Are you excited about how we’re definitely going to solve nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula this afternoon? I mean sure, there’s a tiny little bitty chance that nothing happens. Or that something happens that makes things worse.
by Carl Ballard — ,
“Are you excited about how we’re definitely going to solve nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula this afternoon?”
Yes, absolutely! Trump will let Kim keep his nukes and supply him with ICBM parts in exchange for allowing McDonalds and Starbucks to open franchises in North Korea. Roger Rabbit owns stock in both companies.
If I had to guess, I’d say there will be a signing ceremony accompanied by lots of pomp and plenty of cameras.
The document will be a “framework” for “future discussions” which is exactly where we are at present. A continuation of the existing status quo will be trumpeted as a major breakthrough. Hapless drooling idiots already victimized by the Trailerbilly Con, including many in the media, will embrace the messaging and draw hope and inspiration from it.
Jesus saves. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
When it happens, don’t blame me. I’m not the one being cynical here. Cynical is exploiting the safety of 180 million S. Koreans and Japanese in order to get a five point poll bump so you can feel safe firing the Special Prosecutor.
Who needs allies?
Recently we’ve all had to endure idiotic political analyses from the corp media speculating on the challenges faced by Democrats in Trump states where “the conservative coalition” continues to earn the support of “social conservatives”.
Mother. Fucker. Please.
These arguments, trying desperately to identify some tiny shreds of the ideological underpinnings of “conservatism” still enduring in the age of President PornFuck, are just laughable. There are no “social conservatives”. They are just garden variety racists clutching bibles.
There are any number of ideological masks that Trump supporters don in order to pass for rational, worthy, humane Americans. And they are all equally fake. “Fiscal conservative”. “Libertarian”. “Moderate”. “Social conservative”. In every case there is nothing of substance underneath it all. So-called “fiscal conservatives” cheer as their party led by a serially bankrupted con artist destroys the nation’s finances. “Libertarians” gush with pride as the Roypublican Party installs permanent vaginal probes, militarizes our airports and highways, and embarks on military spending unseen since WWII. And so-called “social conservatives”?
They defend child molesters.
Can we all please agree to quit entertaining these stupid arguments? There’s just one thing that unites these people and we all know what it is.
I can’t wait till my buddy Kim visits America! This is so exciting and revolutionary cool!
On another note – I think I will go forward with my plans to learn Russian!
“They defend child molesters.”
Don’t knock it till you try it. And I don’t mean the defending, I mean the molesting.
Is that you Judge Moore? Or is it Milo? Elliott Broidy? Governor Porn Dungeon?
Manafort pardon in three… two… one…
From living quietly in Switzerland to becoming the world’s most beloved, popular, and internationally admired nuclear dictator in only seven years.
Trump teaches America how to bow.
#winning #youbuiltthat
According to court filings for sentencing, it was totally mundane.
Rand is the kind of neighbor who gathers up debris and leaves it near the property line.
Neighbor had finally had enough of hauling it/burning it himself
Or just looking at it for months/years.
No one could have imagined that a RandRoid is a lousy neighbor.
@ 8
If it’s over a stack of brush it’s assault. It’s handled in-state. In fact, the original charge was 4th degree misdemeanor assault, a local offense. Then Paul’s injuries became part of the picture.
The final charge was assaulting a member of Congress and causing personal injury. There are US attorneys involved. The plea agreement specifies that it was not a political dispute because there would have been additional charges and significantly greater penalties had a political dispute been proven beyond question. The reality is that it was a political dispute. The guilty plea was agreed to by the defense because that aspect of the incident was ignored.
The pussy Democrat who blind-sided Paul pleaded guilty to federal offenses.
Federal felony offenses. Mundane, my ass.
No one could have imagined that Hillary Clinton was a lousy candidate for president.
“No one could have imagined that Hillary Clinton was a lousy candidate for president.”
You are so full of shit it isn’t funny. There are plenty of people who align the Democrat party that thought Hillary was a lousy candidate. They thought she was bad, but not as bad as the alternative that was and is Trump.
I wonder how The Hump is going to Square with his supporters giving millions in exchange for denuclearization, when he decries how all these other Nations need to be paying their own way on top of not even investing in this Country’s infrastructure or future.
Or is any pledge of any money just bullshit like all his other bullshit?
Do you think the hillbillies really care about Kim and his nuclear weapons?
You can interpret this in various ways: God firing a warning shot over President Cheeseburger’s bow, or intervening in the U.S. economy. In any case, this should help stocks tomorrow.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, I’m not hoping Kudlow croaks or anything like that. I’m not that mean. But I think it’ll help the economy and stock market if he’s off work for a while.
Of course it’s assault. But it’s a first time offender who under normal sentencing guidelines would be getting deferred jail time on completion of parole.
But the lunatic fringe insisted it was politically motivated. It was because he was a Republican. It was because of Obamacare. The left is intolerant! Harrumph! (I have no time or inclination to search the archives but it wouldn’t surprise me to know Dumbfuck was on this train.)
At the time I was willing to bet a round of beers that it was you average neighbor dispute that happens thousands of times a year that don’t make it out of the local paper police blotter. No takers, I was right. Rand wasn’t attack BECAUSE he’s a congressman he’s just an asshole neighbor who happpens to be a Congressman and the defendant/convict freaked out.
@9 And your evidence of a political motivation is … ?
Boucher and his attorney said politics had nothing to do with it. There’s zero evidence to contradict them, and plenty of circumstantial evidence pointing to a neighbor irritated by a property issue — the sort of thing that happens every day in every neighborhood in America. Boucher and Paul have lived next door to each other for many years. If Boucher was going to attack Paul because of his politics, he would’ve done it years ago. But these guys never discuss politics, because they haven’t been on speaking terms for over 10 years, because of the landscaping dispute, a conflict everyone in the neighborhood knew about. It takes a dumbfuck to conclude this was a premeditated, politically-motivated assault. It’s of a piece with an acquaintance of mine who got into a shoving match with a neighbor over driving fast on a shared dirt road in the rural area where they live, and had to go to municipal court, the difference in Paul’s case being that tackling causes more injury than shoving. But neighbors getting on each other’s nerves is as old as the human species.
Rabbits are a superior species. We don’t have armies, navies, air forces, ICBMs, or thermonuclear weapons. We’re smarter than that. We bite, kick, rip out a few patches of fur, and it’s over. There’s enough lettuce for all of us.
It takes a dumbfuck to conclude that the Tweet-raging AbortionPornFuck candidate was the best option. It took 63 million dumbfucks to make him President.
It’s not like rightwingers ever commit politically-motivated assaults …
I just saw the most amazing thing. President Obama was at a summit across the table from Kim Jong Un.
President Obama actually met with PDNK’s leader, just as he said he would when he campaigned in 2008.
“N.Koreans were adamant summit optics portray US & NK on level footing, per US official involved. “They wanted to make sure both in ceremony and in security…that we’re presenting to the world an image that presents them as equals. The N. Koreans were very conscious of that.”
Did you see the picture of the Flags?
45 walks away with nothing.
(Remember how the Iran deal was the worst ever?)
Establish relations (AKA, U.S. recognizes NK as a legitimate regime)
Efforts to create a peaceful Korean Peninsula (AKA, Get your MFn troops out of the South and we’ll talk again or the deal’s off)
Work toward denucleariztion (AKA, 45 spinning this as a done deal, gonna give up the nukes….work toward. Good Language)
All that in exchange for……..
POW remains.
He’s ordered U.S. units in the region to “STAND DOWN” already, before the signing, as a pre-condition. Kim gets to keep his toy box and gets access to Trump’s. Trump gets photos.
Work toward denucleariztion
Kim’s Dad made that commitment to 41. With precisely the same level of earnestness and resolution. Instead he bought a reactor from a cash starved Russia and removed fuel from it to make the very same weapons his son is using to bully concessions from the Orange Pussy.
In “the worst deal ever” Iran gave up over 98% of its fissile material.
In “the greatest deal ever” Kim agrees to give up some random bones and teeth.
@2 Resolving one of the unresolved issues from WWII is necessary. After all even the Roman Empire eventually withdrew from occupying Briton, a much greener and far more pleasant land than the Korea’s. And one aspect of this that has not been mentioned is that the Korean leaders are the real drivers behind this. I am sure the South Korean’s have told Kim in no uncertain terms get rid of your nukes or we will build our own, or flat out told him they can have a nuke within 72 hours or less, and the same goes for Japan. The animosity between Japan and both Korea’s is still a hard fact. And it does not help that China and Russia both have NBC’s so there is already incentive or both nations to go nuclear if they believe umbrella has holes in it. There are political theories that suggest both nations would be safer with nuclear weapons of their own. In any case the real threat of North Korea having nukes is proliferation, the only thing one can point to is the fact the North Koreans have long had a chemical warfare capacity that South Korea and Japan have not matched except defensively suggests holes in the theory,,,,a theory that can only be tested by nations actually going to war, and the underlying issue of the Korea’s may only be resolved by war.
@14 Generally I agree with RR that this this is a property dispute that got out of hand. Yet it’s entirely possible that America’s political climate may have had some influence. For some reason Democrats and Republicans in the past few years have been more likely than in the recent past to come to fisty cuffs. To demand someone come up with proof unless the parties involved make a statement which may harm them in court is unlikely. Other than the election of Abraham Lincoln and Republican’s to congress in 1860 there is little proof that can be offered as to why the civil war broke out. There is no point from the election and realization the Lincoln was going to be President, the early reaction, and subsequent events one can point to that war was going to break out. It’s entirely possible that up to and even including Fort Sumter cooler heads could have prevailed. Although there would have been individual incidents of bloody noses, most you would not be able to determine were due to property disputes, politics, or these two really did not like each other, and one saw the opportunity to get their knocks in. Hindsight allows us to go oh it was the politics driving the violence.