– Mostly good answers from Inslee’s AMA, but weak sauce on Shell.
– Fiscal impact disclosures seem like a no brainer. No wonder Tim Eyman is opposed.
– James O’Keefe continues to James O’Keefe things up.
– Glad to see Cascade will still do advocacy.
– Well, Governor Inslee’s bracket didn’t last long.
Stupid fucks.
Sometimes Camille tells the truth. Seems she found her truth serum again… http://reason.com/archives/201.....-paglia-i/
Another amazing thing… DUMMOCRETINS eating DUMMOCRETINS… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....touch.html
And yet DUMMOCRETIN Dick Turban Durban reads into the congressional record how Republicans are racist for not confirming Loretta Lynch and that gets a pass from Goldy. And at least Lee acknowledged it was silly butt DUMMOCRETIN Turban Durbin forgot his racist bona fides when he didn’t vote for Janice Rogers Brown or Condoleeza Rice.
Amazing how the DUMMOCRETIN mind works or ummm… doesn’t work!
And allahpundit smacks down some ASS…
The “divisive” tactic he’s alluding to is the one the left’s been whining about for three days, i.e. Netanyahu warning Likud voters on election day that turnout among Arab voters was high thanks in part to left-wing groups busing them to the polls. Supposedly that was Bibi’s version of a “southern strategy,” never mind whether it was actually true, never mind that he did nothing to try to prevent Israeli Arabs from voting, never mind that his administration has made strides in integrating the country’s Arab citizens economically. Liberals like whining about his “southern strategy” because it’s a way for them to delegitimize his huge win and the stinging rebuke to Obama that it implies. And Obama likes whining about it because it’s a fig leaf for him to play hardball with Netanyahu and Israel at the UN. Surely he can’t be expected to partner with a man who’d stoop to that, should we? This is the same guy, mind you, who tried to hold back the giant GOP midterm wave in 2010 by arguing out of his ass that shady foreigners were indirectly bankrolling the Republican Party via secret donations to the Chamber of Commerce. Not 24 hours after the Israeli vote, his pal Dick Durbin was on the floor of the Senate claiming that Republican opposition to Loretta Lynch on amnesty grounds was actually secretly motivated by Jim Crow racial attitudes. How the fark did Netanyahu not hang up on him in disgust at the hypocrisy? Or did he?
And this really perfect gem…
Obama can spend the next year wrecking the country’s relationship with Israel in pursuit of a quixotic peace deal, splitting Democrats and deepening the rift over Iran, because Hillary’s going to promise to put it all back together again. Good thing we don’t have a divisive leader like Israel does.
You can read the rest of the FACTS… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....n-tactics/
Of course DUMMOCRETINS are only allowed to implement divisive election tactics because DUMMOCRETINS are only allowed to use them! If someone else buses in the opposition in large numbers to vote that’s okay because the V15 grant from Obummer’s State Department was to defeat Netanyahu. Oh noes.. it failed so attack our only Democratic Middle East Ally!