There may be a lot of internally displaced refugees in Trump’s America. If Kansas collapses under its own weight, it may be that nobody can save them. If ICE raids are as bad as we fear, people might move to sanctuary cities. If police aren’t even doing the basics to protect Black people, Latin Americans, or gay people, they might have to move to other parts of the country where they feel safer.
I say this as a warning for Seattle and Washington: We have to get our shit together. We have to solve our homeless problem because more people are coming (and because it was always the right thing to do). We have to make sure people still have health care here because healthy people in Washington are more productive, and more people coming are going to need it (also, because it’s the right thing to do). We have to get serious about police reform so people who come here aren’t afraid of them (also, it’s the right thing to do).
I generally push back against people who say people who don’t like policies in their state should move to a more liberal state. But if we want to be an option for people, we have to work on ourselves.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
William Kelley-Kamp @wkelleykamp
I can’t wait for @DorisKGoodwin’s new book in 2021: “Team of Douchebags: The Political Failures of Donald J. Trump”
I can’t wait for Robby Mook’s 2017 book.
Or the book by soon-to-be unemployed single mother Huma Abedin. Or even by her soon-to-be-indicted estranged husband, Carlos Danger.
Or by the one guy on Team Clinton who was sufficiently hinged on Election Night to stand in front of a microphone and speak to people, John Podesta. Why, exactly, was #CrookedHillary unable to speak to her supporters when things were looking grim? A lot of stories hit the internet yesterday. Were they factual?
Or even Barack Obama’s first memoir, in which he recounts his interactions with Team Clinton during the 2016 campaign.
Really, no need to wait until 2021 to read an awesome tell-all. You might even be able to buy one in time for Xmas.
I sure do love the post-election Horses Ass, watching you pansies become a mess of jittery paranoid idiots waiting for the apocalypse is AWESOME.
Hey, Seattle HA libbies who double as BernieBros:
Last year Goldy & Co. were pleased to label you as racists.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA 8 Aug 2015
(((Goldy))) Retweeted Paul Constant
I was sorry to be out of town for today’s Sanders events, but now not so much.(((Goldy))) added,
Paul Constant @paulconstant
I’ve never seen Seattle’s collective racism so overtly displayed as it was this afternoon.
Earlier this year, as you rightly railed about the unfairness of the Dem primary process, Goldy told you to Stand Down.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA May 27
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
Now Goldy would be pleased as punch if you would break laws in opposition to the election of the guy whose success Democrats pretty much enabled.
But don’t worry, libbies. While Goldy likely won’t be there in person, he’ll be sure to write about it afterward.
It’s Amateur Hour in Trump Tower. You get what you vote for.
Or the book by soon-to-be
unemployedincarcerated single mother Huma Abedin.ftfy
Or even Barack Obama’s first memoir, composed from a federal Super-Max cell under the watchful gaze of trained CCA special operators.
ftfy too.
Our trolls don’t read much history (or much of anything else), so this probably won’t interest them. However, it might bring a little cheer to my liberal friends.
Our Great Leader Trump wishes to bear hug the silly, dejected Bernie Bros!
Thanks so much! We could never have done it without you! We know we can count on you again in four years. We know exactly which buttons to push to get BernieBots to do our bidding. We’ve been doing it for years. You toil daily in our digital sweat shops while we dine out on your labors. Here, have a bean-bag chair. Here, have a desk made out of a door. Here, have an “aPodment”. Eat lunch at your desk and maybe we’ll give you a bonus. Now just relax, and get back into line at the “cool” donut shop. We have a universe to run.
On the election night, when we realized Hillary lost the Electoral College, Hillary did a lot of crying, cursing and throwing things. She took a massive sleeping pill and just went unconscious for 8 hours.
The important thing now is to look forward to 2018 and 2020. I think Hillary will not be our candidate, but she can assist our nominee in 2020.
Well, we’re innocent. Trump got just 8% of Seattle’s vote.
In case you’re interested, “the biggest anti-Trump vote of all” was in 43-1379, aka Wallingford, where Trump got exactly zero of the precinct’s 153 cast votes.
@7 As feral fauna, I’m not above profiting from the stupidity of humans. Dollars have no morals. Trump has been worth about $15,000 to me so far, just in the last few days, and that’s only the beginning. (I imagine Boob is doing much better, given his Medicare millions to play with.)
In the first 100 days our King Max will give us all an economy where “vilde chaya” exist outside of children’s picture books. To ensure their safety, weaklings must accept the yoke of freedom.
You’ll need to be “no ordinary rabbit” to survive.
Been nicenotnice knowing you.
@ 10
DJIA 18841, up 590 from since close on 11/8 at 18251.
Increase since election is 590/18251= .0323.
$15000/.0323 = $464,396
For a retired attorney that is just a pitiful portolio, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I really don’t know why you make it so easy for others to prove how little you have to show for your life’s efforts.
Maybe reconsider how much you’re willing to share with others. None of us are impressed.
Oh DOOFUS we already know you’re no “renegade jew”…
No need to brag.
Yawwwwn. What a disappointment to our trolls…
And yes, the zombie imbeciles in the Breitbartian fever swamps can stew in their nightmares while they aspirate their wet flatulence.
If the undocumented fear roundups from local police outside sanctuary cities, yes… But local police are often sensitive to local employer’s needs. So many undocumented wouldn’t be here if they couldn’t get work from many, many Republican supporting employers.
Ideally local police shouldn’t do the Federal government’s job.
And the ICE can operate just as well in sanctuary cities as anywhere.
Recent announcements have it that Breitbart gets its own review stand on the Mall from which to observe your initial humiliation.
There will be more humiliations to follow, of course.
@16 DOOFUS, this a forum for political discussions not a BDSM site
The late Andy Breitbart would kindly admonish you to “behave yourself”..
Heh. But all of us regulars here know better.
Where all you low energy socialist mongrel types are concerned, there can be no difference between politics and masochism.
What else can possibly explain all your earnest (albeit low energy) effort invested into the Clinton Con Job. Surely you saw it coming. You must have. Everyone else did. Admit it. This humiliation is what you wanted.
Our Leader Trump is only too happy to oblige you.
Don’t worry, progressives. Trump will be a one-term president because he can’t deliver on his promises. Take term limits, for example. He can’t get that through Concgress because the people who live there are quite happy with getting elected over and over again. If Trump tries to “drain the swamp,” he won’t have a chance of succeeding because the swamp’s inhabitants have no intention of leaving their comfortable lives until they’re good and ready to do so.
Just wait for 2018 and win seats in the House and Senate, where you can. In 2020, review your 2016 actions and strategies that did not work in this election and get to work on winning back those white men and women your party disparaged in 2016. Don’t worry so much about your minority support base – they will support your presidential candidate in 2020, no matter what, and they’ll turn out in droves because they saw, in this election, what happens when they take a Democrat’s victory for granted.
Wow. You really got that all wrong.
Our Leader isn’t preparing to impose term limits on Congress.
Our Leader is preparing to remove term limits from the Presidency.
“Don’t worry so much about your minority support base – they will support your presidential candidate in 2020, no matter what…”
With Chuck Schumer in leadership, the Democrat’s strategy is clear- bore them to death.
You’ve got some ‘splainin to do Bob.
I’m only back for this one purpose. But I’m not going away until you do the right thing. This is your chance to silence a dirty hippie. Are you up for it? Do the right thing, admit how wrong you were and how much you regret it.
Sack up or shut up.
Who’s our new troll? The parody of an Alt-Right “intellectual?” You gave away the act with the term limits comment.
20, We’ll, we will see who is correct when the 2018 and 2020 elections are in the history books.
One of our Liar’s heroes didn’t have a good day.
Sorry, Bill Cosby, you’re going to trial.
@24 Pepe the coprophagic frog is an old troll returned – DOOFUS.. I thought it was a parody at first too..
The term limits guy is probably the same old glibertarian bromide formulator.
@23 I was about to suggest that boob return to Bickle. The Travis Bickle character was one messed up, confused, kreeepy dude.. Exactly boob’s behavior since Hillary got the Dem nomination – and before that of course.
Eh.. Boob’s “‘splainin” is worth less than a Travis Bickle fart.
For coprophagous amphibians/curs like you, there’s no difference between politics, pimping and sadism…
How klownservatic… and surreal…
@5 You fuckers can’t wait to throw us in concentration camps, like you promised you would, can you? Well, I ain’t going to Bunny Meadows! When you come for me, I’ll be waiting.
@11 Yeah, I’ll bet you’d like to get rid of me. Every other troll who’s passed through here has said the same thing. They’ve vanished, I’m still here, nothing more need be said.
@12 You haven’t proved shit. All you’ve done is calculated the value of a hypothetical Dow-30 index fund based on a rounded number. And I don’t suppose it occurs to you that I might own non-stock assets, too.
Notice how the fetid one has gone nutz?
This thread is 21.43% polluted!
You fuckers can’t wait to throw us in concentration camps
Why do you care senile fool? You claim to be a wabbit!
@32 That’s nothing. The toxicity level reaches 100% between your ears. The heaviest concentration of pollution in this state is not in Hanford.
We “fuckers” won’t be lifting a finger.
One of Our Leader’s best ideas to deal with all the Boat People is to offer provisional legal status to promising candidates in return for a term of public service carrying out direct enforcement actions under the remote guidance of skilled experts. “Wait” for them as you like. “We” will be safely observing from the trailer.
@35 Ha! You can’t rule the world from your trailer park.
@24 Probably a recycled old troll. We never get new stuff on this blog, only hand-me-downs.
Trump isn’t even in office yet, and he’s already making new friends.
“Contributions to the ADL jumped 50-fold the day after the election … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Tell me again that Trump won because of his economic policies, and his supporters aren’t a bunch of flaming racists …
Coprophagous Pepe / DOOFUS @ all..
Your tiresome blather is so “Putinesque”… Stay awhile. Too bad “the rapture” didn’t work out for you.
We might be able to manage a few laughs at your fever swamp delirium.
The new word of the fetid one!
An PMSNBC smackdown!
DUMMOCRETINS are still grasping for straws!
New Rule: Name it something weird: “internalized misogyny.”
Seems the ACLU fools are going nutzo too! Useless fools!
Of course the senile DUMB wabbit will skip over this attack by its putrid progressive fiends…
Gotta luv double posts. QPPS head will explode!
Of course the senile DUMB wabbit will skip over this attack by its putrid progressive fiends…
4:29 pm on Friday babbling jackass. Yours truly will be here. I’ll invite other HA HEROES and we’ll celebrate a POODEBUTT FREE comment threads..
We’ll be swapping all our favorite stories about POODEBUTT making a total JACKASS of itself!
New Poll Finds Most People Optimistic About Direction of the Country After Election
Poor poor fetid one @47!
Were your snowflake kids out there protesting too fetid crazed databaze deala?
Senate DUMMOCRETINS retread New York leftist chosen to lead.
Y’all don’t care why y’all lost!
4:29 PM on Friday babbling jackass FOOLl!
DON’T BE THERE or it’s H E double toothpicks!
4:29 pm on Friday. will be FREE of the babbling jackass tool’s worthless spam…
Come one, come all! Let’s celebrate!
HA HEROES.. Got the impending winter blues? Here’s the upside!
This time of year the sun sets on Friday earlier and earlier which means:
Sooner to be rid of the babbling jackass loon’s WORTHLESS SPAM..
It’s a good time of the year. Let’s celebrate!
Some Republicans can’t wait to create a police state.
Nice to see Boob is sticking around here. He’s now made theat Ape loon the second looniest mother fucker here
A jew fag blog allowing a nigger to post comments. Not for long. This is our country.
Sloppy, Probably already posted but they charged the officer for the death of the black man you tried to imply robbed a store.
“Sloppy, Probably already posted but they charged the officer for the death of the black man you tried to imply robbed a store.”
It’s Bob’s country now. Guilty until proven innocent. There doesn’t even have to be a crime…just color.
‘Get the f**k out’: Bigots mistake lupus patient’s head covering for hijab and smash her car window
“Hijab wearing bitch this is our nation now get the f— out,” the note said.
It’s this guy’s country now as well.
“A supporter of President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday cited the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II ― considered one of the darkest periods in American history ― as the basis for creating a federal registry for immigrants from Muslim countries.”
It won’t be long before some wingnut will want to use smallpox blankets to clear the way to build pipelines.
Why reinvent the wheel?
Melania Trump’s remarkable vanishing college degree. Now you see it, now you don’t.
How Republicans act when they’re drunk on power.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Never, ever, believe Republicans when they claim to be for individual liberty.
Trump promises shoddy homebuilders legal immunity.
62, True enough. Neither political party cares much for individual liberty. That damn Constitution keeps getting in the way of things!
@64 The Constitution doesn’t get in the way of anything when people stop respecting it.
65 No doubt about it.
Don’t worry – Trump will get only one term. The question going forward is who will the Democrats run in 2020. The Democrats will learn from this election just as all politicians (usually) learn from their mistakes.
Muslim Boat People is a good start. After that, we’ll see where it goes. Other groups of aliens may also need to be tracked closely. The bottom line is that if any aliens want to come and live here, or even visit here, they won’t be allowed to oppose our basic values and freedoms or put our security at risk. It’s about putting the interests of citizens ahead of alien foreigners. We absolutely should be keeping track of who the dangerous aliens are, where they are, and what they are up to. As long as they play by our rules and respect our values there is no problem. But in order to ensure that, we need to keep track of them while they are here. And btw NSEERS is still on the books and only mothballed a few years ago. It never should have been suspended. Cockroaches flee when the lights are turned on. With a single pen stroke, Our Leader will turn the lights back on.
P.S. Thomas Jefferson was ashamed of UVA until the day he died.
@68 “they won’t be allowed to oppose our basic values and freedoms”
So you’re going to tell them what they have to believe? Yeah, that’s every Republican’s wet dream, starting with the religion they can practice.
@68 “We absolutely should be keeping track of who the dangerous aliens are”
If that’s the case, we should be keeping track of who the dangerous citizens are, too. This is easy to do, because we already have the databases. Just look for voter registrations with an “R” next to them.
DOOFUS’ 4chan and Breitbart buddies hard at jerk:
never mind that most of those reports are unverified. Never mind that in the same period thousands of fake reports by SJWs have been uncovered. Never mind that far more incidents have been verified of SJWs assaulting Trump supporters.
The most important thing is for you Progressives to keep defending the Boat People over Real Americans. We’re counting on it.
@72 Sez you..
SJW – an acronym meaning people DOOFUS’ crowds HATES..
Looks like your victim from your link provoked the confrontation.
A parent who looked on as the students marched said she saw the Trump supporter belatedly join the marchers and begin to argue with them. She said she tried to defuse the situation and that the student argued with her, too.
Got any more links?
DRUMPSTER anti-bullying activist arrested for bullying? Oh my
An anti-bullying activist who Donald Trump once called “a shining star” was arrested for shoving a 74-year-old man to the ground during an argument about the 2016 election
DRUMPSTER supporter punched a woman in the face after she voiced criticism of President-elect Donald Trump’s victory
So there goes free speech – again.
Assemblywoman deletes tweet that linked to a false story of anti-Trump violence
This must be one of those “verified” reports of “SJWs assaulting Trump supporters” DUMPSTER @72 was referring to.
It’s easy
It’s hard
Figure it out.
Senile wabbit @61,
Well… No one ever saw Obummer’s college credentials! Right?
“BREAKING: Epic Troll: House Republicans Endorse Nancy Pelosi for House Dem Leader”
The statement in its entirety is a must-read:
LSU Student Brilliantly Trolls Special Snowflake Anti-Trump Protesters In A Letter To The Editor
see @75.
If you can’t even keep your stories straight among yourselves…
You progressives can’t consistently expand the definition of “fighting words” and not expect to take a punch from time to time.
It’s so great Soros got his ASS kicked last week!
One EVIL SCUM SOB! Loved by HA DUMMOCRETINS all over the northwest!
The ultimate SMACKDOWN!
Almost 59 percent of Hispanics “support Trump’s immigration policies”.
Only 32.9 percent of Hispanic voters said they “support Hillary Clinton’s immigration policies”.
The fetid SCUM sucka @74 sux! More FACTS that can’t be refuted!
Yeah right, that’s why Republicans are so popular in California. Believe anything diarrhea soiled pj’s media tells you.
4:29 pm Friday.. It’s babbling jackass free time! Fresh air!
Think of all those Obummer sadministration covered up scandals that will now see the light of day in 2017.
Fast and Furious
IRS Political Targeting
Email Server
Google and Facebook will only look at fake conservative sites.
Don;t worry QPPS@58. Your fake raw story site (Bush is Hitler for example) will still continue to see the light of day on Facebook and Google!
The other foo shitting the fan!
Why don’t we hear the word “appeasement” anymore?
Meanwhile look at the truth suckas!
– 69% of Real American voters do not believe the news media are honest and truthful.
– 78% of Real American voters believe the news coverage of the presidential campaign was biased, with nearly a 3-to-1 majority believing the media were for Clinton @ 59% vs. for Trump @ 21%.
– 32% of Clinton voters believe the media were “pro-Clinton.”
8% of Trump voters said they would have voted for Clinton if they had believed what the media were saying about Trump. OOPSIE!
@90 What’s a “Real American voter”? Some who believes Obama is a Kenya-born Muslim? That climate change is a hoax? And 59 percent of Hispanics support Trump’s immigration policies?
Yeah, I suppose it was inevitable that someone like Trump would get elected POTUS someday, given how many ignorant, stupid, ill-informed people there are in this country.
I see that the self-loathing black loon hasn’t been lynched yet. Shame, as that’s one lynching I’m actually looking forward to. C’mon, trolls, let’s get with it. I’ll even help you out on this one.
Hillary’s popular vote lead has expanded to 1.35 million votes and more than 1%. This, of course, doesn’t change the result; nor will it, because the uncounted votes are on the west coast, not in the key swing states; but Trump and his supporters can’t claim a popular mandate. That is something they do not have.
@92 I see Bowie Bergdahl hasn’t been lynched yet, either. Despite the lunatic loon’s best efforts, he’s getting due process.
Hillary’s popular vote lead has expanded to 1.35 million votes and more than 1%.
What happens when you add all the 3rd party votes to the Trump votes? Is she still the “winner”?
Go ahead and take that pacifier to bed with you – grab your comfort where you can.
Sad, sad, sad.
Sorry. But he looks like one of the good ones to me.
You progressives will just have to do your own dirty work. Bring it.
Maybe NPV can rescue the loser progressives!
@95 Trump ends up with the exact same votes he has now, because if those third-party voters had wanted to vote for him, they would have.
This draft-dodging warmonger apparently is being seriously considered for Secretary of State.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you voted for Trump, you own this.
@ 97 etc etc
Trump didn’t have a chance without direct Russian involvement.
Boy oh Boy, if only ol’ Tailgunner Joe could see us now.
This is the whackjob professor!
blah blah blah Puddy hasn’t been lynched yet…
Wow QPPS. Don’t like what Puddy sez so you want Puddy lynched!
U R Amazing QPPS! Sux to be you!
Trump’s efforts to reunite the country aren’t off to a very good start.
given how many ignorant, stupid, ill-informed people there are in this country.
Shorter senile dumb wabbit… They voted for Hillary!
NYC and California gave the popular vote to Hillary. Take them out and guess how many states Coastal libtards LOST!
The bestus video from last week!
@104 You’re a perfect illustration of the problem with stupid people: They’re not smart enough to realize they’re stupid.
Old DUMMOCRETIN leadership in Congress
Paul Ryan – young leadership!
A can of whoopASS was opened on DUMMOCRETINS last week!
Poor senile dumb wabbit! Doesn’t realize he’s the joke!
@104 Land masses don’t vote. People vote. The voters of New York and California are severely underrepresented in the Electoral College;* give them fair representation and see what happens to Drumpf.
* Those two states have 18.1% of the U.S. population, but only 15.6% of the electoral votes.
General Michael Flynn now Trump’s National Security Advisor!
DUMMOCRETIN heads are exploding.
Head explosion @109.
Remember senile dumb wabbit
Someone once said… elections have consequences!
I’ll leave it to the readers of this blog to decide who’s the *** joker *** around here.
Trump has already broken his biggest promise.
Wrong group of “readers” senile dumb wabbit!
Good try idioto!
Someone once said… elections have consequences!
@115 Sure, try another audience, be my guest. Maybe you’d be persuasive in a colony of lice.
Ted Kruhzz has hardcore klownservatic credentials. The fucker almost shut down the government keeping its promise to the teabagger crowed that elected it.
In Bizzaro Drumpfland however some baggers are better than others like Bannon the scary jew hater and white nationalist.
Here’s Kruhzz’ inimitable take on Don-ill-d Drumpf:
“That pledge was not a blanket commitment that if you go and slander and attack Heidi, that I’m going to nonetheless come like a servile puppy dog and say thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father,”
Servile puppy curs @ 97 and @115:
Is Ted Khruzz a “cuck”?
Oh and there’s more. Khruzz is a gift that keeps on giving.
And wants to hand over a dissident imam living legally in this country to the whacko nutjob Putin wannabe Erdogan who is building 134 prisons to house all the people it wants to jail.
NICE ASSHOLE of a choice!
Oh fetid one… your losing candidate took millions from women haters!
Suck on that loser!
Oh servile puppy cur @ 119 you gas your SUV with women haters fuel!
Try running it with the copious farts from between your ears in the future and support women.
Less than 24 hours to go before this forum is BABBLING JACKASS FREE!
Temporarily for sure but it’s time to be savored.
4:29 pm on Friday. HA HEROES – let’s hang out and swap babbling jackass jokes.
Another Tucker Carlson SMACKDOWN!
Facebook, Google and Twitter all backed Hillary!
Facebook, Google and Twitter don’t know what to do now!
Hillary only has to do is decide if she wants to take a few more red states or not. That’s what The Washington Post reported on October 16.
The fetid one can’t debate the issues.
Its really lost!
DeaRabbit, But let’s say Boxer can get two-thirds of the Senate to forget that the US is a constitutional republic rather than a pure democracy. Which of these states will jump on board for a two-thirds ratification that allows high-population states like California, New York, and Massachusetts choose presidents in every cycle?Try to pick 38 states that want to give up any influence they have as political entities in order to sign up for domination by the coastal elites. Democrats only won 20 states last week in the Electoral College, and in Congressional and state legislative races fewer than that. Florida and Texas might throw in theoretically, given their large populations, but that still leaves 16 more states to woo.
ASSholes fetid one? You are the only arschloch here!
Someone once said… elections have consequences!
@96 “Sorry. But he looks like one of the good ones to me.”
Sure, he’s a good one, that is, if you believe a dumbfuck self-loathing black loon who sees you as being nothing but a useful idiot who is going to burn in hell for all eternity when you die unless you join his batshit insane SDA doomsday death cult.
QPPS head explodes again @128
(u)SP has had a post up for three months and there’s not a single fucking comment. I’d say that qualifies (u)SP as being a blog that’s “deader than a doornail”.
Where is the Oregon moron with another of its racist people comment.
Oh yeah Michael Moore put that to bed with all those 210 counties that voted for Obummer in 2008 and 2012 decidedly rejecting Hillary in 2016!
Land mASSes, senile dumb wabbit voting for Obummer rejecting Hillary!
@96 You might notice that the batshit crazy loon doesn’t deny that you’re going to hell. Sure you don’t want to lynch him? I’ll bring the rope.
Meanwhile, I’ll just take it that what you mean is that the batshit crazy loon being a “self-loather” makes him “one of the good ones”.
“Where is the Oregon moron with another of its racist people comment.”
Says the self loathing loon who hangs (heh) with those who call blacks “niggers”.
What a fucking loon.
Yours truly hardly ever pays attention to the link spam of the babbling jackass troll.
One wonders how much of it is “fake news”..
Prolly most of it. What a tosser!
All it can do it is name call and link to fake news and total bullshit propaganda websites.
The idiot is totally insane!
It sure is going to be peaceful around here at 4:29pm on Friday..
No babbling jackass loon stinking up the place with links hardly anybody clicks on.
Wow. Pepe/Doofus is really into its “pure blood”.. “Mud Bloods” need not apply in its Dear Leader’s cowardly cur world.
But there’s “good ones” according to Pepe the cur. Some comfort to the babbling jackass. It’ll take it of course.
So “not that great a candidate” Mitt R-Money who called Drumpf “a phony, a fraud” and other names will meet with Drumpf to apply for a job..
Mitt will be wearing kneepads. SAD.
“Those two states have 18.1% of the U.S. population>”
Sure helps that your census count includes all those boat people, felons, and anchor babies.
Remind us now why a huge number of boat people in a state should have anything at all to do with how Real American Citizens choose OUR Leader.
If they can’t vote, then they shouldn’t be counted. The Electoral College gives excess influence to states with huge prison populations, huge refugee populations, and huge anchor baby populations.
The National Popular Vote bill preserves the Electoral College, state control of elections, and our electoral traditions.
The U.S. Constitution (Article II, Section 1) gives the states exclusive control over awarding their electoral votes: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors….” The winner-take-all rule was used by only three states in 1789. It was soon thereafter abandoned for the next seven decades.
The National Popular Vote bill is a Constitutionally conservative approach that preserves the electoral college, and leaves the Constitution unaltered. The National Popular Vote bill does not change our system of government in any way. It simply does away with the Winner-Take-All method of awarding electors currently favored by the majority of states.
To understand the distorting effect of the Winner-Take-All system take a look at this cartograph showing the states sized according to campaign spending:
Because it is not a Constitutional Amendment, the National Popular Vote bill does not require the agreement of 38 states. It only requires the agreement of a number of states sufficient to make up the 270 electors needed to decide the electoral college outcome. The National Popular Vote bill has already been enacted in 11 jurisdictions possessing 165 electoral votes or 61% of the 270 needed to go into effect. Gov. Chris Gregoire signed the NPV bill into law in Washington in 2009. President Elect Trump has reaffirmed his support for the National Popular Vote bill.
I drew a new cartoon about trump.
Nope, no mafia here.
I wonder what all those so-called “black conservatives” are going to say when someone like Erik Prince is named head of Homeland Security? They do see the problem as being mostly an aspect of domestic instability and both the product and source of that instability is dissatisfaction with their current economic situation.
@ 110:
You mean this Michael Flynn?
Immigration concerns, really?
You know WHY Trump won? Because he was up 5% with millennials, up 7% with African Americans, and up 8% with hispanics, relative to Romney and McCain.
Minorities and Millennials are why Trump won.
Definitely KARMA, baby:
Democrats feared then that watering down the supermajority requirement could later ease the confirmation of anti-abortion nominees. Now they are confronting that very prospect: After setting the precedent of changing Senate rules, there’s little reason to think Republicans wouldn’t do the same if their hand is forced.
Hey fetid fool @138
You can’t win on the merit of the argument so you cry about sunset.