50…someone who is the country legally..ie a naturalized citizen, or someone here on a visa, etc..
ok..so would you please point me out when i mention anything about the legal immigrants in my comment??
@52..after going back to your post, I guess you didn’t – so I stand corrected.
I think I assumed you were referring to illegal immigrants was when you said “who are we to decide who stays and who goes?”…I took that to mean you think there should be no restriction on legal or illegal immigration(or something to that effect).
sorry if I misunderstood what you were getting at.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
There’s really not much point in being #54 on a comment list, but illegals DO pay income tax. The IRS issues them a tax number even if they don’t have a Social Security number. That’s obviously because the government wants to get tax money from them and is willing to not snitch on them to Social Security/ICE. Which is, when you look at it, kind of like ransom, isn’t it.
#54 thats very true!
@53…”Should the numbers of legal immigrants allowed into the country be tied to the unemployment rate?”
I think something just clicked in your brain. And you assumed correct, i was referring to illegal immigrants.
Will conservatives show up and tell racist jokes?
Would be a great time to show some balls.
Vince you’re gonna luv sucking my nuts.
Hmm, I wonder if all those little brown people picking salal in the forests around here are legal? Have you ever seen them pile out of a Van? It’s like circus Klowns! How’d they all fit in there? Hey, wait a minute. WTF am I thinking?? That shit ain’t important. Look here people, over the last five rounds of major championship golf, the only golf that counts, nobody on this planet has played the game better than 60 year old Tom Watson. This is absolutely fucking amazing! All the media focus is on some other guy with the initials TW, but I’ll tell ya what, the real story is what the old man has been doing. No matter what he shoots tomorrow, this has been an incredible run.
I hope the media pays attention to 10,000 people who think that the law should be ignored.
@58…it should be noted that Tiger played his best Masters opening round EVER….he starts slow and finishes strong…
look out!
@57…Billy Mays is dead and I’m screwing his wife.
– She loves my nuts..
@60 Yeah, Tiger will probably win. But I’ll root for Watson to make a good showing of it. Fred Couples too, of course.
I hope all kinds of attention is showered on this event….Maybe Border Patrol and ICE can send 30 or 40,000 illegals back to where they came from.
From the CessPool??? Kiss my Conservative Ass, you faggot Commie <{;-)~
I think reform needs to start by following and enforcing the laws already on the books.
I support that kind of reform.
You must be new here. Perhaps you should introduce yourself to HA’s official greeter, Roger.
The rabbit is too busy practicing his Sieg Heil salute….