Did anyone else catch the Senate debate? The format was not particularly healthy. It didn’t allow for much of a back and forth. It didn’t even have them answering the same question.
I learned that Chris Vance wants to lower our national debt by lowering tax rates (and closing loopholes). I’m pretty sure that won’t work. Also, he’d raise the retirement age for Social Security. Patty Murray wants to raise the cap so wealthy people pay more into the Social Security Trust Fund and won’t support increasing the retirement age.
I expect the fraction of voters who believe that Republicans will balance the budget by giving huge tax breaks to billionaires will match the fraction of voters who judge White’s Only Rape-publicans to be the party of moral authority.
Dirty Filthy Godless Hippies blow the doors off (bad pun apologies) fund raiser to rebuild bombed RNC office in NC.
All we have to do to make SS solvent is have the federal government pay the interest rate that will sustain the fund. Right now, the Feds are getting a hell of a deal on their borrowing from Social Security.
Shouldn’t the government pay for the privilege of borrowing our retirement funds to fund its foolish foreign messes?
Increase revenue by cutting taxes for the rich. Didn’t the Roman emperors and medieval barons advocate that? Republicans haven’t had a new idea in centuries.
@3 Here’s a better idea: Make Republicans pay for cleaning up their foolish messes.
@1 Of course it’ll match. They’re the same gaggle of idiots.
Same could be said for the other political party. Start with the Great Society disaster and work forward.
@6 or just coincidental it will be 50% of two different groupings = 100% of Republicans are idiot racists!
9 straight NC polls, new one today, with HRC leading. Trump last had a positive poll there in Mid-September.
Given that the R-It’s about bathrooms and bathrooms ONLY, oh wait, we did make it illegal to sue for any form of discrimination too Governor is polling badly rather than saying the office was firebombed because HRC supporters are desperate “‘Cause I’m Winning” I’m going to speculate that it was an inside job so the staffers could maybe stay on payroll without having to continue working this disaster.
And hey, if a little arson picks up a couple points in the polls for our guy, that’s just a bonus.
So John McCain is now saying
ifwhen Clinton wins the Senate will block any Supreme Court nominees.Right. So that country you so famously went to war to defend? You’re ready to flat out say you’ll work to weaken it?
I guess Donald didn’t realize that some Major League Players are of Mexican origin.
Adrian Gonzalez is causing him another PR problem. One that spills over into the heavily white male voter realm of Sports radio.
Adrian Gonzalez Refused to Stay at Trump Hotel in Chicago
FBI interogation in 3… 2… 1…
The really good news is that state and federal authorities have continued to hone very successful tactics for dealing with these pretend patriot Republicans. As the federal trial for the Maleuhr armed seizure unfolds we can see how the U.S. Atty has used all the evidence available to bring charges and leverage cooperation from the defendants. Once these idiots are done implicating themselves and each other then the state will step in with felony murder charges.
Fake patriot conservatives and Republican Trump supporters are going to get some lessons in the rule of law.
Crazy old pervert grasping at straws.
The only thing blocked will be his dusty old impacted colon.
He won’t have the votes.
@13 (11)
Well the walkback on that one took about two hours.
perhaps Maverick was looking for earned media.
NRSC funding is light and spread thin by the Republican party expanded map catastrophe. Priorities USA strategy appears to be to deprive Republicans of any opportunity to concentrate resources. Force them to wage a fifty state campaign down ballot and prevent them from picking and choosing which seats to protect/challenge.
@7 Neither party is perfect, but they’re not the same. One is clearly much worse than the other. Great Society? That’s Medicare, Medicaid, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Food Stamp Act, VISTA, Head Start, and many other programs. Of course, today’s Republicans are against racial equality and anything that helps their fellow citizens.
McCain is running on the promise to refuse to uphold his constitutional duty. He deserves the derision he’s received. He’s a rotten shit. Which makes him just another Republican.
@9 Democrats donated over $10,000 to help rebuild that GOP office. You wouldn’t see Republicans doing that.
Looks like Julian Assange lost his internet connection.
No big deal. I can still get the leaks out that need to be released. I intend to harm the corrupt, powerful people in the world and bring them to their knees.
Interesting article about trump supporters. Those who vote for trump despite what he does and those who vote for trump because of what he does
@20 Says the rapist coward.
‘long as we’ve got you here, care to explain how it is that Russian state owned media have those emails and have already posted them hours ahead of you?
@20 he’s just upset he isn’t one of them.
The fact that we’ve got the emails should tell you something about the girl you’re supporting. We have Trump’s shit, too, but your media is doing such a fine job of attacking him that we’ll hold that stuff in reserve, in case we need it later.
Ta-ta for now!
so President Putin, you’re admitting that Assange is just a tool you utilize to spread disinformation. Do you order your state owned media to scoop him from time to time as a reminder to keep him in line and make sure he follows your orders?
Also, do you pay him directly or do you pay the Ecuadoran government?
Podesta’s emails are disinformation @26?
WikiLeaks is wonderful!
So why was Assange’s internet connection cut today? US pressure?
So we see that quid pro quo to protect Careless Crooked Heilary by the Ass’t Sec’y Patrick Kennedy working for John Effin Kerry!
So why did the FBI withhold this Kennedy information from the public earlier?
Amazing WikiLeaks…
Podesta responded: “Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk [sic] was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter
I’ll be very interested to see where McCangry’s poll numbers are post Pussygate. He may be vulnerable.
So Drumpf spirals into “ideological psychosis”…
Heh. The HA trolls have been there a long, long time.. Drumpf is their kind of guy – even for the trolls who won’t vote for him.
If it were any other year, and any other political party, I’d think this was a joke.
But really what should we expect from the folks who put a 12-year-old kid in charge of a field office in a battleground state.
You can just feel public regard for Rape-publicans melting away like ice in July. The more deplorable the party becomes the more moderate independents distance themselves.
This will make your skin crawl (warning: do not watch if you just ate):
@ end of shift POINTLESS racist LIAR rant,
That shit won’t work here. It only works on imbecile Trumpkin rapists and perverts like you. Drumbmbeating the same idiotic lies over and over in the belief that through repetition you can defeat the truth of your utter failures may be your nominee’s trademark. But it only sounds like music to the deplorable White Supremacists in the Rape-publican choir loft, currently in flames. To sensible ears it sounds like agonized screaming.